When the lack of tin is fixed will I have to make a new world?

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Evil Hamster

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
theres 25743 blocks of tin ore in a 30x30 chunk and people are complaining? Or am I reading those numbers wrong..?

You're not the only one confused. The only tin shortage I had was when I FIRST started and went for basic IC2 stuff to start. Those batteries and bat boxes had me hunting it for a bit. Once I got my quarry up tin hasn't been an issue.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I'm using the DW20 pack, and have never had a problem with tin. Copper, yes... but that's my own fault because I rarely mine at 45-60


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I personally think the ores are getting to you know... For every ore they add.. That less ores of the other stuff thats out there..

And to be honest, the Aluminum and ZYcraft ores are annoying the hell out of me... STACKS BEYONE STACKS BEYOND STACKS..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I'm using the DW20 pack, and have never had a problem with tin. Copper, yes... but that's my own fault because I rarely mine at 45-60

Direwolf's Modpack doesn't use the custom ore gen ;)

Unless this has been changed.

I personally think the ores are getting to you know... For every ore they add.. That less ores of the other stuff thats out there..

And to be honest, the Aluminum and ZYcraft ores are annoying the hell out of me... STACKS BEYONE STACKS BEYOND STACKS..

Easy Void pipe them all then.

Unless XyCraft puts more use for them they will just pile up ;)

Also i will be watching this thread please don't make this into a flame war. I will lock it if it does so. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can use the aluminum to make aluminum cans btw. Doesn't replace cells, but you can use it for anything else you'd use a can for.

Evil Hamster

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And to be honest, the Aluminum and ZYcraft ores are annoying the hell out of me... STACKS BEYONE STACKS BEYOND STACKS..

I have mine set up to automatically condense. 2 filters and a factorization packager: The zycraft gems go to the left chest from my sorter. When there's 9 of a certain color the first filter sends them to the packager the second filter then dumps them in the bottom chest. a 64x64 quarry ended up with only about one stack of blocks of each color. I plan on adding a furnace for the aluminum that dumps into the same chest to end with aluminum blocks.




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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're not the only one confused. The only tin shortage I had was when I FIRST started and went for basic IC2 stuff to start. Those batteries and bat boxes had me hunting it for a bit. Once I got my quarry up tin hasn't been an issue.

That was same for us as well. Too used to the machines all ramped up with overclockers on our previous Tekkit server so we were forever needing it to make them as well as all the 'normal' stuff that needs tin. Couple of large quarries have us up to about 8 stacks of it now, and that's even after a lot of industrial centrifuging and building a nuke so we're getting plenty more than we need now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
theres 25743 blocks of tin ore in a 30x30 chunk and people are complaining? Or am I reading those numbers wrong..?
That's in a 30x30 chunk area, or 480x480 block area, which is quite large. You need to run a max size quarry 60 times to clear that.
And in that area, the default IC2 ore generation gave 70.6K Tin, while the TE generation used in MindCrack gave 25.7K, that's almost 2/3 less than what IC2 generation would give.
Forestry, which was the Tin generator in the 1.4.2 beta pack, gave 44.2K in the same area or almost twice as much. And I remember a lot of complaints about not enough Tin in the betapack...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's in a 30x30 chunk area, or 480x480 block area, which is quite large. You need to run a max size quarry 60 times to clear that.
And in that area, the default IC2 ore generation gave 70.6K Tin, while the TE generation used in MindCrack gave 25.7K, that's almost 2/3 less than what IC2 generation would give.
Forestry, which was the Tin generator in the 1.4.2 beta pack, gave 44.2K in the same area or almost twice as much. And I remember a lot of complaints about not enough Tin in the betapack...

I personally just had issues with tin and copper when I crafted my GraviSuite, but then after that, when you really need tin? I mostly use it for electrical engines, but each engine just needs 6 tin :3

I think I get your point, that the total amount decreased a lot, but then they shrinked down the area where tin can spawn to certain layers and dont spawn from 0 - 90 again, but then maybe we just had to much tin and mined to less? ^^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A more useful number is 28.6 tin per chunk*, which is about a 0.2 percent chance that any particular block in a chunk will be tin assuming you start at sea level, or 0.45 percent chance that any particular block will be tin between levels 25 and 50.

* based on 25,743 / (30 * 30)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Once i had adjusted to mining at different levels, And specificly hunting down metals and mats i needed, Tin and copper stopped being an issue.

However, I do find that i'm constantly having to go back out for more while my iron and other metal supplies stay stocked till about my second trip out for copper/tin. Sometimes even my third.

I also know that before(1.2.5 in the mod pack which must not be named), i rarly left my house for supplies, and left tons of tin and copper in the walls.. Simply because i had to much.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Don't forget you can use glass panes and iron nuggets to make tin very easily using thaumcraft. Each glass pane is one of the crystal aspects and each iron nugget is one of the metal aspects, as as long as you get the right ratios to get exactly enough tin you could extend it to turn a massive amount of iron and glass into tin.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Once i had adjusted to mining at different levels, And specificly hunting down metals and mats i needed, Tin and copper stopped being an issue.

However, I do find that i'm constantly having to go back out for more while my iron and other metal supplies stay stocked till about my second trip out for copper/tin. Sometimes even my third.

I also know that before(1.2.5 in the mod pack which must not be named), i rarly left my house for supplies, and left tons of tin and copper in the walls.. Simply because i had to much.

That is because Technic and Tekkit used IC2 and Forestry ore generation. IC2 spawns loads of the stuff, Forestry just adds to it. Comparitevely, Mindcrack uses Thermal Expansion ore gen, and DW20 uses the same system as the beta pack, which was pretty bad.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually, just tested the aluminun can thing and wow, I was kinda lied to by the person that mentioned it in another thread :X

It seems the only way to fill aluminum cans is via liquid transposer currently. This does make it useful for pumping lava out of the nether then sending it via ender chests though.

Every cloud right?