On the 31st October 2019, the partnership between FTB and Twitch will be ending

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Your Legacy Launcher does not support Java 11 (I get a warning that I must install Java 6).

What's the current status on the new launcher?

Will the new launcher import the modpacks and games I've already started on Twitch, or will I need to move those manually?


Source: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/325948-minecraft-system-requirements

Yes I'm quite aware of Minecraft and Minecraft Launcher's requirements for Java and it works just fine with my installation of Java. However!! My comment about the Java 6 error isn't Minecraft's Launcher throwing the error, but the legacy launcher of FTB. This means if I want to play an FTB modpack I still need to use Twitch, unless they have the new launcher beta ready. I do hope they continue with using the primary Minecraft launcher in the future. However, since it is now 11 November (12 days since end of contract with Twitch) and we've not heard anything new, I'm curious as to know the status.
I understand the change and that it's out of your hands. That said, there is a bit of an issue that is rather pertinent. The FTB launcher cannot sustain the amount of memory Twitch can. As such, I am a bit concerned about this change, as it will greatly inhibit my ability to enjoy the works you all put out. Why there is such a difference, I don't know, but when using the FTB launcher, it has a max of 998 MB, whereas the Twitch one is over two thousand. If this is fixed in future updates, that would be spectacular, but until then, I worry for the future of the launcher.
Why there is such a difference, I don't know, but when using the FTB launcher, it has a max of 998 MB, whereas the Twitch one is over two thousand. If this is fixed in future updates, that would be spectacular, but until then, I worry for the future of the launcher.

Twitch comes bundled with java, the FTB launcher does not.

FTB launcher uses the java that you have installed on your system - and if you can't allocate enough ram, make sure to install and use Java 8 64-bit.

If you still have issues, head over to support and submit a ticket together with your log.

(instructions on how to get full log can be found here: https://support.ftb.world/ )
My question is, if the agreement with Twitch ended on October 31, then why are FTB assemblies still available in Curse (Twitch)? I think they should be available only through the FTB launcher and nowhere else
My question is, if the agreement with Twitch ended on October 31, then why are FTB assemblies still available in Curse (Twitch)? I think they should be available only through the FTB launcher and nowhere else
I mean, that would MASSIVELY fuck a bunch of people over, so I'm extremely glad that isn't the case.
I am so glad for this change if I'm honest, I really disliked having to use the Twitch launcher with a passion.
On the 31st October 2019, the partnership between FTB and Twitch will be ending. The current contract was scheduled to run out on October 31st and twitch have decided not to renew it. I have no further information with regards to the contract renewal.

With regards to the content that we currently distribute on the Twitch Desktop App, on or around the 1st of November the current plan is to delete the FTB twitch account. This will remove all FTB mod packs from the Twitch App. These packs will only be available on the FTB Launcher from that point moving forwards.

FTB has also over the last few years produced a number of mods that have become invaluable to mod pack developers including FTB Library, FTB Utilities and FTB Quests. Our current plan is to move all of these mods over to u/LatvianModder ’s account so they are still available for mod pack developers to use. These mods will continue to receive bug fixes as and when they are needed.

Moving forward, the team plans to return our focus to the FTB Launcher as our primary method of modpack distribution. With this in mind, we have already put together a team of people to redesign and replace the current FTB launcher with an updated desktop app. This new app should be available soon after the 1st of November in a beta form. In the beginning the new app will have a minimal feature set, but is being designed in a way that will allow us to add new functionality quickly and easily. More details about this including a road map will be released over the coming weeks.

The main difference between the current launcher and the new app will be the way that we handle Minecraft account credentials. The current launcher uses the Mojang login system to allow people to log into their Minecraft accounts and then launches the game directly. Whereas the new app will use a system much like the Twitch app, where-by it creates a new profile in the Minecraft launcher and a user would log in via the Minecraft launcher itself. This is a system that Mojang has indicated that they much prefer and is one that should provide increased security for everyone using our mod packs.

As part of this redesign we do plan to add in support for 3rd party modpack developers to distribute their packs through our new app, although this isn’t expected to be completely functional on day one, we do hope to have it available for people to use soon after. However more details regarding this will be released as soon as we have a better understanding of how everything is progressing.

We are also currently looking to get the Feed The Beast forums and front page updated. Forum hosting has already been moved back to our hardware and the home page is currently being redesigned. We have plans to add several new features to the home page over the coming months. It should be noted that during the move in order to comply with GDPR laws, Twitch were unable to provide us with the entire user database. As a result of this you may find that your account is no longer active. In this event you may need to re-register on the forums.

With regards to both the hosting of the mod packs that we will be distributing through our new App and also the hosting of both the forums and the front page. This is being provided by our long term partner Creeperhost. The instant they found out about this change Paul and all the staff at Creeperhost immediately stepped up to the plate and helped us in every way possible to make this transition as smooth as possible. In addition to this, members of the team have already started working pretty much around the clock to have everything ready as soon as we possibly can and for everyone involved in this, I am going to be eternally grateful.

During the process of making these plans it has been suggested that some people may view some of these actions as FTB taking revenge or something along those lines. I want to be clear that this is in no way the case. From the day we first entered into a partnership with Curse Inc, we always knew that this relationship would not last forever. It was always the intention that in the event that Curse/Twitch were the ones that decided to end the partnership that we would return to operating in the way we did before the agreement was made and provisions were put in place to ensure that would happen as smoothly as possible.

Our primary goals moving forwards are to make the best possible dedicated Minecraft Modpack installer that we can and to continue to make great packs for the entire community. We were also in the middle of expanding into other areas and we will continue to update everyone on these plans as we continue.

Finally in the event that the new launcher is not quite ready for release on or around November the 1st, we will continue to use our current launcher which will be available for download from https://www.feed-the-beast.com or you can get it from

Linux: https://dist.creeper.host/FTB2/launcher/FTB_Launcher.jar

Windows: https://dist.creeper.host/FTB2/launcher/FTB_Launcher.exe

Mac: https://dist.creeper.host/FTB2/launcher/FTB_Launcher.zip

This launcher will receive an update before the end of the month, allowing it to be compatible with 1.14 mod packs. Please make sure to update before the end of the month in order to avoid having to manually redownload the launcher after November 1st to get new content or launcher updates.
so can you elaborate on the account thing? does this mean we can do our own accounts that arnt from the actual Minecraft account or can we use those? please elaborate.
so its now the 17th im curious as to when the new launcher will be out or atleast when the old launcher will be updated to allow 1.14 modpacks?
so its now the 17th im curious as to when the new launcher will be out or atleast when the old launcher will be updated to allow 1.14 modpacks?

From Twitter:


Version 1.5.0 of the
Launcher has been released with some bug fixes, repo changes, and support for 1.14.4 forge. big thanks to
for his help improving support for some newer java versions on the launcher itself and chasing last minute bugs
7:53 PM · Oct 31, 2019
I downloaded the legacy launcher. Created a profile using my minecraft.net credentials, which does point to the paid account. When I attempt to launch, I get the invalid username or password. I have tried with both my username and both fail.

What am I supposed to use?

So, where do we get this new launcher? The link on the main page still downloads an older one without 1.14 support.
According to FTB Twitter the old launcher was updated to allow 1.14 packs. I believe the launcher should be 1.5.0 or so. If you are having problems still with the old launcher playing 1.14 pack you could check the version your launcher is at and ensure it updated.
Well, the version that downloads is the version I have installed, v1.5.0. It only supports up to 1.12.2 according to the filters section, and there are no 1.14 packs (such as unstable).
Thank you!!!
but does this mean that ftb is gonna make a new launcher now?
I saw that the website is gonna get become new^^
Well, the version that downloads is the version I have installed, v1.5.0. It only supports up to 1.12.2 according to the filters section, and there are no 1.14 packs (such as unstable).

So we're basically in the same boat we always were in...

FTB Launcher can't run v1.14.4 modpacks, and neither can the MultiMC launcher run v1.14.4, so...

The only place we can play v1.14.4 modpacks is on Twitch... except for whatever reason (who cares, not me), the Twitch launcher won't work at all for ANY modpack. It just hangs and I have to ALT-CTRL-DEL to shut the Twitch Minecraft Launcher down. Doesn't matter if I use the "native" launcher or the "JAR" launcher settings in Twitch, neither one works. I've deleted the Twitch app and re-installed it from scratch, no change.

These days, I'm playing vanilla minecraft on Hypixel Skyblock, it's been at least as much fun as modded minecraft, without all the launcher BS and all the behind-the-scenes politicking by the various Modded Minecraft factions that are constantly in-fighting with one another.

Oh the joy of Minecraft. Thanks Notch, hope you are enjoying your billions!!
Twitch comes bundled with java, the FTB launcher does not.

FTB launcher uses the java that you have installed on your system - and if you can't allocate enough ram, make sure to install and use Java 8 64-bit.

If you still have issues, head over to support and submit a ticket together with your log.

(instructions on how to get full log can be found here: https://support.ftb.world/ )

Actually, the MOJANG launcher autoloads Java 1.0.8_51 (IIRC) unless it detects a local installation of Java, in which case it uses that.

I noticed the FtB launcher is assuming a 32 bit version of Java is loaded, hence the memory limit (a 32-bit CPU only has a 4GB address space, windows chops that to 3GB)

I loaded a 64 bit java version and fixed the issue.
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This is great news! I've always hated having to wait 4 minutes for twitch to load the mods section in order to play a pack. Plus hopefully this will help bring back the forums, I've always liked seeing the forum threads for packs, so we can see if they're actually good or not.
So when is the launcher going to support minecraft 1.14.4 mods like FTB Unstable 1.14??
I just downloaded the launcher, and there is still only the 1.12 mods supported.
For now twitch still works but that might end anyday
Well, I guess I'll be ceasing to play FTB modpacks then.

Shame, but I'm sticking with Twitch.