What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Yeah. So far I have a lot of RedPower 2 working, Equivalent Exchange 2 somewhat, BuildCraft 2 somewhat, IndustrialCraft 2 loads but the energy net doesn't seem to work, Thaumcraft 2 loads but still lots of crashes and rendering problems, and Nether Ores even though the worldgen doesn't work. But with no GUI support yet it's hard to know what else works/doesn't work. But it's coming along fairly well so far, all things considered.

Man that's a lot of 2s, now that I think about it. RP2, EE2, BC2, IC2, TC2.

Seeing a port of the original FTB map would be fun. :D
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new day, late update (sorry) and today it's @Lycanite with Lycanites Mobs
Lycanite said:
Lycanites Mobs
  • Configs older than will be reset!
  • New Shadow Mob Added: Shade
  • New Arctic Fluid Added: Ooze an icy gel substance that is as deadly as lava. In a soon to come update, Ooze lakes will naturally form above ground in cold biomes along with pockets of Ooze all over underground (there will be a config option to disable any world generation this mod adds).
  • New Spawn Type Added: Ooze, by default Wendigo, Arix and Serpix will now spawn from Ooze.

and @Asyncronous with Remote IO
Asyncronous said:
Remote IO 2.1
  • Removed Redstone patcher in order to fix major redstone bug when using RemoteIO

and @Tuhljin with Automagy
Tuhljin said:
Automagy 0.19.2
  • The Inventarium and Unseen Scribes now ignore tally boxes when looking for containers.
  • Added a blacklist in the config file to allow other blocks to be ignored by the Inventarium and Unseen Scribes.
  • An API is now available for modders to control how the Inventarium will handle their containers.
  • The API can also be used to designate blocks for the Nethermind to treat as Runed Obsidian. The blocks to be conjured and the essentia cost can be customized.
  • The Inventarium is now more compatible with the mod BetterStorage's crates, chests, and lockers. (Implemented using the API.)
  • Magic hourglasses placed in the world before v0.19 should now use the correct default settings for redstone signal reactions. (This fix does not affect those that were already loaded in v0.19 or v0.19.1. It'd be best to check their settings if you used one of those versions before this release.)
  • Thirsty tanks like rain.

and @MrComputerGhost with Runic Dungeons
MrComputerGhost said:
Runic Dungeons 0.9.7b
  • Theoretical Fixes Were needed, but unknown if they will work atm

and @gudenau with Thaumic NEI
gudenau said:
Thaumic NEI 1.2.3
  • Even less crashes, these mods do not seem to use the tc api correctly...

and @Sangar with OpenComputers
Sangar said:
  • Fixed: Cables having a chance of not yielding output when being disassembled.
  • Fixed: Tablet disassembly.
  • Fixed: Tablets being charged even if there was no power.
  • Fixed: Potential NPE in MCU tooltip.
Yeah. So far I have a lot of RedPower 2 working, Equivalent Exchange 2 somewhat, BuildCraft 2 somewhat, IndustrialCraft 2 loads but the energy net doesn't seem to work, Thaumcraft 2 loads but still lots of crashes and rendering problems, and Nether Ores even though the worldgen doesn't work. But with no GUI support yet it's hard to know what else works/doesn't work. But it's coming along fairly well so far, all things considered.

Man that's a lot of 2s, now that I think about it. RP2, EE2, BC2, IC2, TC2.
Does it work with FML?
I released a small mod called Steel Sheep
"Ages ago, before player, elf, or villager walked the Overworld, evolution still found ways to adapt. Sheep learned to run from wolves, and learned to live far away from them. But some stubborn sheep refused to flee from their predators. As evolution took its course, their soft wool grew harder and harder as they exchanged fiber for ferrum; elasticity for strength; and comfort for combat. The players were, at this time, a new race. They were killing and skinning sheep for their wool, so they could sleep comfortably in their caves. That is, until a player encountered a steel sheep. They took their shears, and found that the wool simply didn't cut. They got closer to the sheep, closer and closer, until they were right up to it, and cut the wool at its roots. It scratched the player as they cut it off, but they took no mind. Then, they heard a horrible sound; the steel sheep's cry of pain. The player was swarmed by the other steel sheep, and killed easily. The races of the Overworld, with the elves torn by a mysterious crisis to a world named Alfheim, and the villagers, hiding in their houses, were too weak to deal with the sheep. But errant players still come and try their luck at shearing these sheep for their bounty; metal, renewable and cheap."

- Pretty much this mod adds nefarious sheep that have steel wool. Pretty much it. (Watch for the cows btw)
Also this image:
Mod Update: Botania R1.4 159


  • Added Petal Blocks of all 16 colors, purely decorative blocks made out of petals.
  • Changed the textures of the elfen rods to be made of dreamwood instead of livingwood.
  • Fixed a crash with the Force Relay and Warp Lens.
  • Fixed particles being able to spawn in the client world and chunkloading somehow.

Another Mod Update: Automagy 0.19.3


  • Tally boxes pointed at a requisition tome now output redstone signals based on what is currently requested.
  • Tally boxes now count enchanting bookshelves and ensorcelled bookshelves as bookshelves when determining whether to read from a nearby Inventarium Core.
  • Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when using a golem linking bell to clear a device's connections.
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new day, new update, and today it's @MrComputerGhost with Runic Dungeons
MrComputerGhost said:
Runic Dungeons 1.0.0
  • Trap Nullification Wand
  • Dungeon Guardian
  • Runic Glass
  • Obsidian-Infused Glass
  • Various Bugs

and @AtomicBlom with Schematic Meta-Blocks
AtomicBlom said:
Schematic Meta-Blocks 1.1.0
  • Added the Region Block. Two region blocks define the outside of a schematic.
  • Added the Meta Tool. The metatool is used to make region blocks easier to use. It has many modes which can be switched with shift-right-click:
    • Pull Pulls a Region block towards you
    • Push Pushes a Region Block away from you
    • Link right click to link two unlinked Region Blocks together to form a reigon.
    • Unlink unlinks a region
    • Clear MetaTool if you're in the middle of a Link, use this to clear the tool
    • Set Schematic Name Names the region (used when saving)
    • Save Schematic Saves the schematic
  • Improved the /smbRecoverSchematic command.
    • Origin Blocks are now recovered.
    • Regions are created when recovering

and @Lomeli12 with Trophy Slots
Lomeli12 said:
Trophy Slots 1.1.0
  • The update that took far too long.
  • Fixed crafting grid render items invisible (which seemed to only affect the vanilla player inventory screen)
  • Fixed multiplayer crashing and sync issues, you can now play this mod with friends (yay)

and @Ivorius with Recurrent Complex
Ivorius said:
Recurrent Complex 0.9.4
  • New: Preview mode for a bunch of generation commands, to adjust settings before it's too late
  • New: Spawn Command Block that executes a random command upon structure spawn (useful for random mob spawners or single entities)
  • New: /#pastegen command that pastes the clipboard as though it was a structure
  • New: Floating Block Selectors can now change their range with ctrl + scrolling
  • New: Clipboards now persist between sessions (within the world)
  • Change: All commands are now prefixed with #, and are generally shorter (and lowercase)
  • Change: Selections now look very sexy
  • Change: Dimension Dictionaries are now based on different entry types. Update your structures you made in!
  • Change: Spawn Structures now spawn in the center of the spawn, to make it easier to use them
  • Change: Mazes and Maze rooms now support areas over individual coordinates
  • Change: Block Selectors now use ctrl for secondary selection
  • Change: Better logging on TRACE log levels
  • Fix: Structures won't try to spawn too close to void fog anymore
  • Fix: Dimension Dictionaries will now be filled on new structures
  • Fix: Barrier Blocks now overwrite with air by default
  • Fix: Structure Names now won't accept spaces

and @Lumaceon with Clockwork Phase
Lumaceon said:
Clockwork Phase 1.0c
  • Added a custom crafting table, the "clockwork assembly table," which replaces the clockwork, mainspring and assembly recipes. This should fix a few bugs related to the null output recipes.
  • Time sand is now displayed in actual time. What was previously: "1 time sand," is now: "1 second."
  • Death and Fire extractors no longer heal the mobs that die.

and @danielm59 with Fast Food
danielm59 said:
Fast Food 0.0.3
Cheesy update:
  • Added Churn
    • Added Butter made from milk in Churn
    • Added Cheese made from Butter in Churn
  • Added Grater
    • Added Grated Cheese made by crafting Cheese with Grater

and @Lycanite with Lycanites Mobs
Lycanite said:
Lycanites Mobs
  • Configs older than will be reset!
  • Major Bug Fix: Vespid Queens have a chance of starting an infinite loop when checking if they should naturally despawn or not, this has been fixed.
  • Improvement: All life draining attacks are now scaled by a mob's effect stat. This means that they will drain less health when on Easy Difficulty, more on Hard and their health draining can be changed via the config using the Effect Multiplier and Boost settings.
  • Balancing: Increased the hit box sizes of the Abtu and Gorgomite to match up with their model sizes correctly.
  • Bug Fix: Shades should no longer spawn as babies.

and @michael__ with Liquipacks
michael__ said:
Liquipacks 1.3.4
  • Removed test code that wasn't supposed to be in release. (When you would right click on an entity with a tank, you would get launched into the air)
  • Tanks now create their nbt data from the damage value, this should make editing recipes with minetweaker easier
  • All recipes now use the ore dictionary, this should help with compatibility.
And here is again another release of RFTools (2.40):

  • New Counter logic block to count redstone pulses. When the correct amount of pulses is received it will itself emit a redstone pulse and start over. In the GUI you can set the maximum and current counter value.
  • New Liquid Monitor block which works similarly as the RF Monitor and allows you to monitor the amount of fluid in a tank and give a redstone signal in case that amount is too low or too high.
  • The default speed of the storage scanner has doubled (delete rftools/main.cfg to actually benefit from this).
  • The different crafter tooltips now show the correct amount of supported recipes.
  • Handling of all RFTools containers (inventories) should now be a bit smarter. Shift-clicking should work more consistently (for example, directly from the hotbar into the machine's inventory where appropriate).
  • Fixed a bug that made several types of mob dimlets not work properly (like snowman, iron golem, slimes, ...)
  • Invalid fluids will no longer cause RFTools to crash. Instead RFTools will simply ignore the fluid.
  • Fixed a dimension related crash at disconnect in some situations.
  • Two new special dimlets:
    • Mediocre Efficiency: this is like the famous efficiency dimlet but it is slightly less rare and only gives 5% benefit.
    • Shelter: this dimlet adds a safer spawn platform with walls, a roof, an iron door and glowstone lighting.
  • Screen system changes:
    • There is now a 'large' version of the screen. This is not a multiblock but a single block that renders twice as large in both directions. Currently you can't display more on this screen. It just shows the same contents but enlarged (easier to view from a distance).
    • There is now a 'transparent' version of both the normal and the large screen. In this version the screen background itself is not rendered and the text floats on screen.
    • The energy, fluid and dimension modules now have text formatting options to make it easier to display large numbers (i.e. 1,000,000 instead of 1000000 or 1,0 MRF).
  • Shield system changes:
    • Ivorius donated a very nice animated texture for the screen. In the GUI of the screen you can now also set the color of this shield.
    • The shield solid block rendering now supports more blocks and in a more correct manner. EnderIO clear glass works fine. So do blocks that depend on metadata and biome specific blocks (like grass).
    • Added a tier 2 shield that can handle up to 1024 blocks (4 times as much as the current tier 1 shield).
    • Changed the default power settings for the shield as otherwise it wouldn't be able to make large shields. Deleted rftools/main.cfg to benefit from this!
    • Simplified the shield blocks. This means that Minecraft will complain when you load an existing map that several blocks have been removed. Don't worry. This is ok! However! You may probably have to re-enable your shields. Right click twice with a wrench on the shield projector and your shields should be operational again.
  • New Dimlet Construction mechanic. This is not fully implemented yet but it should work for a number of dimlets already. Basically you need to make a Dimlet Workbench where you can extract dimlets into parts. It is important to infuse the workbench because only with a fully infused workbench will you have a 100% chance of getting all parts out of a dimlet. In addition to the parts you will also need various essences that belong to that dimlet. These are the essences that are currently supported:
    • Biome Absorber: this block absorbs the essence of the biome where you place it. Use this to make biome dimlets.
    • Material Absorber: this block absorbs 128 blocks starting with the block directly below the absorber. It will stop as soon as it finds no more blocks of that type. This only works with blocks for which there is a dimlet. You can safely break and move this block to continue absorbing blocks elsewhere. This is used to make material dimlets.
    • Liquid Absorber: same as the material absorber but then for liquids.
    • Syringe: with this item you can extra blood out of mobs. This only works on mobs for which there are dimlets. You need a 100% syringe to make mob dimlets.
    • Combining the complete syringes of Iron Golem, Ocelot, Mooshroom, Enderman, Snowman, Bat, Squid, Wolf, and Zombie Pigman you can make peaceful essence which is useful to create the peaceful dimlet. Other types of dimlets (i.e. other essences) will follow in future releases.

Curse: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools
Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/q7kbkyv4vd030ek/rftools-2.40.jar

Don't forget! It is recommended to delete rftools/main.cfg but do *not* delete rftools/dimlets.cfg.

Have fun!
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Aarrrgh, Media Fire ...

It opens a pop-UNDER window (despite a popup blocker in firefox), and plays a video ad at max volume.

Why did I disable ad block again?
probably because the eternal war between ad-blocking and adfly swung in adfly's favor again and broke your blocker. Just a guess.

filehosting: you just cant win as a consumer.
Well I just exclude adfly from adblock. Their adsd aren't that annoying really. True there are the idot test ones, with big flashing download buttons, but that's pretty much it. Mediafire has ads that produce sound whether you want them to or not, and that I just can't let pass.
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And here is again another release of RFTools (2.40):

  • New Counter logic block to count redstone pulses. When the correct amount of pulses is received it will itself emit a redstone pulse and start over. In the GUI you can set the maximum and current counter value.
  • New Liquid Monitor block which works similarly as the RF Monitor and allows you to monitor the amount of fluid in a tank and give a redstone signal in case that amount is too low or too high.
  • The default speed of the storage scanner has doubled (delete rftools/main.cfg to actually benefit from this).
  • The different crafter tooltips now show the correct amount of supported recipes.
  • Handling of all RFTools containers (inventories) should now be a bit smarter. Shift-clicking should work more consistently (for example, directly from the hotbar into the machine's inventory where appropriate).
  • Fixed a bug that made several types of mob dimlets not work properly (like snowman, iron golem, slimes, ...)
  • Invalid fluids will no longer cause RFTools to crash. Instead RFTools will simply ignore the fluid.
  • Fixed a dimension related crash at disconnect in some situations.
  • Two new special dimlets:
    • Mediocre Efficiency: this is like the famous efficiency dimlet but it is slightly less rare and only gives 5% benefit.
    • Shelter: this dimlet adds a safer spawn platform with walls, a roof, an iron door and glowstone lighting.
  • Screen system changes:
    • There is now a 'large' version of the screen. This is not a multiblock but a single block that renders twice as large in both directions. Currently you can't display more on this screen. It just shows the same contents but enlarged (easier to view from a distance).
    • There is now a 'transparent' version of both the normal and the large screen. In this version the screen background itself is not rendered and the text floats on screen.
    • The energy, fluid and dimension modules now have text formatting options to make it easier to display large numbers (i.e. 1,000,000 instead of 1000000 or 1,0 MRF).
  • Shield system changes:
    • Ivorius donated a very nice animated texture for the screen. In the GUI of the screen you can now also set the color of this shield.
    • The shield solid block rendering now supports more blocks and in a more correct manner. EnderIO clear glass works fine. So do blocks that depend on metadata and biome specific blocks (like grass).
    • Added a tier 2 shield that can handle up to 1024 blocks (4 times as much as the current tier 1 shield).
    • Changed the default power settings for the shield as otherwise it wouldn't be able to make large shields. Deleted rftools/main.cfg to benefit from this!
    • Simplified the shield blocks. This means that Minecraft will complain when you load an existing map that several blocks have been removed. Don't worry. This is ok! However! You may probably have to re-enable your shields. Right click twice with a wrench on the shield projector and your shields should be operational again.
  • New Dimlet Construction mechanic. This is not fully implemented yet but it should work for a number of dimlets already. Basically you need to make a Dimlet Workbench where you can extract dimlets into parts. It is important to infuse the workbench because only with a fully infused workbench will you have a 100% chance of getting all parts out of a dimlet. In addition to the parts you will also need various essences that belong to that dimlet. These are the essences that are currently supported:
    • Biome Absorber: this block absorbs the essence of the biome where you place it. Use this to make biome dimlets.
    • Material Absorber: this block absorbs 128 blocks starting with the block directly below the absorber. It will stop as soon as it finds no more blocks of that type. This only works with blocks for which there is a dimlet. You can safely break and move this block to continue absorbing blocks elsewhere. This is used to make material dimlets.
    • Liquid Absorber: same as the material absorber but then for liquids.
    • Syringe: with this item you can extra blood out of mobs. This only works on mobs for which there are dimlets. You need a 100% syringe to make mob dimlets.
    • Combining the complete syringes of Iron Golem, Ocelot, Mooshroom, Enderman, Snowman, Bat, Squid, Wolf, and Zombie Pigman you can make peaceful essence which is useful to create the peaceful dimlet. Other types of dimlets (i.e. other essences) will follow in future releases.
Curse: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools
Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/q7kbkyv4vd030ek/rftools-2.40.jar

Don't forget! It is recommended to delete rftools/main.cfg but do *not* delete rftools/dimlets.cfg.

Have fun!
Nice update, but could you please put the changelogs for future RFTools updates in a spoiler? Also I would love it if you could put the changelog for this update in a spoiler as well.
FyberOptic ‏@FyberOptic Feb 10

@NJM1564 Keep in mind that item rendering in pipes is still broken in the 1.2.5 BuildCraft (on the left).

[The current version of Buildcraft is on the right.]
Image rendering in your post is broken.

edit: I can't even swear this is your fault. The site in general is being derpy, it looks like someone's fiddling with the css.
edit2: I see the image now. Probably my side all along.
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