What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Did you notice the stuff in his inventory? Is that new?

yup, that also seems to be new stuff. though the problem is that I can't see if it's new stuff from Thaumcraft or from Thaumic Tinkerer
because I believe the armor is from Thaumic Tinkerer, but I'm not sure
been a few days since my last update, mostly because I couldn't really find any new newsworthy updates, but I've a new update, so here goes...

firstly, quite a big update to JABBA (Just Another Better Barrel Attempt)
I must say, I'm falling more and more in love with JABBA

Jabba said:
Lot of new features, bugfixes and optimizations in this release.
If you are using it on an already existing world, MAKE SURE TO BACKUP YOUR WOLD. All barrels should be automatically updated to the new version (Old storage tier will be converted in the corresponding structural upgrade + full storage upgrades).

v1.1 - 20140201

Optimization of the network code to minimize the amount of sent data.
Stacks should drop properly from barrels when hit with a low angle.
Unless they have a hopper core upgrade, barrels do not tick anymore
Complete rework of the upgrade system.
All recipes are now using the OreDict whenever possible
Structural upgrade recipes can be configured to a specific material in the config file. Giving less then 7 values will restrict the maximum tier.
Stickers can now be applied on top and bottom. The display will be aligned with the front of the barrel.
Full rework of the rendering to make it easier on low end cards. Everything beside the stack and text is now cached and recalculated only on demand.
Amount of items in the barrels is now using different colors depending on the barrel texture to maximise contrast.
Glint as been removed for magical items to prevent a rendering bug (might be reactivated once a solution is found)
Diamond dolly has been added. It will allow players to move spawners around. Each time a spawner is moved, the dolly will take 1 dmg and can be used 6 times.
Fixed a bug with some multiblock chests from BetterStorage.
Dollies will now show in their tooltip what they are transporting.
More things and bugfixes I surely forgot.

New upgrade system:

Tiers are now called structural upgrades. They don't require the previous tier to craft but still require to be applied in order.
Structural upgrades open slots for core upgrades.
Core upgrades are applied to add fonctionnalities to the barrels.
Storage upgrade will add 64 stacks of storage and takes one slot
Redstone upgrade let the barrel emit redstone on the faces with a Redstone facade
Hopper upgrade let the barrel auto output on the sides with hopper facades
BSpace upgrade let the player sync multiple barrels
Side upgrades are used to specify which side is active for a given core (Redstone, hopper). They do not take slots
Stickers are now side upgrades.
It is possible to remove upgrades using the hammer. The hammer can be configured to remove a given core upgrade by shift+clicking when not looking at a barrel.
Upgrades applied to a barrel can be seen when holding an upgrade, the tuning fork or the hammer in your hand.


then there's an update from Vazkii, the original mod developer of Thaumic Tinkerer who has passed down the mod to the community, with some information about his new magical plant mod "Botania"

Vazkii said:
So it seems that you guys want Botania teasers, yes?
For those unaware of what Botania is, feel free to refer to my last two posts.
The Lens system is how you upgrade your spreaders. By default they are not too effective, so you need to apply a lens to it (not using focus because like 3 mods already use it). There's currently (including the basic lens, that does no effects) 9 lens in the game (2 NYI). Each lens can be dyed one of the 16 colors of the dye spectrum (or not dyed at all to keep the bright green color), alternatively, if you can't pick a color you can use a rainbow lens, because yes.

Here's the lens in the image (and not):
* White - The very basic lens, it doesn't do anything.
* Light Blue - Velocity Lens: Makes the burst 2x faster, although it can only store 0.75 times the mana. It also starts to lose mana a lot faster. Good for small distances.
* Orange - Potency Lens: Makes the burst carry 2x more mana, but makes it slower, and when it starts to lose mana it does so faster. Good for cases where the speed of the spreader is bottlenecking the flow.
* Red - Resistance Lens: Doubles the amount of time the burst can go without losing mana, but makes it a bit slower.
* Yellow - Efficiency Lens: Makes the burst take just a bit less time to start losing mana, but when that happens, it does so at a lot slower rate. Good for large distances where a small amount of power loss isn't problematic.
* Brown - Gravity Lens: Adds gravitational motion to the burst, also slightly increases the amount of time it can go without losing mana, to compensate.
* Purple - Bounce Lens: Makes the burst bounce off walls.
* (Not in the image, NYI) - Bore Lens: Makes the burst break any blocks it comes across (except the target mana storage block, of course), using it's own mana to do so.
* (Not in the image, NYI) - Damaging Lens: Makes the burst damage any entities in the way, using it's own mana to do so.

And that's how lenses go so far, if you have any suggestions for other lenses I could implement, feel free to throw them. There's still lots to do with Botania, but, unless everyone starts screaming at me for doing so, I'll keep you informed with the most important news.

Yeah, I can't go without plugging myself: You can get up to date information of Botania stuff by following the Github bot twitter, or by following my personal twitter where I post teasers all the time. Also, my sister helped me pick the colors for the image, so post some cat gifs or something :)


next up, MrFibre, the mod developer who started ExtraBiomesXL for those who don't know, has decided to retire from the minecraft modded community in a recent post. do note, he's not leaving the community because of recent drama, he's simply moving on with his life and has handed down EBXL to the rest of the mod developers team of EXBL

MrFibre said:
Hard to believe it's been over two years already since I released the original ExtraBiomes (If you remember it and myself ragequitting it, you're awesome). From working alone, to collaborating with TDWP_FTW - err, I mean Forstride - on ExtraBiomes, ScottKillen joining the team and becoming one of the most likable people in the modding scene, the release of ExtrabiomesXL, TDWP_FTW leaving the team and releasing his own similar mod which is now massive (so this is how Microsoft feels), etc etc history.

It's been an awesome experience, and I'm very glad I did it. I've met plenty great people and have made friendships with people I would have never met otherwise. But the time has come for me to leave the modding scene. No, this is not due to drama happening recently, I'm not important enough to be affected by that. I've been thinking this over a while now, and February 1st is kind of a cool day to leave...

So what will change? Other than Annysia maintaining the OP here on the forums, nothing! Everything will continue on as it has this past while. There will be naught a difference. :)

Thanks for the fun!

next up, a little sneakpeak from pixlepix, who seems to be the new mod developer/maintainer from Thaumic Tinkerer, with what seems to be an upgrade to the dynanism tablet

pixlepix said:

and lastly, a helpful post from @VikeStep showing a twitter list of all the noteworthy FTB staff and mod developers from mods in the FTB packs

VikeStep said:
this time I decided to do a BIG FTB forum update concerning modded minecraft, so prepare yourself for ALOT of news.
but first, Witchery updated, which always has such an amazing changelog with every new update, so many new and changed things :o

Witchery said:

  • NEW: Mob - Coven Witch, found in forests, swamps, Villages, Shacks and/or Circles. Non-hostile unless attacked. Can be interacted with.
  • NEW: Village building - Witch Hovel
  • NEW: Covens - Recruit coven witches to your coven by interacting with them to gain a quest (generally fight or fetch/crafting quests). Complete the quest and the witch will join you. Witches will only offer quests if a certain level of witchcraft has been achieved (do you have a familiar yet?). Covens can include up to 6 additional witches. Covens members can be called on for assistance in a fight, used to enhance circle magic, or used to perform very powerful rites.
  • NEW: Seer Stone - Call a member of your coven for aid or use on a Circle glyph to call your entire coven to enhance the ritual. Coven members can die so be careful when calling for aid! Use on another player within 3 blocks to get a report of which curses are currently afflicting them.
  • NEW: Many Rites are now more powerful if started holding a Seer Stone and there are members in a player's coven. The more coven members, the more powerful the circle magic.
  • NEW: Rite of Shifting Seasons - Change the biome across a wide area. Needs a coven of at least 4 additional witches.
  • NEW: Rite of Icy Expansion - Create a huge hollow bubble of ice (filled with air!). Needs a coven of at least 2 additional witches.
  • NEW: Curse of Overheating - When in very hot biomes, the victim has a chance of catching fire for a short duration depending on the level of the curse.
  • NEW: Curse of Raining Toads - It starts raining toads that explode in a poison cloud.
  • NEW: Rite of Glyphic Transformation - Change the color of your circles
  • NEW: Rite of Beastial Call - Transpose animals from a wide are to the location of the rite. Needs a coven of 3 or more.
  • NEW: Grasspers can be used to hold objects used in Circle Magic rites.
  • TWEAK: Brew of Love now works on two enthralled zombies (either raised with a brew of raising or via the Infernal Infusion power), creating a baby zombie and turning one of the parents into a zombie villager. Beware, the baby will not be enthralled! Creating zombie villagers in this way is a mechanism to create villages if combined with a Rite of Fertility.
  • TWEAK: Higher levels of the Curse of Insanity will cause the victim to hear strange noises.
  • TWEAK: Abandoned Huts might be occupied with a Coven Witch.
  • TWEAK: Rowan and Alder Doors are now just crafted like normal doors with the appropriate wood instead of requiring a fume.
  • TWEAK: Aborting a rite that is still consuming items will refund them.
  • TWEAK: Predictions indicating the discovery of ores will now generate under other circumstances if they have not been triggered for a long period.
  • FIX: Owls spawned with a limited time-to-live (Brew of Bodega, etc.) will not drop anything on death.
  • FIX: Changed the tracking rate of some mobs to *hopefully* stop them glitching though terrain.
  • FIX: Rowan, Alder and Hawthorn single slabs can again be crafted using the normal slap recipe, instead of always making oak slabs.
  • FIX: Index out of bounds error could occur when viewing a specific (as yet unknown) recipe from (probably) another mod, involving Witchery Leaves Blocks.
  • FIX: Thrown quicklime had half the potion icon embedded in its icon.
  • FIX: Some predictions were not waiting long enough for fulfillment.
  • FIX: The Statue of the Goddess did not cure the Curse of Sinking.

next up, @Democretes is working on a new thaumcraft addon, called Technomancy
the focus will be on combining magic with tech. the whole mod is still in it's planning phase, but drop by if you want to share some ideas or suggestions for this mod.
I know I will be keeping an eye on this mod, as who wouldn't want to combine magic with tech?

HOORAH! Another Thaumcraft addon (kinda).

Technomancy, as much as you can guess from the name, is based around combing magic and technology in a (hopefully) fun way. A lot of blocks will be added based around the RF power system and using it to perform advanced magical shenanigins. There will be Ars Magica support as well (as soon as I can devise what I'm going to add) but that will be at a later date. Witchery and Blood Magic support are also on the list. There is definitely going to be a plethora of dynamos to power your base in unique strange different ways.

You'll see this list expand in the future.
  • Essentia Dynamo: Obviously powered by essentia. Different types my give different fuel values or something like that. I'm on the edge about having the essentia drawn in like it is on a Infernal furnace. It will more than likely need piping.
  • Thaumic Dynamo: Uses magical fuel! Inteded to give double fuel values on things like alumentum and different types of wood.
  • Golem Dynamo: A hamster wheel powered by golems! Faster the golem, the more power is produced. May incorporate strength in there somewhere.
  • Node Dynamo: Pulls aura from a node (without breaking it). None bright nodes won't be able to keep up with the aura draw rate.
  • Mana Dynamo: Uses Ars Magica mana as power.
  • Eldritch Contaminator/Purifier: Taints or purifies a large area using large amounts of power. Purifier will just make a magical forest.
  • Essentia Reconstructer/Deconstructer: Deconstructor is similar to the Alembic furnace, but will use power and be much faster. The reconstructor will be able to create blocks/items out of essentia based on the block/items aspects.
  • Essentia Containment Device: Stores massive amounts of essentia. Perhaps up to 640 units?
  • Golem Cloner: Eventually, you're going to figure out how to make a golem safely, might as well make it easier. Golem goes in one side, clone comes out the other. Will definitely require as much essentia (maybe more) in the process.
  • Thaumium Beacon: A beacon that changes effects based on the crystal clusters attatched to it. Multiple clusters of the same type will have better effects.
  • Thaumic Computer: Just add power, paper, ink, and some time to create completed research notes. You'll still have to take them out and right click them.

That goes double for this one.
  • Destabilizer Wand Cap: Mines like excavation blocks turning them into clumps of essentia instead of the mined block.
  • Essentia Cannon: Picks up jars of Essentia and gains different effects based on the type of essentia.
  • Phase Saber: A sword that can toggle through wand caps changing its effect/strength depending on the cap.
    • Excavation: Increased block ability.
    • Fire: Damage increase and fire aspect for an extended period.
    • Lightning: Massive damage incease and large knockback.
    • Equal trade: Health Aborbtion.
    • Frost: Weakness and slowness.
    • Destabilizer: Drains hunger.
  • Technoturges armor: Powered armor that gives a high vis discount and gives some good buffs.
  • Gloves of Purging: Destorys blocks with right hand, turning them into essentia, then fires them out the left in a manner similar to the Essentia Cannon.

TL;DR-I'm making magic crafting and research easier with the use of a power system while adding endgame items.

Don't expect a public release anytime soon. I'm rather new to modding so it's going to take me some time especially on the more complicated stuff. Any kind of feedback or help is much appreciated.

and now, @Shadowclaimer with a very early alpha release for the mod Atum, which was a submission for Modjam 3 (and came in third)
he needs some help to test this mod for any bugs or problems, so anyone who think they can beat Jadedcat at breaking mods, here's your chance ;)

Hey guys, Shadowclaimer here.

Atum was a great undertaking for myself and Keith back in the day, it came in 3rd in Modjam and had a HUGE fan following. When 1.6 rolled around Keith became busy with university and the mod needed major tune ups due to some entity changes, so it was put on the back burner.

Thankfully another member of our staff recently stepped up and recoded the mod (over 48,000 lines of changed code in just a few days). We're currently hardcore bug hunting, there's a lot of them, but we're slowly but surely locking them down.

This is where we need help, we need people who are great at tearing up mods and breaking mods and figured, who else would be better.

If you're interested in helping out, you can find the Alpha version at: (Requires 1.6.4 and latest Forge version)

V0.5.8b (2/2/2014 - 4:28am EST) - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/133104981/jar/Atum1.6.4-0.5.8b.jar

When reporting bugs please report them at the Github, make sure to note version number of the test version you're running when you do and any crash logs you may have.


I'll try to keep this thread up to date with more information as it rolls out.

For basic information on Atum, please visit:

and now, not a mod update, but actually a very detailed guide for a mod.
our very own @Padfoote wrote a very good guide for Blood Magic, developer by @WayofTime
Blood Magic is quickly gaining popularity, but that also means more people are looking for information about the mod, and Padfoote did a great job of documenting the mod
do note though that the guide is still being worked on, so expect more information to be added to it

Initial Entry

In order to begin Blood Magic, it is recommended you have a few diamonds and other valuable materials you are willing to part with for use in your blood manipulation. For our beginning adventures, two diamonds, three gold, one iron, a small amount of glass, and a handful of cobble and stone is the entrance cost. The first block we will create is the Blood Altar, which is used for creating a large amount of the items needed throughout the mod. Put this in a safe place, as you will not be capable of too much fighting (or any, for that matter) when you begin work. Now that that's done, you need a way to get blood into your altar for manipulation. To this end, craft yourself a Sacrificial Knife. Each right click of this will put a mere 200 LP into your altar at the cost of a single heart. Now, before you go and start filling up your altar, remember that it has a cap of 10,000 LP, and that you will need either a large amount of food or some way to speed up your regeneration process.

So, you've found out how to generate LP, but now want to store it. In order to do this, grab yourself a diamond and 2,000 LP in an altar. Toss your diamond in, and watch it carefully. See those particles? That shows that your altar is consuming the available LP. If it turns into any color other than red, you're losing progress due to a lack of LP. Watch carefully for this! Once your diamond is done absorbing the LP, there will be a burst of particles, and your new Weak Blood Orb will be sitting in the altar, ready to store all the LP you can throw at it! (Up to 5,000 for this tier) In order to do this, you must first right click with the orb in your hand, binding it to your personal LP network. From here, you can either continue right clicking to donate some of your life to your network, or you can place the orb back into the altar and begin using your knife.

Now you're probably beginning to wonder how to tell just what your storage levels are. To answer this question, get yourself a piece of smooth stone and toss it into your altar with about 1,000 LP. This will create a blank slate, which you can use with your Weak Blood Orb to create a Divination Sigil (Don't worry, the blood orb is returned). Just like with most Blood Magic items, right click to bind it to yourself. This sigil will now allow you to see how much LP is in both your network and your altar. A right click to the altar will show how much it contains, while a right click elsewhere will show how much is in your network. The next two sigils you can make are the Water Sigil and Lava Sigil. These will place a single source block of their respective liquid, for 100 (Water) and 1000 (Lava) LP. You may have noticed that the Lava Sigil takes a Lava Crystal, and are now wondering what it can do for you. Go ahead and craft one, bind it to yourself, and toss it into a furnace with a few pieces of cobble (Make sure your network has some LP before you do this). This crystal acts as a fuel source, much like coal, but at the cost of 25 LP per smelt.

Using your new-found powers of the Lava Crystal (Or with another source, if you insist on doing it the old way ;)), smelt up some more smooth stone for rune creation. These Blank Slates can be used in a crafting table to create runes, which will be used to advance your altar's tier. The first tier is the altar block itself, with the second tier requiring the altar and eight Blood Runes, with the runes being placed one level below the altar around it. Do note that Speed Runes can also be used in place of regular runes, and will do what its name implies. The Speed Runes increase the speed at which the altar performs actions by 20% (additively).

Increased Sacrifice

With a new tier altar comes a new blood orb. This one, however, requires an elusive emerald and 5,000 LP in an altar. This fancy new Apprentice Blood Orb you just received will increase your storage to 25,000 LP, as well as unlock a few additional crafting recipes.

If you're lacking in increased regeneration, you're probably getting annoyed with the large amount of downtime there is when filling your altar. Now that you're at the second tier, you can create some more advanced runes, specifically the Rune of Self-Sacrifice and the Rune of Sacrifice. These runes require Reinforced Slates to be created, which require a total of 3,000 LP per smooth stone in an altar. You can also place any extra Blank Slates into the altar with 2,000 LP to get Reinforced Slates. Now, the Rune of Self-Sacrifice increases the amount of LP you receive per heart when using the Sacrificial Knife, while the Rune of Sacrifice increases the total amount of LP you receive when sacrificing an entity by 10% (additively).

Dirty Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap)

I've made mention of sacrificing something other than yourself, now it's time to go into detail. If this is the way you've chosen to generate LP, grab yourself an Iron Sword and toss it into your altar with 3,000 LP and watch the magic happen. When it's done, grab your shiny new Dagger of Sacrifice and go find some entities to poke with it.

There are different entities you can sacrifice, each with its own LP values. All entities that can be sacrificed, if they are close enough to the altar, will be instantly killed, and all essence will be absorbed. Babies cannot be sacrificed to the altar, however. Below are the LP values for each entity:

  • Animals (Cows, sheep, etc.) = 250 LP
  • Hostile Mobs (Creepers, zombies, etc.) = 500 LP
  • Villagers = 2,000 LP
Now before you go and murder all of those annoying, door obsessed villagers, there are downsides to sacrificing a villager. I'll leave the effects to the reader to discover. ;)

New Toys!

Now that you have access to this new tier and set of slates, you can make some new sigils. Having liquid problems? Create a Void Sigil! It magically removes any liquid blocks at the cost of 50 LP and the liquid itself.

Ever wanted to fly, without needing special armor? The Air Sigil is for you. This allows you to fly in the direction you are facing at the cost of 50 LP per click. Be warned though, falling is hazardous to your health.

The vanilla enchanting system isn't good, and that's no secret. So rather than fool with an annoying system for your pickaxe, grab yourself a Sigil of the Fast Miner. Activation (and every 10 seconds) will draw 100 LP from your network in return for an increased mining speed.

For those who enjoy large, manual farms and can't stand dealing with bone meal, the Sigil of the Green Grove has you covered. It has two uses, the first being a constant, passive effect. As you move around with the sigil activated, it will send additional growth ticks to plants, speeding their growing progress. The second effect is that it is able to act like bone meal, but at the cost of LP.

Even More Storage

So the second tier altar was helpful, but you want more power. Grab yourself twenty additional runes of any kind, and four blocks of glowstone. Now, go out one additional block on each side, and down one. Place five runes per side, and build a two tall pillar of whatever material you wish, and cap it with glowstone. You now have access to a tier 3 altar. Grab your Divination Sigil and give the altar a whack and see what it says, just to be safe.

As I said earlier, each altar gives a new blood orb. This one requires a block of gold and 40,000 LP. This is four times as much as the altar can hold, so be prepared for this! After successfully creating your new Magician’s Blood Orb, bind it as normal, and you will have access to 150,000 LP storage in your network, as well as some additional treats.

The first of the new toys you get are two additional runes, the Rune of Augmented Capacity and the Rune of Dislocation. The Rune of Augmented Capacity will increase your altar's storage by 1,500 LP (Also known as 1.5 buckets) per rune, while the Rune of Dislocation speeds up the process of adding and removing fluids by 20% (multiplicative). This means you can setup piping networks and have them run much faster than previously possible. In order to create these runes, you need to create Imbued Slates, which will set you back 10,000 LP per slate.

More Sigils!

Lava has always been a problem with mining straight down. A solution to that problem is the Sigil of Elemental Affinity. This sigil, when active, will consume 200 LP every 10 seconds in return for water breathing, lava immunity, and fall damage negation. Use in conjunction with the Air Sigil to zip around like a drunk humming bird.

Should you have created every sigil so far, you'll realize they take up quite a bit of space. Craft yourself a Sigil of Holding, and shift-right click with it to find another sigil in your inventory, which will bind it to this Sigil of Holding, freeing up inventory slots. To use the held sigil, simply right click. To cycle through held sigils, a simple shift-right click will do.

The Sigil of Magnetism is your standard item magnet, collecting everything around it in a five block radius.

Remember that Ars Magica light spell? Well, Blood Magic has something very similar with the Sigil of the Blood Lamp. This sigil allows you to both place and throw light sources where you wish. Now you can light your caves with blood!

For those that need a portable platform, the Sigil of the Phantom Bridge is for you! Once activated, the bridge can be called when falling by attempting to sneak. Once summoned, the bridge can easily be destroyed by a single punch, and can even be replaced with blocks. Sneaking will cause the bridge to move down one block. This only works on newly formed bridge blocks; all current blocks will remain at their current height. The bridge will also despawn over time, so no need to worry about cleaning it up.

Ritual Preparation

Your advance through the “tech tree” is now limited. In order to continue with Blood Magic, you need to get your hands on a Bound Blade. Easier said than done, as this means you need to get into rituals (which are rather easy). To get started with rituals, let’s make the Elemental Inks that are used to define what runes are to be used. To do this, take obsidian, a lapis block, a ghast tear, and a magma cream and toss them into an altar with about 1,000 LP each. This will get you an Elemental Ink for earth, water, air, and fire.

At this point, you have the choice of either making a Ritual Diviner, or manually creating the rituals. Regardless of your choice, you will still need a Master Ritual Stone, and the required number of Ritual Stones to create a ritual. Should you choose the Ritual Diviner, you should notice that there are two listed in NEI. At this point, you can only create one, as the other requires a tier 4 altar.

So you have your Master Ritual Stone, several Ritual Stones, and your Elemental Inks (or Ritual Diviner). In order to use them, you need a Weak Activation Crystal. Grab a Lava Crystal, and throw it into the altar with 10,000 LP to create this Crystal. Now, head to a location you want your Ritual of Binding to be at (It’s a 9x9 sized multiblock). Make sure you have cleared some space for the ritual, as the stones cannot be placed if there's anything other than air where they need to go if using the Diviner (Credit to hiroshi42 for reminding me of this!). Place down your Master Ritual Stone, and hit it with your Ritual Diviner until there's no more particles. Your structure is then complete. Should you be doing this manually, refer to the below picture for how it should appear.

As a warning, snow can cause issues with both ritual placement and ritual use, so keep your ritual areas clear of any possible obstructions. (Credit to SawBlade for this!)

Binding Contracts

The Ritual of Binding is an impressive ritual, simply due to its products. Grab yourself a diamond sword, and head to the Master Ritual Stone. Smack it with your Weak Activation Crystal, and throw your diamond sword at it. Now, quickly put out the fire around the center as it can destroy the item when it is done, and begin to dodge lightning until the ritual is complete. When it finishes, retrieve your newly created Bound Blade from the ground somewhere around the ritual site. Then, just shift-right click to activate (and de-activate) the blade.

Each diamond tool (except the hoe) has a bound version you can create through the same method. Have caution with these tools! A single, accidental right click can clear your base out! For example, right clicking with an active Bound Pickaxe will clear a very large area of all stone (which can be useful for mining). Most importantly though, don’t get them wet, and don't feed them after midnight.

Since bows are boring, you can take your Apprentice Blood Orb and toss it into the ritual, and get an Energy Blaster from it. This deals 12 base damage just like the Bound Blade, and also must be activated and deactivated.

Kills made with your Bound Blade have a chance of dropping a Weak Blood Shard, which can be used to create your next tiered altar and blood orb. Collect at least two shards, and be ready for more construction.

As a bonus to all aspiring Thaumaturges, you can take your Goggles of Revealing, and bind them with your Ritual of Binding. This will create a Sanguine Helmet, which functions like the goggles, allowing you to see nodes and other important information. As a bonus, the helmet will provide a 10% discount, up from the standard 5% of the goggles.

Building with Blood

The path to your fourth tier blood altar requires 28 additional runes, laid out in pattern similar to the third tier: drop down and out one additional block, and place seven runes per side. In each corner, create a pillar that is five blocks high, capped with a Large Blood Stone Brick. These bricks are created by fusing stone with a Weak Blood Shard in any crafting grid. Each craft will yield 32 bricks. To ensure your altar was assembled properly, hit it with your Divination Sigil.

Remember that extra Weak Blood Shard you have? Take it and fuse it with 50,000 LP in your altar. This gives you a Master Blood Orb, increasing your LP storage to one million.

The last rune you unlock is the Rune of the Orb, which will increase the capacity of your blood orbs by 2% when filling, per rune.

Sigils, Sigils, and More Sigils

With this fourth tier, you gain access to the Demonic Slates, requiring an impressive 25,000 LP per slate. With these, you can create two additional sigils. The Sigil of Haste gives you haste in every activity except mining, where your progress will be slowed. Simply sneak to temporarily cancel this effect. One of the more useful sigils for combat is the Sigil of the Whirlwind. This will create a barrier that will knock away certain projectiles, such as arrows.

Wearable Blood

Just like the Bound Tools, there is Bound Armor. The creation for this is slightly different however, so don’t go tossing diamond armor at your ritual just yet. In order to craft a full set of Bound Armor, you will need 28 Empty Sockets. Take these sockets, and toss them into your altar with 30,000 LP each to get a Filled Socket, which is used for armor creation.

In order to craft your armor, you must first create a Soul Armour Forge. This is used in the creation of every piece, and will not be consumed. Now, take your Filled Sockets, and lay them out in the pattern of the armor you wish to create, in either a horizontal or vertical pattern. Take your Soul Armour Forge, and place it so it is in contact with as many sockets as possible. Now, you can either right click the forge to get your armor, or you can customize it a little.

Now, I hope I have your attention, as this customization is impressive. In order to customize your armor, you will need access to some blood shards (weak or demon), some blood orbs, and the sigils you want to put into your armor. A Weak Blood Shard, when placed into a socket (right click the socket) will allow you to have one sigil work on your armor, while demon will increase that. Your blood orbs will help to lower the cost of running the sigil, with the Master Blood Orb and above making it free to run. Once those are in place, grab yourself a sigil and put it into your armor. When you’re ready to get your armor, right click the forge. You’ll notice that the tooltip on the armor shows what you placed into the sockets.

If you've added a sigil and realize you need it to be deactivated every once and a while, craft yourself an Armor Inhibitor. This is a free to use item, and will deactivate any active effects on your armor when you have the Inhibitor active.

Should you have made a mistake with a sigil, or decide you don’t want to have a sigil in your armor anymore, build yourself a Ritual of Unbinding, activate it, and toss in that armor piece. The parts will then be sent flying from the center.

Weak Rituals

I initially skipped over these as they are not used in progressing through altar tiers, but they’re still important (and useful) depending on your play style, or if you just like messing with people on a server. The first thing you need to do if you wish to use these rituals is craft yourself an Imperfect Ritual Stone (which is very cheap compared to some of the previous recipes). This block, when right clicked, checks to see what block is above it, and if it’s a valid block, drains 5,000 LP and activates. Here’s a list of each block, and their effects:
  • Bedrock = Grants the user Resistance II.
  • Block of Coal = Summons a rather strong zombie.
  • Block of Lapis = Instantly changes the day into night.
  • Water Source = Instantly summons a storm. Good for fighting the Ars Water Guardian.
Standard Rituals

So you have your Ritual Diviner, and have noticed all these other rituals as you’re trying to get to your Ritual of Binding, and want to know what they do. Before we go into the specific details, let’s start with the basics. All of the rituals in this section will not require Dusk Runes, so you can make them with the first tier of the Ritual Diviner. Most of these rituals will come with an activation cost, some will have a cost over time, and some will have both. Rituals that also constantly run (such as the Ritual of the Green Grove, Serenade of the Nether, etc.) can be disabled temporarily with a redstone signal.

Ritual of the Full Spring

If you’re using water for cooling engines, pumping for another purpose, or just don’t like infinite pools, this ritual can help. For the startup price of 500 LP and 25 LP per bucket, it will have a constant source block of water for you to use.

Serenade of the Nether

One of my favorite rituals, this one costs an impressive 20,000 LP to activate, as well as 500 LP per bucket. This ritual provides an infinite source of lava as long as you have the LP. So no need to pump the Nether dry! As a warning, the lava will spread to the ritual stones, so the way I have it in the picture isn’t safe.

Ritual of the Green Grove

Very similar to the sigil, this ritual sends an extra growth tick to plants, speeding up their growing progress. This effect applies to plants that are up to two blocks above the ritual. It will cost 1,000 LP to activate this ritual.

Interdiction Ritual

For those who are fans of EE2’s Interdiction Torch, you’ll be a fan of this ritual. At the cost of 1,000 LP to activate, this ritual will repel mobs by about six blocks from the Master Ritual Stone.

Ritual of Containment

The opposite of the Interdiction Ritual, this will contain mobs within its area of influence, sucking them in to the center block. Costing 2,000 LP to activate and a small amount while running, this ritual could come in handy later on.

Ritual of the High Jump

A fun ritual to prank people with, the Ritual of the High Jump costs 1,000 LP to activate and 15 LP per jump, and will launch any entities that step on the center block high into the air. Be warned though, falling outside of the center block will hurt!

Ritual of Magnetism

This ritual is useful for ore collection, as it will pull ore blocks from the ground and place them within the ritual. At a starting cost of 5,000 LP and 50 LP per ore, it sure beats running cables all over the place.

Advanced Rituals
So, you've played around with your standard rituals, and have decided that's not enough for you. The next step up is what I will refer to as "Advanced Rituals", which require the use of Dusk Runes. These Dusk Runes, as you may have noticed, cannot be placed by your standard Ritual Diviner. In order to get these runes, you must take a coal block and place it into an altar with 2,000 LP. This will give you a single elemental ink for Dusk. If you prefer manual ritual creation, you're good to go at this point. If you're using the Ritual Diviner, however, you will need to make yourself a second elemental ink in order to upgrade your diviner.

Ritual of the Crusher

This ritual looks for any block in a 3x3x3 range below it and will harvest it, placing it into an inventory that is above the Master Ritual Stone. At a cost of 2,500 LP to start, and 7 LP per block, this ritual can be useful for automatic mining in conjunction with the Ritual of Magnetism. Please note, this ritual will NOT harvest without an inventory above it.

Ritual of Speed

Remember those launch pads from Portal? This ritual mimics those. At a starting cost of 1,000 LP and 25 LP per launch, anyone who approaches it will be launched in the direction of the Dusk Rune, and take no fall damage.

Ritual of the Shepherd

This ritual is for those who have a desire to quickly grow their animals. Costing 10,000 LP to start, and about 400 LP per animal, it will fully grow a baby animal in 3 minutes.

Well of Suffering

Costing an impressive 50,000 LP to activate, the Well of Suffering is your first option for passive LP generation. This ritual will select entities (except players) within its radius and damage them, generating about 10 LP per half heart of damage, donating it to the closest altar in range. This amount of LP can be increased through Sacrifice Runes.

Ritual of Regeneration

This ritual does exactly what it sounds like it does: Casts regeneration on any entity within range. Costing 25,000 LP to activate, this ritual will make sure everything has regeneration. This effect will cost more for players than it will other creatures. Also, the ritual is designed to have either the Ritual of the Feathered Knife or the Well of Suffering placed within it, although this is not required.

Ritual of the Feathered Knife

Another option for passive LP generation, the Ritual of the Feathered Knife draws from the health of nearby players and places it into an altar in range, giving about 80 LP per half heart, and will scale with Runes of Self-Sacrifice. To start the ritual, it will set you back 50,000 LP.

To be continued.​
@Zein Eizoku is also working on a new mod, called Zein's Necrology
it's a mod based on necromancy, so for those loving to toy around with creatures, here's the mod for you

Welcome to Zein's Necrology
Welcome young Necrologist. Upon this mods release, you will go on a journey that most will call dark and sinister. Some will even call you evil, a necromancer, a being with no soul. You must shrug off these stabs at your moral fiber and be willing to progress down the paths that not many would be willing to walk. Once you have begun there will be no turning back. However once you have reached the epoch of your journey you will be a being that has been able to shrug off the fears of the mortal coil and harness the powers of Life and Death its self. You will wield the creation of a undead army and the manipulation of Necrotic Essence spread through the land. So tell me, do you think you will be willing to take the first steps down the path of the Necrologist? I must warn you tho, the first step, she might kill you.
[float="right"]-Necrologist Lord Zein[/float]

  • Implement Ores, Plants, and Trees
  • Create a Research System
  • Iron out Dark Arcane machines
  • Design a energy system
  • Create Tool Artifacts
  • Create Necromancy Artifacts
  • Create new mobs
  • Design a Mob Animation and Control mechanic

This as I said in the very poorly formed introduction is going to be a mod about Necromancy and all the components about it. I am going to try and avoid going with "Spells" I do not have to ability to do that. I also feel like that is more of Ars Magica 2's field. This is going to have a dark Gothic feel to it. Multi block structures that give the feeling of building an arcane machination. With this mod you will be able to research and progress with creating arcane artifacts and necromancy tools. You will be able to use the souls of the Mobs you kill to power these machines and give new life to Zombies and Skeletons like you have never seen before. At the heart of this mod the main goal is Lich-dom, you will work towards making a Phylactery and becoming a Lich yourself, master of Death, weaver of your own destiny. Now for you to find out what the advantages of the Lich are you will just have to wait for a release :)
[h2]Curse Mechanic[/h2]
Items for Mechanic to function
  • Any Scythe
  • Pneύma Paragon ~ Spirit Pearl
  • Vitium Cairn ~ Vice Shrine
  • Epίboyloς Crucible ~ Insidious Furnace
  • Seething Cadus ~ Fermenting Barrel
  • Surreptitious Cisterna ~ Secret Cistern

This is a mechanic that will be similar to the “Enchanting” mechanic that already exists in Minecraft. However, the difference in this mechanic is that a Curse, tho it will give you a bonus that will aid you, it will also give you something that will hinder you. You will go about with Pneύma Paragons and your Scythe
(whichever tier you have) slaying mobs collecting their spirits. Where the soul is a source of energy for the necrologist, the spirit contains the emotional and physical mindset of the slain. Each mob will have a “Sin” attributed to it, which will be covered later on. You will gather any and all Curses that you want and as many as you want. In it's simplest form, the buffs will be superfluous at best. You will use the Vitium Cairn with any item or Armour you want and Curse them with these Pneύma Paragon. The fun of cursing comes when you implement the use of the other blocks. Surreptitious Cisterna, Epίboyloς Crucible, and the Seething Cadus. These will allow some stronger Curses and more mix to the mechanic.
Item Descriptions:

Pneύma Paragon – Also known as “Spirit Pearls”, a dark pearl surrounded by gold filigree. These pearls will absorb the spirit of mobs slain by Scythes. They do stack when they are empty and are crafted from Golden Nuggets surrounding a Ender Pearl.

Vitium Cairn – Otherwise known as the “Vice Shrine”, is used as a means of curse binding. This will let you forge the Curse to the item.

Epίboyloς Crucible – Or the “Insidious Furnace” is used to burn the Spirits into a Curse essence. By placing the Spirit Pearl with the curse essence you want to form in the input slot. Then in the second input slot you place the Spirit pearl of the essence matching input slot 1 in it. The Crucible will melt the Curse essences together. The Crucible is a 3x3x3 Multi-Block Structure made from Obsidian, Netherrack, Soul Sand, Iron Bars, and Iron Blocks.

Seething Cadus – Or the “Fermenting Barrel”. After you have obtained a Tier 1 Curse, you can use the Seething Cadus to ferment the essence in a necrotic substrate to create a more vile curse. These tier 2 Curses have better bonuses and stronger drawbacks. Use them wisely young necrologist. These are crafted from vile trees and necrotic essence and obsidian slabs.

Surreptitious Cisterna – Also known as the “Secret Cistern”. This is the final step in creating the most vile of Curses. Tier 3 curses you experiment in the art of mixing the tier two curses. These yield the largest bonuses and the most drawbacks. Can you master the use of the curses and is the risk worth the gain, tread carefully necrologist. These are 3x3x4 Multi-Block Structures constructed of obsidian, smooth stone, Smooth Stone Steps, and Necrotic Essence.

Tier 1 ( Epίboyloς Crucible, Scythe + Pneύma Paragon )

Lust - Skeleton/Magma Cube
Gluttony - Zombie/Zombie Villager
Greed - Enderman/Silverfish
Sloth - Zombie Pigman/Slim
Wrath - Creeper/Wither Skeleton
Envy - Ghast/Witch
Pride - Spider/Cave Spider

Tier 2 ( Seething Cadus )
Lust → Lechery
Gluttony → Voracity
Greed → Avarice
Sloth → Lethargy
Wrath → Fury
Envy → Covetous
Pride → Conceit

Tier 3 ( Surreptitious Cisterna )

Lechery + Voracity →
Lechery + Avarice →
Lechery + Lethargy →
Lechery + Fury →
Lechery + Covetous →
Lechery + Conceit →
Voracity + Avarice →
Voracity + Lethargy →
Voracity + Fury →
Voracity + Covetous →
Voracity + Conceit →
Avarice + Lethargy →
Avarice + Fury →
Avarice + Covetous →
Avarice + Conceit →
Lethargy + Fury →
Lethargy + Covetous →
Lethargy + Conceit →
Fury + Covetous →
Fury + Conceit →
Covetous + Conceit →

Coming Soon


Coming Soon

This mod is still in very Pre-Alpha stages so I apologize for that. It will probably be this way for the next few months, due to my working life. I will update as much as I can. If anyone ever has any questions on progress feel free to ask. I am always open and willing to help anyone if I can so always feel free to message me. For any and all support in my modding venture I cannot express how thankful I am.
Now I have been beating around the bush on here for some time about exposing my mod I am working on. I have no progress shots because, it is still very pre-alpha haha, (i.e. still finishing some details on paper before I move full to code)

Now my issue is, I need a name that has not been used haha. However, I am also worried about making the mod now that I have seen other mods that have some similar UI and features. What should I do, any helpful suggestions FTB forums mates? I have messaged the creators of the necromancy mods I have found. namely, NecroCraft [1.2.5] by thePalindrome and Necrocraft [1.6.4] by Sulph and The Necromancy Mod [1.6.2] by sirolf2009. Now I am sure there are more but these were the more notable ones I have found through Google. Now I have Thaumcraft and Ars Magic 2 sized ideas for my mod.

For one I was being very unoriginal when I developed my name, which WAS Necrocraft bahaha, but now... I am not sure what to do. I will think about it, anyone have a name suggestion, open to all opinions. Also what should I do about these other mods I have been in-development since early 2011, I have messaged the Devs from the Minecraft Forum. What other precautions should I take to avoid community grief?

Thanks all for being great help and friends, a strong community is nothing to scoff at :)
Zein out.

next up, a mod that's already been named a few times in this topic. it's Totemic: Magical Totems developed by @Pokefenn and as you can guess, it's about Totems, Magical Totems even!
there's already been a few alpha releases for this mod already, so if you're interested, go download it and give it a try

So with code actually being done and content actually being created, I thought it'd be about time for a thread, since totemic allows for easy implementation of simple concepts.


What is totemic?
Totemic, to put it simply is a basic 'magical based' minecraft mod which revolves around the creation of totems, which are comparable to vannila beacons.
Totemic is created by yours truely (Pokefenn) in a very messy combination of Scala and Java (Mostily java currently)

What Totemic adds
Totemic adds, as you would expect totems, they are fuel'd by plant essence and do their effects based on what totems are inside.

Totem Base:
This is a basic block which you put your totems and chlorophyll crystal, it will do the effect of the totems and drain the chlorophyll crystal.
In the future this will become apart of the multiblock totem system.

Totem of Draining:
This will drain the life essence of all nearby plants (reducing their metadata), this plant essence will then be used to fuel your totems.
This is gui-less.

Chlorophyll Solidifier:
By using this machine you can infuse things with Liquid Chlorophyll, placing a diamond in here with 16 buckets of chlrophyll will create your Chlorophyll solidifier.
This is gui-less.

Totem Table:
This is the main crafting mechanic in Totemic, by placing something in here then using a certain item on it you can do certain things to it.
For example, placing a totem in then hitting it with a whittling knife will create a different totems.
This is also gui-less.


Ocelot: This will stop all nearby creepers from exploding - Implemented
Horse: This gives you a speed boost: Implemented
Quartz Block: This works like a magnet and will fill up nearby inventories with items nearby on the ground: Kinda implemented
Blaze: This will give nearby players fire resistance: Implemented
Cactus: Damages nearby entities: Implemented
Bat: Gives nearby players flight: Kinda implemented
Sun: This will stop rain: Implemented
Food: This feeds you: implemented

Future plans:
Totems will be a multiblock strucutre, since the code for this is a bit annoying, It's not gonna happen for a little bit :p

Totem beads:
This will allow you to give the players DIRECTLY the power of the totems, so you don't need a nearby totem to have the effects.

While totemic is still HEAVILY in development, I may drop a build or two every once in awhile to get the bugs out to a wider audience, these builds should not be used in a proper world and MAY ruin it, because of this i would appreciate if you didn't put it into modpacks :)



A lot of under the hood code changes, few bug fixes

Those 'redundant' things being commented out caused a crash report, thanks SciGuyRyan :3

'Redundant' or non working things are commented out, this is so the mod can get proper testing.
Added localizations and textures for everything.

Had to temporarily remove the rendering on the totem table, was causing crash reports, will do a 'good' model later on >.>
Fixed massive server crash bugs, thanks to SciguyRyan

Added the Totem of Food (This feeds nearby players ;) ) and fixed a few little derps.
Started on the multiblock system.

Fixed bugs and added a few more textures, NBT tag items cant be put in the chlorophyll solidifier.

Added all the things!

I also want to point out that I don't want to turn this into another vineacraft thread, this is mearly for suggestions and thoughts, not some weird hype train... xD

Totemic is open source at https://github.com/Pokefenn/Totemic
If you need to know anything, grab me on irc at #totemic, @Pokefenn on twitter or on this thread.

(The incredible logo is done by Mr BigBadChris, go thank him ! :) )

and now, the spotlight is for @b0h for his mod Travel Runes
as the name applies, it's about Runes and travelling, put them together and you've Travel Runes.
the mod is still in developement, but it's already looking very promising, with even some sneak peaks.
so keep an eye on it if you're interested ;)

Hello Everyone.
I'm currently working on a system that should make travel on minecraft world a little easier but not overpowered.

Teleportation is somewhat hated by many players and modders, and i see it why: moving from a spot to another of the map is overpowered.

That is where the mod i'm making comes in.


  • Basic Rune . Empty rune, craftable into a basic Travel Rune.
  • Travel Rune, storing coordinates of where it was rightclicked.
  • Reagents Bag, still not craftable nor usable.
  • Travel Runes makes you travel from point to point of the map, limited to the actual dimension.
  • Shift-Right Click on the ground with the Travel Rune opens a portal to the coordinates marked on the rune, this is for making your friend capable of following you in your travel.
  • If the rune has been marked on the Nether or other dimensions, you can't use them to travel from a dimension to another: the rune will start burning and because it's too hot you'll drop it :p
  • Crafting and use of reagents, that are consumed each time you teleport or open a portal.
  • Runes will not have a very big transport range. If your point is too far from where you are, the rune won't work. This will make necessary to make several runes to reach very long distances.
  • Reagents Bag will store the reagents in a very comfortable way.
  • It will use some the less used items in the game, such as spider eyes as well as more expensive items for portals.
  • Make the portal disappear after a while ( working on it right now :p )
  • When possible, an upgraded version of the travel rune, capable of EXTRA-dimensional transport. ( Thanks to YX33A for the linguistic correction)
  • More craftable runes, and some other secret features i'm planning :p
I'll be posting a very early beta when i got at least the very basic reagents system set up.

Bear in mind that i plan to stick to original minecraft graphics and sounds the most i can. At least for a while, since i suck at graphics and sound making :p

I'll be reading any suggestion you will provide.
So don't bump the topic, silence from my part means i'm working on the mod with your suggestions in my head.
If i don't implement your suggestions, it's because i'm no professional coder, and there's a limit to what i can do at the moment ( not so sure about it in the future, but we'll see. )

I don't mind if you plan to include my mod ( when released of course ) in private packs.
For public packs, at least drop me a message.

Finally, my thanks to:

- Pahimar for his Let's Mod course. Still so little, yet learned so much.
- Vswe for his Summer Course, from i learned so much ( and yet, i'm still derping a lot in the code. :p )
- All of the Feed The Beast team for their modpacks and videos.

Be aware that i have the very same post also on Minecraft Forums.

lastly, a mod by @dmillerw called Industrialization with a whole new take on tech mods.
tech multiblock machines, with no direct interface.
not sure what I mean by that? well, just keep an eye on his topic and I'm sure you'll find out what I mean, and you'll become very interested in the mod :)

Forget about your magic boxes, this is as real as it gets

As some of you are probably aware, I've been spending the last few weeks working on a new mod called Industrialization. If you're not aware of what this mod will entail, read the basic summery from the thread and original Reddit post below.

The current version of the mod (still very much in its infancy) can be found here.

While I have many ideas for how the mod may grow and be shaped, I also want to get community input, since automation and working with these sorts of mechanics is a core thing in most tech mods. I have my ideas for how things should work, but I know others may think differently, and I'd love for as many people to enjoy it and have a use for it as possible.

No idea is too stupid or too ridiculous. Lemme here what you've all got to say!

sadly I had to remove all the images and spread the post over several posts, so instead I left the links to those pictures.
if you want to see the posts in their full glory, go visit the topics linked at each opening text for the mods

but what do you all think? next time just link to the topics instead of copying over the full posts?
Lots of new mods I guess. Thanks for telling me about them Yusunoha!

Should totally make a Feed the Beast Fan Twitter page with all the latest news ... or not
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Lots of new mods I guess. Thanks for telling me about them Yusunoha!

Should totally make a Feed the Beast Fan Twitter page with all the latest news ... or not

no problem, if anyone knows any more new mods that were released, or are still in early stages, feel free to post them here aswell

Oh yay I made the list of mod news for once =D

If anyone has any questions about Atum feel free to ask over in that thread (http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/alpha-atum-1-6-4-alpha-test.40254/).

hehe, I usually update this topic with mods that I'm currently using in my own modlist, but because I've been missing so many other mods that were being posted on this forum I thought I'd do a post (well, 3 posts actually) for those mods. good chance I'm still missing some mods, so anyone who knows more, feel free to contribute
Thank you for the spotlight, Yusunoha, i still don't deserve it given that my mod is still just concept and a couple not very meaningful screenshots.
Said that i'm also looking forward to other people's works. :)
Nice! Hype for Padfoote! Anyone know if his guide can be stickyied or something like Succubism's Thaumcraft guide?

I appreciate the support and all, but I don't think my guide is at the quality or level of completion to warrant that.
Spacetoad tweeted a nifty picture of what hes been working on for Buildcraft.

"Finishing the week end with the implementation of robot docking stations..."

And Prog (ti c and ftb launcher dev) tweeted "soo tcon & tmech for 1.7.2 now compiles :D still doesnt launch fully yet" I have no plans of moving to 1.7 any time in the foreseeable future, but this might interest some of you.
Has Fleshcraft been mentioned already? It's an as-of-yet not really much coded mod, predominantly coded by SkeletonPunk and SolomonAiel, based around making your own huge organism for ore processing, mob farming, base defence, and possibly one day mining.
I'm sort of the guy who gives updates on the mod, getting info from the coders, and putting it into comprehensible sentences. I can give you a link if you like, but just searching fleshcraft should yield good results.
Big update for big reactors today, added another means of generating power using heated coolant in another multiblock structure, a turbine. Its still in early testing, but the basic function is there. If you jump in IRC (#bigreactors on synIRC), the URL for download as well as information and help from users will be available to you. It dropped into monster with only a few ID resolutions.
Has Fleshcraft been mentioned already? It's an as-of-yet not really much coded mod, predominantly coded by SkeletonPunk and SolomonAiel, based around making your own huge organism for ore processing, mob farming, base defence, and possibly one day mining.
I'm sort of the guy who gives updates on the mod, getting info from the coders, and putting it into comprehensible sentences. I can give you a link if you like, but just searching fleshcraft should yield good results.
No real builds have been released yet, which makes me guess that it hasn't been reported. But it's definitely going to be cool, having a spreading land where your organism system is built (think Zerg in Starcraft), mob farming to the extreme (think torture), the organism being independent, and other cool stuff like that.
No real builds have been released yet, which makes me guess that it hasn't been reported. But it's definitely going to be cool, having a spreading land where your organism system is built (think Zerg in Starcraft), mob farming to the extreme (think torture), the organism being independent, and other cool stuff like that.
Believe me, I don't need it explained to me, the reason for which I just explained ;)
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