[1.10.2] Age of Engineering


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you for the replies. I have (so far) both, coal generator and low voltage array for my IC2 machines. I have played a few modpacks before but no IC2. However I have already learned some stuff (power tiers, transformers and such). Just hoped I could put the thermoelectric generators to use since they are really cheap to make and they produce some awesome amount of power compared to IC2 stuff. I am quite dissapointed about the compatibility tho... =(

Yeah, this pack has some strict tier progression and limitations that aren't normal. Once you start getting Plutonium in Age 7, you can built Advanced Generators that can output both RF and EU. If you haven't already, you should definitely send power thru a CESU, or the more powerful MFU, so that you have EU power stored up for when you need it. (Try using a Creative World to test power structure changes so you don't lose machines from explosions.)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm in Age 11, getting things ready to build the rocket, and I have a big stockpile of Compressed Air Cells. According to JEI, they are used in the Extractor to reclaim the Empty Cells. Is there nothing else that uses Compressed Air Cells from TechReborn?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For those of you who haven't yet reached the Space Age, be prepared to go down the rabbit hole. Or maybe it's more appropriate to make an Inception reference.

I mention this only because there are days when I enjoy building lots of machines so that I can progress, and days when I just want to do something more simple. It's not that it's too difficult or annoying to build everything, but if I know it's coming, I don't want to start it when I'm not in the mood, or if I have only a few minutes. (run-on sentences ftw)

For example, the guide mentioned Tank of Rocket Fuel, so I looked it up. It requires two different tanks, made from an Electrolyser and a Chemical Reactor. No problem, wait those need Basic Circuits, made from a Cutting Machine. The Basic Circuit Plate used to make a Basic Circuit requires a Precision Assembler. Hmm, to make Silicon Wafers, I need a Crystallizer. And I only have 20 minutes before I need to go to work...grr...

At least I got the Cutting Machine done. :)


Found a new way to crash the Server:
-Get a IC2 Condenser with some steam and put a Heat vent into it. Then put an EnderIO Tank next to it and pull the Water out. Server crashes.
-This does not crash without the Heat Vent and it does not crash without the EnderIO Tank. The crashing Block is the Tank from EnderIO.
-This crash can be reproduced on a dedicated Server as well as in local creative world.
-I use version 1.1.1c

Not sure if I should send it to IC2 or EnderIO so I am here :)

Crash log:
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----

WARNING: coremods are present:
  BookshelfLoadingPlugin (Bookshelf-1.10.2-
  CoreMod (Aroma1997Core-1.9.4-
  SFRCore (SolarFluxReborn_1.10.2-2.17r.jar)
  LoadingPlugin (ResourceLoader-MC1.9.4-1.5.1.jar)
  EnderCorePlugin (EnderCore-1.10.2-
  Do not report to Forge! Remove FoamFixAPI (or replace with FoamFixAPI-Lawful) and try again. (foamfix-0.7.2-anarchy.jar)
  AppEngLoadingPlugin (appliedenergistics2-rv4-stable-1.jar)
  IC2core (industrialcraft-2-2.6.252-ex110.jar)
  CCLCorePlugin (CodeChickenLib-1.10.2-
  CTMCorePlugin (CTM-MC1.10.2-
  Brandon's Core (BrandonsCore-1.10.2-
  HammerCoreCore (HammerCore-1.10.2-
  RebornCoreASM (RebornCore-1.10.2-
  FMLPlugin (InventoryTweaks-1.61-58.jar)
  AdvancedRocketryPlugin (AdvancedRocketry-1.10.2-1.0.19.jar)
Contact their authors BEFORE contacting forge

// Everything's going to plan. No, really, that was supposed to happen.

Time: 10/4/17 11:09 PM
Description: Ticking block entity

java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking block entity
    at ic2.core.block.invslot.InvSlotConsumableId.accepts(InvSlotConsumableId.java:26)
    at ic2.core.block.invslot.InvSlotConsumable.canOutput(InvSlotConsumable.java:26)
    at ic2.core.block.TileEntityInventory.func_180461_b(TileEntityInventory.java:242)
    at net.minecraftforge.items.wrapper.SidedInvWrapper.extractItem(SidedInvWrapper.java:188)
    at crazypants.enderio.capability.ItemTools.move(ItemTools.java:79)
    at crazypants.enderio.machine.AbstractInventoryMachineEntity.doPull(AbstractInventoryMachineEntity.java:108)
    at crazypants.enderio.machine.tank.TileTank.doPull(TileTank.java:79)
    at crazypants.enderio.machine.AbstractMachineEntity.doSideIo(AbstractMachineEntity.java:289)
    at crazypants.enderio.machine.AbstractMachineEntity.doUpdate(AbstractMachineEntity.java:220)
    at com.enderio.core.common.TileEntityBase.func_73660_a(TileEntityBase.java:40)
    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72939_s(World.java:1804)
    at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72939_s(WorldServer.java:620)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:709)
    at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(DedicatedServer.java:387)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:613)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:471)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-- Head --
Thread: Server thread
    at ic2.core.block.invslot.InvSlotConsumableId.accepts(InvSlotConsumableId.java:26)
    at ic2.core.block.invslot.InvSlotConsumable.canOutput(InvSlotConsumable.java:26)
    at ic2.core.block.TileEntityInventory.func_180461_b(TileEntityInventory.java:242)
    at net.minecraftforge.items.wrapper.SidedInvWrapper.extractItem(SidedInvWrapper.java:188)
    at crazypants.enderio.capability.ItemTools.move(ItemTools.java:79)
    at crazypants.enderio.machine.AbstractInventoryMachineEntity.doPull(AbstractInventoryMachineEntity.java:108)
    at crazypants.enderio.machine.tank.TileTank.doPull(TileTank.java:79)
    at crazypants.enderio.machine.AbstractMachineEntity.doSideIo(AbstractMachineEntity.java:289)
    at crazypants.enderio.machine.AbstractMachineEntity.doUpdate(AbstractMachineEntity.java:220)
    at com.enderio.core.common.TileEntityBase.func_73660_a(TileEntityBase.java:40)

-- Block entity being ticked --
    Name: blockTankTileEntity // crazypants.enderio.machine.tank.TileTank
    Block type: ID #1461 (tile.blockTank // crazypants.enderio.machine.tank.BlockTank)
    Block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000
    Block location: World: (-529,58,2), Chunk: (at 15,3,2 in -34,0; contains blocks -544,0,0 to -529,255,15), Region: (-2,0; contains chunks -64,0 to -33,31, blocks -1024,0,0 to -513,255,511)
    Actual block type: ID #1461 (tile.blockTank // crazypants.enderio.machine.tank.BlockTank)
    Actual block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000
    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72939_s(World.java:1804)
    at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72939_s(WorldServer.java:620)

-- Affected level --
    Level name: olynetWorld
    All players: 2 total; [EntityPlayerMP['Genae07'/300, l='olynetWorld', x=-526.41, y=56.00, z=2.30], EntityPlayerMP['MichlTheEvil'/569, l='olynetWorld', x=-525.96, y=56.00, z=1.17]]
    Chunk stats: ServerChunkCache: 1211 Drop: 0
    Level seed: -388059540
    Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: true
    Level generator options:
    Level spawn location: World: (-240,64,244), Chunk: (at 0,4,4 in -15,15; contains blocks -240,0,240 to -225,255,255), Region: (-1,0; contains chunks -32,0 to -1,31, blocks -512,0,0 to -1,255,511)
    Level time: 65247190 game time, 56312327 day time
    Level dimension: 0
    Level storage version: 0x04ABD - Anvil
    Level weather: Rain time: 2567 (now: true), thunder time: 26134 (now: false)
    Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:709)
    at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(DedicatedServer.java:387)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:613)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:471)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)


I'm in Age 11, getting things ready to build the rocket, and I have a big stockpile of Compressed Air Cells. According to JEI, they are used in the Extractor to reclaim the Empty Cells. Is there nothing else that uses Compressed Air Cells from TechReborn?
Pretty sure there's nothing.

Menno de Haan

Can someone help me?

I got a Arc Furnace from IE where i can make steel in now with iron and coke dust. I got i automated so it makes steel rods. but here is the problem. When the steel production is finished and enter my ME system (Applied energistiscs) it turns my steel ingot from IE into a steel ingot from IC2. Because he is doing that my ME-interface keeps saying that he is crafting the steel rods. How can i change this?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Found a new way to crash the Server:

This is not new. If you go back to page 27 of this forum, you'll see a list of known bugs and crashes, as resubmitted by zBob.

Fortunately, this one is a simple one to avoid. Use a Fluid Conduit to extract from the Condenser so that you don't have the EnderIO tank right next to it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can someone help me?

I got a Arc Furnace from IE where i can make steel in now with iron and coke dust. I got i automated so it makes steel rods. but here is the problem. When the steel production is finished and enter my ME system (Applied energistiscs) it turns my steel ingot from IE into a steel ingot from IC2. Because he is doing that my ME-interface keeps saying that he is crafting the steel rods. How can i change this?

I'm not sure I understand completely. You're using the Arc Furnace to create Steel Ingots. When it gets into your ME system, it becomes an IC2 Steel Ingot. This should be fine, because they are the same in the ore dictionary. Are you saying that you are asking for Steel Ingots, and your ME system creates Steel Rods? It sounds like maybe you have the Pattern for Steel Rods in the wrong interface.

If that's not the case, try to clarify the problem a little bit more. Thanks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not sure if it's me or not, but I'm having a pretty annoying problem with my applied energistics system.
when I try to autocraft an item, it takes an incredibly time before the window shows up where I can specify the amount of items to be autocrafted.
it can take a good 10-20 seconds before this window shows up. is anyone else having this problem aswell?

Menno de Haan

I'm not sure I understand completely. You're using the Arc Furnace to create Steel Ingots. When it gets into your ME system, it becomes an IC2 Steel Ingot. This should be fine, because they are the same in the ore dictionary. Are you saying that you are asking for Steel Ingots, and your ME system creates Steel Rods? It sounds like maybe you have the Pattern for Steel Rods in the wrong interface.

If that's not the case, try to clarify the problem a little bit more. Thanks.

Yeah first i made steel from the blast furnace but now i started with the arc furnace. Only the steel from the arc furnace i used to make steel rods. But when it extract the steel ingot from my arc furnace into my ME system it turns into a steel ingot from IC2, and cant automate the making of steel rods


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2017
Yeah first i made steel from the blast furnace but now i started with the arc furnace. Only the steel from the arc furnace i used to make steel rods. But when it extract the steel ingot from my arc furnace into my ME system it turns into a steel ingot from IC2, and cant automate the making of steel rods
Do you store steel in a storage drawer? If so, storage drawers automatically oredictionary items, thereby turning IE steel to IC2 steel. You can rectify this by changing the pattern for steel rods to allow for oredictionaried items.
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Menno de Haan

Do you store steel in a storage drawer? If so, storage drawers automatically oredictionary items, thereby turning IE steel to IC2 steel. You can rectify this by changing the pattern for steel rods to allow for oredictionaried items.

I think that is the problem. i will try it now and see if its works. thx anyway for all the help guys.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not sure if it's me or not, but I'm having a pretty annoying problem with my applied energistics system.
when I try to autocraft an item, it takes an incredibly time before the window shows up where I can specify the amount of items to be autocrafted.
it can take a good 10-20 seconds before this window shows up. is anyone else having this problem aswell?

This sounds like a lag issue to me. I notice performance issues when I have most of my machines going at once. Does this happen even when you have nothing processing?

To be honest, I'm just guessing though.


I found a Bug.

Using Ender IO conduits, when I "repair" a circuit with the Reassembly Chamber from Calculator mod, when I extract the circuit after finishing I get an infinite number of circuits on my storage crate, when I analyze those "duplicated" circuits, they all give the same drop.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This sounds like a lag issue to me. I notice performance issues when I have most of my machines going at once. Does this happen even when you have nothing processing?

To be honest, I'm just guessing though.

it happens all the time, even when I just loaded the world without not much else yet loaded and I try to autocraft.
could it perhaps be related to having 1 big storage drawers network? I've a storage bus connected to a drawer controller which has 192 drawers of different sizes connected to it.

EDIT: nope, doesn't seem to be it. If I remove the connection with the drawer controller, and try to autocraft with just the items in the network, I still get the lag when I specify the amount of items to be autocrafted
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it happens all the time, even when I just loaded the world without not much else yet loaded and I try to autocraft.
could it perhaps be related to having 1 big storage drawers network? I've a storage bus connected to a drawer controller which has 192 drawers of different sizes connected to it.

EDIT: nope, doesn't seem to be it. If I remove the connection with the drawer controller, and try to autocraft with just the items in the network, I still get the lag when I specify the amount of items to be autocrafted

I've read reports where some people have problems with lag when a P2P tunnel is used between the Controller and the Crafting CPU, and also where people with lots of Storage Drawers improved performance by using the Concealment Key to hide updates to the drawers.

But really, you should probably go to the Discord server for help: https://discord.gg/QkvUrxM
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it happens all the time, even when I just loaded the world without not much else yet loaded and I try to autocraft.
could it perhaps be related to having 1 big storage drawers network? I've a storage bus connected to a drawer controller which has 192 drawers of different sizes connected to it.

EDIT: nope, doesn't seem to be it. If I remove the connection with the drawer controller, and try to autocraft with just the items in the network, I still get the lag when I specify the amount of items to be autocrafted

Okay so I went over to the discord channel to get some suggestions as I had nothing else to offer

1st wave of responses said to verify that the tps of the world was running normally.

Then redcatone came in with the thoughts about the wireless crafting terminal and listed all these issues:


lastly I see you mentioned already removing the storage drawer and that is a known issue as well

so maybe try disconnecting the entire AE2 network and then add things back in one small piece at a time to see if you can track down the culprit?

and if all that fails if you want to try some real time troubleshooting you can talk with the good people on the AOE-support channel on the discord server


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've read reports where some people have problems with lag when a P2P tunnel is used between the Controller and the Crafting CPU, and also where people with lots of Storage Drawers improved performance by using the Concealment Key to hide updates to the drawers.

But really, you should probably go to the Discord server for help: https://discord.gg/QkvUrxM
Okay so I went over to the discord channel to get some suggestions as I had nothing else to offer

1st wave of responses said to verify that the tps of the world was running normally.

Then redcatone came in with the thoughts about the wireless crafting terminal and listed all these issues:


lastly I see you mentioned already removing the storage drawer and that is a known issue as well

so maybe try disconnecting the entire AE2 network and then add things back in one small piece at a time to see if you can track down the culprit?

and if all that fails if you want to try some real time troubleshooting you can talk with the good people on the AOE-support channel on the discord server

okay, so I did some more testing.

first I removed the p2p's from the autocrafters and directly connected them to the controllers, I still had the problem. I then directly connected the terminals to the controllers without the p2p's, still had the problem. I then removed the p2p's connected to the interfaces connected to machines for crafting, so all those interfaces were no longer connected to the system, and the problem was gone.

So I changed all p2p's to dense cables and reconnected the interfaces, and the problem was back, so the problem wasn't with p2p's. I then reconnected all the interfaces to the controllers group by group. The first group connected, no problem, the second group connected, problem, the third group connected, no problem, so I pinpointed the problem to the second group.

I then divided the second group in 5 more groups, and with a bit more testing I narrowed it down to 6 interfaces from 2 groups that could be the problem, but I have no idea what could be causing it. They're all in the same chunk, but there's also other interfaces in that chunk that are not the problem. I guess I'll have to take out interface by interface and hopefully I can finally find the problem.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, a few Space Age questions:

1. When I Warp the space station to a planet in our solar system, (Mars for example) and go down to the surface, the minimap says "Moon" and it looks like Earth's moon. Is that just a Journeymap naming issue, or am I not landing on Mars?

2. How do I actually go to any of the moons on other planets? I warped to Saturn, because I figured its moon Titan would be a good source of Titanium. But I can't land on Saturn, and I don't see how I can target any of its moons.