[1.10.2] Age of Engineering

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I have same issue with the Extra Util 2 Red Orchids, end up running through a field and doing it manually now and again. I know the Actually Additions farmer does not do these - they added it as a 1.11 feature. A nice to know for the Red Orchids is the fortune enchantment seems to effect how much redstone you get when right clicking, don't know if this work on other things - I know in vanilla it does if you break a crop (although something like wheat it only effects the seeds). My biggest hold back is I am in a huge desert / plains area and I cannot find any snow... there does not seem to be any way to make it - time to explore again. I am also having issue with journey map resetting post update to latest pack does to seem to want to take the old file. Personally I find that going to the end and sitting in a 2 high area means I can quickly butcher enough endermen with a looting sword to take back a draw full of pearls... it just seems easier.
I used an EnderIO farming station for both Ender lilies and red orchids. As a tool I supplied it an unbreakable paper TiC mattock. Not sure why it wasn't working for you, MatunasCraft.
I used an EnderIO farming station for both Ender lilies and red orchids. As a tool I supplied it an unbreakable paper TiC mattock. Not sure why it wasn't working for you, MatunasCraft.

Hmm, well I swapped out the dirt to End Stone, put Ender Lilies into the Farming Station and nothing happened. Are you saying it will harvest Ender Pearls but not plant Ender Lilies?

Just tested it in Creative. That's exactly what it does. Farming Station doesn't PLANT Ender Lilies, but it Harvests Ender Pearls. Kudos to you for having the patience to wait for the Ender Lilies to grow. :)
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Hmm, well I swapped out the dirt to End Stone, put Ender Lilies into the Farming Station and nothing happened. Are you saying it will harvest Ender Pearls but not plant Ender Lilies?

Just tested it in Creative. That's exactly what it does. Farming Station doesn't PLANT Ender Lilies, but it Harvests Ender Pearls. Kudos to you for having the patience to wait for the Ender Lilies to grow. :)
I think I just assumed it would work and it did. ;) EIO stuff is pretty reliable, though I wish it would handle rubber trees differently.
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Can't seem to find any support on this so i'll ask... Just got my tinker smelter setup and made some cast but when i place the cast they go invisible.. When i pour into cast, pour into basin, place items into basin or table, when everything cools they go invisible. I can still click the items out and change cast and what not but it's annoying not being able to see if i left an item in or not. Any ideas?

Edit: i'm clearly and idiot.. Found a github issue tracker from tinkers about rendering issues so i looked deeper. When i started the pack i turned off tinkers rendering however i thought it was only for the crafting tables but opon looking at the config again it says tables, basins, ect... Lol, quickly changed it back to true and now all my stuff shows up.
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Garden cloche DOES produce ender pearls, but it is VERY VERY slow, even with endstone inside of it and not dirt.

Might as well say the Garden Cloche doesn't process Ender Lilies, in my opinion, since growing Ender Pearls in them gives you no advantage whatsoever. Even growing them on the ground lets you use a Watering Can every day to speed up the process.

Right before QuintinStone said that the Farming Station would harvest the Ender Pearls, I got my ExU Mech User build setup. Here's a pic
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The farming station is probably your best bet; I will say that greenhouse glass from AA actually does make a difference - subtle, but it helps. So it might be worth the cost to put it over the lilies.
The farming station is probably your best bet; I will say that greenhouse glass from AA actually does make a difference - subtle, but it helps. So it might be worth the cost to put it over the lilies.

Now that I have this built, changing it to a farming station setup is on a list of possible future upgrades. Probably won't change it unless I suddenly need a TON of Ender Pearls. I only shared the pic because it's a fairly cheap farm to make early on, and expandable as you get more resources. Farming Station isn't that expensive in Age 9, but it's pretty hefty in Age 5.
Endergenic generator is a good power source once you hit RFTools, as long as you have a ton of ender pearls.
My favorite thing about modpacks like AoE is that it gives you an excuse to play with mods and machines that you wouldn't normally. IC2 is a good example for me. I feel much more comfortable using IC2 now, but more than that, I have a much larger appreciation for mods that work with both EU and RF, like Advanced Generators.

I'm gearing up for Advanced Rocketry next, which looks super fun. And I'm hoping I can put aside my feelings about the abusive power levels in RFTools to fully explore that mod too.
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Speaking of RFTools, when I try to use the in-game Manual, my game crashes.

Trying to get the Powercell to work, but so far haven't been able to do it. Do you need a Powercell Card for each Powercell?
Yup, manual crashes the game.

1 powercell card for each powercell if you want to link them. Place one card in the input cell, then place your other card in the input cell's link spot. Now both cards should have the same ID. Put that card in your other cell and they should now be linked. Simplest way to transfer RF over distance or interdimensionally.
Speaking of RFTools, when I try to use the in-game Manual, my game crashes.

TIme for my monthly plug to join the discord server: https://discord.gg/QkvUrxM

The aoe-faq channel there lists ways to download a server, install and run the pack without using the Twitch client and shows the known list of bugs. I am including the major ones below:

6. Known Issues/Bugs in AOE 1.1.1 [MAJOR] = Client or Server crash [MINOR] = Pretty much anything non-gamebreaking Exploits such as duplication bugs will not added to the list, but will be noted in private.

1. [MAJOR] [OPTIFINE ONLY] [NO FIX] Client crash when placing any mekanism block inside a tinkers' anything (casting basin/crafting station/etc.)
2. [MAJOR] [NO FIX] Client crash when having a DE capacitor in charge held item and holding a enderio creative cap bank
3. [MAJOR] [NO FIX] Server crash when having a item transfer node/retreival node inserting into a quantum tank
4. [MAJOR] [NO FIX] Server crash when a Integraded Dynamics redstone reader is attached to a Extra Utilities scanner
5. [MAJOR] [NO FIX] Client crash when opening the rftools manual
6. [MAJOR] [NO FIX] Server crash when a IC2 condensor has a heat vent and is adjacent to a EnderIO reservoir
7. [MAJOR] [NO FIX] Client crash when viewing the IE manual. Not all users. To fix update java/use the updated java versions instead of the one minecraft comes packaged with (1.8.0_25). Switch the twitch launcher to the jar launcher instead of native, then specify verion. Or in the native launcher, edit the instance settings and choose the java version
8. [MAJOR] [NO FIX] Putting a AE2 storage cell into most bags/containers will crash your game
I have just started this modpack and been strugling with an energy problem. I have 6 thermoelectric generators, all set up, connected with first solar flux cables, but I cannot connect it to my existing IC2 network, no matter what I try. (I am still in empowering age, so not many objects to choose from are available.)
I thought about using CESU or MFU and then some transformers -> my basic IC2 network with the very first machines. However this isn't compatible.
Any idea how to do that?

Thank you
I have just started this modpack and been strugling with an energy problem.

Industrial Craft has its own power system that uses EU, Immersive Engineering (plus Calculator and many others) use a different one that based on RF and a long way down the road this pack has also enabled the config for Mechanism to use its power system of Joules. So you will have to use IC2 generators to power your IC2 machines. The transformers in IC2 are for power levels so if you create a tier 3 wind turbine that will generate too much power for your tier 1 macerator unless you somehow transform the power down to that level or put transformers inside the macerator so that it can accept a higher level.

To help with IC2 here is a link to the getting started page on the IC2 wiki
I have just started this modpack and been strugling with an energy problem. I have 6 thermoelectric generators, all set up, connected with first solar flux cables, but I cannot connect it to my existing IC2 network, no matter what I try. (I am still in empowering age, so not many objects to choose from are available.)
I thought about using CESU or MFU and then some transformers -> my basic IC2 network with the very first machines. However this isn't compatible.
Any idea how to do that?

Unfortunately, you can't. Immersive Engineering and Solar Flux Reborn both generate RF (Redstone Flux), and IC2 requires EU (Energy Units). Very few machines will produce both RF and EU. In Age 3, you're limited to a few IC2 machines, or a Compact Solar Array. If you are totally new to IC2, you're going to need to keep the Power "Tier" of the machines in mind as you power them. If you send more power into a machine than a machine or the cable can manage, it will explode.

EDIT: You can get by with an IC2 Generator, burning Coal or Tiny Coal for a long time, although a Low Voltage Solar Array helps also.
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In Infinity Evolved, I seem to remember using IE capacitors to convert to EU - but not sure if that function was removed in 1.10, or that the modpack writer removed it himself but it's not possible in this pack. Also, I saw on the Calculator mod wiki that there's an advanced power cube that also can convert but that seems to have been removed as well.
Thank you for the replies. I have (so far) both, coal generator and low voltage array for my IC2 machines. I have played a few modpacks before but no IC2. However I have already learned some stuff (power tiers, transformers and such). Just hoped I could put the thermoelectric generators to use since they are really cheap to make and they produce some awesome amount of power compared to IC2 stuff. I am quite dissapointed about the compatibility tho... =(
In Infinity Evolved, I seem to remember using IE capacitors to convert to EU - but not sure if that function was removed in 1.10, or that the modpack writer removed it himself but it's not possible in this pack. Also, I saw on the Calculator mod wiki that there's an advanced power cube that also can convert but that seems to have been removed as well.
IE took that out a few versions back. IIRC they didn't want the mod to be seen as just a way to get around IC2 power issues.

I have just started this modpack and been strugling with an energy problem. I have 6 thermoelectric generators, all set up, connected with first solar flux cables, but I cannot connect it to my existing IC2 network, no matter what I try. (I am still in empowering age, so not many objects to choose from are available.)
I thought about using CESU or MFU and then some transformers -> my basic IC2 network with the very first machines. However this isn't compatible.
You have to use IC2 cables to transfer IC2 power. Almost certain no other cable types in this pack will work.
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