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  1. N

    [mindcrackv7] PortalGun/Traincraft crash

    2013-01-20 17:05:31 [INFO] [STDERR] at src.train.common.blocks.BlockAssemblyTableIII.d( There is a problem in an assemblytable this might get loaded or unloaded when you go through the portal.
  2. N

    Crash during world load.

    For some reason files are still in use Den begärda åtgärden kan inte utföras när ett användarmappat avsnitt är öppnat This time it's an NEI file. Strange that some files are in use when your starting minecraft, is there a virusscan or indexing service running on the background?
  3. N

    [problem]: Crash upon logging into a server.. Your running the newest Optifine?
  4. N

    Strange connection issue

    Can you ping your "server" "from your other pc? For example: ping (offcourse replace the with the ip of your "server"")
  5. N


    Where do you live? There have been some creeperrepo problems this weekend. Maybe that's when it goes wrong? YOu connect by cable or wireless? What AV / Firewall are you using?
  6. N

    Windows .jar <Solved!>Massive cpu usage when opening inventory screen. Help!

    really strange, could you upload some logs, maybe we can see whats going on
  7. N

    Crash on FTB startup

    2013-01-19 19:41:25 [INFO] [STDERR] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI has an authority component Did you add some mods to the pack yourself or did you change anything in a .jar file?
  8. N

    Control key (mac issue)

    Doesn't just rightclick split the stack?
  9. N

    Crash when joining a server [DW20]

    -- Head -- Stacktrace: at java.util.Random.nextInt(Unknown Source) at portalgun.common.tileentity.TileEntityPortalMod.g( -- Tile entity being ticked -- Details: Name: PortalTE_Portal // portalgun.common.tileentity.TileEntityPortalMod...
  10. N

    Spawn Issue and Mob Issue

    Next issue is limiting Mobs at the spawn, I'd like to set an area of no mobs spawning, perhaps the same area as spawn protection? Why not use the Interdiction torches?
  11. N

    Problem AHH HELP Server Keeps Crashing On Start RAILCRAFT PROBLEM

    So it crashes when you go into a certain chunk (so always the same chunk)? then your world is corrupt.
  12. N

    Solved Direwolf20 pack repeated server crash. (Exception ticking world entities)

    WHere you at your base when the server crashed (or was the base chunkloaded?). If not then you atleast know what you can do after that hotfix
  13. N

    Get rid of many mobs quickly?

    If you have Forge Essentials installed you could use the /butcher command
  14. N

    Problem What does this spammed Error mean?

    Have the same problem myself and haven't found a sollution yet. It's annoying yes, but atleast the server works ;)
  15. N

    Server latency issues

    Can be several thins that is causing this lag. The internetconnection should be able to handle it. Can you upload some serverlogfiles to pastbin orso, we might see something there.
  16. N

    Problem Mindcrack crashes on start

    Can you paste the full log to pastebin? Missing some information atm to say it's a mystcraft error.
  17. N

    Problem Entities problem with mystcraft.. (maybe)

    Description: Exception ticking world entities java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 232, Size: 232 at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(Unknown Source) at java.util.ArrayList.remove(Unknown Source) at yc.h( at in.h(
  18. N

    MindCrack Pack (v7) Minecraft Version 1.4.6 crashing

    Unknow paste ID, can't check you log. But indeed make a new topic unless your problem is the same as the starter of the topic
  19. N

    Remove portal gun mod FTB Server

    If you want to remove all items from the portalgun mod why don't you just remove the mod from the mod directory?