So, he added Gendustry, LOL. Of all things he might have changed, I understand this. It isn't about "slow" for me - I have patience where it's just about waiting, and there are always other things to do - but about randomness. Vanilla Forestry bee-breeding is a nightmare for me, like having to win the lottery several times in a row in order to proceed. I don't know yet what's required in terms of bee-breeding and tree-breeding in the pack (I'm in Age 3), but I highly suspect I'll do something to make it less frustrating, too.I've been watching DW20, a few episodes behind, as I play for a different perspective, but that's over now.
Everyone can play how they want, and I've even considered adding the mouse wheel scrolling mod as many others have suggested. Quality of Life changes don't bother me much because there isn't any reason why these kinds of mods were specifically kept out. They don't change progression.
When DW20 added the Elevator mod to his pack, I actually thought it was kinda cheesy, but everybody plays differently. I regularly use the FTB Utilities "/home" command, but DW20 didn't. I would presume he knows it exists, but I suspect he just prefers teleporters. No problem there either, because it really doesn't affect progression.
Then I just watched the episode where he added Gendustry because bees "are too slow" and that's total BS. The Guide warns you about starting bees back in Age 4. He said "it's a little bit of cheesing the pack" but actually it's just cheating. Honestly, I think I wouldn't be annoyed as much if he'd just cheated in the Princess/Drones he wanted.
I don't really know why I'm so pissed about this, except that I just watched it so it's fresh in my mind. I guess I assumed DW20 was better than that. For the record, I don't care if anyone else added Gendustry, but I don't think you can really claim to have finished the pack if you did.
TIL I'm a purist.![]()
As for the elevator, I checked the travel anchor recipes and they appear to be not too far in the future. That'll work for me.
Speaking of randomness, is it just my excessively bad luck or is there no desert in the pack? I'm desperately looking for cactus for my IE wiring (the HV relay requires cactus green). I've been exploring for several hours and I'm reasonably sure there's no desert within 1500 blocks from my base, and there doesn't appear to be another way to get some cactus green or equivalent.
If I haven't overlooked something, may I suggest alternative ways to get biome-dependent resources like this?