What's new in modded minecraft today?

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After some time,@XCompWiz has updated Mystcraft to

XCompWiz said:
Last build for 1.6.4. Here's hoping it works right!

[API]Adds modifier reference key strings to API
[API]Adds toString to Color object
[API]Grammar name changes (to align with new rules systems) (minor API breakage)
[API]IWeatherController has new function for rainfall information
[API]IWeatherController temperature/etc functions based on biome id rather than x,z coords
[API]Refactors the basic modifier rules to make adding modifier symbols easier
[Balance]Following link panels should not be available from villagers
[Balance]Reduces frequency of biome symbol trades and treasure
[Balance]Revises rarity categorization for notebook booster packs
[BugFix]Adds missing symbols to creative notebooks
[BugFix]Fixes instability potion effects not affect players
[BugFix]Fixes items being lost when dropped into empty desk surface
[BugFix]Fixes some empty string issues with Agedata saving/loading
[Config]Adds a config option to enable death in an age to respawn you in the Overworld
[Config]Option to disable desk gen in villages
[Crafting]blank pages to paper
[Creative]Fixes desk backboard not showing up in creative menu
[Grammar]Changes grammar rules of terrain alteration and population symbols (req 1, possibly more if none written)
[Grammar]Rebalances all grammar rules to allow more control
[Grammar]Size-based Biome Controllers have a biome sequence rule and two basic biome rules. 3 biomes will halt extras.
[Grammar]Suns, moons, starfields, doodads, visual effects, terrain alterations, populators, and effects now all work like colors; writing one stops generation of more.
[Grammar]The biome sequence rule (presently used in controllers which can take any number of biomes) now produces at least one biome
[Grammar]Writing a biome such that the biome sequence rule is expanded prevents it from generating more
[Interface]Custom TextBox
[Interface]Fixes synchronization on TextBox entry
[Interface]Fixing tooltip postioning and refactoring
[Interface]Reworked the internals of the GUIs (smoother, and more robust)
[Internal]The random symbol selector will choose a random item from a list of 0-weight items
[Localization]Adds system for symbol name localizations
[Localization]Most symbol display names are localized, but not all. Biomes and colors, for example, aren't.
[Performance]Reduce biome wrapper count
[Symbols]Tiled biome can take more biomes
[Visuals]Fixes some poems to remove a repeat
Would you guys be interested in updates for mods that are not in FTB?

OFC. :)
After all, a rose by any name smells just as sweet.
The same analogy goes for mods too. Non-FTB mods are just those that were unlucky in not making into one of the packs, due to various reasons *cough mekanism cough* :D
OFC. :)
After all, a rose by any name smells just as sweet.
The same analogy goes for mods too. Non-FTB mods are just those that were unlucky in not making into one of the packs, due to various reasons *cough mekanism cough* :D
TPPI has Mekanism ;)
TPPI has Mekanism ;)

Indeed. So does all my pvt packs. Now I see that I misread your original comment as "non FTB pack mods". Now I understand that you were talking about mods that never feature in any mod pack that shows up in the FTB launcher!
*cough extrabiomesxl cough* - which I prefer over BoP!
A batch of updates coming right up!

@M3gaFr3ak has updated Extra Cells to 1.6.9b

M3gaFr3ak said:
ExtraCells 1.6.9b:
-Fix usage of containeritems etc

@Sharshar has updated Charlotte's Utilities to 0.6.0

Sharshar said:
v0.6.0 (marker blocks):
  • Refactored some code and began prep work for future Minecraft and Forge versions
  • Layout block chain extension now stops at max build height and 0 instead of wasting layout blocks
  • Config option to toggle the morph brush taking damage on use added
  • Multiplier config option to customize paintbrush cooldown length (default 10, set to 0 to disable)
  • Marker Block added - lets you easily mark and find specific points
  • Morphbrush now costs two glowstone blocks instead of gold blocks when peacefulModeRecipes is enabled
  • Default Paintbrush cooldown durations halved
  • Default Paintbrush size limit is now 16 (up from 8)
  • Default Paintbrush volume limit is now 256 (down from 512)
  • Renamed the Paintbrush's "U/D Pipe" to "V Tube" and added a "H Tube" option
  • Working on a good way to not harvest/swap layout blocks the player is standing on

@rich1051414 has updated Damage Indicators to
rich1051414 said:
Fixed configuration issues when changing minecraft versions.
Added experimental target locking. Disabled by default, it may be buggy so you must manually enable in the configuration.

@Calclavia has updated Calclavia Core to

Calclavia said:
  • Minor fluid container check change
  • Worked on bucket handling for tanks, and autocrafting
  • Changed permission level of UE command allowing anyone to debug networks
  • Added getTemperature() to IReactor interface.
  • Minor change to terminal
  • Fixed bug in Thermal Grid where two reactors sharing the same pool of water could attempt to destroy the same water source block causing TickNextTickInvalid error.
  • Test for thermal grid that involves not removing source blocks but rather detecting their presence.
  • Thermal Grid is no longer threaded, created once from CalclaviaLoader on startup instead of having client and server instances.

@Calclavia has updated ICBM to

Calclavia said:
  • Possible fix for platform battery item usage
  • Added AA gun support for flying players
  • Fixed invalid access to a private field when loading sentry AI target parms
  • Fixed energy handler not updating correctly
  • Set launchers to store more energy then needed to launch missiles
  • Renamed Texture Tracker class
  • Moved CommandSentry to cmd package
  • Fixed an issue with target data wiping on nbt load for sentry AI
  • Fixed crossbow sentry render
  • Disable waila from displaying all users listed in a sentry
  • Re-enabled crossbow sentry and fix recipe crash
  • Created recipe for Cross box sentry
  • Finished target and target exact commands
  • Added target command to list target types
  • Worked on sentry commands, changed how per sentry targeting is done
  • Reverted tgame14 last two commits that removed per sentry targeting configs
  • Added Anti Air selector code, this is temporary and will move to OOP system later
  • Implemented saltpeter which can be created by smelting reeds, also changed gunpowder recipe to saltpeter + sulfur + charcoal
  • Fixed texture and icon for saltpeter
  • Added saltpeter, TODO implement in gunpowder recipe

@Calclavia has updated Resonant Induction to

Calclavia said:
  • Added toString to several tiles allowing better debug
  • Minor spelling change
  • .
  • Format fix in build script
  • Another try to fix the issue
  • Fix for build script by AbrarSyed
  • Another attempt
  • Lets try this and see if it works (dark starts to go crazy)
  • Quick file change test
  • Another attempt to fix build issue
  • Added waila to each sub mod src folder in attempt to fix build server, need a better way to handle this
  • Changed api java -> api scala
  • Added waila src to the api folder to fixed build issues
  • Added ftank support for waila
  • Fixed crate interaction for creative mode users
  • Added waila support for crates
  • Changed crate sample stack to only build server side
  • Minor change to crates in attempt to fix a waila issue
  • Added tool tip on item lev to say its disabled
  • Changed crate to update every few ticks to fix some cases crates would not sync to client
  • Added electrical damage to framed wires
  • Reworked @Config to support any phase loading
  • Small cleanup
  • Cleaned up direction map of IItemRailing
  • Cleanup of Item railings
  • Changed insulation back to wool until i can implement an insulation handler
  • Finished mechanical piston render and model
  • Moved hammer code to engineering table, changed hammer change, reduce energy loss
  • Added translations for engineering table inventory mode msg
  • Adding proper constructor data to ItemRailingTransfer
  • Added Item for ItemRailing, and registered in Multipart factory including in load phase, EXPERIMENTAL
  • Prevented mechanical node from creating negative energy
  • Cleaned imports
  • Adding logic to choose next ItemRailing for IItemRailingTransfer to go to next
  • Added weak Ref to ItemRailingTransfer to allow caching of current target, and end goal
  • Made ItemRailingTransfer accept node instead of Part
  • Pointing connected Railing to node for logic queries
  • Abstracting PartRailing from being an IItemRailing and instead making nodes implement it
  • Clean up, made Comparator of ItemRailing to compare against distance to source ItemRailing
  • Adding comparators to sort through nodes, including logic to choose target for items to fire at
  • Switched to external Compiler, fixed all java syntax errors
  • Removed errored code bit
  • Fixed missing ; stupid IntelliJ....
  • Adding utility methods and properly implementing several interfaces, Railings now are able to search around them
  • Cleanup and adding comparator for sorting most probably target for IItemTransfer
  • Re-enabled item lev, instead disabled recipe && part updating
  • Abstracted code to use interfaces rather then implementation
  • Disabled item lev due to a major dupe issue
  • Cleaned up PartCharger, changed it to Extend PartInventoryPanel, Fixed dupe bug caused by failure to check for doReceive boolean, supports automation
  • Created a Inventory version of PartFace mircoblock
  • Some work done on crate
  • Updated some textures
  • Recipe change
  • Minor change to wire percent damage
  • Changed methods calls from CustomDamageSource to ElectricalDamage
  • Changed tesla coil to use electrocution handler
  • Changed electrocution damage of wires to be handled by calc-core CustomDamage class
  • Wire electrocution now drains 100j per damage done
  • Tweaked wire electrocution damage range
  • Changed how electrocution is handled for wires, damage is no longer in the millions and only works when wire has a current
  • Fixed #455 - EM Levitator item dupe
  • More filter fix
  • Fixed #522, #513 - Dust water mixture not generating correctly
  • Forgot to have crate save its filter
  • Removed ItemStorageCan due to being an empty class
  • Fixed packet not being sent when crate filter changes
  • Updated languages submodule
  • Added tools tips to helper users understand how to use the crate
  • Added translation key for crate stacksize tool tip
  • Added Crate filtering Ctrl + click with items to set filter
  • Fixed create update issue when ejecting items
  • Added a way to toggle orefilter on crate using Ctrl + wrench
  • Separated crate activation methods into correct method calls
  • Cleanup on crate wrenching code, also made ore filtering optional
  • Little cleanup on crate code
  • Removed BlockGlyph.class as its unused
  • Fixed NPE in generator
  • Fixed #514 - Mixer NPE
  • Improvement in crate inv update calls
  • .test
  • Changes to IMechanicalNode api
  • Minor improvement to rod connection rebuild
  • Fixed battery box not saving due to a late init capacity set
  • Fixed some issues with battery box
  • Removed unneeded var from battery box
  • Adjusted Electrical Tile handling to support better encapsulation
  • Working on a sub network for gear shaft
  • Moved gear shaft to its own package
  • Removed GearShaftNode from PartGearShaft allowing it to more easily be worked on
  • Change solar energy config from long to int
  • Fixed render limits causing gears to spin to fast
  • Increase torque of gears
  • Implemented config for water turbine power ratio, unsure how effective it is
  • Moved power configs to settings class, attempting to fix missing config gen
  • Reduced max angle change from 15 to 10 degrees per tick
  • Added a pumpkin gear which produces a constant 100 vel and torq for debug
  • Implemented max rotation delta for renders
  • Increased hand crank time
  • Increased hand cranking power
  • Increase large gear ratio
  • Solar output can be configured
  • Increase solar panel output from 25 to 50
  • Added support for any phase loading, This will leave no values unconfigured
  • Reverted last change due to render issues, need to implement max rotation for renders
  • Buff wind and water turbines by x100 to compete with other power sources
  • Removed annoying entity pushing effect from wind turbines
  • Reduced gear shaft angle velocity lose to zero
  • Changed turbines to no longer extend the AS turbine prefab in Calc-Core
  • Reduced torque and velocity loss in gears and rods ( 50% rods %500 gears)

@Freyjadono ported EnchantingPlus to 1.7.2

Freyjadono said:
Ported to 1.7.2
Re-added book to table render
Safeguard added again NPE when placing items in table
Registered Upgrade as an item to prevent AIOOB when crafting

@Toops has updated Tinkers' Steelworks to

Toops said:
-Limestone has worldgen (followed by a simple on/off config setting) - it's generation will be heavily tweaked in coming releases. As of now, it typically generates under oceans and rivers (around the same areas you find sandstone), and occasionally around underground pools. As of now, it's mostly purely decorative, but will have many, many uses in the future.

-Thermal Expansion slag output
-OreDictionary sand (and coal?) entries caused incompatibilities with Ex Nihilo and presumably others
-Minor issues with the High Oven and Deep Tank structures not validating properly after a block is replaced
-High Oven scaling max temperature by structure height was a little weird

@TeamCoFH have released CoFHLib, the library required by CoFHCore and other mods, for 1.7.2!
Progress is being made! :D
Apparently I was mistaken since that is not the official release

As for other news, @pixlepix is thinking of making a liquid-based TE armor mod. More Here
That will be all for today folks :)
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