- Name: Joshua
- IGN: xCouzchat7
- Age(if you dont mind saying): 16
- Experience with the mods/vanilla MC: I've been playing vanilla minecraft since 1.2.5, but I started playing with mods just a few months ago. I have a basic understanding of most of the mods.
- What do you bring to the table? I like to go on adventures out in the minecraft world.
- Anything else that may make us like you. I make an strong effort to write grammatically correct, follow the rules, and be respectful to others.
- Have you ever been banned and why? No
- Proof that you read the rules and this post. Limit of 5 spot loaders and 1 chunk loader. Make sure to have an off lever and a fail safe if you automate. This is a mature server. Do not cause grief for the players on the server.
- Name dafuzz160
- Age(if you dont mind saying) 15
- Experience with the mods/vanilla MC i am experienced with the mods in the pack farily well
- What do you bring to the table? I could build cool things and help others that might need it
- Anything else that may make us like you. well i dont like to brag but i am pretty awesome!!
- Have you ever been banned and why? no
- Proof that you read the rules and this post
limeted to 5 spot loaders and one chunk loader all automation should have an off leaver
- Name : wonderbjarne
- Age(if you dont mind saying) : 18
- Experience with the mods/vanilla MC : lots
- What do you bring to the table? : good times
- Anything else that may make us like you. : I mostly keep to myself, so noone is going to be bothered with me
- Have you ever been banned and why? : never
- Proof that you read the rules and this post
: Gregtech
5 spot loaders, 1 Chunkloader. Failsafe my automated stuff.
Sorry bud, not sure if I whitelisted you or not, but can you put your info up again for me? I dont have you in my lists. Maybe have got lost in the move, if so I am sorry.Anyone, i was whitelisted on the last server but im not on this server? can you re whitelist me?