What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
X3n0 has been updating Reliquary; it's still alpha, but available from the mod's repository. Looks like some awesome stuff and nice tweaks will be in the eventual release.

Development is back on track, and we have a roadmap for where we want to go from here. You can grab yourself an alpha build for 1.7.x here:

^ The above link is always synced with the latest commit.

We won't be supporting the build, so use at your own risk. The alpha builds will also be changing fairly rapidly, it's bleeding edge. If you find any issues though, please report them on the Github issue tracker. :)
FPS = 300
while true do
    if Mojang = true then
        convert version# to single #version
        FPS = FPS - #version
        wait 8 months

Excuse the total lack of correct program formatting and logic, I am feeling lazy.
int fps = 300;
if (fps = 300)
if (Mojang = true)
version = singleversion;
fps = fps * version;
pause 8 months;
return null;
return null;
I would gladly contribute to such a thread. Basically post modjam news, modjam mod reviews and maybe even a modjam modpack.

Anywho, last modjam I made a modpack but had to remove like 10 mods due to incompatibilties so a modpack won't be easy and definitely prone to bugs.
new day, new update, and toda it's the OpenMods team with updates for OpenPeripheral Core, OpenPeripheral Addons, OpenBlocks and OpenModsLib
OpenMods said:
OpenPeripheral Core 0.4.0
NOTE: Some bugs are fixed in OpenModsLib directly and not included here
  • Feature: ComputerCraft 1.6 compatible version
  • Feature: common API for 1.5X and 1.6 CC versions
  • Feature: @ProxyInterfaces
  • Feature: Railcraft boilers integration
  • Feature: maxDamage returned for items
  • Fix: bee list returning language specific ids only
  • Fix: removed setAccess from TE Strongboxes
OpenModsLib 0.5
  • Feature: Conditional loading framework
  • Feature: Item inventories
  • Feature: mapgen structure finding utilities
  • Feature: fake players are now pooled
  • Feature: OpenBlock subclasses now rotatable by default
  • Fix: quotes on config values leaking to other code
  • Fix: invalid size reported for double chests
OpenBlocks 1.2.8
  • Feature: /dev/null
  • Feature: blocks can now be rotated with most other mod tools
  • Feature: very simple pedometer
  • Feature: on_inventory command to store and restore players inventory
  • Feature: storing inventory on player's death (may be later restored with command)
  • Feature: using dye on guide block now changes markers color
  • Feature: guide block now displays total number of marker blocks on change
  • Feature: sponge-on-a-stick
  • Feature: tanks are now comparator compatible
  • Feature: Tiny People
  • Fix: changed material of most blocks from dirt to stone (should be now easily breakable with pick)
  • Fix: Natura clouds added to default cartographer blacklist
  • Fix: ComputerCraft 1.6 compatibility
  • Fix/Tweak: Trophy drops now enchantment sensitive, don’t drop from non-player kill
  • Fix: error while connecting to some radio servers
  • Fix: “Magnet too far” when trying to deactivate
  • Fix: ineffective tank algorithm
  • Fix: yet another XP duplication bug
  • Fix: crash in crayon item with missing NBT
  • Fix: shuffle flim-flam breaking items with inventory GUI
  • Fix: changed some URL links to use load-balanced versions, URL auto-replace
  • Fix: random inventory render glitches
  • Tweak: grave blast resistance, grave breaking when block below is destroyed
NOTE: Some bugs are fixed in OpenModsLib directly and not included here
  • WIP Feature: Custom stencils, icons
  • WIP Feature: Digital fuse
OpenPeripheral Addons 0.1.4
NOTE: Some bugs are fixed in OpenModsLib or OpenPeripheralCore directly and not included here

  • Feature: ComputerCraft 1.6 compatible version
  • Fix: terminal glasses not resetting on player logout
  • Fix: chaining proxies causing crash

and we've hit the 2000 posts :D
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I would gladly contribute to such a thread. Basically post modjam news, modjam mod reviews and maybe even a modjam modpack.

Anywho, last modjam I made a modpack but had to remove like 10 mods due to incompatibilties so a modpack won't be easy and definitely prone to bugs.

I think part of the requirements this year was proper configs. Though I'll need to check that.
ok, I am gonna make a proper modjam discussion thread right now xD. Just gotta but together some discussion topics and some helpful links

Start by taking a look through Ichun's twitter. I didn't watch all the mods being made bit I know his is nightmarish and fun.
Start by taking a look through Ichun's twitter. I didn't watch all the mods being made bit I know his is nightmarish and fun.
I have just sent a pm to Searge and iPixeli to see if they are ok with me starting up such a thread. Because if a thread like this was created then it will definitely have an impact on the voting system as it is all about reviewing mods and can change people's opinions
I have just sent a pm to Searge and iPixeli to see if they are ok with me starting up such a thread. Because if a thread like this was created then it will definitely have an impact on the voting system as it is all about reviewing mods and can change people's opinions

Hum true. Maybe if the thread opened with a brief wright up about there mod or map from the devs. A link to the mod or map. Fallowed by a request that readers try the mods or maps and vote before going on to comment about them.

And while I'm sure it would be completely unintentional any sort of advertising accidental or not would probably skewed the votes a bit. This thread already mentioned calcavia's video and I mentioned Mdyo and his twitter posts.
The wright up might help rebalanced things.
Hum true. Maybe if the thread opened with a brief wright up about there mod or map from the devs. A link to the mod or map. Fallowed by a request that readers try the mods or maps and vote before going on to comment about them.

And while I'm sure it would be completely unintentional any sort of advertising accidental or not would probably skewed the votes a bit. This thread already mentioned calcavia's video and I mentioned Mdyo and his twitter posts.
The wright up might help rebalanced things.
Yeah, well either way I thought it was best to run it through them first. I am thinking of making it so that people reply in the comments of the forum post with their reviews and I will compile them in a google document of some sort. However I may need some help with that so if anyone (when the forum thread is set up). Wants to have permissions to help post the reviews on the google document just PM me with your google email and I can add you to the list of those with edit rights.
The weekly Modded News will be a day late due to Mod Jam. With it just rapping up tonight (or yesterday now, lol) trying to cram a months worth of news happening over one weekend with only a night of prep, I am calling defeat and hoping y'all will not be upset with me pushing it a day. :)

So rather than posting it Monday @ noon (CST) like normal, look for it on Tuesday same time.
Is there a master list of submissions? ie list of the mods/maps submitted with a short description?
not yet. In fact the mods are not released officially, but when they are I am sure over time such a list will be curated.

EDIT: But in the competitors list you can see a github/bitbucket link for most of them which may or may not have a compiled mod to download. some will be empty but that is all we know