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  1. N

    Problem Help Direwolf20 Modpack Server

    Plugin folder? your using MCMA or an other serversoftware control panel? Mods etc should be put in the mods folder (or in the server.jar file) depeding on the mod. What mods are you trying to install? Maybe we can tell where you need to install them ;)
  2. N

    Mac Very annoying login bug

    We don't want the console of the game but of the launcher, thats console opens as soon as you start the launcher (on the background normally). So before you login to the game.
  3. N

    Problem Help Direwolf20 Modpack Server

    logs? errors? what plugins? where did you try to install them in?
  4. N

    Problem How to block items on FTB Mindcrack SMP?

    Not sure if thats possible at this moment, changing ID's will just still keep them enabled only with an other ID so that aint working. The mod recipe remover says it can do that but i doubt it can remove all the items from the game atm (reported on the forums that for example the mininglaser...
  5. N

    Problem How to block items on FTB Mindcrack SMP?

    i have no idea what those ID's mean without being ingame. And even then they can be different on your server then on mine. You have any name of one or 2 of them (eg Wand of Excavation / Mining Laser etc.)? If you know what you want to disable you can look in the config of the mod their from and...
  6. N

    Said there was an update..

    Looks like certain woodlogs got removed (or changed to an invalid ID), could be a configbug in a mod (extra biomes) or a manual change in an other config file. Can you post a new complete sserver startup log? maybe we can see there what happend
  7. N

    Mac Very annoying login bug

    and offcourse no problems when i launched my launcher, i did put it to debug mode aswell. Can you do this aswell and when it happens upload a logfile. Incase it happens with me again i'll do the same.
  8. N

    Problem How to block items on FTB Mindcrack SMP?

    nah it's done by setting the value (not ID) to false. But as steaded not everything can be disabled. Can you give an example of what you want to disable?
  9. N

    Problem How do i...

    Treecapitator is one
  10. N

    MaxedGaming Server Tools: Mysql LogBlock, Vanish, WorldDrops

    i don't really care about the amount of configs so won't be waiting for that, but have to test if it workds with the DW20 V4 pack / Forge Essentials / Fighu's mods / Ticktreading (from nallar ;)) and my MCMA software. (running that on my live server) If that works i'll test for you the other...
  11. N

    MaxedGaming Server Tools: Mysql LogBlock, Vanish, WorldDrops

    Looks good xxxgamer, will install it on my testserver to see if it runs will al my other mods before using it on my live. the Worlddrops remove thing is just a musthave imo.
  12. N

    TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

    Awsome News Pure, Even better work nallar. Will try this one tonight when i get home from work. The current one i'm on is running amasing aswell, even held the server (was laggy though) when one of my workds was using a 4546% load >.< (have no idea atm what version it is lol). EDIT was using...
  13. N

    Windows .exe [Mindcrack v7] Massive Frame Drop/Lag

    Not sure what the difference is between V6 and V7, but between vanilla and a mod pack (DW2 / Mindcrack) is huge. If you whould have used the search function you whould see your not the only one asking questions about it. Simple fact: The more mods that use some kind of tick count / tick update...
  14. N

    How to get GregTech advanced Recipes?!

    Does your Gregtech get loaded? can you post a logfile on pastebin orso with the startup of the server?
  15. N

    Problem How to block items on FTB Mindcrack SMP?

    There are no real mods who block it i reckon, all off switching of crafting items is done trough the coonfigfiles of their corresponding mod. besides that not everything is blockable atm. I know the mininglaser and wand of Excavation are hot topics atm.
  16. N

    Problem Direwolf20 server TPS issue

    Could be, it could also be that someone is close to a starfissure in a mystraftworld. Could be that you have to many machines / redstone running. Hard to say. Can you post some console logs or something?
  17. N

    Problem Mindcrack Server Freeze

    Hard to say, can you upload the whole server log / crashlogs / console logs to pastebin orso. The Error above can be to many things
  18. N

    Problem Server Crash on Reboot(direwolf20 Pack v4)

    at thaumcraft.common.SaveManager.loadAuras( at thaumcraft.common.EventHandler.worldLoad( Since the errorlog doesn't show from what world the auras.dat file is corrupt, i whould suggest read the following posts...
  19. N

    Solved Direwolf20 Crashing with Architect Table

    I do know we had this problem on V3, haven't tested V4 yet will try to replicated it tonight or tomorrow on my testserver
  20. N

    Server Crash - Logs Included.

    Can you also post a crashlog cause atm i can only see this, while i'm not sure if that the cause of the problem 17.01 01:20:32 [Server] SEVERE [Minecraft] Encountered an unexpected exception t 17.01 01:20:32 [Server] INFO [STDERR] ... 4 more 17.01 01:20:32 [Server] INFO [STDERR] at...