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Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Just curious before i go placing my fusion reactor under my sexy base.....

Can the fusion reactor blow up?[DOUBLEPOST=1363988516][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, was there an update (Mindcrack)?
Not tested, but the fusion reactor might blow up if you supply too large EU packets. However, since the fusion reactor itself is tied with the redstoned Supercondensator for highest EU per packet output, I highly doubt that's the case.

However, 1 million eu/packet is enough to blow up anything except superconducting wire, supercondensators, HV-transformers, and maybe fusionreactors. At least, HV-transformers worked in an earlier version of Mindcrack, before Ultimate was released. (I haven't tested it since.) My fusionreactor setup in that version used 16 HV-transformers to downconvert the reactor's output to a level safe for glass fiber cable. I would've used supercondensators, if IDSUs could take in quad-EV packets.

In short, no, unless you don't use proper transformers. When in doubt, use a test world and/or a line of superconducting wire leading to the far side of a wall of warded stone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do Emeralds spawn anywhere besides the Extreme Hills in Feed the Beast (Counting Extra BiomesXL)? I've heard talk of them being in Redrock Mountains as well but I'm just curious, ideally I'd love for them to spawn in the Lush Redwoods biome because I live right near one, however if I have to trek 2KM to my map's Extreme Hills so be it =c


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Will this work; so my base is going to be underground, sorta like Etho, but the entranced is like an upside down pyramid and the center at the bottom is the access hole. I wanted the storage system to be a bunch of barrels or something in banks on the pyramid part and pipes underneath them linked somewhere in the base to take and store items from. Would the pipes have enough room and stuff, based on the design? Any ideas on it? If you guys need a visual, lemme know/


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Will this work; so my base is going to be underground, sorta like Etho, but the entranced is like an upside down pyramid and the center at the bottom is the access hole. I wanted the storage system to be a bunch of barrels or something in banks on the pyramid part and pipes underneath them linked somewhere in the base to take and store items from. Would the pipes have enough room and stuff, based on the design? Any ideas on it? If you guys need a visual, lemme know/
It depends on how many barrels you're putting in the room. Remember you'll also need 2 blocks of height for one barrel because you have to load them from the top. I would just get an estimate of how much storage I wanted, and then size the room appropriately.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When converting medium voltage to low voltage, does an LV transformer output four packets of 32 EU per tick, or does it output four packets over the course of four ticks, before accepting another 128 EU packet?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When converting medium voltage to low voltage, does an LV transformer output four packets of 32 EU per tick, or does it output four packets over the course of four ticks, before accepting another 128 EU packet?

4 packets of 32 EU per tick


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Do Emeralds spawn anywhere besides the Extreme Hills in Feed the Beast (Counting Extra BiomesXL)? I've heard talk of them being in Redrock Mountains as well but I'm just curious, ideally I'd love for them to spawn in the Lush Redwoods biome because I live right near one, however if I have to trek 2KM to my map's Extreme Hills so be it =c
I'm pretty sure it's just the vanilla "Extreme Hills" and "Extreme Hills Edge" biomes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It depends on how many barrels you're putting in the room. Remember you'll also need 2 blocks of height for one barrel because you have to load them from the top. I would just get an estimate of how much storage I wanted, and then size the room appropriately.
I was thinking every rows would be stuffed with barrels.
Also, is the nano sword the best sword, or at least really good?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Will this work; so my base is going to be underground, sorta like Etho, but the entranced is like an upside down pyramid and the center at the bottom is the access hole. I wanted the storage system to be a bunch of barrels or something in banks on the pyramid part and pipes underneath them linked somewhere in the base to take and store items from. Would the pipes have enough room and stuff, based on the design? Any ideas on it? If you guys need a visual, lemme know/

The upside down pyramid layout for barrels works only if you load them with Factorization routers, not with pipes, because as mentioned before, they need pipes conencted on top. Which would block access to the next layer of barrels.

Routers are finnicky beasts that have quite a few quirks you need to learn before you can truly get them to do what you want, but they do allow you to load barrels without any visible piping.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Also, is the nano sword the best sword, or at least really good?
I don't know of a more powerful sword than the Red Katar of EquivalentExchange2, back in 1.2.5 (Man I miss that red matter...). The only thing I know of whose mod is updated now that might come close is the Magicbane from Xeno's Reliquary with a whole pile of enchants thrown on top, with assistance from the Talisman of Midas (I think that's what that thing's called...)- it starts at default gold sword strength, but gets +1 strength for each level of enchantment on it- so Sharpness V, Vorpal V, Umbreaking III, Fire Aspect I, and Knockback V (if that's even possible) would give it +19, plus the effects of the enchantments themselves. To compensate, however, it has only 16 uses- but the Talisman eats glowstone to repair gold tools, including the Magicbane.

The Auto-Enchanter from Minefactory Reloaded is very likely your friend here, as it can add enchants to already-enchanted items. Just supply some (if not a lot of) power and liquid Mob Essence (from MFR's grinder- Soul Shards is probably also helpful here), and you might well have a sword that does more damage than IC2's, but is powered directly by glowstone.

Although I haven't played around with it, I do believe that the nanosaber is really good. The only things that might possibly be better are a well-enchanted Magicbane (as described above) or the Vajra. A mining laser on long-range or explosive mode doesn't make a bad weapon either- it even seems to be able to sneak around disabled PvP, by setting mobs (and players) on fire.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We have to consider several things. Firstly, the Nano Saber has a special ability vs Quantum/Nano armor users, as it can destroy their armor. This makes it, without a doubt, the best sword for PvP, since that's what most people will likely be using.

Secondly, we have to factor in Enchantability. Normally, the Nano Saber deals 3 hearts more than a Diamond Sword or equivalent. With Sharpness V, the Diamond Sword or equivalent can deal up to 14,5 hearts of damage per hit, and 9,5 at a minimum. We also have the RP2 enchant Vorpal, which gives a chance for a massive damage hit which will always kill any normal mob and make it drop it's head (with exception to Wither Skeletons).

For PvP the best sword is the Nano Saber, for reasons already stated, but for PvE, you can't go wrong with either the Sword of the Zephyr (For non-nether use, since aggroing Pigmen accidentally is not fun), or the Diamond Sword, when properly enchanted.

Finally, we have Wands, from Thaumcraft. The Lightning Wand is a beast. A Charging V, Potency III , Treasure III Lightning Wand will never run out, and it's constant knockback will keep enemies from ever reaching you, while dealing significant damage, and giving you the best possible loot. It's like a bow on Steroids, with a very good range. Possibly, it's even better than using a Nano Saber in PvP, since you'll keep players away from you, and attack from range, while retreating...


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Has anyone done the calculations on Thaumcraft enchants, as in, what's the best level for getting specific enchants? Specifically, can I maximize the chance of getting Repair on a book by picking the right level to enchant at?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Has anyone done the calculations on Thaumcraft enchants, as in, what's the best level for getting specific enchants? Specifically, can I maximize the chance of getting Repair on a book by picking the right level to enchant at?
Repair seems to be a pretty high level enchant. I once got Repair I on a thaumium pick at level 16 while using up my excess experience, but thaumium is super enchantable, and that was only level 1. With the xp turtle it's probably possible to do some very large scale testing for exact results, but my best guess is that to get a book with Repair II you're best off just sticking with lvl 30.

Actually, I'm pretty sure the absolute best way to get thaumcraft enchants is to enchant thaumcraft items and then pull the enchants off in an uncrafting table, but that's both pricey and a bit cheesy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We have to consider several things. Firstly, the Nano Saber has a special ability vs Quantum/Nano armor users, as it can destroy their armor. This makes it, without a doubt, the best sword for PvP, since that's what most people will likely be using.

Secondly, we have to factor in Enchantability. Normally, the Nano Saber deals 3 hearts more than a Diamond Sword or equivalent. With Sharpness V, the Diamond Sword or equivalent can deal up to 14,5 hearts of damage per hit, and 9,5 at a minimum. We also have the RP2 enchant Vorpal, which gives a chance for a massive damage hit which will always kill any normal mob and make it drop it's head (with exception to Wither Skeletons).

For PvP the best sword is the Nano Saber, for reasons already stated, but for PvE, you can't go wrong with either the Sword of the Zephyr (For non-nether use, since aggroing Pigmen accidentally is not fun), or the Diamond Sword, when properly enchanted.

Finally, we have Wands, from Thaumcraft. The Lightning Wand is a beast. A Charging V, Potency III , Treasure III Lightning Wand will never run out, and it's constant knockback will keep enemies from ever reaching you, while dealing significant damage, and giving you the best possible loot. It's like a bow on Steroids, with a very good range. Possibly, it's even better than using a Nano Saber in PvP, since you'll keep players away from you, and attack from range, while retreating...
I never realized Vorpal was added by RP2, I always thought it was TC3. Learn something every day.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any other way of getting emeralds in latest Direwolf20's pack other then trading for them and mining in extreme hills or Twilight forest Hollow Hills? I think i heard something about a emerald producing bees, but my bee production is not even close to advanced enough yet (just got a steady supply of silky combs for upgrading my backpacks). Have some UU matter on my hands but the reveled UU matter recipes in NEI shows none for emerald (Greg's Tech i guess which the pack doesn't seem to have).

Considering making a complex making scrap boxes out of scrap, deploying them and keeping only emeralds (and perhaps some other good loot) and recycling everything else again, but can you even get an emerald (or it's ore) from scrap box?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any other way of getting emeralds in latest Direwolf20's pack other then trading for them and mining in extreme hills or Twilight forest Hollow Hills? I think i heard something about a emerald producing bees, but my bee production is not even close to advanced enough yet (just got a steady supply of silky combs for upgrading my backpacks). Have some UU matter on my hands but the reveled UU matter recipes in NEI shows none for emerald (Greg's Tech i guess which the pack doesn't seem to have).

Considering making a complex making scrap boxes out of scrap, deploying them and keeping only emeralds (and perhaps some other good loot) and recycling everything else again, but can you even get an emerald (or it's ore) from scrap box?
I don't think they do, at least doesn't have them listed. Personally, I would just find a villager trading wheat for emeralds, and make a giant golem powered wheat farm.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't think they do, at least doesn't have them listed. Personally, I would just find a villager trading wheat for emeralds, and make a giant golem powered wheat farm.

That's what I've been doing so far (and even selling excess ember to a wizard villager close by) but after a couple of deals they don't want to buy anymore and I'm left with only a handful of emeralds. And I NEED those emeralds to buy those really expensive symbols from Mystcraft villager. ;) I think the offers regenerate over time but I was thinking more about "set it up once, leave it running for a couple of hours while you mine/adventure/whatever, return to collect ridiculous amount of emeralds for trade" kind of system. ;)