Whitelist Server Yay! FTB! | UPDATED Direwolf20 Beta 1.5.2 | Whitelist

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WhiteList Application
InGame Name: nesstea123
Age: 28
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? nope
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB?
automated crafting system with logistics pipes, along with forestry and bees!
Experience With FTB Packs:
Hosted my own server and such.
InGame Name: hero3112.
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:yes
Have You Ever Been Banned? Not to my knowing
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB?is have to say mob trap grab them from the wild where they're bribed for essence and then respawned just to be killed for drops
Experience With FTB Packs:I've used the main packs like nwmp and direwolf20 using both of them since they came out using my knowledge of the miss to lake myself a complex but easy life
InGame Name: punknrock
Age: 35
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yes
Have You Ever Been Banned? No

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? Nothing to crazy I spend most of my time building machines.
Experience With FTB Packs: The only FTB experience I have had has been on single play. It's been fun but I really would like to join a server where there is others. I have been watching some videos on line of server play, it looks a lot more fun then single play. I have played many on line games over the years. I would have to say that FTB has by far been my favorite so far. I never thought that I would enjoy minecraft as much as I do. It's a awesome game and I look forward to joining a server with others that have the same feelings.
Thanks so much for your time and whitelist consideration.
InGame Name:
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:
Have You Ever Been Banned?
Yes, but please give me a chance this was about 1 or 2 years ago I am highly mature, and honest now. I honestly mean no harm to you :D
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB?
A stack of turtles lol
Experience With FTB Packs:
I have been playing the FTB ultimate pack but at first I played the DireWolf20 pack and I want to switch back over!
Other Note, Can you add me on Skype if I get accepted, it is cpaxe97, I want to ask a couple private things.
InGame Name: footykid3
Age: 17
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yes
Have You Ever Been Banned? Never!
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? I've built a whole factory out of bees. Every item I produce had 9 alvearys with frames. I made everything from diamonds, redstone, or even gunpowder.

Experience With FTB Packs: I've played tekkit for about 6 month. I learned how to use mods such as buildcraft and Equalivent Exchange at a early stage. Once FTB came out I started to play with the mod pack. I've learned how to use almost all the mods in the pack. My favorites being thaumcraft and and thermal expansion. On my single player world I've researched all the thaumcraft items. So, this has led me to becoming very good with research and use of many items in thaumcraft. In thermal expansion I love to mess with a bunch of machines and create super compact sorting systems that smelt, pulverize, and sort. Also love creating small machines to just to create lots of cobble or sand without any lag. I've used the ultimate pack, mindcrack, and Direwolf20!
InGame Name: bizzmode
Age: 32
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? No
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? Full RP2 sorting system for all items except machines and such... it ended up being a tall building ;)
Experience With FTB Packs: I started playing FTB December 2012.. previously tekkit for a couple years.. have a good understanding of most mods. I feel my strength is in design...
I would like to add that I'm interested in a server that is planned to be up a long time. Sad losing all that work :(
Thank you for your time.
Not sure how busy you are naan0, but hopefully you can have free time :D. I also sent you a PM regarding something btw.
InGame Name: radoslawx
Age: 27
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? Nop.
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB?
Play minecfraft 2-3 years . My serwer is closed cuz mine board fire ;/ .
Me + 2 mates are type of engineer and constructor don't build cute building , but we love to do a lot of complicate thinks. Like AE + thermal + IC2 + buildcraft + railcraft + biomass at once ;] control from home (base)
Try to connect with thoumcraft but ... we lost ;(​
Experience With FTB Packs: 1,5 year btw. hate beez !! xD
InGame Name: Zamder145
Age: 20
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:Yes.
Have You Ever Been Banned? No.

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? Probably the way I used to organize my items in chests. Before I started using AE.
Experience With FTB Packs: Been playing them for around 7 months.
Ingame Name:jvjets15
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:Yes
Have you ever been Banned?No
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? MAking an entire uu matter factory that makes diamonds that automaticly make diamond block than goes into an ME chest.
Experience With FTB Packs:i have played all the popular mod packs like FTB Ultimate,Direwolf20,MIndcrack pack,and the ftb beta 1.5.2 with gregtech.
WhiteList Application
InGame Name: Shade0922
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yarr
Have You Ever Been Banned? Never
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? quarry enderchested to an applied energistics setup, that auto macerated and smelted all ores, and converted cobble and dirt into scrap to feed into a UU matter system. Also made a tree farm using steve's carts that fed a still for a biofuelling system for a permanent supply of lumber/apples/safe power.
Experience With FTB Packs: close to a year
InGame Name: petris90
Age: 15
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:Yes
Have You Ever Been Banned? No
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? this is not especily hard but i made a flux remover using a apiary from forestry, AE export/import and pure bees from magic bees (but still nothing breathtaking :(
Experience With FTB Packs: I have played about 6 months and i watch direwolf20 videos on the mod soo i have a good experience with it
Just FYI to everyone, I have slowed down accepting people as we're nearing the limit, also I've been busy IRL. I have now added all of you, have fun![DOUBLEPOST=1375037230][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, the server will be updated soon to the new beta pack running minecraft 1.5.2 - The code is Direwolf20_1_5

EDIT - Just kidding it's way too hard to do that right now. I'll keep researching options and working towards an update, but when I tried just now there were tons of ItemId conflicts in the configurations...

NEW UPDATE - Not kidding anymore! By a majority we decided to wipe the world and start new with Direwolf 1.5.2 ! Have fun!
InGame Name: Teh_nexus
Age: 23
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yessir
Have You Ever Been Banned?: Not that I know of

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? HV Solar factory Not suing Xycraft crafters
Experience With FTB Packs: I can hang with the best of them in any pack, tons of experience plus I'm a budding mod dev
InGame Name: Spudnick_
Age: 19
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yes i do
Have You Ever Been Banned?: To my knowledge..no

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? Its hard to explain haha to long of a story
Experience With FTB Packs: I know the packs very well, i have been using them for about 8/9 months now if not longer :D