Whitelist Server Yay! FTB! | UPDATED Direwolf20 Beta 1.5.2 | Whitelist

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I would consider applying for access to the server but I'd like to know what limitations we have. My biggest concern is; will we have computers? In case you didn't know computers can be used to crash a server from extreme lag if used in a malicious way.

Example of a script that can crash you within seconds:

Most servers got this disabled because it otherwise can't be prevented neither can it be detected.
InGame Name: _ras_
Age: 19
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? Happened, once.
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? Fully automated house.
Experience With FTB Packs: Depends what you call "experience" :p Since it came out.
I would consider applying for access to the server but I'd like to know what limitations we have. My biggest concern is; will we have computers? In case you didn't know computers can be used to crash a server from extreme lag if used in a malicious way.

Example of a script that can crash you within seconds:
<troll code here>

Most servers got this disabled because it otherwise can't be prevented neither can it be detected.
You shouldn't post any malicious code that potential script kiddie or just basic troll could use IMHO.
InGame Name: thecow47
Age: 19
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? Sadly once, on a tekkit server years ago for using a quarry when it was banned.
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? I once made a giant impenetrable sky base using 1200+ warded stone just to host partys inside.
Experience With FTB Packs: I have been playing Direwolf20 and Mindcrack for about 6-7 months.
InGame Name: Jade_X
Age: 25
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned?: NO
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB?: Applied Energistics system to automate building, maintaining, and running several IC2 nuclear reactors.
Experience With FTB Packs: Over a year (and Tekkit before that).
InGame Name: Monkey6775
Age: 21
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned?: NO
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB?: A couple auto HV solar array Makers. A couple of barrel storage systems. Nothing overly complex usually a simple way is better. Oh a 8*8** self contained RP quarry that dug 50,000 blocks uninterrupted.
Experience With FTB Packs: Since it was released and self modded files before that.
InGame Name: Naviss
Age: 22
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned?: NO
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB?: A redpower frame based oil platform/refinery which can move around the world to tap into different oil well. With a computercraft navigation system based on gps api and minecraft's world coordinates
Experience With FTB Packs: Since the first FTB challenge map was released.
InGame Name: Mad_Mine
Age: 17
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? Nope

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? Banking system using AE and liquids :) its fun
Experience With FTB Packs: im playing from 5-6 mounths :)
Added all, have fun. frederikam, there are no disabled items. However, we have asked people not to use camo on force fields, magic maps, and no quarries in the overworld. the magic maps and camo on force fields have been causing massive lag for us. I hadn't heard of a script that could cause crazy server lag before. Seems like mr. troll would get bored of it after a while. worse case scenario we rollback to a stable version and go from there. there are hourly backups.
We have now updated to the most recent release of Direwolf20. Since we didn't enable biomes a plenty, there were no conflicts.
InGame Name: Polloplay
Age: 19
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? Nope

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? UU-mater to everything factory, using every power source possible to feed "the beast" ;)
Experience With FTB Packs: I have hosted my owwn "hamachi" ultimate pack for a long time getting use to all the mods it was offering, but got tired of the fee of "exploding" my bandwith each month. x)
InGame Name: Gear
Age: 26
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? Nope
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? A base powered by cactus power!
Experience With FTB Packs: I've played mostly DW20 single player, i'm trying to branch out to multiplayer and do some co-op builds.
WhiteList Application
InGame Name: Zeta_Patchouli
Age: 19
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? I have not been banned

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? Currently unexperienced with FTB
Experience With FTB Packs: Have played some, but not too much

Also am on good terms with djtlight138
InGame Name: TheGibbs909
Age: 15
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? No

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB?
Experience With FTB Packs: This is the first forum I have applied to, but i played the DW20 pack in singleplayer for a while. I'm not that great at feed the beast, but I am still learning. And I am hoping that joining a server will help me learn the mods faster, just from seeing and/or learning from other people.
Server is back up everyone! Don't have time to do the whitelisting stuff right now, but letting you know that the server is online again.
Age: 15
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? No
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? I am pretty experienced with FTB, But I haven't made really crazy things. The coolest thing i've made was a redstone energy factory for MJ's.
Experience With FTB Packs: I played the direwolf20 pack with my friend on my own server.
P.S. Can you add my friends if possible.
InGame Name: PaceHD
Age: 13
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? No, cause im a social player :)

Experience With FTB Packs: Yes, i have a bit experience
InGame Name: lazycory12
Age: 14
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yes, i've read them and i understand them .:)
Have You Ever Been Banned?: No i have not, nor do i ever intend to be banned.

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB?:
Using the direwolf20 pack 1.4, i made a RP tunnel bore, and i can remember how to make it 100%. It wasn't easy, but it definitely got me resources fast!
Experience With FTB Packs: I've been using the FTB packs since they came out, i've enjoyed them so much and i love messing with them.
I hope you consider my application and i hope to see you on the server :)
Guys just a heads up, the owner just got married so he wont be accepting people for around 6-7 days as he is on his honeymoon.

Sorry for any inconvenience But hey, that's life, He will begin accepting when he gets back
WhiteList Application
InGame Name: Rexxae
Age: 16 (17 in 1 month)
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yeah, nothing out of the ordinary here.
Have You Ever Been Banned? Nope, and proud of it :D
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB?: I would say.. hmm. Oh right! I made a whole gigantic parkour from iron blocks (non-creative) Which led to a chest with some starter equipment. Nobody gets things for free, you need to work for them :)
Experience With FTB Packs: I haven't played vanilla since the release of MC. I hope that answers your question.
Extra: I actually chose this server because it is updated, I dont want to start over again, I have seen several servers die because of that.

Doesnt he have a moderator to accept people in these kind of situations? oh well.. :(