1.5.1 Beta Pack-DIY Edition (now with 1.5.2)

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guess I did something wrong......

looks like something to do with code chicken core

looks a ton like the error i was having when placing or viewing enderchests/tanks. try updating codechickencore to

posting now will continue with a edit in a moment. edit: comparing lists of mods i'm betting on the codechickencore update, with a minor wild educated guess on possible slightly newer ic2(i've only gotten up through 305lf and you have 307) maybe interacting weirdly.

if the codechickncore update doesn't help,double check you didn't inherit a reference to a texturepack that no longer exists in any of the other logs(if using multimc, when i accidentally used a 1.4.7 codechickencore with 1.5.1 that instance had that error permanently afterwards and had to be recreated but always mentioned a nonexistent texturepack i'd once used in vanilla).

seems like you knew about where to look for the problem so kudos there.
One thing I'm trying to set up for our private server is using rsync for modpack distribution. Does anyone have an awesome and free client for windows that uses rsync?

Because this'd be better than even tekkit if we could get it working. It's trivial to automate on OSX and Linux, but Windows is in general a really shitty environment to write software on... so I'm not excited about writing an rsync client with gui if I can avoid it. I probably won't ever seriously consider it.

Check out dsynchronize for windows. Might do something close to what you want for windows users.
Mostly it's do it by hand. I made a word document listing mods and their id ranges, so it's pretty easy to find conflicts, but it took a good while.

But what mod is it conflicting with? I used BoP in my pack and I don't remember having any id conflicts with it.
As a note, almost any block ID 255 and under used in world gen. Do NOT change the ID unless you must, and if you do, make sure you keep it under 255. It is a peculiarity with Minecraft that any world gen type blocks MUST, MUST, MUST be under 255. You will get crashes. Also .nNote, this does not apply to ores, they are added after, which is why they can and usually do have IDs much higher than that.

Beyond that, the easiest way, although a bit time consuming is indeed do it by hand. Assigning each mod Block IDs in certain ranges, usually in groups of 50 or 100, and then note what is assigned where. Done this way you can guarantee Block IDs will not clash, and adding mods is simple as you know exactly which IDs have been used and by what. This is how FTB does it, moreover than not, and it works. Also, if you keep the IDs the same every place you use that mod, you can very easily mix and match mod packs without worrying about conflicts.

As for ore generation, you really need to go through your config files for this one, and it can be a pain. thanks to the Forge ore dictionary, you only need to have one mod generating a certain ore. Make a list of all the ore that will generate in your world, and try to find the least amount of mods that cover all your bases. In most cases, I find Thermal Expansion to do the job, as it covers copper, tin, silver and lead.
Your versions aren't all directly linked btw. And some of the newest betas have bugs. You may want ti just make the link list yourself. Which is a pain, I know. There's a reason I haven't done it for resonant rise. :\
Ugh, of course you're correct. I've been sort of updating as I go, and certainly some older versions (particularly betas) are going to disappear; didn't so much think of that. Apologies all, if it caused any confusion.

On a side note, come home from a long day at work and see that some people are having issues, and a lot of other people are pitching in and helping out. I think this says a lot about this community, and if this post has done anything to contribute to that, I'm at once humbled and proud =)
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Ugh, of course you're correct. I've been sort of updating as I go, and certainly some older versions (particularly betas) are going to disappear; didn't so much think of that. Apologies all, if it caused any confusion.

Yeah I sympathize. And the trick is right now I have to have everyone download like 120mb every time I make even a minor change. So it becomes a tough game of judgement.

On a side note, come home from a long day at work and see that some people are having issues, and a lot of other people are pitching in and helping out. I think this says a lot about this community, and if this post has done anything to contribute to that, I'm at once humbled and proud =)

Indeed so. Although constantly maintaining the modpack is exhausting at times. I stayed up late to push a build last night and it turned out it was subtly bad (rednet crashed the server) and I woke up early and pushed another build before I left for work.

It's tough finding time to play, and I haven't even started on getting permissions yet.
Huh. IC2 still seems to be giving me a lot of trouble. It crashes with the following:

"java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: recyclerBlacklist"

Seems weird. It must be another mod causing it, because I highly doubt IC2 would fail to use its own API correctly..
I've installed Mo'Creatures successfully, just in case anyone was wondering if it was compatible. I did try to install Forgotten Nature but it ended up being too much work, fixing item ids all over the place, so I gave up on it.
Yeah it looks like it conflicts with a lot of Advanced machines and Gregtech stuff... i suppose i could just fix thos...

If you take out Biomes O Plenty and get MC to boot up. Then go into your world and open up the settings for NEI there is an option to dump your ID map. This saves a file to your minecraft folder that contains a list of all of the IDs then when sorting out ID conflicts you can reference that to make it easier to manually assign block IDs[DOUBLEPOST=1367434449][/DOUBLEPOST]
Huh. IC2 still seems to be giving me a lot of trouble. It crashes with the following:

"java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: recyclerBlacklist"

Seems weird. It must be another mod causing it, because I highly doubt IC2 would fail to use its own API correctly..

I cant tell you exactly what mod is doing that but that is a problem due to IC2 recently (IIRC from revision 294 onwards) updating their API, so basically you have a mod that is trying to call the old API which is no longer there however without seeing the full crash log I cant really tell you which mod but basically yeah update any addons to IC2
I've been having ID conflicts between Biomes O Plenty and Forestry, so I decided to install ID resolver. I assume my game is constantly crashing is because of the world gen bug, but I don't understand where/how to find the actual item ids. I'm probably being a massive noob but I've never really tried to do this before so if anyone could help that'd be great.

Edit: So I've been messing with it again and my game is still crashing but I dont understand why. Could someone take a look?

In order to find out what the default IDs are, you must go in to the generated (hopefully) configs for the mods. Change them how you will.
From the pastebin log,
Steve's Carts seems to be trying to add a recipe but some kind of method it is attempting to find and invoke does not exist. Find mods that may change crafting methods and remove them, and see if Steve's Carts then works.
In order to find out what the default IDs are, you must go in to the generated (hopefully) configs for the mods. Change them how you will.
From the pastebin log,
Steve's Carts seems to be trying to add a recipe but some kind of method it is attempting to find and invoke does not exist. Find mods that may change crafting methods and remove them, and see if Steve's Carts then works.

After disabling certain mods I can launch it successfully but the problem is I can't find the config files to alter item ids for either mod. The only way I seem to be able to adjust the IDs is with the resolver but that seems to be the mod that crashes my game
The problem is, mods like BoP only create configs during the end of the Init. Which means that if you don't load long enough to get there, then the configs won't generate. A good thing to do is to stick BoP in an empty instance, grab the config file, and stick it in the config folder. Do the same for any mod that hasn't generated configs yet.
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The problem is, mods like BoP only create configs during the end of the Init. Which means that if you don't load long enough to get there, then the configs won't generate. A good thing to do is to stick BoP in an empty instance, grab the config file, and stick it in the config folder. Do the same for any mod that hasn't generated configs yet.

Thanks that is so useful! Thats a great tip! I really hope this doesnt come across as sarcasm, but I doubt I would have thought of doing that. Another problem if I may, do you know why Applied Energistics might be causing crashes?

Edit: I'm still not getting a config file. At this point I don't know if its worth even trying to put it in
looks a ton like the error i was having when placing or viewing enderchests/tanks. try updating codechickencore to

posting now will continue with a edit in a moment. edit: comparing lists of mods i'm betting on the codechickencore update, with a minor wild educated guess on possible slightly newer ic2(i've only gotten up through 305lf and you have 307) maybe interacting weirdly.

if the codechickncore update doesn't help,double check you didn't inherit a reference to a texturepack that no longer exists in any of the other logs(if using multimc, when i accidentally used a 1.4.7 codechickencore with 1.5.1 that instance had that error permanently afterwards and had to be recreated but always mentioned a nonexistent texturepack i'd once used in vanilla).

seems like you knew about where to look for the problem so kudos there.
so yeah, removed code chicken core, nei, and nei plugins and am running fine. Now to track down what may be causing this crash. :)
Red weevil. Instructions:
1.5.1 instance.
Forge and BoP.
Grab the new config file. Stick it in the config file of your instance. Poof!
You have config.
Do it for every missing config.
Red weevil. Instructions:
1.5.1 instance.
Forge and BoP.
Grab the new config file. Stick it in the config file of your instance. Poof!
You have config.
Do it for every missing config.

I understand the process but I can find the config file that the problem. I'm on my way home so ill search for it when. I get back
I'm having a problem with misc peripherals.When I try to play it says it's a critical error. Also, after that i can't delete any mod at all.
Can anyone help me??
misc peripherals. afaik just not compatible with anything yet.

ie must wait for richardg to finish ic2 and start posting miscperipherals updates again.

his last update was in post 859 on his cc forums thread on april 22, and non functionality discussed much on the following/last page in the thread to date.

also note he's stated some cross mod functions are going, save where granted permissions specifically.


also figured i'd mention that lava replaced by sulfur bit was definitively an idresolver interaction not mfr(see i knew the logical fallacy would lead me to a bad conclusion. post hoc propter hoc btw means "after, therefore because of"."

with icbm in the mix it was using a sulfur ore icbm added. without icbm it was using natura/tinkers sulfur cloud stuff. need to start moving to a new resolver assignment set instead of tacking on more, or finish breaking down and hand editing configurations.