[1.10.2] Age of Engineering

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Speaking of lightning power, I have had my Environment Tech Lightning Rod up for a LONG time with no lightning. Is there a weather setting that might be disabled that's preventing storms?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Version 1.1.0 but this will likely affect everybody.
I think I just found a little exploit. I just got to the Space Age and started making its version of silicon.
After getting my first ingot, I immediately made a compacting drawer for it so I could get access to nuggets without adding another crafting recipe as I do with everything I can.
Well, Storage Drawers has a handy feature where it will happily autosort ore-dictionaried items like multiple versions of copper ingots into one place. It's a little annoying when you have vanilla glass in a drawer and you need to make another kind of glass for a crating recipe but it sticks it all in the vanilla glass drawer and never makes it to the crafter. The fix for that is to make a drawer for the other kind in your storage wall and it's smart enough to deal with that.
But back to silicon. I never made a drawer for EnderIO's silicon. It just has an autocrafting setup and any excess just sits in AE. Also, the priority on the controller's storage bus is of course higher than the drives. So I noticed that I was somehow getting silicon ingots way faster than the electric arc furnace is capable of putting them out...
So yea, you can use a storage drawer locked to libvupres silicon ingots to convert your EnderIO silicon.
I don't know if that's intended by the pack maker but since the pack doesn't seem to have the faster coils to speed up the Electric Arc Furnace....I might just take advantage of it.

Blue lue Boy

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Version 1.1.0 but this will likely affect everybody.
I think I just found a little exploit. I just got to the Space Age and started making its version of silicon.
After getting my first ingot, I immediately made a compacting drawer for it so I could get access to nuggets without adding another crafting recipe as I do with everything I can.
So yea, you can use a storage drawer locked to libvupres silicon ingots to convert your EnderIO silicon.
I don't know if that's intended by the pack maker but since the pack doesn't seem to have the faster coils to speed up the Electric Arc Furnace....I might just take advantage of it.

Haha, I wouldn't call it an exploit at your level, the IC2 recipe is also quite a pain compared to the original Ender IO one. Besides, frankly you won't need much of the libvulpes version, just a handful to craft the space circuits. The real need for silicon will come later, and thankfully at that point you'll have access to mekanism...


How does one get titatium in large quantities? Guide says 2 moon in Solar System have it. So I'm supposed to go mine every moon before I find ore I need or what? btw JEI doesn't help.


Jan 29, 2015
How does one get titatium in large quantities? Guide says 2 moon in Solar System have it. So I'm supposed to go mine every moon before I find ore I need or what? btw JEI doesn't help.
I can't say for sure, but I believe the clue is in the name in the case of this particular pack: one of the moons is called Titan ;)
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I'm in version 1.1.0 and I can't craft the angel ring.
I have both the bat and the ghast in the lassos. Is this a bug?


It is the energy bar. The dark soularium plate can't be damaged as far as I know. Putting it into an item repairer does nothing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm running on a server that I set up but found that integrated dynamics isn't working, everything says 'out of energy', when I crafted up a generator that didn't work either...


Apologies, just figured it out... I have to use a Coal generator connected to an Integrated Dynamics Battery, now it works! will see if I can use other cables to power up the battery.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there anything like a chart of power systems available in AoE?

I need some 'relatively passive' power in Age 6 ish and want to try something new perhaps. So far my power has been coming from:

~32EU/t from IC2 solar cells. (Ive made a big array because its pretty rather than the all-the-power-in-one-cube 'compact' variant) and 360EU/t (on demand) from an IC2 nuke.
An immersive engineering water wheel provides basic power to run a AA canola farm thats being fermented and run into an AA oil generators. (I havn't done the dire thing of dropping fluids into the world as in-world mechanics are always so lag inducing - and look ugly as the sensors aren't solid blocks and it *bothers* me when fluids are "held" in containers that should leak).

More immersive engineering windmills are scattered about producing some tiny amounts of power to run various Forestry machines.

Now - mostly because I am trying to make my base decorative - and hence use Chisel Factory Blocks - that need Iron - I need more iron - Void Miners are going to be necessary soon but I Wanted to make an Immersive Engineering Excavator - that needs 4K RF/t and for this purpose I wanted to make an IE Diesel Generator (or few). But thats another automatic farm to produce IE's oil production pipeline - so I need a new source of RF for this (because its going to be far away from my existing sources of RF).

I am also disappointed there is nothing like Railcraft in the pack as I want to use railcarts for long distance item transport (rather than conduits or AE2) and I don't know if there is any combination of sensors blocks that will let me load minecarts using only vanilla style tracks. (If this can be done I'd love to know how - it just seems that there have to be so many sensors and redstone emitters all concentrated on a single piece of (powered) rail).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Got a couple bugs to report. I don't know if this is just because of how I play or not. I play the game using MultiMC on OSX. I download and install the modpack with CMPDL.

Some of the textures from TechReborn are off. The nuggets textures look like static or something, even though they show up fine in compacting drawers. I checked the texture files in the JAR file and everything's there, so I don't know why they don't work. The texture for the placeable crafting square in Translocators is also messed up and the translocators are invisible in the inventory.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Got a couple bugs to report. I don't know if this is just because of how I play or not. I play the game using MultiMC on OSX. I download and install the modpack with CMPDL.

Some of the textures from TechReborn are off. The nuggets textures look like static or something, even though they show up fine in compacting drawers. I checked the texture files in the JAR file and everything's there, so I don't know why they don't work. The texture for the placeable crafting square in Translocators is also messed up and the translocators are invisible in the inventory.


If youre on the development branch of MultiMC then you should be able to directly import the modpack by downloading it from curse, and just dropping the .zip onto the MultiMC window. Assuming development builds of MultiMC are made for Mac...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If youre on the development branch of MultiMC then you should be able to directly import the modpack by downloading it from curse, and just dropping the .zip onto the MultiMC window. Assuming development builds of MultiMC are made for Mac...

The thing is I don't know if how I'm downloading the mods is the problem. The mods work fine, it's just the textures that are screwy. Do those mods do something different when they load up or something?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The thing is I don't know if how I'm downloading the mods is the problem. The mods work fine, it's just the textures that are screwy. Do those mods do something different when they load up or something?

Are you playing with any resource packs?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nope. Just regular old vanilla textures.

My only other suggestion is to take this to the aoe-support channel on the discord server, there are several people there each day that might be able to help you out.