WhiteList Application
InGame Name: youriyo20
Age: 16
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: I have read the rules and i understand them and abide them
Have You Ever Been Banned? nope
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? A whole village into a mountain
Experience With FTB Packs: i have been playing since the beginning of the FTB modpack
InGame Name: youriyo20
Age: 16
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: I have read the rules and i understand them and abide them
Have You Ever Been Banned? nope
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? A whole village into a mountain
Experience With FTB Packs: i have been playing since the beginning of the FTB modpack