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  1. M

    Ohhhh the poor texture pack artists...

    Seems like a great idea. Possibly tough to make the transition at first but it should be worth it.
  2. M

    How do you break a dimensionally upgraded barrel?

    This. :) Find a way to pump out all the extra stuff or lose it. Consider a router with a machine filter, speed boost and bandwidth upgrade.
  3. M

    Multiple Quartz Crystal IDs?

    I was just going to post this same thing. These stupid crystals are the bane of my sorting system.
  4. M

    Mature 18+ Servers.

    I play Minecraft, so I play alongside tons of young people. Most are respectful, lots of them are really good at the game, and most never grief or do anything destructive. In fact they're quite helpful. I enjoy playing with them. But I have the most fun when I'm in a Teamspeak room with adults...
  5. M

    About the Custom Packs! :)

    Which is kind of ironic considering you posted basically the same thing I did a page earlier. :)
  6. M

    Who needs pipes when you've got railcraft? :)

    Railcraft is awesome because it has personality. :)
  7. M

    About the Custom Packs! :)

    I think I agree with the basic sentiment here - FTB is hurting the private pack with excessive requirements for permissions. But I also think FTB is doing the right thing by insisting mod developers be allowed to control how their work is used and distributed. Sometimes you have to push hard to...
  8. M

    32x [32x] JohnSmith Technician's Remix

    Missing texture report: The Potato Gun is invisible in the inventory and NEI. It was quite an adventure finding it (turned out it was in my Bag of Holding, which confuses me even without invisible items.) No, on a PC. I think this one was on me. I had kind of a mixed-up jumble of JS texture...
  9. M

    32x [32x] JohnSmith Technician's Remix

    Will do. It did seem weird. And thanks. :)
  10. M

    32x [32x] JohnSmith Technician's Remix

    Lots of new RP2 stuff has no texture yet (slabs, covers, new basalt blocks, canvas and canvas bags, etc.). I'm hoping one of these talented artists decides to take on this project as their next challenge. :)
  11. M


    Yeah, you're thinking of Permutatio.
  12. M

    Portal gun insane recipe

    You're gonna have to explain what you think balance is then, because to me that's the definition of balance: Adjusting the difficulty of various gameplay elements.
  13. M

    When the lack of tin is fixed will I have to make a new world?

    A more useful number is 28.6 tin per chunk*, which is about a 0.2 percent chance that any particular block in a chunk will be tin assuming you start at sea level, or 0.45 percent chance that any particular block will be tin between levels 25 and 50. * based on 25,743 / (30 * 30)
  14. M


    Head to the nether. :)
  15. M

    A hopefully atypical response to the addition of the brony modpack.

    True, true ... I understand the risks, thus the winky. :) What I mean is I'm glad I have these particular boys. I think ... they've surprised me in the past.
  16. M

    Help with turtle code please

    Easy solution, fill the turtle with material and type "tunnel 100" (or whatever distance you want.) This will go along and fill in the space under the turtle BUT it will also mine out a 2x3 along the way, and will be fairly slow.
  17. M


    SirSeiko, make sure you apply for the Mature room on the Teamspeak server. Lots of good chatter between adults in there.
  18. M

    Lets See Some Bases! Give Us a Tour!

    Awesome work, all. I'd love to live in any of these worlds. 5Argan, are those Xycraft blocks in the door frame corners? My base is going to be a ginormous hollow tree, but it's early going and slow work, so it'll be a while before it's worth showing off.