Those little things that irk you about Minecraft

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This is the "little thing" that irks me:

Be sure to note the little screenshot in the upper right corner, which says: "All of the current ores." It's small, so you might not even see it.

When is Mojang gonna do the "Ore Update" or the "Mining Update"? Do they really think still having 8 measly stinkin' ore blocks in the entire game is adequate and sufficient?

Maybe they should have called this game CraftCraft instead of Minecraft. sigh

Modded is better obv, but still lacking IMO. It's all built on the foundation of the vanilla game of course, so that's really where the fault begins, with the vanilla ore selection (or lack thereof). Metallurgy was a fine idea but good luck finding a modpack that incorporates the mod.

(Edit: Gregorious T, I love you, you seem to be the only person in all of modded who really gets it when it comes to the importance of unique and interesting oregen in a MINING GAME)
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Having many different ores does not make a better game, any more than having many different types of stone makes a better game.

Do you like UBC, or Geologica, or GeoStrata, or BetterGeo? Those are four different mods that attempt to replace "stone" with the various types of rocks; I think the "accuracy" is (most accurate) BetterGeo, Geologica, GeoStrata, UBC (least accurate).

Do you like having to deal with 20 different types of stone?

Do you like vanilla, with the Andesite, Diorite, and Granite that cannot be made into stairs, slabs, walls, pressure plates, etc.?

Have you tried playing with a mod like "Custom Ore Gen", that actually makes ore a little harder to find, but you find more of it when you do -- so its "balanced", but your stone age will last longer as you search for that iron vein. That will make the mining phase last longer, as you actually have to *search* for ores.


Notch basically wanted a game where you could find things. So, everything in vanilla was made common enough to be nearby; this means you don't have to explore around. This means you can find all the ores you need in just a few dozen blocks. Mods that actually make you explore?

COG, for ores.
UBC, if you want a full set of stones.
Geologica, for both ores and stones.

Several of the dungeon mods if you want to see every possible dungeon.

Now, what do you really gain by adding copper, tin, bauxite, etc., and machines to process those into bronze, aluminum, steel, etc.?

Does it make sense to say "This machine requires one type of metal, and cannot be made from another type of metal", for non-steel materials? I.e. -- does it make sense that I can make something from tin but not aluminum?

Yes, aluminum has light-weight properties that make sense for a powered flight mod. Yes, steel has various strength properties, and comes (now) in several dozen specific grades with specific qualities. Yes, some of those metals are more malleable than others. Why are machines stuck to one explicit type of metal only, and sometimes mod-specific types of metal even now (1.7.10, anyways)
Something that irks me a lot is when a mod adds nearly useless ore to infect your world. By useless I mean that it is only used to craft tools and armor. That is just boring regardless but there are mods out there which offer better options for tools and do not have their own ores. All adding in those ores seem to do is make your underground look some sort of modern art piece. It just feels like clutter. Less is more at least IMO, why have 20 ores that don't have much use when you could have 2 that have many uses?

Mods adding all these types of stone to generate is even worse for me. I do like having more options for building blocks, but not at the cost of clogging up inventory space trying to dig anywhere. I also like seeing smooth stone in my world instead of a mess of different colors and textures. Ores look out of place too because they use the smooth stone texture. I'd much rather those new blocks be obtainable in some sort of crafting recipe or by using some item (like Chisel does) or block (like the Decobench in DecoCraft).
Having many different ores does not make a better game, any more than having many different types of stone makes a better game.
Agreed. Streamlining in gaming in general is virtually always a good idea. Its a constant fight for the game designer to be vigilante against cries for pointless variety.

Something that irks me a lot is when a mod adds nearly useless ore to infect your world. By useless I mean that it is only used to craft tools and armor.

I have zero problems with new ores for a mod that makes a lot of sense for that mod. For instance, uranium-type ores for mods that deal with nucleics. But ores for tools and nothing but tools is pretty annoying.
Agreed. Streamlining in gaming in general is virtually always a good idea. Its a constant fight for the game designer to be vigilante against cries for pointless variety.


I have zero problems with new ores for a mod that makes a lot of sense for that mod. For instance, uranium-type ores for mods that deal with nucleics. But ores for tools and nothing but tools is pretty annoying.
I agree. It's the difference between adding depth and just adding more of the same.
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Electrolyzers. Particularly for sodium production.

There's literally no way to make them tidy. You need a VDG generator, a power supply, an input pipe and two outputs, then for sodium you also need a friction heater to melt the salt first, so you have all 6 faces in use.

My neat freak side is twitching horribly. Maybe I should have a bank of 10 of them all identical, that would go some way to calm things down...
The stone types are down to how they generate- Vanilla just gets it flat out wrong with small nodes of stone randomly scattered about.
If you want to build with it, grinding enough of it can be a royal pain in the arse.
If you don't want to build with it, you'll always find it in the way and taking up space. (particularly branch mining).​
Something that irks me a lot is when a mod adds nearly useless ore to infect your world. By useless I mean that it is only used to craft tools and armor. That is just boring regardless but there are mods out there which offer better options for tools and do not have their own ores. All adding in those ores seem to do is make your underground look some sort of modern art piece. It just feels like clutter. Less is more at least IMO, why have 20 ores that don't have much use when you could have 2 that have many uses?

Mods adding all these types of stone to generate is even worse for me. I do like having more options for building blocks, but not at the cost of clogging up inventory space trying to dig anywhere. I also like seeing smooth stone in my world instead of a mess of different colors and textures. Ores look out of place too because they use the smooth stone texture. I'd much rather those new blocks be obtainable in some sort of crafting recipe or by using some item (like Chisel does) or block (like the Decobench in DecoCraft).

I totally agree with this: Do not add a whole bunch of new ores and then only utilize them for making one or two items!!!! That's just as bad a problem as having very few ores to mine in a mining game is. "Useless clutter" is the perfect description for this problem. It's precisely the problem keybounce was describing with their post about having different "realistic" rock types. That's useless clutter, no doubt. What this game needs is USEFUL CLUTTER.

I dunno, I guess I just need to play my GregTech and be quiet. GT offers precisely what I desire - a TON of different ores to mine, a totally unique ore distribution algorithm which makes "boots on the ground" exploring for ores one of the key aspects, you have to dig miles and miles in an attempt to find those critical raw materials, and you still might not find them... but then GregTech REALLY excels in the fact that it has multiple uses (literally) for each and every one of those ores/raw materials. You can process an ore one way to get one set of raw materials... or you have the option to process the ore in other manners, to get a different set of raw materials... it really doesn't get much more perfect than that.

Ah well, I just needed to rant, and that's what I did. Back to our imperfect, but very fun, game!
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I have zero problems with new ores for a mod that makes a lot of sense for that mod. For instance, uranium-type ores for mods that deal with nucleics. But ores for tools and nothing but tools is pretty annoying.
Unless of course the mod is about tools and armor, but then it makes sense for the mod and you covered that. Also, if you add a ore, and add tools for it, at least it should make sense that you can wear the armor without getting cancer or some other disease(e.g. armor made from radioactive materials(unless this is actually a hazmat suit plated with that radioactive material, but I doubt you could it anything)).
Unless of course the mod is about tools and armor, but then it makes sense for the mod and you covered that. Also, if you add a ore, and add tools for it, at least it should make sense that you can wear the armor without getting cancer or some other disease(e.g. armor made from radioactive materials(unless this is actually a hazmat suit plated with that radioactive material, but I doubt you could it anything)).
Yeah although I question the actual value of a mod that just adds metals and tools for those metals. But then, some people are into it, so shrug.

And...that signature, wow :p
Yeah although I question the actual value of a mod that just adds metals and tools for those metals. But then, some people are into it, so shrug.
If people wouldn't like mods that add metals and tools for those metals, those mods wouldn't be made/updated anymore, and they make for pretty armors to wear for visual effects using Cosmetic Armor. :P
And...that signature, wow :p
Both of us know how true it is =P
The stone types are down to how they generate- Vanilla just gets it flat out wrong with small nodes of stone randomly scattered about.
If you want to build with it, grinding enough of it can be a royal pain in the arse.
If you don't want to build with it, you'll always find it in the way and taking up space. (particularly branch mining).​

When 1.10.2 packs come out we'll be able to at least control the extra vanilla stone types... The "Custom World" type in the world creation process allows you to control a lot of things now... Spawn chances, spawn sizes, spawn levels even.

For my 1.10.2 amusement I turned the spawn size down to 1 block. I can handle (or go around) an occasional Diorite :D

(Not to mention tweaking UP the values for ores and other underground goodies if needed)
"Useless clutter" is the perfect description for this problem. It's precisely the problem keybounce was describing with their post about having different "realistic" rock types. That's useless clutter, no doubt. What this game needs is USEFUL CLUTTER.

Actually, i don't mind the various stone types. What I mind is them taking up more than one inventory slot.

What I'd like is ... get ready for this ... **BACKPACKS** that actually work!

Have you ever used the forestry backpacks? In theory, one backpack holds all the blocks of one type. My original plan was to have all those stone types, and use backpacks, so that instead of taking up lots and lots of space, it would still only take up one slot.

So what went wrong?

1. Forestry backpacks are horrible for determining what they can hold for modded stuff. I can't really blame forestry. I cannot believe that there (apparently) *still* is no consistent way for items to be grouped/classed for this type of behavior.

2. BLEEPING BLEEPING BLEEPEDNESS of saying that the normal backpacks only hold a tiny number of slots, and you need advanced forestry activity before you can make a halfway decent sized backpack.

Seriously, with other backpack mods making a backpack equal to a double chest, and these are how small?

3. Horribly UI for getting something out of a backpack and into another inventory, or even just accessing the backpack and your own inventory at the same time. Yea, in general, needing to access the player inventory, and two other inventories (one carried, one in-world, or two different carried) is another thing that *should be a common, forge-provided GUI setup given how many items have inventories and the user sanity factor*.

4. Heck, you can't even easily switch between backpacks to examine their contents. First, a backpack has to be in your hand to open (you can't access them from the inventory screen); second, you can't move a pack into your inventory from the hotbar while open; third, you have to close out, select the other pack, and then open that.

Nice idea(*), but the logistics made it unworkable in practice.

5. Forestry only allows for one single user-defined pack.

6. I actually talked with a modder about making a backpack mod, that could fill in / improve the forestry ones. Independent of forestry. The idea being that it would use the same API, but instead of being backed by the forestry packs, it would be backed by this different mod. So the problem?

Turns out that as far as Forge is concerned, the backpacks are *Forestry*, and it is impossible for another mod to implement the API without calling itself Forestry. (Primarily the IMC messages to register backpack information). There either is no way for an API to exist outside of the mod implementing it, or else Forestry never used that.

So, no concept of "this mod implements a better version of this API".

(*): I really wanted to be able to have lots of different materials to build with.
Do you like UBC, or Geologica, or GeoStrata, or BetterGeo? Those are four different mods that attempt to replace "stone" with the various types of rocks; I think the "accuracy" is (most accurate) BetterGeo, Geologica, GeoStrata, UBC (least accurate).
Yes. Delicious, delicious strata. It's like cake... made of rocks... which isn't actually delicious at all. :\

Do you like having to deal with 20 different types of stone?
Barrels. And configurable backpacks. (Backpacks! being my fave)

Do you like vanilla, with the Andesite, Diorite, and Granite that cannot be made into stairs, slabs, walls, pressure plates, etc.?
1. Forestry backpacks are horrible for determining what they can hold for modded stuff. I can't really blame forestry. I cannot believe that there (apparently) *still* is no consistent way for items to be grouped/classed for this type of behavior.

2. BLEEPING BLEEPING BLEEPEDNESS of saying that the normal backpacks only hold a tiny number of slots, and you need advanced forestry activity before you can make a halfway decent sized backpack.
1. There is a config file that makes it very easy to add new items to the backpacks. If they dont accept items, then you can blame the modpack makers for not configuring it properly.

2. "Advanced forestry"? All you need is to go get some Tropical bees in a jungle(no breeding required, Ignoble bees will do fine for several backpacks), stick them in an Apiary(you can steal those in a village). And then build a Centrifuge for the combs. And you are done.
Problem with number two is that it relies rather heavily on your faith in RNGesus. I've had several worlds that never seemed to spawn jungles on their own; if I wanted them, I invariably had to go to RFTools. Not much of a selling point.
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