Whitelist Server Yay! FTB! | UPDATED Direwolf20 Beta 1.5.2 | Whitelist

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WhiteList Application
InGame Name: youriyo20
Age: 16
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: I have read the rules and i understand them and abide them
Have You Ever Been Banned? nope

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? A whole village into a mountain
Experience With FTB Packs: i have been playing since the beginning of the FTB modpack :D
InGame Name:
Age: 26
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yes.
Have You Ever Been Banned? Negative.

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? OH boy.. DW20 Mining Machine, AE hooked up to just about everything (machines, bees, some factories..) SS mob traps, have intermediate knowledge of most mods in Ultimate which is what I played before, but master of none. If I have to say one thing, I prefer to automate as much as I can.
Experience With FTB Packs: Ultimate 1.4.7 played a fair amount.

WhiteList Application
InGame Name: Larithen
Age: 24
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yup
Have You Ever Been Banned? No
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? Before the joys of AE sorting everything ever, I did make a fully functional sorting system using the RedPower sorting machines alone. Was a while ago though, and the sorting system ended up being twice the size of the actual storage room... so mildly successful I think!
Experience With FTB Packs: Been playing on the modpacks for far longer than is considered healthy, helped run a server for a year until I got sick of the whiny voices of children crying that someone broke through their forcefield.
InGame Name: Ohhworddd
Age: 14
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yes.
Have You Ever Been Banned? Nope.
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? Made a sorting system that can pulverize, smelt 1 Stack of any ore and put into ME system in 1 Second.
Experience With FTB Packs: Direwolf20 is the best. i've been playing alot of single player.
InGame Name: Cricton
Age: 16
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? Nope
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? Wanted to test a mining program for my turtle and failed shutting it down...It destroyed my whole house
Experience With FTB Packs: Played a few months in Singleplayer (Direwolf Pack)
InGame Name: themoo96
Age: 16
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yes
Have You Ever Been Banned? Nope

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? A quarry, without the use of turtles or any other machines. Other than that, not much... I have nothing against doing things manually until I really need to automate them.
Experience With FTB Packs: Minecrack, ultimate and DW20_1.5​
InGame Name:coolblockj
Age: 15
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? Not for anything that counts, I have only been banned from friend's servers when we are having fun

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? I have built many things, like an automatic potion factory using computercraft, redpower.
Experience With FTB Packs: I have much experience with these, I use all the mods and am very familiar with almost every single one of them.

Note: I am very experience with these, and could make a big contribution to the server.
InGame Name:

Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:

Yes I do
Have You Ever Been Banned?

No, and I would like to keep it that way :)
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB?
One time I made a pig spawner that lagged the whole server until I was able to shut it down... I then added an auto-killing system so that didn't happen again (And I made it look pretty)
Experience With FTB Packs:

Played for about four months now... Not so good with the bee and tree breeding though... (I am hoping to learn soon!)
InGame Name: xAceAngelx
Age: 20
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Of course :)
Have You Ever Been Banned? umm long ago. On a vanilla bukkit server.

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? ummmm.... not too sure.
Experience With FTB Packs:I have pretty much played a little bit of all the packs. my favorites are dw20 and ultimate.
InGame Name:Thonyh
Age: 14
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? No

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? Accidentally destroyed an underground house of a friend with a quarry
Experience With FTB Packs: Played the Direwolf20 Pack for a few months
InGame Name: hoodster25
Age: 19
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? No

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? I cannot honestly recall anything too serious other than like making two or three nuclear reactors autmatic.
Experience With FTB Packs: Played FTB since the beginning before there was even a launcher and played minecraft since about Alpha.
InGame Name: jroefk9
Age: 15
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Yes
Have You Ever Been Banned? No

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? A system that auto-makes nether stars.
Experience With FTB Packs: I am good with 90% of the mods
1. Ringerjames
2. Age: 20
3. Yes I understand the rules.
4. I was banned on one other server.
5. I've made an ore processor system that linked up to a sorting system using a router and barrels. All I had to do was put items or link a quarry up to an ender chest.
6. I mostly play Direwolf20 pack but I know a lot about the different mods in this pack.
InGame Name: utmostbrother
Age: 13 (I am mature and don't complain just to inform you)
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Why yes of course :)
Have You Ever Been Banned? Sadly yes from an upset admin who thought he wasn't aloud to be raided on a raid server

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? I made a sorting system that could retrieve items with Steve's carts, Railcraft and computercraft
Experience With FTB Packs: I've been playing ever since release and first heard of it from the map Feed The Beast on Direwolf20's channel :D

InGame Name: Fredrickle
Age: 16
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? No
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? made a chest for every item possible to legibly get in the in the game :D
Experience With FTB Packs: I'm new to TC3 and i want to learn it more, but the rest, i'm pretty ok with.
InGame Name:KLPF123
Age: 17
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Yes]
Have You Ever Been Banned?no

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? I created a tolbooth for a road on my server
Experience With FTB Packs: I have playyed for a few months and I usually use the ultimate but I like DW20 a lot more.
InGame Name: Heiluri
Age: 15
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: [Y]
Have You Ever Been Banned? No
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB?
Computercraft things probably.
Experience With FTB Packs: Mostly DW20, but tested other packs in past too.
InGame Name: Mustarotta
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]: Y
Have You Ever Been Banned? No
What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? Nothing special, but I always have big plans but I am just too scared to start them.
Experience With FTB Packs: About 5 monhts of DW20 and Mindcrack packs. Before that about a year of Tekkit.
InGame Name: smash090
Age: 23
Do You Understand the Rules And Abide By Them [Y/N]:y
Have You Ever Been Banned?no

What is the most convoluted, strange thing you've made in FTB? sorting room that would auto sort my whole quarry foresty mulitfarms and restock them and my bees
Experience With FTB Packs:played all but mostly play the dw20 pack