Why no new launcher.

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I'm glad to see an update. I don't really care how long it takes to get the new launcher or new packs - I understand the desire to get everything buttoned up before release.

That said, the lack of communication on this has, once again, been terrible. It was enough to drive me away from the site because if communication isn't happening (on the update forum), I feel like keeping us (the ones that are using the pack, buying the merchandise, supporting the ads) in the loop isn't important.

I (and I'm sure others) have volunteered to help with this multiple times. I've contacted Slow privately, and have been ignored. We've not had an update on the status since July - five months. That's ridiculous.

Yes, I understand that people are doing this "for free", yes I understand that they don't have to, and yes I understand I could put together my own pack (I have). But the bottom line is, if communication doesn't improve, you will lose loyal fans - and lots of them. Right now your number one priority seems to be the mod authors - when it really should be the people clicking the links, sharing your site and buying your stuff.

I also don't give two shits if updates are found via twitter, reddit or twitch. A user should never have to hunt for news, especially when there is a forum specifically for updates.

I'm sure this will be an unpopular post. I love FTB and what they are trying to do. I'm posting this in hopes they take it to heart and make communication a top priority - it desperately needs to be.

PS, Jaded, I'm thrilled you're back.
I predict that mysterious person who joined the FTB team is actually Eloraam, and that means that new launcher will be ready sometime before the new millenium.

On a more serious note, ok, yeah, good things are worth waiting for. I've played FTB modded Minecraft more than any other game EVER, and I've been a gamer for 20 years now. And FTB didn't cost me a penny. So yeah, take all the time that you need guys (and gals)
I do agree that anything some people would give sarcastic remarks, though I do not think everyone will. Also when someone posts a sarcastic remark about the FTB pack not being updated then people will jump to toss sarcastic remarks back. Even though I do support FTB I am not going to condemn someone for their opinion. And I also think that having multiple launchers that are successful is a great thing, because with that both launchers can grow. I have also moved away from FTB for my server needs, but only temporarily. I have decided to distribute the pack manually until FTB becomes updated.

My only problem with some peoples' opinions is why, if some other similar application is so much better than FtB, do they feel the need to habituate these forums and stir the muck?

If the other guy is doing things better then go to his forums.

Well written; blunt, direct, and honest in your message but respectful. I agree with you 100%. I truly hope improvements are made, I don't mind using another launcher, but like many of us here I care for FTB and wish to see it flourish.

My only problem with some peoples' opinions is why, if some other similar application is so much better than FtB, do they feel the need to habituate these forums and stir the muck?

If the other guy is doing things better then go to his forums.
Loyalty, passion, caring for something you've dedicated significant amounts of time on? Whichever the reason; we want FTB to shine brightly, rather than dissipate.
Thanks for the info. I've been wondering what was going on with the update for some months now. I've been playing FTB for about a year now and it has been my only experience so far in playing modded Minecraft. I love it! Judging from what Slowpoke has said my guess is that this won't be released before X-Mas/New Year's due to people volunteering their precious time during the holiday season. So I'm telling myself not to expect anything until Valentine's Day or thereafter. Although this situation is disappointing it is what it is. Just keep us informed and take your time and do it right like the lyrics of that old song says. Calm down people. They don't call him Slowpoke for nothing. Low hanging fruit. Couldn't resist.
Please listen to your current and former staff and helpers, improve the communication, assign a person(s) to be the SPOC (EDIT: and give them the authority needed to obtain the info required) and establish a single place wherein news can be found.

Also, I just visited the AT launcher website, and the first thing I noticed was a STATISTICS website (@Captainnana).

I am just grateful that this project has not been abandoned, and with this news of a new well seasoned Minecraft Modder joining up, one can only look to brighter skies in the days ahead. Thanks for the update, and take your time. It take time for a Symphony to play correctly with a lot of wonderful volunteers trying to work in sync. We all appreciate everyone's dedication and the awesomeness that is now FTB.
One of the few perks to being staff... custom titles... which Law uses to showcase his uniqueness. There was a very small space of time where Slow's title read "Boss Banana" . We're a bit odd and if giving one of the staff members a weird title perks their day up a bit and gives them a laugh... totally worth it.
I come from the Old Timer's Guild with the same forum name as here. I have a title of "A dingleberry that won't let go." :eek:

Only...in OTG we earn our titles. And they're rarely for anything less than moments of spectacular personal stupidity among friends. :D
Seems like a issue of design creep. Trying way too many things at once, many of which have minimal affect on the end product (skins...). Also, I can't help but think, is this really a volunteer project? DIdn't FTB register as a full-fledged business? In which case, you need to do some serious re-org and stuff, you are working on way too many features at once. You need to prioritize, get the core functionality down, release and THEN do the fluff (though some fluff on release is good). Standard business practice.

Communication with your "customers" has been poor too IMO, which is also a bad start... I love FTB, and I'd rather it be a volunteer project that comes out when it does, but you established yourselves as a business and haven't followed through... Currently looking at other options, I have friends who want to play on my server, but don't understand modding enough to mod it themselves.
Was kinda upset when I saw jaded was back. I had gotten the impression from her other posts that she was basically rude and unprofessional and that ftb would be better off without her...but,

After reading her earlier post about how she realizes she comes off that way. I feel a lot better about it and am glad she's back.

I am in fact aware I come across as harsh. I lack tact and diplomacy and have no desire to learn as I tend to consider them a socially acceptable form of lying and I detest lies socially acceptable or not. Probably the best thing anyone can say about me is this: You never have to wonder where you stand with me. I don't imply things or give backhanded compliments or do veiled insults. If I am insulting someone or calling someone names I state it plainly. There's no real point in reading between the lines of anything I say. My version of subtle is like a class 5 hurricane. I don't really feel its important to explain everything I do and have done with FTB *shrug* , I'm happy being part of the team. I just really suck at the whole beating around the bush/tact thing. Except with kids.... I turn into a squishy marshmallow when presented with a child.
I am in fact aware I come across as harsh...
Internet forums are terrible for that, being text-only. It is immensely valuable to at least have an inkling of what someone is like when reading their posts. Whenever I read something you wrote in response to something you "have an issue with", it initially might sound in my head like someone who is a bit mean. I'm probably imagining what your avatar might sound like, she looks kind of supercillious and self-important with that fancy hood and blue lip gloss. Then, I think back to some old ForgeCraft videos and recall your voice, and re-read it with your accent and mannerisms in my head, and it changes meaning completely. And then it always leaves a smile on my face. (apologies if you do wear a fancy hood and blue lip gloss in real life... ;))

p.s. feel free to read my posts in a moderately posh English accent. I've been told I sound a bit like Stephen Fry.
My only problem with some peoples' opinions is why, if some other similar application is so much better than FtB, do they feel the need to habituate these forums and stir the muck?

If the other guy is doing things better then go to his forums.

Maybe just maybe people are wanting to see FTB succeed not fail, and why is it just because a person states they feel the "other" guy is doing it better at that time means there only intention coming here is to throw muck? Its not about muck throwing at all its about sharing peoples concerns in the hope that tbere points are heard and taken onboard so that they can either improve it or ignore it. The only ones throwing muck are the ones such as yourself that tell others to simply go elsewhere if you do not like the lack of communication or updates.

We also are not living in a communistic country where we are not allowed to state our opinions as long as it is at least still kept respectful and not done in a fashion to be insulting.

Finally opinions are like assholes everybodys got one :)
Start by creating a business plan and identifying the following:

  • Your Product - Launcher, mod packs, etc.
  • Your Target Markets - General modded minecraft players, server owners, mod authors, Streamers and Youtubers.
  • Your Organizational Structure - Identify your departments and establish a structure for each with 1 MAX 2 people reporting directly to Slow from each department.
  • Primary and secondary internal communication tools.
  • Create a proper community relations team with access to up to date information and ONE news outlet.
That's what you need at a minimum to start with. Then you hammer out the details for each. Of course, there is a lot more to it than just that. You also have to create incentives for your employees/volunteers, motivate them, and hold them accountable when they fail to comply etc. Far too much to put in a post, but you get the idea. Either do it yourself or solicit the aid of someone with know-how or pay a professional consultant to work on the reorganization.
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I'm happy to read this news, because even though it says that I'll have to wait, it is an update on the progress being made by the FTB team. I don't mind the wait, I just like having a update on progress now and then.
Seems balanced enough for me and many others including well known streamers that have jumped ship and moved over to ATLauncher :) to have there packs distributed out on, BUT at the end of the day its not all about FTB or ATLauncher its about the community as a whole and that is what I feel is missing here. In just this thread alone anybody that has anything negative to say is given snide and sarcastic remarks back because they don't think the same way as FTB Supporters feel they should. Good for you that you support FTB I never said I did not support what they are doing I just wished like majority of people that there was more communication and more options instead of making the community feel like well whats going on its been since what August was the last update about the future of the Launcher and what over 1 month back from Direwolf stating it was "soon" for his new pack.

Anyhow I am over wasting my time on a subject that will eventually end up in a flamewar because somebodys sensibilities will get offended :) Time to go back to my 1.6.4 pack enjoy 1/5/2 Guys :)

You do realize the ATLauncher is just that a launcher right? Each pack is tested by the people who make those packs. RR is tested by the RR team. The ATLauncher is just a platform to distribute the pack, they do NO testing of the packs. If you get a buggy pack you don't complain the ATLauncher you complain to the pack maker.

So in reality each pack has it's own team, FTB has one team testing multiple packs. And yes we test the heck out of those packs, if you watch the streams you would know how hard we break things.

All I am offended with is the lack of realization of how ATLauncher and FTBLauncher differ in operation and organiztion.
Just a few of the packs on FTB are put out by FTB, the rest are public packs that are popular enough to meet the requirements to be listed there makers, and the rest are private packs put out by small server for their sole use. Really there is no real difference except that AtLauncher has stricter permission rules than FTB, and is not as user friendly back end wise.

As to operation and organization, well ATLauncher has a working 1.6.4 launcher, so I think they are a leg up there.
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