Hell just froze over. CoFH mods that actually have useful changelogs.
It is still interesting to know.I've always said when we actually get to a releasable state that we'd have them. But I'm not doing tiny bugfix logs. People shouldn't be micromanaging to that degree. We push an update, and as long as skyboy hasn't touched the code, it will have fewer bugs.![]()
It is still interesting to know.
I've never had any trouble writing changelogs for tiny bugs. I basically never have a changelog be more than 2 sentences, and usually it's not even 1 full sentence. It's just nice to know when a bug you've noticed/reported has been fixed, so if you *only* care about that *one* bug, you know when to update.Sort of. The problem is that it's soul sucking drudgery that makes us want to stop modding entirely. Typically a bug is either too simple or way too complex for a changelog blurb to be necessary or possible, respectively.
Happy dance?
Sent From Something That You Won't Care About Using Tapatalk 2
I'm sorry Gregtech's changelogs come with no happy dance only bagger 288 gifs:That happy dance needs more changelogs
[ADDED] Made Railcrafts 3 Crowbars compatible with my IBlockToolable System. Oops, it was FOUR Crowbars, there seems to be a new Void Metal one.
[CHANGE] Chests now destroy about 2/3rds of their Inventory when blown up, before dropping their content.
[FIXED] Nether Star Items being hidden from NEI (due to not having assigned a proper Color).
[FIXED] forgetting to use the 2/3 Chance for Small Ores instead of Large Ores in those "Bedrock Marker Ore Top Veins".
[FIXED] Forestry Plugins Crashing when accessing Clientside Stuff Serverside. You should mention that crash to the Plugin Devs, because they access getRenderType Serverside, and I cannot do anything but returning 0 against that.
[FIXED] Added my Blocks to the Explosion Whitelist of the IC² Nuclear Explosives, so that they don't destroy Blocks with a too large Resistance.
[API] Added two new Levels to the TileEntityBase Class in order to have the same Code for Inventory Handling, MultiTileEntities and Networking.
[READDED] Some of the Ore Recipes. I think Hammering Ores should work again.
[ADDED] Chisel to switch up Storage Blocks. It has a Recipe List, so one could add more Recipes for it, than just Storage Blocks.
[ADDED] Bedrock Ores, which are unminable. They are supposed to be "Under Bedrock Vein Markers" for a future Project, which is similar to the MFR Laser Drill. Note, that they are EXTREME-ly rare, but they do contain a few minable instances of their Ore above them, and they remove the upper Bedrock layers around that Area (so you have no problems accessing it).
[FIXED] Chest not auto-unificating content when getting loaded.
[API] MultiTileEntity Registries now automatically have IDs. Those IDs are identical to their Item/Block IDs. This removes the need of initialising your own Network Handler just for MultiTileEntities. But this also creates the need of implementing the IMultiTileEntity Interface in order to have proper IDs being set, when they are placed.
[NOTICE] MultiTileEntities are NOT MultiBlockTileEntities.
[ADDED] Recipe for the Wrench.
[ADDED] A few Chests using the new MultiTileEntity Registry. All have 54 Slots, without exception. Fancy Materials don't justify a larger Size.
[FIXED] MultiTileEntity Registries now add their Creative Sub Items in order of their Registration, and not in order of their IDs (or in order of their HashCodes what was the actual Problem). That way OCD people don't have to care that much about MetaData IDs anymore in order to sort their Stuff right.
[FIXED] Crates breaking clientside when being rightclicked by a compatible Crowbar.
I approve of this changelog <3
Konlii said:Overview
This mod was created because I usually play Minecraft with the Hunger Strike mod installed to remove the need to constantly stuff my face as I explore the world, but I have always been disappointed that I still need food to regen health.
Enter the Heart Drop mod. Upon death, all mobs now drop hearts, which when picked up by the player will heal them one heart each. The number of hearts dropped by each mob is determined by its max health, so the harder they are to kill the more hearts they will drop.
Even with no other mods installed, it still would be the perfect companion to any survival world with natural regen disabled, and also works great all by itself just to give you some quick health as you fight your way out of the zombie horde.
Resource Packs
This mod should be automatically compatible with all resource packs since it pulls the texture directly from the "tame heart" particle effect.
insaneau said:Ex Astris 1.16-20
- Updated to latest Tinkers Steelworks
- Updated to latest CoFH Mods
- Fixed Hard Dependency crashes
- Moved a lot of work to Ex Nihilo classes.
- RF Crook
- Botania flowers are compostable
- Mana Hammer
- Draconic Evolution Support
jaquadro said:Storage Drawers 1.3.0-alpha2
- Alpha Release
- Fix crash when interacting with drawer controller as sided inventory (pipes, conduits, auto-output of machines, etc.).
- Added config entry to disable drawer controller block from registration.
insaneau said:Ex Nihilo 1.38-17
- Internal Registry System Should result in slight performance increase
- Updated to handle latest CoFH Mods, and moved system to be (hopefully) futureproof.
- All ore drops now have configurable drop chances.
MrComputerGhost said:Runic Dungeons 1.0.7
- Runic Bricks (WitherProof)
- How much of the dungeon generates. Can be changed in the config.
WayofTime said:Blood Magic 1.3.1-7
- Hopefully last iteration...
- Vastly improved the speed of the Compression Handler load time from ~3min to around 3 seconds. Thanks, Player!
- Fixed the Sigil of the Blood Lamp so that it may now work properly in the Sigil of Holding
- Added a rare condition called "Pax Pox"
Ivorius said:Recurrent Complex 0.9.5
- New: Static structure generation type this replaces spawn structures from the config
- New: Structure list generation type this can be used to dynamically spawn structures from weighted lists using structure blocks
- New: Biomes, Dimensions and Blocks are now matched by bool expressions a description can be found on the wiki
- New: A structure can now have any number of generation types
- New: Structures now have an overall spawn weight
- New: Ultra Rare and Ultra Common spawn categories
- New: All structure files now have 'metadata' containing author info
- New: It's now possible to accept biome/dimension/block presets without modifying them, to benefit from potential future changes gracefully
- New: Lots of tooltips to explain the GUI, and other GUI improvements
- New: Option to toggle admin notification for command spawn block executions
- New: Option to change the block selector modifier key
- Change: Config options have been moved to different categories this will invalidate some previous settings
- Change: When few structures are registered, the generator will now compensate stronger to avoid repeating structures
- Change: All 'weights' are now floating point numbers
- Change: /#editstructure is now called /#edit
- Change: Ruins block transformer is now capable of spawning vines and eroding blocks
- Change: Floating Block Selector selection distance now changes faster
- Change: /#select relative coordinates now select relative to the previous coordinates rather than the player
- Fix: Block transformers now work properly again (i.e. coordinates)
- Fix: Previews now show rotated bounding boxes correctly
- Fix: Maze path guis now work properly again
- Fix: /#move now doesn't drop as many items (e.g. chests)
BluSunrize said:Witching Gadgets 1.0.5
- disabled the cutting table from allowing anything but primals
- removed the ability to interact with blocks while spectral
- fixed Primordial Gauntlet being broken
new day, new update, and today it's @Konlii with Heart Drop
and @insaneau with Ex Astris
and @jaquadro with Storage Drawers
and @insaneau with Ex Nihilo
and @MrComputerGhost with Runic Dungeons
and @WayofTime with Blood Magic
and @Ivorius with Recurrent Complex
and @BluSunrize with Witching Gadgets
Updates for CoFH Core, Thermal Expansion, Thermal Dynamics, and Redstone Arsenal today.
Mostly bugfixes - fixes a nasty comod error which cannot happen in a dev environment and it really annoys me. Also, Signalum and Resonant Filters and Retrievers have a new function - inventory stock retention. Oh, and RSA has more config options.
Flaxebard's Steam Power 0.28.2 with more bug fixes
- FIX: Fixes Mold's bounding box so that it can no longer kill entities that walk through it (#217)
- FIX: Fixed Steam Hammer performance issue (#206)
- FIX: Blocks that are instances of BlockFluidClassic, BlockFluidFinite, or BlockFluidBase no longer have break particles when the Fan is pushing them, fixing a few different possible NPEs (#205)
- FIX: Server crash when shift-clicking an object from FSP with the journal. This has only been tested on LAN; not actual servers. If the issue still persists on servers, please let us know (it shouldn't). (#168)
Konlii said:Heart Drop 1.1
- added config item for SingleHeart mode
- added config item to specify despawn time
- added ability for bosses to drop hearts when attacked
- added ability for looting enchantment to increase heart drops
- added VampireMode; directly consume the life-force of your enemies
TeamBR said:Modern Alchemy is a mid to late game mod focusing on replicating items and blocks in a fun, yet challenging way. With emphasis on realism, this mod will make you think, not just craft!
The mod is powered by Teslas, which are created by crafting a completed Tesla Coil Multiblock. Beware, getting in between the lighting might cause you some pain.
Information about the mod can be found in game by crafting Tesla's Notebook, or at our wiki http://www.dyonovan.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page.
This is still very BETA. Any issues or suggestions please post to our issue tracker at https://github.com/TeamBR-Modding/ModernAlchemy/issues
Ivorius said:Recurrent Complex
- New: /#whatisthis that will tell the player what structures are at a certain position (if generated after
- New: avoidOverlappingGeneration option that cancels generating structures that would overlap previously generated structures
- Fix: Spawn rates of various structures
TTFTCUTS said:Alternate Terrain Generation 0.11.0
- Added generator config with extensive options for modifying the behaviour of the generator through the biome group system.
- Fixed biome block replacement by giving agency for the changes (correctly) to the biome instead of the chunk provider.
- Disabled sea level option because of the previous change not allowing access to the sea level any more.
BluSunrize said:Witching Gadgets 1.0.7
- fixed removal recipe for cosmetic baubles (yeah, they kinda crashed otherwise...woops.)
- fixed essentia vial not getting consumed when cutting gems
- fixed correct brilliance+brittle modifiers being applied to gems
- gems can no longer be enchanted, the enchant now comes with the cutting
- coremodded Thaumcraft to make its Worldgen configurable (this was requested by thephoenixlodge of the Regrowth modpack, to allow the configuration of Eldritch Obelisk spawns)
JeanGlassmaker said:Atum 0.6.54
- Adds Brazilian Portuguese Localization (Thanks al-myr).
- Switches non important log messages to trace, reducing console spam.
- Updates Russian Localization (Thanks Adaptivity).
- Fixes arrows hitting thrower.
- Fixes palm tree natural generation.
- Fixes palace generation.
- Adjusts spawning rates of buildings.
- Fixes placing Papyrus on Fertile soil.
- Fixes picking up (Middle click) fertile soil in creative.
- Fixes Flax plants generation in Oases.
- Adds pack.mcmeta, and fixes for localizations (Thanks Adaptivity).
- Adds OreDictionary support.
- Adds Stained glass variations for Crystal and framed Glass.
- Fixes short bow rendering, when bandit archer holding it (Thanks fewizz).
- Hides extra blocks from creative and NEI.
- Fixes wrong effect in Anhurs' Might (Now it's slowness instead of speed for the player).
- Fixes displaying mummy helmet's overlay.
- Fixes rod crash (Rod still not usable at this point).
- Fixes hardness in dates blocks.
Vanhal said:Progressive Automation 1.6.0
- Added "Killer" Machine; This takes a sword and fuel and will attack anything directly above it (expandable with range upgrades). Can be given filter upgrades to limit the machine to certain mobs/animals/players
- Added "Animal Farmer" Machine; This by default takes animal feed and fuel and will breed animals one block directly in front of it (East when placed). Can be upgraded with a shearing upgrade to allow the machine to shear (requires shears) and a milker upgrade to allow the machine to milk animals (milking will be placed into empty buckets).
- Added 6 new upgrades for the above machines.
- Machines can now be wrenched to rotate them (mainly for the likes for the chopper and farmer which interact with their first tile to the East)
- Added in some help lines both within the machines and as an item description.
- Added potato power, machines can run off potatoes (very badly and can be disabled in the configs)
Mr_TJP said:Project Red 4.5.14 build #66
- FIX: Flat gate texture crash
- FIX: Attempted fix for crash with tools inside crafting benches
- FIX: Array gates not passing signal to other gates
I'd love to learn more about this mod but there's little information at the links. Wonder if its anything like minechem.and @TeamBR with Modern Alchemy