1.5.1 Beta Pack-DIY Edition (now with 1.5.2)

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Does anyone have crops working in IC2 304? Do not test on a world you care about.

When I tried to use them for the first time in 1.5 and had to get mcedit to remove the crop block after placing it.

When i placed it on tilled land it errored out with:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: custumData
at ic2.core.network.NetworkManager.getFieldData(NetworkManager.java:628)
at ic2.core.network.NetworkManager.sendUpdatePacket(NetworkManager.java:340)
at ic2.core.network.NetworkManager.sendUpdatePacket(NetworkManager.java:333)
at ic2.core.network.NetworkManager.onTick(NetworkManager.java:81)
at ic2.core.IC2.tickStart(IC2.java:1205)

And 305 is out on the jenkins. Fixes crops! ;)
Well I am starting completely fresh. Erased and redownloaded MultiMC. Started a fresh new instance, started loading everything in one at a time, exiting back out and loading the next mod afterwards. Previously when I added a new mod, I'd go into the MINECRAFT.JAR and erase the META-INF folder, then I'd hit the "REBUILD JAR" button. This is where I discovered I was screwing crap up completely.

NOW.. I hit REBUILD JAR ..then erase META-INF afterwards, and things started to work. Unfortunately there are still 2 problem candidates that I can't get past... IC2 (304 or 305) and Ars Magicka, which just hates every other mod I have loaded. Everything else is finally started to line up.. except for those two.
uh read what i posted. if you are manually editing the minecraft jar while using multimc then that is exactly why its breaking.

put forge in instmod with a clean 1.5.1 minecraft then hit rebuild jar and run it. it installs forge during that run.
if you then delete the meta-inf after that, then you are deleting the one added and needed by forge, not the vanilla one.

this will cause ye pain. with multimc you shouldn't be editing the jar manually at all.

as to the ic2 304, the version in the rar i sent you a link to is the 304 build as of earlier this week.

as to newest forestry.. use that over the 2.1.xx.xx version i sent at your own peril, at least if you are using both bee addons.. extrabees barely just caught up to that last version at the same time as thaumicbees.

if you have n idea about what i mean when i say my last post, see the last page. had detailed steps to go with the rar i sent you. need to know if that worked as per the instructions on the last page.(spoiler at the bottom was specifically for you my friend). here's hoping we can get you rolling.
as to the ic2 304, the version in the rar i sent you a link to is the 304 build as of earlier this week.

as to newest forestry.. use that over the 2.1.xx.xx version i sent at your own peril, at least if you are using both bee addons.. extrabees barely just caught up to that last version at the same time as thaumicbees.
Well I've got my methodology down now, and I am up to 61 mods installed and working, just fine. I unfortunately cannot get Ars Magica to work as it throws errors at start up that relate to world generation, with it butting heads against all other mods I have installed that have World gen also. So I just took it out and dropped it. I still cannot get IC2 to work (304 & 305 both, same issue, throws java crash messages at start up that I don't understand). IC2 is still in Beta / DEV however, so I am not counting any of these issues as black marks towards the mod itself. (Ars Magica on the other hand is in release, and it's bugged to hell. Can't even load it alone.)

Regarding Forestry, you sent me only the CONFIG file for it... not the actual Forestry file itself, so I only have access to version from Sengir's website, which is bugged at the moment (it is not an 'authorized file version' of his mod, apparently). So if you HAVE Forestry 2.1.whatever... as in the actual JAR that you could send me, maybe I can at least conquer the Forestry issue.
Yeah, you shouldn't have to mess with your jar at all if using MultiMC.

It's odd, I'm using Ars Magica just fine. It should be noted that it's still under WIP mods, so it's not at release yet. But I'm still really confused as to why you're having so much trouble.

I just saw on Slow's stream that there is no date for the 1.5.1 pack release. I'm bummed.
Yeah, you shouldn't have to mess with your jar at all if using MultiMC.

It's odd, I'm using Ars Magica just fine. It should be noted that it's still under WIP mods, so it's not at release yet. But I'm still really confused as to why you're having so much trouble.

I just saw on Slow's stream that there is no date for the 1.5.1 pack release. I'm bummed.
EVERYONE else giving me instructions on how to get MultiMC working, they kept repeating to me "Go into the Minecraft.JAR and erase the META-INF folder" , told me this over and over and over. So apparently almost everyone else disagrees with you on this point, unfortunately. This is the ONLY thing that has allowed me to get these mods working together. Without going in and clearing out the META-INF between mod loads, everything crashes and burns.

And yes.. there are still NUMEROUS mods outstanding with major issues and crash bugs, so 1.5.1 isn't coming out within the next week or two. I suspect that we will get 1.5.1 around the time Minecraft 1.6 releases.
I saw 1 person mention from slowpoke's livestream today, that the official 1.5.1 Beta pack won't be out today. Which for my purposes, makes this DIY pack the route for me for sure. Anyone know of any official word on that?
EVERYONE else giving me instructions on how to get MultiMC working, they kept repeating to me "Go into the Minecraft.JAR and erase the META-INF folder" , told me this over and over and over. So apparently almost everyone else disagrees with you on this point, unfortunately. This is the ONLY thing that has allowed me to get these mods working together. Without going in and clearing out the META-INF between mod loads, everything crashes and burns.

And yes.. there are still NUMEROUS mods outstanding with major issues and crash bugs, so 1.5.1 isn't coming out within the next week or two. I suspect that we will get 1.5.1 around the time Minecraft 1.6 releases.

Okay, fair enough. I've just never had to do it. Browsing the forum thread for MultiMC, it seems that's a common issue. Apologies.

Redboss, it's at the bottom of the screen right here:

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Well I've got my methodology down now, and I am up to 61 mods installed and working, just fine. I unfortunately cannot get Ars Magica to work as it throws errors at start up that relate to world generation, with it butting heads against all other mods I have installed that have World gen also. So I just took it out and dropped it. I still cannot get IC2 to work (304 & 305 both, same issue, throws java crash messages at start up that I don't understand). IC2 is still in Beta / DEV however, so I am not counting any of these issues as black marks towards the mod itself. (Ars Magica on the other hand is in release, and it's bugged to hell. Can't even load it alone.)

Regarding Forestry, you sent me only the CONFIG file for it... not the actual Forestry file itself, so I only have access to version from Sengir's website, which is bugged at the moment (it is not an 'authorized file version' of his mod, apparently). So if you HAVE Forestry 2.1.whatever... as in the actual JAR that you could send me, maybe I can at least conquer the Forestry issue.
hoo boy. if you think that was only a config or forestry you have something else going on.

i literally copied the mods instmod and coremod folders contents out of a working installation after finishing the steps outlined for the third time to confirm. right there in the mods subdirectory. forestry-A- size 2,767,137. packed 2,068,560. crc32 8EE62333.

go ahead and examine the archive in winrar or the like.

here's the link to the download again for independent confirmation.

but my guess at this point is either something viral, or antiviral on your machine. when the known good factors match operating system, mc version, multimc version, and mods with steps that a batch file can get to work, and it's not working, that leaves hardware or some other running software mucking things up)well and user error, but at this point i don't think its' you honestly).

if anyone else would care to try instructions from spoiler on the last page with the stuff in the rar i linked for triple redundant independent confirmation, i'd be obliged.
edit 1: going to try to up the forestry copy by itself as well. can't do it over the work network though. might be a bit.
edit 2: borrowed an associates cellular connection briefly. small file. forestry A http://www.mediafire.com/?40vduyh4wxcl8nq
hoo boy. if you think that was only a config or forestry you have something else going on.

i literally copied the mods instmod and coremod folders contents out of a working installation after finishing the steps outlined for the third time to confirm. right there in the mods subdirectory. forestry-A- size 2,767,137. packed 2,068,560. crc32 8EE62333.

go ahead and examine the archive in winrar or the like.

here's the link to the download again for independent confirmation.

but my guess at this point is either something viral, or antiviral on your machine. when the known good factors match operating system, mc version, multimc version, and mods with steps that a batch file can get to work, and it's not working, that leaves hardware or some other running software mucking things up)well and user error, but at this point i don't think its' you honestly).

if anyone else would care to try instructions from spoiler on the last page with the stuff in the rar i linked for triple redundant independent confirmation, i'd be obliged. going to try to up the forestry copy by itself as well. can't do it over the work network though. might be a bit.
I see what you did. You put a RAR file with the mods INSIDE the zip file. Okay, THAT is what screwed me up. Thanks for the clarification!
oh goodness. here i was trying to figure out why my classroom lab session setup failed. i keep making too many automatic assumptions. to my knowledge forge won't take rar archives, only jar and zip archives, so i made it a rar. what i apparently overlooked is that i default to showing detailed information and extensions, which is not windows default behaviour, and thus made no allowance figuring it'd be obvious when it really wasn't.
my apologies for my oversight. here's hoping it works. yeah its a rar with three folders containing the mods that go in the folders with the same human readable names. just don't copy the folders directly. instmods for example gets made lowercase when archived and multimc has some weird capitalization in its' folder names, and that's one pitfall we can avoid. extract the rar and manually copy the contents of the three folders to the right places at each point in the instructions on the last pages spoiler.

you shouldn't need to rebuild jar more than one time, where noted in the process, with that specific set of mods and instructions.
oh goodness. here i was trying to figure out why my classroom lab session setup failed. i keep making too many automatic assumptions. to my knowledge forge won't take rar archives, only jar and zip archives, so i made it a rar. what i apparently overlooked is that i default to showing detailed information and extensions, which is not windows default behaviour, and thus made no allowance figuring it'd be obvious when it really wasn't.
my apologies for my oversight. here's hoping it works. yeah its a rar with three folders containing the mods that go in the folders with the same human readable names. just don't copy the folders directly. instmods for example gets made lowercase when archived and multimc has some weird capitalization in its' folder names, and that's one pitfall we can avoid. extract the rar and manually copy the contents of the three folders to the right places at each point in the instructions on the last pages spoiler.

you shouldn't need to rebuild jar more than one time, where noted in the process, with that specific set of mods and instructions.

Well I uncompressed everything down to the config files and jar files / whatnot, and pulled out Forestry 2.1.whatever so I could start with that. Unfortunately.. it throws me the exact same error message:

[SEVERE] [Forestry] forestry.Forestry failed validation. Halting runtime for security reasons. Please replace your mods with untampered versions from the official download sites.
It apparently thinks that both its jar file (of Forestry) as well as my Minecraft.jar (downloaded by MultiMC) have both been "tampered with" and the signatures on the files have changed. I have ZERO clue how this happened or what to do in order to correct it. Both of the versions of Forestry that I have are doing this, and EE3 gives the same initial error about the Minecraft.jar but doesn't actually HALT the whole load up like Forestry does.
As far as I know if you if you click the MC Forge button (on the right hand side just under the add and remove buttons) on the Jar Mods tab on MultiMC and download/install forge through that (as opposed to downloading forge separately and adding it to the jar mods tab) you do not need to rebuild the jar and remove the Meta-inf, tho I could be wrong but I have always done that and never had to mess with the jar or rebuild it using multiMC.

as a side note THANK YOU to the person who posted the link to http://bot.notenoughmods.com/1.5.1.html I was searching all over for the 1.5.1 beta for Railcraft
Well I uncompressed everything down to the config files and jar files / whatnot, and pulled out Forestry 2.1.whatever so I could start with that. Unfortunately.. it throws me the exact same error message:

[SEVERE] [Forestry] forestry.Forestry failed validation. Halting runtime for security reasons. Please replace your mods with untampered versions from the official download sites.
It apparently thinks that both its jar file (of Forestry) as well as my Minecraft.jar (downloaded by MultiMC) have both been "tampered with" and the signatures on the files have changed. I have ZERO clue how this happened or what to do in order to correct it. Both of the versions of Forestry that I have are doing this, and EE3 gives the same initial error about the Minecraft.jar but doesn't actually HALT the whole load up like Forestry does.

I wonder if this is related:
Myrathi said:
Updated Switches to build 13 because a certain Forestry Warden was arbitrarily hard killing peoples' clients due to a jar being left unsigned (because of an issue with FML).

Certain individuals should stick to policing their own code and leave others' the hell alone: as the only people getting hurt or inconvenienced are innocent players.

Sorry if people were having crashes because of this nonsense and thanks to Amazong for bringing this to my attention and helping to test fixes so quickly.

That is from Myrathi's mod thread. It certainly seems like it might be.

EDIT: Posted too soon,
Not sure if this helps any, but it does seem to indicate that forestry's "DRM" is misbehaving.
I wonder if this is related:

That is from Myrathi's mod thread. It certainly seems like it might be.

EDIT: Posted too soon,
Not sure if this helps any, but it does seem to indicate that forestry's "DRM" is misbehaving.

That sounds EXACTLY like what is happening to me. Forestry is basically hard stopping Minecraft from loading if I have EE3 loaded, or Forestry itself loaded (as it is failing its' own validation checks). I hope this is an accident on Sengir's part, I was really liking Forestry and do not want to consider that he is doing this crap on purpose.
That sounds EXACTLY like what is happening to me. Forestry is basically hard stopping Minecraft from loading if I have EE3 loaded, or Forestry itself loaded (as it is failing its' own validation checks). I hope this is an accident on Sengir's part, I was really liking Forestry and do not want to consider that he is doing this crap on purpose.

I'm not a big fan of DRM anywhere, especially in free mods, for this reason. I'm not going to guess at Sengir's reasoning behind it, I'm sure he has his reasons. It just seems like overkill to me.
I'm not a big fan of DRM anywhere, especially in free mods, for this reason. I'm not going to guess at Sengir's reasoning behind it, I'm sure he has his reasons. It just seems like overkill to me.
Pahimar commented on his GitHub for EE3 that the reason Equivalent Exchange 3 was failing out on this check by Forestry was because of a "Build Script" problem on Pahimar's part or something? He said that he thought he fixed it 11 days ago, I replied that it wasn't fixed yet.
I'm not a big fan of DRM anywhere, especially in free mods, for this reason. I'm not going to guess at Sengir's reasoning behind it, I'm sure he has his reasons. It just seems like overkill to me.

This sounds more like a bug in how FML is working than anything else. Given SirSengir's modpack inclusion it seems odd.
This sounds more like a bug in how FML is working than anything else. Given SirSengir's modpack inclusion it seems odd.
Well the weird part is that it is specifically being triggered by Forestry, not by Forge. Forestry goes through in my startup logs and checks file build signatures on ALL of the other installed mods. EE3 and Forestry itself keeps failing out, and it is Forestry that throws the error in the logs.. stopping MC. Forge isn't throwing the errors.

So if this is a bug on Forestry's part, it is one HELL of a bug.
Well the weird part is that it is specifically being triggered by Forestry, not by Forge. Forestry goes through in my startup logs and checks file build signatures on ALL of the other installed mods. EE3 and Forestry itself keeps failing out, and it is Forestry that throws the error in the logs.. stopping MC. Forge isn't throwing the errors.

So if this is a bug on Forestry's part, it is one HELL of a bug.

Building a modpack: 99 problems but playing too much isn't one. :(