1.5.1 Beta Pack-DIY Edition (now with 1.5.2)

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Well, now I'm a bit concerned about updating my 1.5.1 Industrial pack. I've been out for a week with medical problems, and in that time frame several of the mods I want to include have either updated, or have finally gotten 1.5.1 releases. Up until now, things have been smooth, mostly because I re-order block IDs by default and have done it enough I know where the potential problems lie. But all the issues that are being brought up here worry me a bit, as they seem to be in the new versions I don't have yet.
Well, now I'm a bit concerned about updating my 1.5.1 Industrial pack. I've been out for a week with medical problems, and in that time frame several of the mods I want to include have either updated, or have finally gotten 1.5.1 releases. Up until now, things have been smooth, mostly because I re-order block IDs by default and have done it enough I know where the potential problems lie. But all the issues that are being brought up here worry me a bit, as they seem to be in the new versions I don't have yet.

Oh hullo, Iskandar. We talked on Reddit.

I think most mods have done minimal blockid changes over the 1.5.1 gap, so conflicts shouldn't be to bad. But the longer you wait the more new features will come in that exacerbate these problems. So sooner is preferable to later.
Are you using Tinkers Construct and NEI together? If so its a known issue that they conflict, directly mentioned in the Tinkers Construct page. "- The library is being updated. The current version is incompatible with NEI plugins, use the stable version if you need it."
Thanks. I did read that, I must have clicked the wrong link. Awesome, that was the exact problem. No issues since switching versions
Wow. Sengir: your patience is monumental. A lot of people are blaming you for this and you're being remarkably graceful.

Also: MultiMc's interface is terrible. Anyone who is using its GUI is asking for headaches. Open the minecraft folder and get your hands dirty.

Really, I like MultiMCs GUI (only in the fancy style though) though if I am adding any more than one mod I do put it into the folder manually as its faster.
Really, I like MultiMCs GUI (only in the fancy style though) though if I am adding any more than one mod I do put it into the folder manually as its faster.

Maybe your experience is better than mine. My multimc crashes routinely and in high style.
Multi MC's interface is pretty good, IF you know where the mods are supposed to go, and understand core vs jar vs mod.

But I use the folders myself.
Wow. Sengir: your patience is monumental. A lot of people are blaming you for this and you're being remarkably graceful.

Also: MultiMc's interface is terrible. Anyone who is using its GUI is asking for headaches. Open the minecraft folder and get your hands dirty.

I have to agree. Sengir is a saint compared to a certain other mod author who may or may not ban you from his forum for the audacity of asking a question about his balancing philosophy. The mod which must not be named is the only mod I ever quit playing because of its author.

Thanks. I did read that, I must have clicked the wrong link. Awesome, that was the exact problem. No issues since switching versions

Hehe, I never switch versions until I've read every patch note once I get things working. Sometimes you have to wait an hour the mod author to fix the problem, sometimes a week, but you can at least play while you wait.

By the way, does anyone know which mod replaces all the lava with sulfur? It's kind of cool until you realize you want to go to the nether, but you have no way to get obsidian.

ETA: My favorite, and most helpful, use of MultiMC is the 'copy instance' feature. I will get a very stable instance going and use it as my base instance. Before I start adding coremods or jar mods, I make a new copy so I will *always* have a stable, playable instance with plenty of mods if I hit a horrible wall or do something game-breaking. I don't think I mentioned that before, so there you go.
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If you had problem with autodecting blocks by immibis microblocks, try removing forestry, running the game for microblocks to register and then adding forestry again. This worked with 54.0.7, it could be already fixed. Also remember that microblocks is a core mod.

This was my problem! Thank you :)
Hehe, I never switch versions until I've read every patch note once I get things working.
I barely don't understand 10% of what's in those notes, but I'm willing to learn if it keeps me cutting edge. Are there any guides for learning to do this stuff? I see one issue I'm having is ore generation. I have multiple versions of the same ore. I know there's a way to unify what gets generated but I haven't a clue how to do so
I barely don't understand 10% of what's in those notes, but I'm willing to learn if it keeps me cutting edge. Are there any guides for learning to do this stuff? I see one issue I'm having is ore generation. I have multiple versions of the same ore. I know there's a way to unify what gets generated but I haven't a clue how to do so

All I do to get my ores generating properly is use the program notepad++ to open all the configs and use its search function to find all instances of say Tin and disable all but the one I want. In most cases that is the thermal expansion ores which I then use the thermal expansion config to increase the densities a bit of the ores so that I dont end up with not enough ingots.
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I barely don't understand 10% of what's in those notes, but I'm willing to learn if it keeps me cutting edge. Are there any guides for learning to do this stuff? I see one issue I'm having is ore generation. I have multiple versions of the same ore. I know there's a way to unify what gets generated but I haven't a clue how to do so

Most mods have the option to disable their ores in their config files. With the Forge Ore Dictionary any ore that registers as Copper will be treated as Copper by any other Forge mod. For instance, let's say you have both Forestry and IC2 installed. They both add copper and tin ores to worldgen. The ore from either mod will smelt into copper in nearly any furnace.

The Forge Lexicon from Omnitools will convert any metal into another mod's corresponding metal, but it increasingly less necessary to do so except in certain circumstances. One of Forge's cooler features is the ability to mix and match equivalent items from various mods. You don't need 9 IC2 tin ingots to make a tin block. You can just use any 9 tin ingots from whichever mod.

To answer your question about unifying every ore-type, there is a pretty cool way. Crusher-type machines. These are the IC2 Macerator, Metallurgy Crusher, TE Pulverizer, and more. Most mods add some sort of ore-doubling through the use of a crushing machine. You can put any tin ore from any mod into an IC2 Macerator, and they will all become IC2 tin dust which will always smelt into IC2 tin ingots. The Metallurgy Crusher will do the same thing except produce Metallurgy ingots. And so on.

As I said, you can go into the config files and disable ores from most oregen mods, but as with all worldgen changes the changes will only take effect in a new world or new chunks or new Mystcraft Ages. If you don't disable one or two ores, you might find yourself drowning in copper and tin which isn't always a good thing.
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Does anyone have any easy solutions for dealing with some block ID conflicts. I was trying to use the Biomes o Plenty mod instead of XLbiomes because ... well.. .XL seems to think new biomes = tall trees and jungles lolol, i'm exagerating of course but i did want to try something a bit different. Looking through the config i can see several just right off the bat.

Does anyone know any faster way to change these? Or is it kind of the whole "do it by hand" sitiation?
Mostly it's do it by hand. I made a word document listing mods and their id ranges, so it's pretty easy to find conflicts, but it took a good while.

But what mod is it conflicting with? I used BoP in my pack and I don't remember having any id conflicts with it.
Mostly it's do it by hand. I made a word document listing mods and their id ranges, so it's pretty easy to find conflicts, but it took a good while.

But what mod is it conflicting with? I used BoP in my pack and I don't remember having any id conflicts with it.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 4094 is already occupied by tdwp_ftw.biomesop.blocks.BlockRedwoodPlank@68bb4261 when adding ic2.advancedmachines.common.BlockAdvancedMachines@5e0323fe

Thats what i get, it used to be a different one 4095 but i changed that by hand... thats when i was like "oh man, a lot of these will need to be changed"
Ah, that makes sense. I didn't add IC2 Advanced Machines.

You could use something like ID resolver. Some people swear by it, some people don't have much luck with it.
Yeah it looks like it conflicts with a lot of Advanced machines and Gregtech stuff... i suppose i could just fix thos...
Are you using the original generated configs, or the FTB generated configs? You might want to peek into your FTB configs (assuming you're not using those) and see what block ID's they have assigned. Might make it easier.
odd day. forum upgrade. new login system. lost posts. wild sengirs appearing.

i think sengir is telling me i should remember not to assume the end user is following explicit direction to view folder and place the mods from the specified source folders into the matching destination folders. he does have a fair bit of patience judging from that link.

always use folders myself. no sense in letting something else potentially automate screwing up for me when i do that enough myself.

as to rymmies' inquiry about lava becoming sulfur ore, i see this as of my last update/addition to my "virtually-every-forge-mod-available monstrosity(now above 104 mods and counting). adding gregtech and village logic while updating to mfr2.5.2-644 i noticed this on creation of a new world(at first i thought i was seeing a large layer of gold way down deep while initial chunks generated.) so if i was being very "post hoc propter hoc" in my thinking i'd guess one of them. but then logical fallacies being what they are..

doesn't seem all the lava's replaced either, just say 90% of it. and it doesn't drop te sulfur, or gregs sulfur, or the tinkers/natura sulfur soo inductive logic alone points me to mfr if my earlier logical fallacy is not in fact fallacious.

removing gt.. new world. zans still showing rare lava and "pools" of sulfur ore blocks. might just be a quirk of idresolver however so take that with a bag of salt.

as to id conflicts blood, you can *try* id resolver. beyond that i'd try taking your other mods getting an id map dump for blocks and items(edit : nei can do this for you), and then having at your new ones config.