Why no new launcher.

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Amazingly you have a whole team doing this and yet a tiny ATLauncher has been able to do more than what you guys have done to date, and keeps his community informed.... Seems there are certain features your implenting that are currently already on the ATLauncher....Seems packs such as Resonant Rise and the like with over 170 mods seems to work nicely and there new and relatively smaller than FTB but seem to have accomplished more in less time...The reasoning is this its been proven that these packs can and have been provided by another Launcher and yet you all still fall behind. Yes the other packs are stable.
Jaded just said it... it's way more than conflicts; it's tweaks. Sure, AT can put a pack together, but so can I. Getting the mods to balance, and ensuring every feature of every mod works without being stepped on, is another story. Until the new packs come out, I'm resigned to playing very small packs so that I'm not restarting a world every week for one reason or another.
Jaded just said it... it's way more than conflicts; it's tweaks. Sure, AT can put a pack together, but so can I. Getting the mods to balance, and ensuring every feature of every mod works without being stepped on, is another story. Until the new packs come out, I'm resigned to playing very small packs so that I'm not restarting a world every week for one reason or another.

Seems balanced enough for me and many others including well known streamers that have jumped ship and moved over to ATLauncher :) to have there packs distributed out on, BUT at the end of the day its not all about FTB or ATLauncher its about the community as a whole and that is what I feel is missing here. In just this thread alone anybody that has anything negative to say is given snide and sarcastic remarks back because they don't think the same way as FTB Supporters feel they should. Good for you that you support FTB I never said I did not support what they are doing I just wished like majority of people that there was more communication and more options instead of making the community feel like well whats going on its been since what August was the last update about the future of the Launcher and what over 1 month back from Direwolf stating it was "soon" for his new pack.

Anyhow I am over wasting my time on a subject that will eventually end up in a flamewar because somebodys sensibilities will get offended :) Time to go back to my 1.6.4 pack enjoy 1/5/2 Guys :)
RR is about as config ready as Gregtech is and is as intuitive as, well it isn't. I've got it running and just setting up the controls for what little I use is already turning me off to it. AT has not already done what FTB is trying to do. FTB has already done what AT has done and even moreso. They just haven't released it yet. I do not mean to speak unkindly to RR, but config/id/troubleshooting modpack discrepancies is not what I'm interested in doing. Guaranteed when FTB releases its modpacks, you know where to find me. AT is serving its purpose as its the only slightly nuanced 1.6 launcher right now, and yes it has released before FTB, but it is by no means anywhere close to the level of comprehension of what I expect from FTB.
In just this thread alone anybody that has anything negative to say is given snide and sarcastic remarks back because they don't think the same way as FTB Supporters feel they should.

I do agree that anything some people would give sarcastic remarks, though I do not think everyone will. Also when someone posts a sarcastic remark about the FTB pack not being updated then people will jump to toss sarcastic remarks back. Even though I do support FTB I am not going to condemn someone for their opinion. And I also think that having multiple launchers that are successful is a great thing, because with that both launchers can grow. I have also moved away from FTB for my server needs, but only temporarily. I have decided to distribute the pack manually until FTB becomes updated.
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voting up: 'dev' diary/semi or quasi regular update. seems like a good job for a moderator to keep the community engaged with progress. or heck, maybe just whoever draws the short straw for the month or heaven forfend the two week. it doesn't need to be an itemized list of what's done and what's not. ask a tester what their favorite new block is in 1.6/7 and have a forum conversation about it. two paragraphs is nothing to bang out in a half hour.

seems to my mind a lot of the impatience and frustration snares around feeling left out of the loop--by watching for months as testing is published on youtube by multiple parties (i'm not contesting it in any way; i love getting to see the new features and blocks and getting the leeway to plan the next build in advance and benefit from the travails of others) and having nary an official peep here.

i don't even think that people want to know exact dates or deadlines. we get that this is a collaborative volunteer effort. and i would wager to say that even some of what is taken as a slight is exactly genuine support. flame wars and ______fests are plain to recognize. some people are patronizing via text because not everyone is gifted with easily translatable diction.

if merch is gonna work, it's gonna work better if you cultivate the community rather than leave it engage and entertain itself when alternatives are becoming competitive and available.

i'm not saying that i know how to run the gig, outside or in or that i'm qualified by anything but quietly watching here and again the odd "free game/mod" forums. i'm just putting my two cents in.

updates of any sort in the same orbit as new content/release are vastly appreciated solving multiple issues
no updates = omg did the wheels fall off?
Amazingly you have a whole team doing this and yet a tiny ATLauncher has been able to do more than what you guys have done to date, and keeps his community informed....
The problem with that statement is that we don't really know how much the FTB team have done, because it isn't ready for release yet. They may have done a lot more than ATLauncher. But because their aims are more ambitious, it's taking longer to finish. It's what is technically referred to as a "false eqivalence". "X is done and released, therefore Y should also be done and released as well", when X and Y are substantially different.
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I wonder how many people read the FTB Twitter page. There are updates there fequently, but it isn't posted on the forums where most people go to get their news.
i'll promptly raise my hand and proclaim that i actively avoid twitter for my own internet-anti-social reasons. same with facebook. o_o i hope that doesn't make the points i tried to make too irrelevant.
Also we aren't playing modpacks, go watch some of the streamers who are part of the test team. They lose days of work, sometimes entire worlds sometimes multiple times a day. Testing does not equal playing. Its long its tedious and we can't just focus on our favorite mods. We have to try alll the mods and then combine them and see what fails.

actually, I did and that's how I found out that I'm pretty much doing what you describe. I got Modular Power Suits to work in Ampz, I also got liquid conflicts fixed, and figured out how to disable certain mod's ore generation so that i didn't run into a gazillion pieces of silver. Although I must admit that one wasn't that difficult because I actually read that author's install guide, which tells you exactly how to do it.

Now, I'm not saying that I can do everything that you do, I'm just saying that you can do it on your own if you are willing to read, crash, fail and start over sometimes. I love problem solving, so actually what you all were doing on the stream is what last month's minecraft gaming was for me. -Install a bunch of mods one at a time until the thing stops working, read the code, try and figure out why, change it, reinstall, test again. All I am saying is that if you really wanted to, you could release the configs and whatever else to make it work on 1.6.4 and update it when you find something wrong. Like I said, I have no Java, or programming experience, so there's no way that I'm going to be able to do everything you do, but I at least got to play with the new mods, until ATLauncher got TE3, which is what I thought was the hold up for FTB, but after a few days it became clear that this wasn't the case.

Your ideas moving forward with the new launcher are fantastic, and it will be amazing once you get it all done, and it sounds like everything will finally mesh and we stop having the problems that we had with ampz and voltz, before I ever even new what a config was.

Also, I received a degree in graphic arts 13 years ago, so it was interesting hearing you speak about updating your textures. I myself took sphax's grunge pack and updated it by hand to work with 1.5.2 and 1.6.4 and it looks freaking awesome!!

Anyway, I didn't mean to belittle the work you are doing, I just wanted everyone to know that it is possible to do it on your own if you are willing to take some risks with your worlds.
What's your definition of frequently?
You are correct, looking back I should not have used the word frequently, or the word update for that matter. This is part of the reason why I stopped doing what I was doing as Community Relations; to step back and see how the community feels, and I have to agree about being kept in the dark.
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I'm sorry if it came across as condescending.

Hey, Jaded, I just wanted you to know that I didn't take offense, I'm pretty blunt myself. And pretty anal as well, for instance, I refuse to play with morph, just like you. I laughed my ass off when you said "I never want to kill any of the things again." You do crack me up, and I don't want you to get discouraged or worn down again, as I love the work you all do, and hated to see that go down like it did before. I, for one, will not ever personally insult anyone on your forums, especially someone who helped make a great game into my favorite game of all time. Keep up the good work.

I am in Central Illinois, where about are you? With all the accents, it is finally nice to know there's a yankee in there representing!!
Hey, Jaded, I just wanted you to know that I didn't take offense, I'm pretty blunt myself. And pretty anal as well, for instance, I refuse to play with morph, just like you. I laughed my ass off when you said "I never want to kill any of the things again." You do crack me up, and I don't want you to get discouraged or worn down again, as I love the work you all do, and hated to see that go down like it did before. I, for one, will not ever personally insult anyone on your forums, especially someone who helped make a great game into my favorite game of all time. Keep up the good work.

I am in Central Illinois, where about are you? With all the accents, it is finally nice to know there's a yankee in there representing!!

Thank you for the kind words... and I am from Texas :p
Was kinda upset when I saw jaded was back. I had gotten the impression from her other posts that she was basically rude and unprofessional and that ftb would be better off without her...but,

After reading her earlier post about how she realizes she comes off that way. I feel a lot better about it and am glad she's back.

As for the launcher take all the time you need. I'm in no hurry thanks to the AT launcher which to me does the same thing as the ftb launcher. Couple of clicks and I'm playing an awesome modpack with minimal effort. Resonant rise is a great pack that is nicely balanced and personally I've had no more crashes than when I was playing Unleashed.

Whenever the launcher comes out I'll check it out. If it offers something better than what I have with RR I'll use ftb. If not I'll stick with ATlauncher.
I really hope that the launcher is going to be as great as slow described it. Don't give up!!! Take all the time you need. I think that every on ewho plays FTB wants a fancy and working launcher, so if that takes e.g. 7 days ok, that's fine for me; whenever the launcher comes out I'll be super excited. Keep it up and release it soon!!!
AT has not already done what FTB is trying to do. FTB has already done what AT has done and even moreso. They just haven't released it yet.

Yes and no. FTB has already put out a launcher that is easier for 1.5.2 packs and earlier, but to say that the 1.6.4 launcher "just hasn't been released yet" is wrong. Saying that means there's a completely functional launcher that is in use internally, and the posts from the devs have said that's not the case. So no, FTB has not done what AT has done, because AT has a 1.6 launcher, and FTB does not. I'm certain that FTB's launcher will work very well once it's out, but when I want to play with Thaumcraft 4 this weekend, I can't use FTB, but I can use AT.
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