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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone have easymode config files to share with me for Gregtech?
i dont want to change existing recepies, but add the features of gregtech
Check out Velotican's thread here

@Waffle: Waterproof pipes are fine. The only change you'd need to make from the picture is you'd have to pull out of the fermenters with a wooden waterproof pipe powered by a redstone engine. rather than using a redstone torch.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Check out Velotican's thread here

@Waffle: Waterproof pipes are fine. The only change you'd need to make from the picture is you'd have to pull out of the fermenters with a wooden waterproof pipe powered by a redstone engine. rather than using a redstone torch.
Alright. Now how do I combat mulch overflow in the fermenters, and how do I pull the overflow saplings from the planters with using as little diamond pipes as possible. Is there something like the redstone electricity pipe things that I can power using steam or stirling engines?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A switch? I don't remember off hand how exactly this all works, so it's hard to visualize.
Have your water and juice both go into separate buildcraft tanks. I use one for water and 6 or 8 for juice. Using waterproof pipes or liquiduct to pump it out of the tanks, switch the engine/duct from the juice tank on, the water tank off when you have some juice built up. When the juice is gone/low, switch it off and the water on. You can automate this process with BC gates if you wish.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What do you guys think of an idea for Bee Paradise map, no mining, just Villagers and Bees. You have to breed every bee so that you can make a full featured base. I have more details in the "Third-Party Maps" forum, it is called Bee Paradise.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alright. Now how do I combat mulch overflow in the fermenters, and how do I pull the overflow saplings from the planters with using as little diamond pipes as possible. Is there something like the redstone electricity pipe things that I can power using steam or stirling engines?
Redstone energy conduits accept power from anything that makes MJ - basically anything that has "engine" in its name. A cheaper alternative is gold conductive pipes (gold pipe+redstone). To use conductive pipes you'll need a wooden conductive pipe taking the ouput of your engines. Note: unlike normal or waterproof wooden pipes you don't need a redstone engine to pull the power out - you just need the pipe attached to the engine you want to output power from.

Handling overflow with BC pipes means you're going to have to use diamond pipes. It's been a while since I've used it, but I believe Extra Buildcraft Pipes (I think that was the mod's name) provides an insertion pipe that would work instead, but that's not included in FTB.

The way I'm envisioning the system you'd have your harvester output into your pipe system. Those pipes then lead past your planter where you have a diamond pipe telling saplings to go into the planter. The pipes continue on from there with any saplings that can't fit in the planter and come to your fermenter system. First you'd have a diamond pipe pushing apples into a squeezer followed by a diamond pipe pushing saplings into your first fermenter ( this one is hooked up to the squeezer for apple juice). After that you'd have another diamond pipe pushing saplings into a 2nd fermenter (this one filled with water from an aqueous accumulator or something similar). Finally, you'd end with an overflow chest. Preferably something with lots of storage capacity like a diamond chest or barrel. At any point along this line you can inject a diamond pipe to pull out the logs for use elsewhere. The mulch from your squeezer could either be routed through another set of pipes with diamond pipes pushing it into the fermenters or you could use iron pipes to hook the output into the main line and add mulch to the diamond pipes pushing saplings into the fermenters. Either way, after being routed past your fermenters, the much should end up in an overflow chest. All told, you're looking at least 5 diamond pipes, but max 7 pipes. That's still less than 1 craft's worth, so you should actually have extra.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are there any machines or pipes that accept only 1 item at a time?

For example; I have a very WIP mining well frame quarry without computercraft, and when the block breakers take the mining wells away, the problem I have is that all of the wells go into one deployer instead of splitting themselves up (1 mining well to 1 deployer). Any possible ways to get around this?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What do you guys think of an idea for Bee Paradise map, no mining, just Villagers and Bees. You have to breed every bee so that you can make a full featured base. I have more details in the "Third-Party Maps" forum, it is called Bee Paradise.
I tried that, but had to mine to find rocky bees! I suppose the villagers could solve that though, or you could get lucky and find an exposed one in a ravine or a cave. It is a fun idea though, bees are awesome, and the number of things they can provide you is vast.

P.S. There is one hitch. You have to have the stuff to make and power a centrifuge to get anything from bees, and lots of the output needs secondary machines as well. So some mining is probably required.

Edit: Just read the map post, didn't realize the villagers would have all that. Nice idea. Now for the next level, make a void-world floating island map, people can't cheat and mine if there's nothing to mine.

I don't see any droids in your signature...
That's because those aren't the droids you're looking for. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The trades are Honeycombs for x item or x bee. Basically, I have some villagers also trading honeycombs for basic bees, like marbled, rocky, tropical, or whatever. You start with a Forest Princess Drone and you have to slowly work your way to the top. I actually was planning on making an LP right now. First episode is in the making.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are there any machines or pipes that accept only 1 item at a time?

For example; I have a very WIP mining well frame quarry without computercraft, and when the block breakers take the mining wells away, the problem I have is that all of the wells go into one deployer instead of splitting themselves up (1 mining well to 1 deployer). Any possible ways to get around this?
I think pneumatic pipes may be what you're looking for. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. They will send an item to a inventory slot in a machine as long as there is room for it. If there is no room, it won't send anything at all. Check it out on the wiki, and see if I'm correct or not ;p[DOUBLEPOST=1364673238][/DOUBLEPOST]
Redstone energy conduits accept power from anything that makes MJ - basically anything that has "engine" in its name. A cheaper alternative is gold conductive pipes (gold pipe+redstone). To use conductive pipes you'll need a wooden conductive pipe taking the ouput of your engines. Note: unlike normal or waterproof wooden pipes you don't need a redstone engine to pull the power out - you just need the pipe attached to the engine you want to output power from.

Handling overflow with BC pipes means you're going to have to use diamond pipes. It's been a while since I've used it, but I believe Extra Buildcraft Pipes (I think that was the mod's name) provides an insertion pipe that would work instead, but that's not included in FTB.

The way I'm envisioning the system you'd have your harvester output into your pipe system. Those pipes then lead past your planter where you have a diamond pipe telling saplings to go into the planter. The pipes continue on from there with any saplings that can't fit in the planter and come to your fermenter system. First you'd have a diamond pipe pushing apples into a squeezer followed by a diamond pipe pushing saplings into your first fermenter ( this one is hooked up to the squeezer for apple juice). After that you'd have another diamond pipe pushing saplings into a 2nd fermenter (this one filled with water from an aqueous accumulator or something similar). Finally, you'd end with an overflow chest. Preferably something with lots of storage capacity like a diamond chest or barrel. At any point along this line you can inject a diamond pipe to pull out the logs for use elsewhere. The mulch from your squeezer could either be routed through another set of pipes with diamond pipes pushing it into the fermenters or you could use iron pipes to hook the output into the main line and add mulch to the diamond pipes pushing saplings into the fermenters. Either way, after being routed past your fermenters, the much should end up in an overflow chest. All told, you're looking at least 5 diamond pipes, but max 7 pipes. That's still less than 1 craft's worth, so you should actually have extra.
I have the system outlined now, if you want I can take a picture for ya, I just have to power the fermeters, some troubleshooting if needed, and then I can work on other tasks.[DOUBLEPOST=1364673386][/DOUBLEPOST]I've been setting it up to live underground on level 12, like an Etho style cavern with all my stuff in it, but I'm not sure if it needs a house in it or not. I keep telling myself I'd stop worrying about function and try to make something look good for once, but I'm not sure a house is the best course of action for this, as I'd want as much room for machines as possible. I don't know what machines yet, but any opinions are welcome.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think pneumatic pipes may be what you're looking for. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. They will send an item to a inventory slot in a machine as long as there is room for it. If there is no room, it won't send anything at all. Check it out on the wiki, and see if I'm correct or not ;p

That would work, but the mining wells can stack. So the closest deployer on the line gets all of the mining wells.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Edit: Just read the map post, didn't realize the villagers would have all that. Nice idea. Now for the next level, make a void-world floating island map, people can't cheat and mine if there's nothing to mine.
"Facepalm" I should have thought about that before! That'll be v0.2! The Jungle age causes me excessive lag.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That would work, but the mining wells can stack. So the closest deployer on the line gets all of the mining wells.
I don't know if you can put this on a frame machine, or if will output into deployers, but a router from FZ does what you need. Try this in a creative world, a row of 8 generators and 1 router, set to insert into bottom sides. Put 8 coal in the router. It distributes it amongst the 8 generators. If it will insert into routers, and if it doesn't cause a chunk reset when moved by a frame, it should work. *goes off to creative world to find out*

"Facepalm" I should have thought about that before! That'll be v0.2! The Jungle age causes me excessive lag.
That's what forums are for! The sharing of ideas and such to improve our own ideas. This forum in particular (I've played a LOT of games, and posted on a LOT of forums) is my favorite. Everyone here is helpful, and I have yet to encounter a troll here.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know if you can put this on a frame machine, or if will output into deployers, but a router from FZ does what you need. Try this in a creative world, a row of 8 generators and 1 router, set to insert into bottom sides. Put 8 coal in the router. It distributes it amongst the 8 generators. If it will insert into routers, and if it doesn't cause a chunk reset when moved by a frame, it should work. *goes off to creative world to find out*

That's what forums are for! The sharing of ideas and such to improve our own ideas. This forum in particular (I've played a LOT of games, and posted on a LOT of forums) is my favorite. Everyone here is helpful, and I have yet to encounter a troll here.
Wow! First time really using routers. Simply amazing! I'll get back to you after I test it out myself :)

EDIT: It works! Awesome! Now, for some reason the deployers get the resources harvested by the Mining Wells, so now is there any way to get a router to extract everything BUT the mining well from a system? Nevermind! The Item Filter for the router may work.

EDIT2: According to the FTB wiki: "The Item Filter upgrade allows the Router to be set to include or exclude specific items." While looking at the filter in the router, how do I get it to exclude the mining well?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow! First time really using routers. Simply amazing! I'll get back to you after I test it out myself :)

EDIT: It works! Awesome! Now, for some reason the deployers get the resources harvested by the Mining Wells, so now is there any way to get a router to extract everything BUT the mining well from a system? Nevermind! The Item Filter for the router may work.
Ha, I just tried it too.
You have to pump the stuff into the router with pipes or tubes, so a RP filter would probably be the way to go there. The router itself just lets you serve a bunch of inventories with one attachment point, lets you pick the face or slot to input into (I used slot 0 for the deployers), and evenly distributes things among attached inventories. It doesn't do any item pumping/moving itself. (Unless there's upgrades that do that, I haven't looked into them much.)

I was very impressed when I first discovered routers, put them together with AE import/export busses, and you can automate anything SIMPLY. I wonder if you can move an AE setup on frames? I'm seeing a giant mobile factory. To the test world!

Edit:OMG it works! The possibilities are endless... IDSU + power converters + solar bank/treefarm/whatever on the surface solves power problems. I wonder if there's a list of blocks you can't put on frames somewhere...
Hmm, frames won't budge with an IDSU on them:(
This works though
P.S. What are you powering the mining wells with?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For this build (deployers with mining wells) I'd use router to extract items from deployers with speed, bandwith and ejector upgrade (to eject into tesseract). To solve the issue with extracting mining wells, I would just disable router when mining wells aren't deployed. You can disable router by just applying redstone signal to it (newer version of FZ, not yet in packs, require strong redstone power).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
P.S. What are you powering the mining wells with?
I'm powering the mining wells with an energy tesseract and redstone energy conduits.
There is a problem with my setup, however. One of the mining wells seems to end up being collected by the loot-collection router (not supposed to grab MWs!) and being placed in the loot chest. This leaves one deployer empty.

Here is an album with my setup and the problem more clearly shown:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What is the best way to turn seed oil into EU? Preferably, without an igneous extruder/geothermal generator set-up.