What's new in modded minecraft today?

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New GT alpha update. The tool system is now in place, meaning wrenches and hoes and hammers etc can now be crafted from many more items than before, including materials from some other mods, such as enderium (with Greg-ified tool recipes of course, similar to how they looked in 1.6). Durability is 100x less than what is shown (so enderium below would be 256 hits, just like iron) to allow for more precise damage.
Larger Album

Vanilla tools still exist of course.
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Few more updates today

@Dynious has updated Refined Relocation to
Dynious said:
  • Fixed filters using wrong index when client and server side don't have the same amount of creative tabs
  • Fixed prioritization not saving

@lumien has updated Random Things to 2.0.29

Lumien said:
  • Added: Moon Sensor
  • Added: Hardcore Darkness
  • Added: Notification Interface
  • Added: Whitestone Particles & Sounds
  • Fixed: Online Detector not properly updating blocks
  • Fixed: Whitestone charging on any moon phase

@WayofTime has updated Blood Magic to 1.0.1d

WayofTime said:
- Fixed bug with the alchemy set duplicating items
- Reworked the Ballad of Alchemy to be more friendly. That sinister feeling is just your imagination...
- Added the Call of the Zephyr ritual.
- Updated 1.7.2 version to include NEI support.
- Thaumcraft integration now supported in 1.7.2
- Added some nifty upgrades to the Ritual of the Crusher. Best look them up!

There is also a new addon for Ex Nihilo by @RedRockFowl which you can get Here

RedRockFowl said:
This is a simple add-on for Ex Nihilo (by Erasmus Crowley) that offers NEI integration for hammering, sieving, and composting. It show the odds of obtaining items from smashing blocks with Ex Nihilo hammers or running them through Ex Nihilo sieves. It also shows you the number of items required for composting in Ex Nihilo barrels.

@Lisimba has wrote an extensive guide for Reactorcraft on Reddit.

Reddit: Here
Guide: Here
The ftbwiki.org is changing to include the AT Launcher wiki

Heyo /r/feedthebeast !

A small announcement: ftbwiki.org is expanding by creating atlwiki.net domain for our fellow /r/atlauncher users. Content is shared between two domains.


Basically, 2 different main pages - everything else is the same, one MediaWiki instance is behind both domains. One user database, too. Editing an article at any domain will be shown as an edit on both. A custom MediaWiki plugin was written to let the wiki have 2 main pages work as intended.

ATLwiki uses a different color scheme (green), but if you are a registered user, the wiki skin of your choice will be shown on both wikis when you log in. (Can be changed in Preferences tab). The wiki logo also depends on the website you are on.

Some of the pages have "set" urls. It means going to that page will redirect you to a certain site: either ftbwiki.org or atlwiki.net. This has been implemented for packs' articles.

As usual, we stick to our anonymous editing policy: you don't need an account to edit the wiki. However, creating an account means we can recognize your edits and promote to contributor (or even an admin ;0 ) if you are active.

Disclaimer: the atlwiki.net is an unofficial community-driven wiki. All the necessary permissions were granted by /u/RyanTheAllmightyregistered on the wiki ;)

If you have any questions - be sure to ask!

ostPavel, ftbwiki.org admin

PS As many of you have already noticed, we've added a "Did you know" section to the main page. If you press F5 and the fact doesn't change - that's because of caching, best way to solve the problem is to get an account.
- ostPavel

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I've just released an alpha of RemoteIO for 1.7!

Hey all, long time no see!

I've been spending the last week or two completely re-writing RemoteIO for 1.7. The old version was quite buggy, so I decided the best course of action was to start from scratch.

This version is still an alpha! There's a lot of missing functionality, along with a complete lack of recipes. I'm mainly releasing this to get some initial feedback and bug reports.

The one block in so far is the Remote Interface. This takes the place of the old IO block. Any interaction with the internals of this block (upgrades) is done by right-clicking with the IO Tool. This opens a GUI with slots for upgrades/transfer chips, and a 3D representation of the remote block.

Core mechanics of this block are enabled by using a location chip. Simply sneak and right-click with the location chip in hand on any block in the world, then right-click it on the Remote Interface. This links the two blocks together. You can then add any number of transfer chips (which add support for various matter (energy, items, fluid, etc)) and upgrades (which add additional features). You can also apply upgrade/transfer chips simply by right-clicking on the block with the chip in hand.

*transfer chips should be self explanatory*

Remote Camo: The remote interface will display the linked block instead of its own texture. The rotation buttons in the gui can be used to rotate the render, if you want it facing in a different direction than the remote block
Remote Access: Sends any block interaction through to the remote block. Also enables support for Thaumcraft wand interaction, and IC2 wrench interaction (More to be added as the situation arises)
Simple Camo: Similar to the remote camo, but renders the specified block instead of the remote one. Shift-right-click with the upgrade in hand to place a block in (to specify), then insert as normal.

Few more updates today

@Lisimba has wrote an extensive guide for Reactorcraft on Reddit.

Reddit: Here
Guide: Here

Yay! (had a big checkmark, then was edited by moderator to put it in a spoiler, making it smaller witch in tur reduced its size to non-worthy of the quote size)
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BuildCraft 6.0.11. is out. Patch and fixes. :) www.mod-buildcraft.com
There's also new added compatibility with Applied Energistics
SpaceToad said:
Good news everyone!

6.0.11 is out! Given the amount of fixes and tweaks that are still required (almost 30 this time), it’s not yet ready for prime time, but getting there. In particular, substantial issues were found with pipe filters and gates parameters, which will be now be erased when loading old blueprints with the latest version. Thanks everyone for the bug hunting and fixes!

On the bright side, for those of you who play Algorithmx2′s Applied Energetic’s, you’ll be happy to know that this version of BuildCraft is whitelisting a large amount of BuildCraft blocks to the spacial I/O mechanism. In particular, you will be able to move pipes.

Here’s the detailed changelog:

#1771 fixed engines orientation when building [SpaceToad]
#1769 minor tweaks in schematic containing liquid [SpaceToad]
#1768 add kind selection to the MJ Api providers [Prototik]
#1767 add fallback facade loading for support migration from 5.0.x [Prototik]
#1765 add support for sided batteries in MJ API [Prototik]
#1761 fix partial state info glitches in AND gates bug-minor [Prototik]
#1760 fix stacking of blueprints [Prototik]
#1757 extract battery interface into IBatteryObject enhancement [Prototik]
#1756 added possibility of implementing different energy kinds [SpaceToad]
#1753 white-listed blocks for Applied Energetics enhancement [SpaceToad]
#1750 add configuration to allow to remove certain block recipes [SpaceToad]
#1749 draw half of indicator for AND gates when not all triggers active [Prototik]
#1745 fixed inventories in BuildCraft schematics [SpaceToad]
#1744 fix comparator requirements for builder [Prototik]
#1743 fix energy load and save in builders [Prototik]
#1742 update MJ API doc and improve implementation [Prototik]
#1739 fix server crash while drop items in stripes pipe [Prototik]
#1738 disable/enable page buttons in blueprint library enhancement [tambry]
#1736 fix GuiBlueprintLibrary.java style error [ninehous]
#1735 fix redstone lamp deleted by builder [SpaceToad]
#1734 enable/disable delete button in library [tambry]
#1733 fix blueprints not being uploaded when shift-clicked [tambry]
#1730 removed handling of custom items in TravelingItem [SpaceToad]
#1729 removed tallgrass recording in blueprints [SpaceToad]
#1728 implement On/Off actions for all tables enhancement [Prototik]
#1727 using XDG for retrieving downloads dir on Linux/Mac [Prototik]
#1724 dont’ break other mods’ gui s when holding a pipe [undergroundminer3]
#1207 quarry arm sides using wrong textures [SpaceToad]

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News from RWTema's twitter.
"I've added support for baubles ring slots to the Angel Ring."

"I added test code for automatable watering cans. It's craftable but only if your username is 'RWTema' #ibetrollin pic.twitter.com/lfOAW8IirE"

"You can get the test watering can with "/give username ExtraUtilities:watering_can 1 3", but bear in mind it is still very much WIP."

"I forgot how broken the automatable watering can is. I'm going to have to make a very expensive recipe for it."

"Other changes are new textures for the unstable tools and the creative builders wand is now properly obtainable in survival."

Other news: Fans linch RWTema for that second post.
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So... this may or may not be news depending on your view but I recently got access to update stuff on Not Enough Mods and I realised it was missing a lot of stuff. So, I have just added 38 new mods to the 1.7.2 portion of the site.

You can go check them out here: http://bot.notenoughmods.com/1.7.2.html

But if you want a list of mods that I put in, they are in this spoiler:
AestheticBeacons 1.0.1
AntiqueAtlas 4.0.1a
Backpacks (dev) 2.0.0.pre-1
BuildCraftTools (dev)
DoggyTalents 1.6.0a
EnderTanks rev-15
EnhancedBiomes 2.1
GeoActivity 1.5
LuckyBlock 5.0.0
MCICraft 1.0.4
MoreMaterials 1.0
MoreSwords 2.6.2
ConstructionMod (dev) beta-build7
FurnitureMod (dev)
MultiMine 1.7.2
ParachuteMod 2.5.3
PassiveEnchantments 1.0
PlanterHelper 0.4.2
PortableCrafting 0.0.3b1
PortaPortal 0.0.2g
Quiverbow b49
RoguelikeDungeons 1.2.9
SecurityCraft 1.5
ShetiPhianCore 2
TelePads 1.4
ThaumicTinkerer (dev) alpha-2.3-94
YeGamolChattels 1.0.1
ZeldaSwordSkills 0.1.2
ZZZZZCustomConfigs 1.3.0
Big update for BiblioCraft to 1.7.0

*New Block: Fancy Workbench, an upgraded crafting bench with the ability to create recipe books and has a storage space for 8 books on the front as well as a 9th slot for a active recipe book. Comes in all 6 woods. Place items in the crafting grid and a vanilla blank book into the active recipe book slot and click the arrow to create a new recipe book. With the recipe book in the active recipe slot a ghost image of the recipe will appear in the grid. Another arrow will appear above the book, click that to automatically load matching ingredients from your player’s inventory.

*New Item: Recipe Book, created with the Fancy Workbench, a Recipe Book will remember a recipe and assist in showing the ingredients and the pattern. Right click to open the GUI to see the recipe inside the book as well as a list of ingredients. The player can also write a short page description of the recipe and save the book. An unsigned book can be overwritten in the Fancy Workbench, but a signed recipe book cannot. Signed recipe books can also be copied using the printing press.

*New Block: Fancy Sign, This sign comes in all 6 wood colors and can be placed on the floor, wall, or ceiling. A screw gun or hand drill can be used to shift the sign from the back of the block to the center or to the front of the block. To open the GUI, sneak-right click with an empty hand. In the gui you can place up to 2 items/blocks which can be zoomed, positioned, and rotated anywhere on the sign. You can have up to 15 lines of small scale text, or scale the text up for larger text with fewer lines. There is also a button for adding the formatting symbol from Minecraft to make text formatting on the sign easy. There are several tooltips within the GUI that will help explain how everything works.

*New Block: Sword Pedestal, By popular request, This sword pedestal accepts most any sword, including modded ones, and emits a redstone signal when a sword is present. Can be created with any color wool or can be dyed after creation to any of the 16 Minecraft colors.

*New Block: Desk Bell, a simple desk bell that “dings” when right clicked. Will also accept a redstone signal and will “ding” upon receiving such.

*New Item: Big Book, Tons of editing options including buttons for all the available formatting options Minecraft offers as well as up to 8 “chapter” tabs that will each bookmark a selected page. Per line saleable text. Up to 44 lines of text per page on the smallest text scale. A “first page” and a “last page” button. Up to a total of 256 pages. Full printing press support for signed big books, though due to complexity big books are saved as raw NBT data and as such are not editable outside of Minecraft.
*New Item: Slotted Book, A simple one page book with a slot that will accept item stack. Player can type in a custom title and short description in the book. The title will change the name of the book so it looks just like any vanilla signed book. A great way to hide your secret items amongst your books!

*New Item: Hand Drill, A low tech version of the screw gun. All the same features and functions as a screw gun, but with a different look and new sounds.

*New Mechanic: Bookcases can be adjusted to sit on either the front or back of a blockby right clicking with the screw gun or the hand drill on a bookcase.

*Expanded Print Press support: Supports the new Recipe Books and Big Books. For each of these, 2 separate files will be saved to the books folder in your config folder (SSP) or in your world folder (SMP). A basic file with a couple of lines of basic information for the typesetting table to read and a .dat file that contains the actual NBT compound tags from the books. These pairs of files can be passed around and shared freely allowing Big Books and Recipe Books to be copied to any world. This opens the possibility of stuff like sharing recipe collections or guidebooks for certain mods.

*Added a recipe for the reading enchantment. Simple place any enchanted book plus the reading glasses (or tinted glasses or monocle) into the crafting grid to make an enchanted book of reading that can be applied to a helmet of your choice.

*Fixed the Reading enchant, turned out to be broken after the Minecraft 1.7.2 update so it didn’t work in BiblioCraft v1.6.x branch.

*Fixed hoppers pulling stuff from labels.Labels should now be immune to hoppers.