What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Witchery updated to 0.20.6
Though Emoniph forgot to put the download on his version history page, so you'll have to get it through CF.
NEW: Added Spanish Language support (big thanks to minecraftentxt!)
FIX (1.7 only): Spirits were not spawning in the spirit world in any consistent way.
FIX: Witchery structures could spawn in oceans.
And... here... we... go.

The Spice of Life updated to v1.2.0 (for 1.6.4/1.7.2/1.7.10). EDIT: Here's a quick demo video of the new food containers that were added.
  • Added a 1.7.10-only version that requires AppleCore
  • Added a lunch box and lunch bag
    • The lunch bag has 3 slots and the lunch box has 6, they are only able to hold food, and they can only hold stacksizes up to a default of 2 (max stacksize is configurable). If you right click them on an inventory, it will automatically fill them with a variety of foods from that inventory (chosen somewhat intelligently based on % diminished, etc), and if you 'eat' a lunch box/lunch bag, it will intelligently choose the best food to eat from it and eat it.
  • Improved food groups and made them defined by json files
    • Food groups are defined by json files in /config/SpiceOfLife/
    • Added support for different diminishing returns formulas per food group
    • Added support for using food groups as blacklists/whitelists
    • If config option 'use.food.groups.as.whitelists' is true, items not in a food group will be excluded from diminishing returns
    • If a food group has 'blacklist' set to true, items in it will be excluded from diminishing returns
  • Added config options: affect.food.hunger.values and affect.negative.food.hunger.values
    • affect.food.hunger.values can be set to false and affect.food.saturation.modifiers can be set to true to make diminishing returns affect saturation only
  • Added command /spiceoflife reset [player]
    • Resets all TSoL mod data of the command sender or the specified player (current food history, all-time total food eaten, and food journal recieved flag)
  • Added French localization (thanks AegisLesha)
  • Made the 1.6.4/1.7.2 versions compatible with Harder Peaceful (for 1.7.10, use Hunger In Peace instead)
  • Fixed a crash when joining a server with a food journal in your inventory

New mod: AppleCore (1.7.10 only). Note also that this is the API that will power the 1.7.10 version of Hunger Overhaul (soon to be released).

An API for modifying the food and hunger mechanics of Minecraft.
Also adds some useful information about food/hunger to the HUD (see 'Screenshots' below).

More information about what this mod does can be found on the AppleCore Github wiki

Note: On its own, AppleCore does not make any changes to the hunger mechanics of Minecraft. To read about Minecraft's exhaustion and saturation mechanics, see the Minecraft wiki article on Hunger

Mods That Use AppleCore

Hunger Overhaul (coming soon) - Extensive tweaks to hunger and related mechanics
The Spice of Life - Encourages dietary variety through diminishing returns
Hunger In Peace - Normal hunger and health regen in peaceful

For Mod Developers

Getting started with and using AppleCore
Making sure your food is compatible with AppleCore


Food values are shown when holding shift

Hunger/saturation HUD overlay
When holding food, the hunger/saturation you'd get from eating it flashes on the screen

Food exhaustion HUD underlay
Food exhaustion gets shown as a progress bar behind the hunger bar


Source Code on Github | Bug/Issue Tracker

Support me on Patreon

New mod: Hunger In Peace (1.7.10 only, requires AppleCore)
Hunger In Peace

Enables normal hunger/health regen in Peaceful mode.
Basically, an AppleCore compatible version of the Harder Peaceful mod.
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new day, new update, and today it's @Mineshopper with Carpenter's Blocks
Mineshopper said:
Carpenter's Blocks 3.3.0
  • Added Carpenter's Garage Door and five total styles.
  • Added rail and pole ladder styles.
  • Redstone propagation for Carpenter's Block added.
  • Buttons can now be placed on top or bottom faces of block.
  • Pressure plates can now be placed on any side of block.
  • Daylight sensor can now be placed on sides of block, and has a new dynamic sensitivity setting.
  • Fix possible crash when removing covers.

and @Benimatic with Twilight Forest
Benimatic said:
Uploaded new version, 2.3.2. This version fixes a crash on the server when killing unstable ice core mobs in the aurora palace. It also removes some debug messages. I also excluded openblocks grave blocks from the structure protection, so you should be able to break those anywhere now.
New Santa's Decor version - 0.5.2, just a little bug fix and behind-the-scenes fixes.

  • FIX: Added shouldSideBeRendered method to the glasses. It is kind of implemented stupidly, but hey, it works and works well. This makes the glass work like Vanilla glass, in that it will not render the sides when there are other glasses of the same color adjacent. Thank you to @Flipz and @retep998 for pointing out this bug to me :)
  • FIX: Added @Override annotations to places that should've had them before. This doesn't really change anything, just makes it easier when porting to new versions of Forge/Minecraft.
  • FIX: Added @SideOnly annotations to various methods, but mainly renderAsNormalBlock method in the glass classes.
Is this even legal?


Tinkers' Gregworks
This is an Addon for the Minecraft mods Tinkers' Construct and GregTech. it is entirely made for fun, and nothing else.

Hell fucking yes it is. *goes back to waiting for release*

@KaosRitual It adds Gregtech's Meta-Materials (Like Tungsten, Iridium, Nether Star, there over 100 of these) as TiCon tool materials, and also adds back the old IC2 Electric modifier, as well as more tiers for that.
THIS is what happens when you moan about nerfs, people.

Sad to see him go. AE and AE2 were revolutionary mods.

A complete re-wright of a mod is hardly a nerf. A nerf shouldn't be any thing more than something changes to configs could revert.
What he did was replace a well liked loved mod with one that was not.

One that used an unintuitive and confusing nature as a balancing point. A players intelligence or understanding should not be used to balance a mod. It's meaningless to someone who can figure it out but crippling to those who can't.

The channel system wasn't a bad idea. I just think it was employed incorrectly.
If it was used as part of a short range wireless system it would make since. It would be optional and it would only have a point towards the end game. And it would have made some kind of sense. With out destroying the systems we have spent years getting used to.
A complete re-wright of a mod is hardly a nerf. A nerf shouldn't be any thing more than something changes to configs could revert.
What he did was replace a well liked loved mod with one that was not.

One that used an unintuitive and confusing nature as a balancing point. A players intelligence or understanding should not be used to balance a mod. It's meaningless to someone who can figure it out but crippling to those who can't.

The channel system wasn't a bad idea. I just think it was employed incorrectly.
If it was used as part of a short range wireless system it would make since. It would be optional and it would only have a point towards the end game. And it would have made some kind of sense. With out destroying the systems we have spent years getting used to.
I do not know what your talking about but a nerf is when you make something that was once consider easy (or possibly not) harder or change the mechanic so it cannot be as easily use. But you are taking something from the original state and changing it to make it "more difficult" or "harder" or "less powerful" or less "useful" so you are detracting from something.

I think his statement was pretty literal though. People overworked him with all the imbalances.
I do not know what your talking about but a nerf is when you make something that was once consider easy (or possibly not) harder or change the mechanic so it cannot be as easily use.

The problem is not it's not simply harder or more complex. It can be, depending on who uses it, just as easy and simple to use as it was or almost impossible to use.
Doing things in such a round a bout way is a fun puzzle a challenge. But only when you are not forced to do it.

Example: I was watching a Dwolf video. Soaryn made a complex set up easily. Dwolf looked at it and couldn't figure out how it worked.
How is that balanced.
The problem is not it's not simply harder or more complex. It can be, depending on who uses it, just as easy and simple to use as it was or almost impossible to use.
Doing things in such a round a bout way is a fun puzzle a challenge. But only when you are not forced to do it.

Example: I was watching a Dwolf video. Soaryn made a complex set up easily. Dwolf looked at it and couldn't figure out how it worked.
How is that balanced.

Just because someone can't just look at something and instantly understand it doesn't make something imbalanced.
The problem is not it's not simply harder or more complex. It can be, depending on who uses it, just as easy and simple to use as it was or almost impossible to use.
Doing things in such a round a bout way is a fun puzzle a challenge. But only when you are not forced to do it.

Example: I was watching a Dwolf video. Soaryn made a complex set up easily. Dwolf looked at it and couldn't figure out how it worked.
How is that balanced.
Nerf pretty much means balance(make harder or more difficult) and nothing else, if it does mean something else in the what? 10 years that I have heard the word I have never heard it that way.