I don't think you have to worry, I've put up similar stuff before and he hasn't killed me yet after all. Although now you have me thinking about this Moderator gig...Sorry if I came off sounding like you didn't know what you were doing or how to get/keep on track. But the two biggest issues I see in projects again and again, are lack of a clear agreed to scope statement and lack of sponsorship/buy in from the key stakeholders and it sounded like you might be suffering from these. But I now see you've got them covered.

I think perhaps in your rush to judgment you may have tripped over something along the way: Jinbobo is not a member of moderation staff here on the forum (which is clearly delineated by having a banner labeled "Forum Moderator" or "Global Moderator" under their name, like mine). He leads the Wiki Team, a separate and discrete unit within FTB and is thus an FTB Team member and shows on the staff display, but he is not a moderator here on the forums. He does not wield a banhammer or similar powers on the forum and, since his word doesn't carry the heavy weight or chilling effect of the ever-imminent threat of a smiting, he doesn't have to parse his language quite as much as I do.We're talking about a moderator at this point, primarily.

So, in fact, you aren't talking about a moderator. I am now going to request that posters please refrain from continuing in this vein as it is distracting from the point of the topic that almost everybody else is discussing here. If you have a disagreement on moderation policy or execution, as always (it is noted in the Forum Rules) you may message us privately to discuss it. Thanks!