What's new in modded minecraft today?

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RWTema @Extra_Utilities · 4m
Decided against the nether star recipe but I've added some other minor integration with TE4. http://imgur.com/a/Lxyqp



Witchery has been updated to 0.20.3

Emoniph said:
0.20.3 (1.7.2 download / 1.7.10 download)
NEW: Add Italian language support.
NEW: Infinity Egg, creative only block that give an altar a huge energy boost.
TWEAK: Changed recipe for Koboldite Pickaxe to include some lava.
TWEAK: Changed Koboldite Pickaxe equipped hobgoblin to autosmelt doubled ore.
TWEAK: Increased Koboldite Pickaxe equipped hobgoblin mining animation speed.
FIX: Tooltips were missing for Boline and Huntsman's Spear.
FIX: Recipe for Trent Effigy incorrectly used planks instead of logs.
FIX: Placing a Pentacle, Arthana or Mystic Branch on an altar would replace an existing item if one were already there.

Did I do it? Did I finally beat Satanic Santa to a Witchery update?

EDIT: Nevermind Didn't go back far enough:(
@dries007 has released a new mod called Torch Tools (clocking in at only 30 lines of code) which adds the block placing functionality of Tinkers Construct tools to any kind of tool (anything which is coded to be an ItemTool)

Right click with any tool to use the "place" action with the next slot in your hotbar.
Except on the first slot, there the last slot is used.


He has also made a mod with CountryGamer called Races for Minecraft. The Curseforge has not been approved yet, but you can find all the details here: https://github.com/TheCountryGamer/RacesForMinecraft

Apparently it was requested by Jadedcat to be made
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Now for some updates
(There's a hidden message somewhere, but not in here...
Was that even relevant to point out? Meh)

TeamCOFH with no changelogs! said:
Thermal Expansion 4.0.0B2-9
Thermal Foundation 1.0.0B1-4
CoFHLib 1.0.0B2-18
CoFHCore 3.0.0B2-24
RedstoneArsenal 1.0.1B2-6

PneumaticCraft 1.2.3, 1.2.4
I bet you're not even going to read this said:
-Bugfix: Crash with Inventory Tweaks

-Added Pneumatic Helmet individual module enabling/disabling, with optional keybindings.
-Added Block Tracker category selector, with optional keybindings.
-Added Tube GUI for the Air Grate Tube Module and Pressure Gauge Module.
-Added redstone control for the Pressure Chamber Interface.
-Added ‘Constant’ sensor to the Universal Sensor.
-Added Button hacking.
-Added Item Search support for AE2 Storage Cells.
-Added ComputerCraft peripheral, Thaumcraft Aspect blocks and IC2 Energy, BC Energy and Hydraulicraft Energy block tracking.
-Added AE2 Storage Disk support for the Block Tracker and Item Searcher.
-Added Third party enabling/disabling config options.
-Implemented bpskrs’ Config GUI. WARNING: THIS WILL RESET OLD CONFIGS.
-Disabled the ability to compress blocks in the Pressure Chamber (only entity items now).
-Added Item Search GUI overlay.

-API: Exposed IBlockTrackEntry to be able to add your own block trackers.
-API: Added IInventoryItem to be able to register your own storage items (like AE Cells and bags).
-API: Changed getConnectedPneumatics() in IAirHandler to return a Pair list.

-Bugfix: Sync issue with Tube Module GUI’s.
-Bugfix: Crash when using Entity Attack with an Area piece that is not set.
-Bugfix: Pneumatic Helmet is twice as fast with initialization and tracking (bug existed since the 1.7 port).
-Bugfix: Tracked inventories with the Pneumatic Helmet don’t get their contents updated.
-Bugfix: Security Station doesn’t allow hacking/sharing to occur.
-Bugfix: Blood Magic ritual on plastic plants always drops Burst Plant Seeds.
-Bugfix: Dupe bug with Pressure Chambers.
-Bugfix: Pressure Chambers air connections derp when having more than two Valves in one Pressure Chamber.
-Bugfix: Small sync issue with Slime Plants.
-Bugfix: Regulator Tube Modules sometimes allow higher pressures to go through.
-Bugfix: Crash when trying to autocraft Assembly Program / PCB Blueprint with Applied Energistics.

Tinkers Construct 1.6.0d36
Conquering the world! Where's Natura? said:
- Fixed tools not harvesting mod blocks correctly
- Removed all cape things
- Readded NEI support
- fix for blockbreaking issues with tools
- Materials and You now have volume numbers
- Fixed modifiers going over the max in the crafting ststion
- Fixed blaze modifier stacking
- Mining Fatigue no longer lingers when cleavers are dropped
- Glueballs melt into glue, not gold
- XP is dropped correctly from blocks with tools
- Fixed high step effect on traveller's boots
- Ender Pearls can be cast in something round
- Modifiers should work correctly across different languages

ModTweaker 0.5a
No comment said:
• Fix Vanilla Seed Entries
• Fix Dungeon Loot
• Fix Factorization Support
• Fix Blood Orb Recipes

AOBD 2.2.2
I am a tiny changelog. Fear me! said:
-Remove redundant TE3 recipes
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new day, new update.
First is my spot-on impression of @Yusunoha updated to 1.0.1, now with more Fixided

Ender IO 2.0_beta.156
Added missing package info file from RF API.

ModTweaker 0.5b, 0.5c
Fix Ex Nihilo Support with broken removals

• Added New Command - "/mt tooltips", adds the info from mt hand to items tooltips, if you press the sprint key while hovering over an item (it's ctrl by default for those who don't know), it will print it to the log.
• Fix broken Ex Nihilo Heat Sources
• Fix broken Setting Ticon ToolStats

A new mod too.
http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2166202-builders-guidesBuilder's Guides


Too many times while playing Minecraft have I miscounted and found that my rooms are the wrong size, walls will not join up, or even worse are not an odd number of blocks. So I created Builder's Guides. A collection of cheap, reusable blocks that provide guide lines and highlight center positions.
*If you're perfect, then you probably won't need this
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new day, new update, starting with @RWTema with an update for Extra Utilities
RWTema said:
Extra Utilities 1.1.0f
  • Added: Sounds (Zounds!) to generators, the QED and the activation ritual. These are 'Ambient' if you wish to adjust their volume in the sound settings.
  • Added: Thermal Expansion 4 Integration
  • Added: Higher Tiers of Generators
  • Changed: QED no longer requires power and the crsytals are cheaper. Now works much more reliably with crafting items.
  • Changed: Numerous recipes
  • Changed: Generator values and efficiency
  • Changed: Creative builders wand cannot be crafted from unstable ingots made from semistable nuggets.
  • Changed: Explosion resistance of compressed cobblestone reduced. Now anything less than triple compressed is vulnerable to vanilla TNT strength.
  • Changed: The Creative Builders Wand can now only be crafted with ingots made with the Pseudo-Inverion Sigil
  • Changed: Watering cans will now 'tick' blocks with a grass material (and that are configured to receive random ticks).
  • Fixed: Various Shift-clicking issues/support in numerous GUIs
  • Fixed: BC not recognizing the energy transfer nodes as valid destinations. Note this does not apply if the node is converted to a multipart (i.e. has microblocks).
  • Fixed: RF API Dependency issue.
  • Fixed: Added itemstack coloring to the colored bricks/wood. AE2 should display facades made from them with the correct default color now.
  • Fixed: Fixed 'Air Spices' ore Dictionary detection method not working related to secret thing
  • Fixed: Liquid transfer nodes ignoring filters
  • Fixed: Crash with transfer nodes crafting from inventories where one inventory affects the contents of another
  • Fixed: Compressed Cobblestone not dropping on explosions (again)

and @mDiyo with an update for Tinkers Construct
mDiyo said:
Tinkers Construct 1.6.0d36
  • Fixed tools not harvesting mod blocks correctly
  • Removed all cape things
  • Readded NEI support
  • fix for blockbreaking issues with tools
  • Materials and You now have volume numbers
  • Fixed modifiers going over the max in the crafting ststion
  • Fixed blaze modifier stacking
  • Mining Fatigue no longer lingers when cleavers are dropped
  • Glueballs melt into glue, not gold
  • XP is dropped correctly from blocks with tools
  • Fixed high step effect on traveller's boots
  • Ender Pearls can be cast in something round
  • Modifiers should work correctly across different languages

and a helpful tool mod made by @Watchful1 called InGameBees
Watchful1 said:
Simple tool to configure InGameInfo to display temperature and humidity in game

1. Install NEI and InGameInfo as well as their dependencies.
2. Start the game and enter a world or server.
3. Open your inventory and click the Options button in the lower left corner.
4. Click Tools, Data Dumps and then the Dump button on the Biomes row.
5. Download and run the tool.
6. Click Select Minecraft Folder and use the selector dialog to select your current minecraft folder.
7. Back in game, type "/igi reload" in chat.

Now you should see the climate and humidity levels of your current biome.
You can select Display Percents to display the percentage temperatur and humidity instead of the levels.

and @Myrathi who ported FinndusFillies
Myrathi said:
FinndusFillies v2.1.0.12
  • Release for Minecraft 1.7.10

and lastly @denoflions with some tweets for gtfoMicroblocks
denoflions said:
denoflions ‏@denoflionsx
Working on a rewrite on gtfoMicroblocks. It is now part of INpureCore and is far far smarter. pic.twitter.com/X1TSNQVSer


denoflions ‏@denoflionsx
Also, it now supports culling the following items: ExtraUtils drums, BC Facades, and AE2 facades. pic.twitter.com/SuSmHk3tNn

Now for some updates
(There's a hidden message somewhere, but not in here...
Was that even relevant to point out? Meh)

PneumaticCraft 1.2.3, 1.2.4

Tinkers Construct 1.6.0d36

ModTweaker 0.5a

AOBD 2.2.2
Ok, so performed an update of my mods, and now can't get the game to load.

First important thing to note is that Tinkers Construct uses a later version of forge than the recommended, so you need to update forge to latest, not recommended version.

After I done that, the game is telling me I need at least version 2 of CoFHCore, err, yeah, version 3 latest is sitting in the folder...

Edit: Curse downloaded by default for me the 1.6 version for redstone arsenal... Gah, really hating curse, slow, clunky, and FTB wants to run a client system through curse?

Now I'm getting a mod sorting cycle error
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Reactions: 1SDAN and Fixided
Ok, so performed an update of my mods, and now can't get the game to load.

First important thing to note is that Tinkers Construct uses a later version of forge than the recommended, so you need to update forge to latest, not recommended version.

After I done that, the game is telling me I need at least version 2 of CoFHCore, err, yeah, version 3 latest is sitting in the folder...

Edit: Curse downloaded by default for me the 1.6 version for redstone arsenal... Gah, really hating curse, slow, clunky, and FTB wants to run a client system through curse?

Now I'm getting a mod sorting cycle error

TeamCoFH ‏@TeamCoFH
If anyone *is* experiencing a cyclic dependency error, you can delete the RF API from jars that are *not* CoFHLib and CoFHCore. :)

Discovered that it's EnderIO that's out of date with the RF API. I removed it, and my pack loaded. Took a lot of trial and error, plus lots of redownloading.