1.5.1 Beta Pack-DIY Edition (now with 1.5.2)

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I did it! It's not every mod I want (it's more like a little magic pack), but I did it! *does happy dance*
There are many Twilight rabbits missing legs in my efforts to wish you luck

It paid off without them. Which gives me hope for when I give it a go!
I'm building my own pack, and I'm getting errors out the wazoo.

Lol, NEI makes getting ID conflicts resolved so easy, though. Just add one mod at a time. Launch MC, get into your world and dump item IDs inside NEI options. Add the next mod. If there are conflicts, look at your ID dump and put the IDs for the newest into an empty spot. Repeat until all mods are installed.

For item IDs, just watch the console while it starts. Make a note of which mods are conflicting, and find an empty spot using NEI in-game. For instance, when mousing over items, the ID number is displayed. In my instance, one mod had items in 22000 range and the next closest items were in the 28000 range. My first mod conflict happened at ID 31999, so I change one of the mods to use IDs in the 23000 range. The next conflicting mod got changed to 24000 range and so on.

My issue is that pressing 'u' in NEI crashes the game, but I'm starting fresh to get it fixed. It's my last major error other than the TC3 crash. The latest TC3 looks at the recipes of items it hasn't seen before to see if the components can be used to assign proper aspect values. Pressing shift on an unknown item crashed the game for me, but the error looks suspiciously like the NEI error. (Something to do with gui updates.) So, I'm hoping that this fresh instance will clear up any problems.

When you're doing huge modpacks for yourself, you have to remember that updates can break your game if they change the config files or even file structure within the mod itself. I have a feeling this is what happened to me. When all else fails, start over.
I'm not seeing any id conflicts in my console. The "issue" I'm having is "unnamed items" showing up in my NEI. I assumed those were ID conflicts, but perhaps I'm incorrect.
I'm not seeing any id conflicts in my console. The "issue" I'm having is "unnamed items" showing up in my NEI. I assumed those were ID conflicts, but perhaps I'm incorrect.

Oh, unnamed items aren't errors. Usually mod authors will place those items in their mods as placeholders for future items. Think "reserved for future posts" in guides on forums. I remember a couple mods back in the day using unnamed items and blocks to hold the logic of complex interactions. It's like the invisible light blocks that wrath lamps use. Unnamed items are no big deal.
With Minefactory Reloaded and Modular Power Suits having TE recipe modes I made a DIY 1.5 pack as well.

My pack is thermal expansion centered/focused. Hope to start a new world with it today.

Pretty similar to ultimate, but trimmed a bit for my current tastes. I could not get Extra bees and Thaumic bees work with IC2 304, so I left them off. They should not be terrible to add later if i need them.

Only config edits i did were Immibis microblock's item saw had an ID conflict with forestry crate id's. I also disabled the overlapping ore generation for IC2 (copper, tin), Forestry (copper, tin), Factorization (silver). Leaving thermal expansion to spawn copper, tin, silver, and lead. Hopefully nothing else duplicates any world gen. I think ultimate had increased vanilla ore gen. I'll probably leave it as vanilla as I won't need to strip mine for the mods I am using.
And set Minefactory and Powersuits to TE recipe mode ;)


I'm building my own pack, and I'm getting errors out the wazoo.

Lol, NEI makes getting ID conflicts resolved so easy, though. Just add one mod at a time. Launch MC, get into your world and dump item IDs inside NEI options. Add the next mod. If there are conflicts, look at your ID dump and put the IDs for the newest into an empty spot. Repeat until all mods are installed.

For item IDs, just watch the console while it starts. Make a note of which mods are conflicting, and find an empty spot using NEI in-game. For instance, when mousing over items, the ID number is displayed. In my instance, one mod had items in 22000 range and the next closest items were in the 28000 range. My first mod conflict happened at ID 31999, so I change one of the mods to use IDs in the 23000 range. The next conflicting mod got changed to 24000 range and so on.

My issue is that pressing 'u' in NEI crashes the game, but I'm starting fresh to get it fixed. It's my last major error other than the TC3 crash. The latest TC3 looks at the recipes of items it hasn't seen before to see if the components can be used to assign proper aspect values. Pressing shift on an unknown item crashed the game for me, but the error looks suspiciously like the NEI error. (Something to do with gui updates.) So, I'm hoping that this fresh instance will clear up any problems.

When you're doing huge modpacks for yourself, you have to remember that updates can break your game if they change the config files or even file structure within the mod itself. I have a feeling this is what happened to me. When all else fails, start over.
Eh, I prefer the method used by the FTB mod pack maintainers. I assign each mod a range of BlockIDs, usually 50, or multiples of 50 for those mods that require it. It is a little bit of work to get it set up, but maintaining is a breeze. If you keep a list of which mods are assigned which set of BlockIDs adding mods is a breeze, you know exactly which IDs are taken at a glance, and can adjust from there.

As a note, for mods that do world gen, ExtraBiomesXL for instance, any BlockID under 255 is usually used in worldgen. Do not change those IDs unless you absolutely must, and keep them under 255 at all costs, or you can and will break your game.
Eh, I prefer the method used by the FTB mod pack maintainers. I assign each mod a range of BlockIDs, usually 50, or multiples of 50 for those mods that require it. It is a little bit of work to get it set up, but maintaining is a breeze. If you keep a list of which mods are assigned which set of BlockIDs adding mods is a breeze, you know exactly which IDs are taken at a glance, and can adjust from there.

As a note, for mods that do world gen, ExtraBiomesXL for instance, any BlockID under 255 is usually used in worldgen. Do not change those IDs unless you absolutely must, and keep them under 255 at all costs, or you can and will break your game.

Block IDs under 255 hardly ever conflict, so it isn't much of a problem. I'll take a look at ores and such just to make sure, though.

What I do with block IDs is similar to what you're talking about. I organize it a little further by grouping mods together that work together. For instance, IC2 blocks are next to Ultimate Solar blocks. Extra Bees follows Forestry and so on.
Odd, just double checked and they all show up for me. Are you using the same version of Ars Magica and NEI as I am (version numbers in OP)?

I see all of them, too.

When I first put my pack together, I kind of just threw it together and that's where I got all my errors. I'm running 81 mods now slightly different the other packs around here. We're all really using mostly the same mods with a few different 'flavor' mods for personal preference.

This time, I went through and added forge then rebuilt jar, entered the game, started a world and exited. Then I installed optifine, rebuilt, etc. The I installed my coremods one at a time, except for immibis microblocks since its dependency is not a coremod. I rebuilt and got into my world and back out with each mod.

Then, I went through the mods in alphabetical order, one at a time, going all the way into my world and back out for every mod. The only exceptions were the mods separated into multiple downloads, such as ICBM or Mekanism. I installed all parts of the mod at the same since leaving one of the parts out can errors, too.

Once I got to immibis core, I installed it, then installed microblocks as a coremod since they're backasswards like that. ;)

I ended up with about 5 mods conflicting Block IDs over the course of the installation. I had two item ID conflicts. It took a few hours to do it that way, but the build is incredibly stable and I have no crashes or other major errors so far. The benefit of doing it this way is that those ID conflicts are so easy to fix when only one mod can have caused the new conflict.
I've had issues getting Advanced Machines to play nicely, but I'm still working on it! I think I'm up to 83 mods myself.
Yep, I sure do.

I wonder what I screwed up :/

My worst issue was when TC3 would crash the game when I would press 'shift' on an item that it didn't have aspect values for. TC3 looks at the recipes for each item and auto-assigns aspects based on what the item is made out of. It's that crash that convinced me to start over, in fact. Now that I'm done doing things one at a time, I get no crashes.

I had quite a few more bugs with NEI alone. There were GUI bugs that would crash the game when I tried to craft things, and so on, and so on. I highly recommend starting over and doing one mod at a time. It does take quite a bit longer, but it ends up so much more stable in the end. Of course, you could always use ID Resolver to save time, but that mod introduces a whole new set of problems. I'm not recommending ID Resolver, but it's there.