THIS is what happens when you moan about nerfs, people.
Sad to see him go. AE and AE2 were revolutionary mods.
A complete re-wright of a mod is hardly a nerf. A nerf shouldn't be any thing more than something changes to configs could revert.
What he did was replace a well
liked loved mod with one that was not.
One that used an unintuitive and confusing nature as a balancing point. A players intelligence or understanding should not be used to balance a mod. It's meaningless to someone who can figure it out but crippling to those who can't.
The channel system wasn't a bad idea. I just think it was employed incorrectly.
If it was used as part of a short range wireless system it would make since. It would be optional and it would only have a point towards the end game. And it would have made some kind of sense. With out destroying the systems we have spent years getting used to.