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  1. K

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Thank you. I have another question, though: What gate setting should I use so a generator outputs a pipewire signal when it can accept more fuel (in this case, charcoal)? I tried "space in inventory", but that one stops outputting a pipewire signal as soon as a single piece of charcoal is in...
  2. K

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Do transformers make you waste EU? For example, say I have an MV transformer hooked up to an LV transformer hooked up to an electric furnace. The LV transformer will produce 128 eu/t, in packets of 32 eu, right? But can the electric furnace store all of that energy? What if I slap a Batbox in...
  3. K

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    What is the best way to turn seed oil into EU? Preferably, without an igneous extruder/geothermal generator set-up.
  4. K

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    I'm not sure if this counts as a "simple" question, but...why isn't there a Buildcraft cover for black wool? There's ones for gray, and light gray, and cyan, and so on...but not black.
  5. K

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    If I centrifuge apples and saplings, will the industrial centrifuge output liquid methane? (That is, can I have a set-up that doesn't require cycling cells?)
  6. K

    How to make a good tree farm?

    I'm building a tree farm with a logger and filler working in tandem. Currently, I have to landmarks the filler is attached to set to cover the 21x21 space the logger covers. However, when large trees spawn, their branches have a habit of spawning outside of the logger's area. How do force growth...
  7. K

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    When converting medium voltage to low voltage, does an LV transformer output four packets of 32 EU per tick, or does it output four packets over the course of four ticks, before accepting another 128 EU packet?
  8. K

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    In what way would the iron pipe not reset correctly, if I used the wooden pipe solution? Doesn't having only two valid positions mean that the iron pipe basically has an "on" and "off" switch? Keep in mind the gate next to the chest only outputs a pipe wire signal if the chest is full, not when...
  9. K

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    How do you hook up an iron pipe to a void pipe properly? I have a pipe leading from a logger to a chest. In the middle of this pipeline, I have an iron pipe connected to a void pipe. I've got a gate next to the chest that sends a pipewire signal if the chest is full, and a gate next to the...
  10. K

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    What input signal do I need for "there is work to do", though? Would that be "machine on"? I interpreted that as a signal when a machine is already doing work.
  11. K

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    How do I automate electrical engines? I have electrical engines powering a carpenter, and the engines are hooked up to my EU network. I don't want to have to flip a switch every time I use the carpenter; the electrical engines should turn on when the machine is trying to build something and...