What's new in modded minecraft today?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A couple of updates today

@Democretes has updated Technomancy to 0.4.1

Democretes said:
  • Fix: Parent mods not present causing crashes.
  • Fix: Flower dynamo causing crashes.

@Emoniph has updated Witchery to 0.18.3

Emoniph said:
  • NEW: Added support for Minecraft 1.7.2 (alpha version).
  • TWEAK: Slightly modified the forest biome types that Coven Witches can spawn in.
  • FIX: A null reference exception could occur on the client side when showing the Altar GUI after the altar had been moved by another mod.
  • FIX: A null reference exception could occur when brewing with a toad without headgear on.
  • FIX: Removed duplicated Arthana recipe.
  • FIX: Brew of Substitution was not spawning swapped blocks.

@joshie has updated Mariculture to 1.2.2

Joshie said:
== Mariculture 1.2.2 ==
==== Last 1.6.4 ====
* This should be the last of the 1.6.4 content updates, there will no doubt still be bugfix and balance updates
==== New ====
* Config added for Fish Breeding chance, increase the breeding multiplier to make breeding easier, or decrease it to make it harder
* Bound Fishing Rod when Blood Magic is installed, + Ritual to double mutation chance in the incubator (Requires Blood Magic 1.0.1+)
* Fish Scanner, and Biome Analyser lets you peer in to the crazy depths that is Fish DNA and See what the temperature of the current location is
* Male DNA affects the area that is affected, they have six stats for this dna, for all six coordinates, representing + or minus to the radius, only opening a feeder, or placing a male in will now update the tank area
* Ten new Fish Species, bringing the total up to 40!
* Angelfish when working will now teleport items up to 16 blocks in each direction in to chests underneath fish feeders
* All fish can be caught alive in the wild, but anything other than the base fish, have special catch conditions, such as time of day, height in world, temperature, salinity
* Added WAILA Support to Vats
* Can disable the requirements for catching fish in different biomes, allowing you to catch all fish in each biome(world related still applies)
==== Changes ====
* Limestone Variants and Pearl Bricks split in to a new 'Aesthetics' module.
* Fish 'Groups' removed, doesn't affect anything, since they were just arbritary descriptors anyways, Allows for addition of 1 off fish, rather than having to install three new fish at a time
* Fertility is now the number of eggs that are produced, The hatch chance of eggs is now a fixed 0.1%, so a fish that lays 3000 eggs will on average produce 3 extra fish, but can be improved with the use of purity upgrades in an incubator
* Magnesium Dust now has 100% chance of Magnesium, Magnesium Dust reduced to 5000MB Quicklime and 3000MB Water. You can also make the dust now with 1000MB of water and a Flux Droplet
* Burnt Bricks, now use half as much lava for both recipe variants
* You can now melt Limestone in a Tinkers Smeltery as well as the Magnesium Dust
* Obsidian time reduced to 10 seconds from 15
* Mob Magnet requires LP to be used if you have Blood Magic installed
* Breeding combinations completely revamped
* Fish Stat defaults all changed, Due to this, any existing fish eggs will NOT work after upgrading. Make sure to hatch fish before updating.
* Nightfish can now be caught rarely in the overworld but only when fishing at night.
* Concept of 'Ethereal Waters' removed, Salinity now consists of Fresh, Brackish and Saline Water. The Salinator Upgrade increases the salinity of the biome by one, while the Purifier reduces it by one, so a fresh water biome would need two salinator upgrades to become salt water. Ethereal upgrade now nullifies the world requirement for fish instead. E.G. It lets you breed netherfish in overworld, endfish in nether or overworld fish in the end etc.
* Fishing loot now split in to two lists, goodies and junk. Higher tier fishing rods have better chance of getting good stuff.
* Food tick in the config is now how many ticks before a fish will eat, Fish are less greedy.
* Fishing Net default speed, slightly faster
* Reduced cost of Hard plastic, can also make it with ethanol now instead
* Changed Transparent Plastic recipe to be glass + natural gas/ethanol
* Can automatically extract fishing rods from autofisher, allowing automated charging of the RF rod
* Can now use vanilla fishing rods in an autofisher, they will only generate vanilla fish, and require no bait
* Luck of the Irish now can be put on Hammers, You have a chance to restore more than one damage point in an anvil when using the hammer
* Changed around how much bait you get and from what you get it from
* Shift clicking a sifter will cause it to sift one item at a time instead of the whole stack
* Fish Tank size, while as before is determined by water, it's no longer based on 'various sizes'. Each fish now has it's own individual number of water block requirements. Ranging from 15 blocks of water up to 400. To see how much space a fish needs, you can use the scanner. Fish Food amount is also determined by water blocks.
==== Bugfixes ====
* Fixed AutoDictionary not correctly removing the extra tags when converting items
* Fixed dupe glitch with books
* Fixed Oyster dupe bug, with block updates
* Fixed crash with enchanted basic mirrors
* Fixed crash when fishing on tile entities that aren't instances of IUpgradable
* Fixed crash when eating the last item in a stack of food
* Fixed potential crash when reloading a Vat
* When producing the last two fish from an egg if none are generated, they will no longer be 'twins', their dna is now generated seperately.

There is also a new mod which was released just yesterday by @theflogat that adds "Super powerful RF power generation". A link for those interested: Here


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
aaaaaand I'm back :D
thank you all for keeping this topic going for the time that I've been on vacation, it's really nice to see the community work together like this :)
for those interested, it was a great vacation :)

I went over all the missed posts in the topic, and you all sure have posted all the updates I'd have posted, but there are a few that might've been missed, or that I've not noticed them.
if it's the latter, I apologize, probably my mind might still be on vacation ;)

so, for the first time in a week, new day, new update... starting with @WayofTime with Blood Magic
WayofTime said:
  • Fixed bug with the alchemy set duplicating items
  • Reworked the Ballad of Alchemy to be more friendly. That sinister feeling is just your imagination...
  • Added the Call of the Zephyr ritual.
  • Updated 1.7.2 version to include NEI support.
  • Thaumcraft integration now supported in 1.7.2
  • Added some nifty upgrades to the Ritual of the Crusher. Best look them up!

and @bdew with a quick hotfix for Gendustry
bdew said:
Changes - 1.1.1 Hotfix 1
  • Fixed queens produced by the replicator not having correct offspring

and @XCompWiz aswell with a quick hotfix for Mystcraft
XCompWiz said:
OK, so that wasn't the last build for 1.6.4. Here's a hot fix.
  • [BugFix]Fixes crash on server startup
  • [Compat]Adds names to items (this will cause the game to complain of mismatches, but all should be well)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
aaaaaand I'm back :D
thank you all for keeping this topic going for the time that I've been on vacation, it's really nice to see the community work together like this :)
for those interested, it was a great vacation :)

I went over all the missed posts in the topic, and you all sure have posted all the updates I'd have posted, but there are a few that might've been missed, or that I've not noticed them.
if it's the latter, I apologize, probably my mind might still be on vacation ;)

so, for the first time in a week, new day, new update... starting with @WayofTime with Blood Magic

and @bdew with a quick hotfix for Gendustry

and @XCompWiz aswell with a quick hotfix for Mystcraft
Welcome back! :D Just so you know, the Blood Magic and Mystcraft updates were already covered in previous posts.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
aaaaaand I'm back :D
thank you all for keeping this topic going for the time that I've been on vacation, it's really nice to see the community work together like this :)
for those interested, it was a great vacation :)
and @XCompWiz aswell with a quick hotfix for Mystcraft

Welcome back! Good to know that it was a nice vacation. :) That's the only "news update" I was hoping to hear from you on your return. ;)

We would have missed you, but someone valiantly volunteered to "adopt" this thread become its "torch bearer", and kept shovelling coal at the fires all week. ;)

Thanks again to @Geometry :)
[adopts dramatic narrator voice]
Once again, the day is saved, thanks to powerpuff girls geometry :p
[and we're done for today, people]


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Iguana_Man has given a guy by the name of Parker8283 to port all his mods to 1.7

He has already started with Iguana Tweaks

I talked about it with iguana_man in IRC and he says that he will be doing all his mods and there is a chance he won't be coming back to modded minecraft however it depends on whether time allows for it
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welcome back! Good to know that it was a nice vacation. :) That's the only "news update" I was hoping to hear from you on your return. ;)

We would have missed you, but someone valiantly volunteered to "adopt" this thread become its "torch bearer", and kept shovelling coal at the fires all week. ;)

Thanks again to @Geometry :)
[adopts dramatic narrator voice]
Once again, the day is saved, thanks to powerpuff girls geometry :p
[and we're done for today, people]

yes, Geometry sure posted alot of updates, but other people helped aswell, so a big thanks to everyone :)

Iguana_Man has given a guy by the name of Parker8283 to port all his mods to 1.7

He has already started with Iguana Tweaks

I talked about it with iguana_man in IRC and he says that he will be doing all his mods and there is a chance he won't be coming back to modded minecraft however it depends on whether time allows for it

I'm both happy and sad, sad to hear another mod developer possibly biting the dust, but happy to hear that someone is willing to take over the projects.
if it's one thing which makes me even more sad is when a mod developer leaves without even saying a word


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yes, Geometry sure posted alot of updates, but other people helped aswell, so a big thanks to everyone :)

I'm both happy and sad, sad to hear another mod developer possibly biting the dust, but happy to hear that someone is willing to take over the projects.
if it's one thing which makes me even more sad is when a mod developer leaves without even saying a word

Agree with that sentiment on the mod dev scene.

Also, apologies. I did not imply that others did not help. Definitely it is a team effort. Thanks everybody.
But sometimes you need to single out those that made the extra effort (extra enough to stand out in this case). ;)

Enthusiasm accepts an appreciation as its own reward :)
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
BuildCraft 6.0.12 :) Woo!
SpaceToad said:
Good news everyone!

Some substantial shortcomings in the previous blueprint implementation requires an extra release today. This one will be much more stable when creating blueprint with blocks coming from third party mods, and moving these blueprints from world to world. Definitely worth a last hotfix at the end of this 1-week coding marathon!

For people that already started to implement blueprint support in their mods, this release contains yet again an API change, in order to cleanup the whole thing one last time. Methods for schematics should be frozen by now.

Along with these important changes, a few bugfixes came in. This in among other things using the help of Open Eye, a system that tracks crashes and makes them available directly to modders. If you haven’t already, please consider installing it. I am monitoring it and using it as a basis for bug hunting.

Anyway, as always, here’s the complete list of tweaks and fixes:

#1785 improve consistency of schematic API naming [SpaceToad]
#1784 fix crashes when using reflexion with pipes [undergroundminer3]
#1783 fix NPE in Box.extendToEncompass [SpaceToad]
#1782 fix tile marker crashes [SpaceToad]
#1781 support for IO modes in MjAPI enhancement [Prototik]
#1780 fix possible crash while scrolling through facades [SpaceToad]
#1779 improve blueprint behavior when blocks are missing [SpaceToad]
#1778 enhance default behavior of id translation [SpaceToad]

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