[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Odd behavior... on my first day, I didn't realize Flint tools could be repaired by placing one flint into a crafting table with the tool. So I made 5 Flint pickaxes before I realized this. I threw the extra pickaxes on the ground behind my house to get rid of them, but an hour later, they were still there. They will not de-spawn! So I just threw them into a chest (there's no ExtraUtilites mod with a Trash Can in this modpack).

Today, I finally got sick of them taking up space, so I hiked over to a lava pool I had discovered, and stood on the edge and threw them all into the lava. And they all bounced around on top of the lava until they landed on a stone block, and that's where they all stayed.

The amazing, indestructible, non-despawning Flint Pickaxes! I'm laughing out loud, I just find it very funny. Not even lava can destroy them!

Yeah that has been a feature of Tinker's for a while now. There are a couple of ways to get rid of them in this pack. The Viod Chest, the Viod Bag, and the Viod Pipe will all delete any items put/piped into them
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Can I ask someone to explain how Clayconia works? I just made my first one. The Botania book says "this process uses a decent amount of Mana", but how am I supposed to give the plant the mana it needs? What is the mechanic involved? I'm confused by the instructions for the plant. Thanks!
Can I ask someone to explain how Clayconia works? I just made my first one. The Botania book says "this process uses a decent amount of Mana", but how am I supposed to give the plant the mana it needs? What is the mechanic involved? I'm confused by the instructions for the plant. Thanks!
Just place it near a Mana Pool with some Mana in it and then any sand/red sand blocks placed (not dropped on the ground but actually placed) near it will be turned into clay at 1 clay ball per block of sand.
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Just place it near a Mana Pool with some Mana in it and then any sand/red sand blocks placed (not dropped on the ground but actually placed) near it will be turned into clay at 1 clay ball per block of sand.

Thank you. That's rather unfortunate, the clay balls instead of clay blocks, because it means I'll need to be standing there to collect the clay, otherwise they might despawn if I'm not paying attention. It also means I might need a lot of sand too (I'm glad you said Red Sand works because that's mostly all I can find). But let me try it out and see, it certainly is better than blowing that Horn on dead grass all over creation. :D
Thank you. That's rather unfortunate, the clay balls instead of clay blocks, because it means I'll need to be standing there to collect the clay, otherwise they might despawn if I'm not paying attention. It also means I might need a lot of sand too (I'm glad you said Red Sand works because that's mostly all I can find). But let me try it out and see, it certainly is better than blowing that Horn on dead grass all over creation. :D
Yeah it can be quite tedious early game but once you get some obsidian you can create obsidian pipes which will collect any items on the ground near it. With a stripes pipe, which will place blocks in the world, the clay becomes VERY easy to automate with a chest, wooden engine, and a few Build Craft pipes. Also sand becomes easier to get later on through magical crops but for now you'll need to go mining and collect a bunch of it to get the iron and copper essence needed to craft the iron/copper seeds.
Thank you. That's rather unfortunate, the clay balls instead of clay blocks, because it means I'll need to be standing there to collect the clay, otherwise they might despawn if I'm not paying attention. It also means I might need a lot of sand too (I'm glad you said Red Sand works because that's mostly all I can find). But let me try it out and see, it certainly is better than blowing that Horn on dead grass all over creation. :D
undoubtedly you will be standing there. The conversion is instant.

While I will admit that some aspects of this pack make me… grumpy… (damn bees and old school storage) This pack has captured my attention like no other. In very short order it has become my primary distraction. So much so that I am forced to ask you this question: Where is your tip jar? (or equivalent) You have given me much entertainment with your efforts and participation here (sometimes even helping me directly), and are more than a little deserving of my financial support for the fruits of your labor (and passion).
If people are wanting to donate etc I guess I could set up patreon or something when I get home.
I may be doing this wrong, but I've checked myself 3x... I've got the recipe right per NEI.. How do I make a drop of luck? As soon as I drop in the Mutandis Extremis, the brew stops with the particle effects and the brew is useless..
Yeah it can be quite tedious early game but once you get some obsidian you can create obsidian pipes which will collect any items on the ground near it. Also sand becomes easier to get later on through magical crops but for now you'll need to go mining and collect a bunch of it to get the iron and copper essence needed to craft the iron/copper seeds.

Thanks Billy. For one, the conversion is instantaneous, so there's no need for me to worry about despawining. As soon as I placed the sand, Bingo! I had a clay ball. In one minute I had 2 stacks of clay balls. LOL And secondly... I went mining for Red Sand and there is so much of that stuff near me, there's no way I'm gonna run out of it. My home base is right near a deep chasm, complete with Abandoned Mineshaft. A pretty good location, in other words...
I may be doing this wrong, but I've checked myself 3x... I've got the recipe right per NEI.. How do I make a drop of luck? As soon as I drop in the Mutandis Extremis, the brew stops with the particle effects and the brew is useless..
How much power is in your Witchery altar? All the cauldron recipes require a certain amount of power in the Altar to work properly.
4800, I thought only kettle recipes required power. I'll try moving it closer to the altar.
From what i just read around the interwebs the Drop of Luck requires about 5000 power in the altar, but that's if you have the right ritual circles (or whatever they are called) around the altar. Without any circles around the altar has a power cost of 1.4x i think, so it would require about 7000 in the altar to work without those circles around.
First time post to say how much I enjoy this modpack! Loving the progression and theme. Thank you!

I eagerly look forward to the next patch so I can hunt down some sheep and level up my werewolf! =D
I finally got a full 9x9 tilled plot with all 10-10-10 Essence Plants (80 plants, one block is a water source). I think I'll be all set for Essence Dust for a while. LOL Took me one full day of play. Thanks to all for the help along the way.
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I highly enjoy this modpack - it is all the fun of something like Agrarian Skies without all the risk of falling off a tiny island! I appreciate all the effort of trying to make players try new survival strategies, like removing the map, too!

However, I have run into a couple of bugs, most of them graphical. For one, the dead trees' texture is incredibly low-res for me:


And dead wood as an item is invisible, aside from the stack amount:


They have been this way since I first successfully started the pack up. I say "successfully" because the first time I lagged so hard I crashed FTB, and the second time my quest book did not spawn.

However, these aside, this is an amazing modpack! Great work! Though is there anything I can do about the dead tree/wood graphical glitches?
This has more to do with your graphics card than the pack itself. I have no problem at all with the graphics. Lag issues were sorted by adding fastcraft to the mods.

I highly enjoy this modpack - it is all the fun of something like Agrarian Skies without all the risk of falling off a tiny island! I appreciate all the effort of trying to make players try new survival strategies, like removing the map, too!

However, I have run into a couple of bugs, most of them graphical. For one, the dead trees' texture is incredibly low-res for me:


And dead wood as an item is invisible, aside from the stack amount:


They have been this way since I first successfully started the pack up. I say "successfully" because the first time I lagged so hard I crashed FTB, and the second time my quest book did not spawn.

However, these aside, this is an amazing modpack! Great work! Though is there anything I can do about the dead tree/wood graphical glitches?
I think you have anti aliasing turned on, try to turn it off and the texture issues should be gone. ;)