First of all, thank you slowpoke and a big thank you to all the FTB-modders out there for trying to get this working!!!!
And thank you for finally an answer to all these "when will new launcher come..."-questions (i dont exclude myself) because there were times i thought FTB was dead.
I really hope you can get up the good work and continue!!
(and i might go to far with this but: dont do it like Eloraam.......please! I still miss redpower even with ProjectRed)
Perhaps you are reading this and might grab some of this ideas for you:
- Rewards for developing
There are people who want to spend some money on FTB (including me) when this pushes the developement - and i mean not merchandise. Perhaps you can put up a paypal-pool and reward everybody who is working on the launcher (or even their mods) for every week a bit on their work (as long the paypalaccount has money). This should motivated people even more, but just a suggestion.
(And set up Goals for the subscribers like $50 free Tshirt or something like that)
- Problem with the downloading of modpacks:
1) Every Mod has to be named in a specific format. Like "name--version.jar/.zip" example: "buildcraft--421.jar" (shouldnt be too much problems for developers or FTBTeam to do this)
2) Every Mod local (already downloaded) will be thrown into one single main-folder
3) On startup Launcher creates a list with mods in the mainfolder and compares it with a xml on the FTBServer (rather comparing with filename or/and creation-date of file)
4) Is there a newer version -> download
5) For every Modpack there will be packages of configfiles and a list of included mods
6) On launching a Modpack the launcher throws every mod/config in a temporary minecraft-folder and launches it
Through this way you can easily build your own packs and you can update every single part easily.
- Speak more to the community
Release more internal news, so people can get their own picture of FTB-Developement.
I think many are turning their back on FTB cause they just dont hear anything from you or getting tired of waiting.
For me Direwolf20 and FTB are the center of Minecraft. Without DW, the modders, FTB, ... Minecraft would make me yawning so fast. I dont like the fancy stuff like Tekkit or Hexxit. But you (FTB) bring many functional stuff which is even working together - directly from the modders. I really like this.
But iam watching the direwolf-series and seeing him doing all this cool stuff and improved
and every time something new is added, iam just like: "woooow this will be so amazing *-* I want to play!"
But iam tired of waiting and i heard no news about the new modpacks/launcher. Rumors spreading and some information leaks from time to time...but nothing from you. So in the past quater/half year i said to myself: "This takes too long. Iam going to build my own like-FTB-modpack" And searched the minecraft-forums for every available mod ...
So more news (and even when they are just little) would be very important for me ._. Sorry for beeing harsh, but this is how to loose your community.
At least thats how i am feeling...
And just one more time: Thank you for doing this for us! Really! Even when you keep us waiting from time to time