More awesome changes! Will be included in next version of the pack by default.
The included official server IP will be changed to our actual IP

ort, rather than our SRV record. Some players were experiencing issues connecting to our server with the SRV address, and, since it's already included, we will just change it to the actual IP

ort to prevent any errors with connections.
The following books have been included as being compatible with the Enchiridion book binder: Draconic Evolution tablet, Forestry catalogue.
Mekanism machines now read power as RF instead of J.
A recipe has been added for the Botania overgrowth seed. This recipe assumes you can easily farm the Guardian of Gaia II.
A recipe has been added for the Tinkers' Construct green heart canister. This recipe assumes you can easily kill the wither and farm mobs with the reaper enchant. Green hearts have been included in dungeon loot tables, and as such can be obtained through any method that allows you to obtain dungeon loot.
Thaumcraft infused ore can now be processed in a SAG Mill. 100% chance to get 2 shards, 50% chance to get a 3rd shard, and 15% chance to get an automagy sliver of the corresponding primal type.
Planned changes:
Add BOP Wandered music disc to dungeon loot. Add recipe to create ??? music disc using Wanderer and another BOP ingredient.
Update ModTweaker to allow support for Mek8. As such, we will be adding recipes for Mekanism machines, such as processing Silicon ore and Infused ore in the enrichment chamber.
Enable enchanted books in NEI so that EnderIO recipes for them can be viewed.