- Bugfix: Totemic Wand Core is now craftable. Way to go, Pokefenn.
- Bugfix: Will no longer throw a NullPointerException when another mod tampers with the recipes for gold armor.
- Change: Witchwood Wand costs less mana.
- Change: Livingwood Wand costs more mana.
- Change: Neutronium Wand is now marked as Creative Only in case the 9001 vis weren't a clue.
- Change: Chinese translation is cleaned up thanks to crafteverywhere
- Change: Umbral Rose growth rate un-nerfed slightly
- Change: Chameleon Tools can now have separate anvil names per mode
- Change: Chameleon Pickaxe with the Eternal enchant can now be used in the Arcane Bore without ever breaking.
- Change: Bloody Scrivener's Tools can now use LP from within the research table. Durability on them drastically decreased for if you run out of LP.
- Addition: Witchwood Staff - Faster and less expensive than the wand
- Addition: Neutronium Staff - In case you wanted a staff instead of a wand.

- Addition: Scribing Tools of Thoth - Another pointless Kami item