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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Like i've said previously, many of the Drawbacks of the Arcane Bore can be mitigated by just placing it into a Frame Machine. It goes to about 64 blocks deep, and a maximum of 11 blocks wide. With a few crystal capacitors & crystal clusters fixated in the Frame Machine, you can set it to run, it will finish one cycle, and in the time it takes for it to reposition itself, not only will it have recharged quite a bit of the vis surrounding it, but also most likely have moved to another Node's area. With that, you can keep it running basically constantly...

Also, Misc. Peripherals add a Thaum Scanner turtle, that can read the Vis of the environment, and you can work with that, plus a little bit of testing to see how much Vis it takes to run one complete cycle, to know exactly how much time the program should sleep for before running again, to ensure that the Arcane Bore will be able to continue, constantly. Yup. It's awesome. I'm wondering how much time it will take before someone actually builds and makes a video of the damn thing. I don't think my LUA is up to the task.

Just take a look at the list of available turtles, if you really go crazy with installing peripherals:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any other use for wood chips? I needed them, to make paper, and now I've got a large, default chest with a product that is not in high demand right now. It's tied into my machine, but if I had it making charcoal the whole time, I could add a trillion to the power of five more tons of CO2 into the atmosphere and I just don't have a use for that much yet/right now.

Basically, can I use woodchips for anything, and if not, is there anything I can turn oak logs into that's useful in mass?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, confused... I went to go grab a cow with my portal gun to place it with a cow I had previously captured, I come back, and half the fence is destroyed, my cow is killed, and it's steak is cooked. At first I thought, they added the Chupacabra to FTB. Then I thought lightning. One it's daylight, 2, I was over 300 blocks away if that means anything... wut?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Isn't Chupacabra a Russian bear?
And you have been asking a lot of questions, you can continue if you want, but I just want to recommend you to look at some wikis. Before you come here and ask questions, go to the wiki of the appropriate mod, and see if you can answer the question yourself. After checking NEI, and wikis, then you can come ask the question.

Of course, you're allowed as many questions you want, but you do post here a lot and I think, instead of letting us guide you through your first game, you should just have a few tabs up while playing FTB and read some wikis when you're confused. Alternatively, you can start with one mod (I started with IC2 my first run-through) and then you can learn the mods 1 by 1. IC2, TE, and FZ have great starting guides in ICountFrom0's Guide thread.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Isn't Chupacabra a Russian bear?
And you have been asking a lot of questions, you can continue if you want, but I just want to recommend you to look at some wikis. Before you come here and ask questions, go to the wiki of the appropriate mod, and see if you can answer the question yourself. After checking NEI, and wikis, then you can come ask the question.

Of course, you're allowed as many questions you want, but you do post here a lot and I think, instead of letting us guide you through your first game, you should just have a few tabs up while playing FTB and read some wikis when you're confused. Alternatively, you can start with one mod (I started with IC2 my first run-through) and then you can learn the mods 1 by 1. IC2, TE, and FZ have great starting guides in ICountFrom0's Guide thread.
I've tried that, but I don't really think it's efficient, for me anyways, to choose one mod and master it before moving on to the next one. Usually, I have a lot of prep to do to make something and I use a mod to get that item and so I experiment with this and find something else and it's just a vicious cycle. It's a cycle and consumes a ton of time. Trust me, I do have at least 3 tabs open every time I play FTB to check inputs, outputs, max MJ/t... that kind of thing. I also really like to hear how other people did something and what path they recommend to approach a situation. Anyways, I do ask a lot of questions, but I could rely more on the forums. ;p The Chupacabra I know is a legend in the Mexico area that sucks the blood out of goats and what not. But maybe it is a bear too, who knows? Also, I've found that the wiki's always lack information and little bits of knowledge about the object that can only be shared person to person. Maybe I just look for the wrong things?

un worry

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Beehives stop working - report Hostile Environment even though in appropriate biomes. Happens most frequently when I log in (SSP, Mindcrack 8.2) or after rain.

I seem to be constantly breaking and replacing my apiaries to clear this annoying bug. Does anyone have a fix or is it something bugged with my world?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, confused... I went to go grab a cow with my portal gun to place it with a cow I had previously captured, I come back, and half the fence is destroyed, my cow is killed, and it's steak is cooked. At first I thought, they added the Chupacabra to FTB. Then I thought lightning. One it's daylight, 2, I was over 300 blocks away if that means anything... wut?
Well, to answer this, there are small fire bats that explode in the nether. If you have a portal around, one may have came through and blew your cow and fence up, and cooked him in the process. Just a thought.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, confused... I went to go grab a cow with my portal gun to place it with a cow I had previously captured, I come back, and half the fence is destroyed, my cow is killed, and it's steak is cooked. At first I thought, they added the Chupacabra to FTB. Then I thought lightning. One it's daylight, 2, I was over 300 blocks away if that means anything... wut?
My money is on a particular type of ThaumCraft lightning, which can occur if there's a lot of Flux in the area, particularly Potentia-based Flux (I encountered it when trying to make a whole stack of Nitor in my Crucible in one go...). This is less likely if you haven't been doing much ThaumCraft in the vicinity, but it could be possible if you're near a Dark or Unstable Aura Node (still not quite clear on the difference, tbh).

Anyways, this lightning is different from the normal lightning you see during storms (which can also generate as the result of Flux purging from nearby nodes): It has a vaguely purplish tint and a dark outline, looks thicker than your average bolt, and can strike from a clear blue sky.

Edit: Just want to preempt concerns that I might be confusing this with the Flux-lightning that radiates from Aura Nodes while wearing the Goggles of Revealing. While I've only seen this happen once, it was very distinct in appearance (thick, purplish, dark outline), very loud, and very set-all-my-shit-on-fire.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not really sure on which is what, but one node doesn't get the flux going, but produces quite a bit of wisps anyway, and the other just keeps rising flux levels and disrupting the nodes around it with flux. Remember that flux is transported just like vis across nodes, so even though you may not be doing thaumcraft in the immediate vicinity of one node, nearby nodes can still build up flux, and that can cause lightning. After all, lightning starts happening at moderate flux levels. So... Continuously going to Dangerous and back down is still a bad idea even if you have a huge grown pure node, because that flux will still get transferred to nearby nodes, and cause bad things.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is this a bug - or me being stupid again? I can pick up any machine with the Omni-Tool wrench - except the Thermal Expansion ones? Those only rotate around their vertical axis. I guess I'm using it wrong - but I can't for the life of me figure out what. >.<

In case you haven't worked it out yet. Yes the omni-wrench is working weirdly with TE machine (even weird is that they are made by same modder). You may need to spam shift-right click a lot and I suggest you use it on the face that cannot be configured as input/output. A better way to do it is to get the crescent hammer/BC wrench and they are 100% sure to work with TE machine

And a small tips for everyone using the omniwrench (basically all I think?)

1) Remove the cable connecting to your power source before dismantling any MFE/MFSU (unless you want some blowup happen)
2) To dismantle the transformer/power storage, shift+right click on the high voltage side (the 3 dots in transformer) or the energy output side (single dots in MFE/batbox)
3) GT machine can be dismantled by omniwrench IF you use it on the TOP side of the machine, so dun bother to dismantle it from any other side
4) Having a crescent hammer/BC wrench in case you want to fast dismantle TE machine
5) And omniwrench is so powerful that it can change face of a lot items. Satisfy your OCD to align the levers in same direction
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not sure if this counts as a "simple" question, but...why isn't there a Buildcraft cover for black wool? There's ones for gray, and light gray, and cyan, and so on...but not black.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've tried that, but I don't really think it's efficient, for me anyways, to choose one mod and master it before moving on to the next one. Usually, I have a lot of prep to do to make something and I use a mod to get that item and so I experiment with this and find something else and it's just a vicious cycle. It's a cycle and consumes a ton of time. Trust me, I do have at least 3 tabs open every time I play FTB to check inputs, outputs, max MJ/t... that kind of thing. I also really like to hear how other people did something and what path they recommend to approach a situation. Anyways, I do ask a lot of questions, but I could rely more on the forums. ;p The Chupacabra I know is a legend in the Mexico area that sucks the blood out of goats and what not. But maybe it is a bear too, who knows? Also, I've found that the wiki's always lack information and little bits of knowledge about the object that can only be shared person to person. Maybe I just look for the wrong things?
Wikis are hard to get to understand, that is true. If you're new to FTB, you should try to play vanilla. You know about ore doubling/tripling, but minus that, just go mine. When you get a ton of resources, go onto the wiki. Then your prep time will be fixed. Now, I can understand your frustration with the FTB wiki, but a lot of individual mods work great! Thaumcraft, Factorization, IC2, TE, and especially AE have great documentation.
But how far are you? In your game?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
5) And omniwrench is so powerful that it can change face of a lot items. Satisfy your OCD to align the levers in same direction
Thanks for answering - and yes, I resorted to a Crescent Hammer meanwhile. I consider the O.T. bugged for now.
As for your nr. 5: Learning that (by accident) made my inner self go all *squee* and had me running around my area rotating all those pesky levers. I love that function. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I used to go to another guy's base to get sticky resin. He has resin growing out of basically every block of several rubber trees. I finally found rubber trees in the wild, took some saplings, and planted them by my base. However, I hardly get any sticky resin from those trees. I planted 7 of them, I get maybe 1 sticky resin per tree. Is it something that increases over time, or do I just have crappy rubber trees?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I used to go to another guy's base to get sticky resin. He has resin growing out of basically every block of several rubber trees. I finally found rubber trees in the wild, took some saplings, and planted them by my base. However, I hardly get any sticky resin from those trees. I planted 7 of them, I get maybe 1 sticky resin per tree. Is it something that increases over time, or do I just have crappy rubber trees?
It's all luck. I suppose it's possible the other guy used a portal gun or some such to just grab the blocks from a bunch of trees that had resin, but more likely he just used a lot of saplings and bonemeal until he had super resin-y trees.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does FTB add anything to prevent pigmen from spawning in a tunnel?

If not, does the half slab trick from vanilla MC still work? How about for high speed rails?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does FTB add anything to prevent pigmen from spawning in a tunnel?
If not, does the half slab trick from vanilla MC still work? How about for high speed rails?
You mean in the nether? Or elsewhere? Anyway to prevent mob spawning, yes, vanilla slabs work - but more efficient (material-wise) are Redpower2 Microblock 'Covers' which have the same effect.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Beehives stop working - report Hostile Environment even though in appropriate biomes. Happens most frequently when I log in (SSP, Mindcrack 8.2) or after rain.

I seem to be constantly breaking and replacing my apiaries to clear this annoying bug. Does anyone have a fix or is it something bugged with my world?

Make sure to analyse your bees; just because it is a Tropical it doesn't mean that it likes jungles. If you've been cross-breeding then traits might be messed up.