Whitelist Server Yay! FTB! | UPDATED Direwolf20 Beta 1.5.2 | Whitelist

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InGame Name: demigodchaos
Age: 25
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? No
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? honestly i dont remember though its been about 6 months since I was last able to play around
Experience With FTB Packs: Currently good with AE systems, most of IC2 and BC, little bit of railcraft and really do love xycraft. I have slowly been working on learning forestry and tinkers right now though.
InGame Name: Crusher487
Age: 14
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Wait a moment, I'll have to read them first... yep I think so
Have You Ever Been Banned? no, not yet ;D
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? I made a Quarry on top of TW Darkforest and i got so many Darkwood saplings. Then i made my own Darkwood forest on owerworld.
Experience With FTB Packs: Direwolf20 i have played a lot, MindCrack not so much, but i have a nice experience from those two.
InGame Name: djtlite138
Age: 25 (26 in 5 days!)
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: yes
Have You Ever Been Banned? nope
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? i built a thaumcraft lab designed to minimize flux creation. all in all it took 32 alembics, tons of warded jars, tons of golems and was perfect. also i have designs to maximize the capabilities of golems for farming.
Experience With FTB Packs: played ftb beta, ftb ultimate, mindcrack, dw20, a private pack and the new unleashed and new dw20 pack.
InGame Name: Yoho401
Age: 16
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yes I do :)
Have You Ever Been Banned? I have never been banned.

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB?: Probably a HV solar array factory supplied only by UU. I only build things that have a purpose or looks nice, so nothing strangeand I don't usually have time for Rube Goldburg machines.
Experience With FTB Packs: I've been playing with these mods ever since they've come out. I have followed Direwolf20's lets play series since season one and know almost everything there is to know about playing with mods. I played with these mods even before there were packs for them! I tell you that installing 50 mods manually can be a real pain! Any way, I would be able to help everybody in your servers community and I am really friendly (I am Canadian). Looking forward to a reply! :)
InGame Name:Short_Guy_LaUgH
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:Yes
Have You Ever Been Banned?Nope.

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB?Once a Made this huge building just for power.
Experience With FTB Packs:Somewhat of a noob.

InGame Name: dmdeemer
Age: 32
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? Never played on a public server, so ... no.

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? Various farms tended by felling turtles. I have a shareable program for that now. Happy to extend it or code new computercraft stuff for people. I want to code a coordinated mining program for multiple turtles to mine a quarry together.
Experience With FTB Packs: I've run a private server for me and some friends for about 2 months.
InGame Name:Astal2684
Age: 29
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:Yes
Have You Ever Been Banned? No.
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? An Automated sorting system for bees and their items in different biomes. Items and over flow bees went down iron pipes to a tesarac to my main sorting system in to a apiarist pipe the separated the bees and items. The items continued on to my sorting barrel room while the bees went in to another tesarac to be analyzed and turned in to DNA at my gene plant.
Experience With FTB Packs: I've played on other servers until people started leaving and I've played some by myself. I've used the Direwolf20, Ultimate, FTB 1.5.2 Beta, and Mindcrack packs
InGame Name:Fortrest13
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:Yes
Have You Ever Been Banned? I never played FTB on a public server and i had never been banned on a normal minecraft server.
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? I haven´t played FTB much and I want to explore the world with my friend Cricton.
Experience With FTB Packs: I say again I didn´t play much FTB only a little bit in singleplayer with the FTB unleashed pack. Sry for bad english :)
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yep
Have You Ever Been Banned?:Nop
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? I made an item transportation system, using launcher peds from portal mod. i spent 19 launcher pads on that.
Experience With FTB Packs: I play with the FTB modpack since the 1.4.2 modpack.
BTW: what version of the modpack are you using?
Server is back up. I cannot tell what happened, the last message is a player disconnecting (normally) this morning. Sorry I was on vacation out of reach of the internet. Ducks is currently logged on. Have fun!

NOTE: to people who have applied. I will add people that I have not added and remove people that have never logged in, so if you haven't logged in (ever) please do so to stay on the white list!
BTW - make sure you hit force update. I have not updated to the non-beta pack, but sometimes the FTB launcher caches things it shouldn't. This has worked for people having trouble getting on in the past.
InGame Name: blackzeta
Age: 24
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: yes
Have You Ever Been Banned? nope
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? haven't played around with feed the beast much usually use tekkit
Experience With FTB Packs: fairly new but i have experience with tekkit an quite a few mods from that are in ftb
InGame Name: jacob_krist
Age: 14
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yes
Have You Ever Been Banned? No, i have not.
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? Mad mixup of EE2 and BC2 making unbeleivable amounts of EU. That's a long time ago.
Experience With FTB Packs: Familiar with 70% of the contents of the DW20 pack, and willing to learn.
InGame Name: NacRonDX
Age: 15 (in October)
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? No, i was never banned on any vanilla / FTB server .

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? I made a moving airship in FTB 1.4.7 using RedPower2 and controling it over distance using ComputerCraft Wireless Turtles .
Experience With FTB Packs:I've been playing FTB for abount 5 months and Modded Minecraft since MC v1.1 .

P.S. I also have a mic and I'm able to talk if is needed or if someone want to play with me :)