[W.I.P.] [FORGE] Travel Runes ( temp. name )

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello Everyone.
I'm currently working on a system that should make travel on minecraft world a little easier but not overpowered.

Teleportation is somewhat hated by many players and modders, and i see it why: moving from a spot to another of the map is overpowered.

That is where the mod i'm making comes in.



  • Basic Rune . Empty rune, craftable into a basic Travel Rune.
  • Travel Rune, storing coordinates of where it was rightclicked.
  • Reagents Bag, still not craftable nor usable.
  • Travel Runes makes you travel from point to point of the map, limited to the actual dimension.
  • Shift-Right Click on the ground with the Travel Rune opens a portal to the coordinates marked on the rune, this is for making your friend capable of following you in your travel.
  • If the rune has been marked on the Nether or other dimensions, you can't use them to travel from a dimension to another: the rune will start burning and because it's too hot you'll drop it :p
  • Crafting and use of reagents, that are consumed each time you teleport or open a portal.
  • Runes will not have a very big transport range. If your point is too far from where you are, the rune won't work. This will make necessary to make several runes to reach very long distances.
  • Reagents Bag will store the reagents in a very comfortable way.
  • It will use some the less used items in the game, such as spider eyes as well as more expensive items for portals.
  • Make the portal disappear after a while ( working on it right now :p )
  • When possible, an upgraded version of the travel rune, capable of EXTRA-dimensional transport. ( Thanks to YX33A for the linguistic correction)
  • More craftable runes, and some other secret features i'm planning :p
I'll be posting a very early beta when i got at least the very basic reagents system set up.

Bear in mind that i plan to stick to original minecraft graphics and sounds the most i can. At least for a while, since i suck at graphics and sound making :p

I'll be reading any suggestion you will provide.
So don't bump the topic, silence from my part means i'm working on the mod with your suggestions in my head.
If i don't implement your suggestions, it's because i'm no professional coder, and there's a limit to what i can do at the moment ( not so sure about it in the future, but we'll see. )

I don't mind if you plan to include my mod ( when released of course ) in private packs.
For public packs, at least drop me a message.

Finally, my thanks to:

- Pahimar for his Let's Mod course. Still so little, yet learned so much.
- Vswe for his Summer Course, from i learned so much ( and yet, i'm still derping a lot in the code. :p )
- All of the Feed The Beast team for their modpacks and videos.

Be aware that i have the very same post also on Minecraft Forums.
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Cool stuff b0h.

There are a number of mechanics you could use to control the distance-travelling-balance. For instance, if you ever decide multiple-runes is too tedious, you could allow the user to spend resources "charging" a single rune, where the charge would impact the maximum distance travelled allowed.

I did something very similar once (not minecraft) and determined carrying fuels (reagents) around for the gizmo (rune) created some streamlining issues. Ultimately I found it easier to program and work with if the user "charged" the gizmo with the reagents instead of spending them on the fly.
More likely Ultima Online style, Madchin. :)

Being somehow tedious is the thing that would impact the overpowerness.
Overpower is something, in my humble opinion, that stays in the equation no effort = huge gain.
I plan to give the runes a minimum distance to be marked ( so you don't use them to travel from a floor to another in the same house ) and a maximum distance ( so you don't use just one rune for an insanely amount of chunks of distance.

I want to make this mod actually something that can bring somewhat sense to teleportation in survival :)
I was thinking you'd allow the user to have tedium-in-preparation (resource-gathering) rather than tedium-in-use. Same difficulty, just shift the tedium to gathering where we're accustomed to it, so that the "playing" part of the game is still carefree.

I'm actually concerned about the tedium of the programming as well: if the resources are drained automatically, you need to scan inventory for them (similar to how a bow scans for arrows) and then hope the system is smart enough to drain exactly the right resources you want (if you had multiple types of arrows, which ones would get used first?)

I'm glad you're keeping an eye on the balance issues; I disable mods that are so silly they completely obsolete other ones rather than provide alternatives :)
perhaps have some sort of personal travel rune which you can level up by doing certain things, and with each level your rune gains you'll be able to save more locations and travel further?

how about having some sort of seperate dimension, like Dimensional Doors has. not an infinite amount of dimension or being able to build a whole base in that dimension, just a small pocket dimension you can travel to with some basic blocks and machines
whenever I travel, I always end up not having enough inventory space and have to go back all the way to my base to empty my inventory before I can travel again. I know there are mods like enderchests out there to help you with this, but I often do the travelling early game, before I've gone to the nether.
What if runes "misfired" if you crafted them wrong and created a portal to an unstable dimension filled with mobs or traps or something. You would always go to this dimension going through the portal but it wouldn't always be unstable. It'd be like a white-wall room with a door on the other side.
I plan on making the Runes an early way of transport, thus easy to access early on but not overpowered:
no portals until more costly reagents, no transportations of entity or such. A personal travel system mostly.

Also portals will not be double sided: just one way and you ( and any other player that follows you into the portal ) will spawn at the target point like with the normal transportation. That way you can't call your friends from the other side, they have to use their own rune for that.
I also plan to make the rune totally personal, so you can't give them to someone else unless you craft a copy for someone else ( that will also be personal ).
I think those will be a nice way to counterbalance the overpowerness of teleporting.

Of course, that's for the basic idea. I might implement updated versions of runes later on.

MIGHT do that, just it will be very costly given the huge advantage it would give.

I think that Dimensional Door will suffice for that. BUT i won't sign on it. ( also, if it's possibile, it will be later on. )
Also, i believe that not many people would like to escape death with a Rune, just to land in a "difficult to reach Dimension" where you get your last half heart ripped away and your loot never recoverable ( given that the rune will also be dropped there! )
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Random thoughts.
So if there will be a min/max travel distance, make upgrades to increase max OR decrease min, but not both on the same type of rune.
Have a way to "give" a location on your rune to a friend.
Balance idea: to clear a location on a rune require it to be cooked. Advanced version could be reset in your hand.
Have bag that will let you "chain" multiple runes. One way to let you travel farther. Have it upgrade able, starting with 2 slot and going from there.
Balance Idea: starting travel runes have cool down before you can use another starting travel rune.
Carrying on from the Ultima Online theme, it should be quite differcult to "mark" a rune, "recalling" from a rune should be trivial and "gating" or makeing a portal that others can use should have some cost as well.

Sent from my GT-S5830i using Tapatalk 2
  • Implemented MIN and MAX distance from runes.
  • Working on Reagents bag, already done the graphics. ( might be a little rough , but i like them so far. :P )
  • Bugs squashing and a little refactoring :)
Sorry if my progresses look slow, but i'm a noob coder, so i'm trying to polish every time i make an improvement.
If this takes too long, i'll release the first public beta in 1.6.4, as well as latest version possibile :)
Of course, the development will go on only on the latest version. :)
I like what I have read so far. I feel your pain on n00b coding but we all must start somewhere.

As for the min and max distance, how will you let the player know this? Will a message text come up? Will it be trial and error (which would be fun), or could you make a item or equipment that shows it.

I'm not sure how hard glow effects like, Thaumcraft and Ars Magica use, are to implement or create. But maybe have the rune glow bright after you right click the start area? Then dim as you progress from that point to show MIN & MAX travel?

Just a thought. Good luck on you travels b0h :-)

Zein Out :P
  • Fixed bugged dimension travel.
  • Now not possible to teleport to a point that is at 10 blocks of distance. No accidental reagent use at home! :P
  • Coded Reagents!
  • Working on Reagents Bag inventory and GUI;
  • Secret Feature part 1 of probably 100. :P
  • refactor, cleaning, refactor, cleaning, messing up again.... ç_ç

Zein Eizoku:
To me it would be hard as hell, at the moment. GL11 is a mistery to me. ( after all it's big and scary! )
I think that my max graphical performance would be custom models done in blender for blocks like a probable Rune Chest or Words of Power Stele (ooops, spoiler :P ).
I guess that if my mod manages to make in a FTB pack ( very unlikely but one can hope! ) and i get a little acquainted with some other pro modders..well... MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYBEE there's hope for graphical glory.

As for distances, well , it won't be hard to figure it out: not much fun, at least for not long.
But i hope that pratical use would overpower the little stunts for little fun :)

I don't want to make ANY other mod useless, since i basically can't win with competition.
I want it to be pratical for medium/long distances , at a manageable cost.

Soon i'll be posting some Screenshots on OP post, just to give you something to chew on :D
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  • Fixed bugged dimension travel.
  • Now not possible to teleport to a point that is at 10 blocks of distance. No accidental reagent use at home! :p
  • Coded Reagents!
  • Working on Reagents Bag inventory and GUI;
  • Secret Feature part 1 of probably 100. :p
  • refactor, cleaning, refactor, cleaning, messing up again.... ç_ç

Zein Eizoku:
To me it would be hard as hell, at the moment. GL11 is a mistery to me. ( after all it's big and scary! )
I think that my max graphical performance would be custom models done in blender for blocks like a probable Rune Chest or Words of Power Stele (ooops, spoiler :p ).
I guess that if my mod manages to make in a FTB pack ( very unlikely but one can hope! ) and i get a little acquainted with some other pro modders..well... MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYBEE there's hope for graphical glory.

As for distances, well , it won't be hard to figure it out: not much fun, at least for not long.
But i hope that pratical use would overpower the little stunts for little fun :)

I don't want to make ANY other mod useless, since i basically can't win with competition.
I want it to be pratical for medium/long distances , at a manageable cost.

Soon i'll be posting some Screenshots on OP post, just to give you something to chew on :D
It'll probably be a big favorite amongst those in magic packs or in general trying to feel non-cheaty about teleportation. Which is, a large amount of people. I know that I would definitely use this.
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This thread is still in development, much like my mod. This is a low priority in comparison to my mod.
  • XyCraft (Zy - Craft) is a mod based on tech expansion. A primary goal of this mod is to try to increase the variety in the "End Game". That said, there will be an upgrade system for most of the Blocks and Items in my mod.
  • This is not a chromosome mod. If it was it would be XYCraft rather than XyCraft ;)
Current Status: Development with modders.
  • Please do not ask for an ETA. That is semi rude and obviously if it isn't updated then it isn't updated ;)
  • Do not ask to be a tester. I choose who I choose
If you have an idea that you would like to provide, please follow these rules and understand my opinion.
  • -Keep them realistic Ideas
  • -Keep them balanced
  • -Keep in mind I can not use every idea, nor will I
  • -Read previous suggestions, and make sure it hasn't been said.

Haha I am sorry I did not mean to jest. I am a very inexperienced coder at the moment and I am not sure as to tribulations and trials it would take to get a flow effect going. I was only making a suggestion of curiosity. Either way, I have a feeling you will not disappoint :-) have at it my friend.
Not sure why quoting Soaryn, but i got that anyway. :D

Just a question about preferences:

"Do you prefer reagents having a 'power' value each one, and consume reagents randomly just paying a numeral cost for teleport/portal ( i.e. Teleport = 35 requested, 35 points to spend taken randomly consuming reagents based on their 'fuel' value ) OR do you prefer that each function uses determined reagents ( i.e. Teleport = 2 Blood Moss + 1 Black Pearl ) "

I'm more inclined to the second option, BUT it might be a tight issue regarding the number of uses , when you miss a determined reagent.
About preferences: The second would give a better feel. But the first would give servers more control over the values (assuming config option it there) and be able to adjust to their style. Also if you're basing the regents off of vanilla items, a lot of mods could change how rare items are and might mess with what you intended as a rarer item.

Maybe have short / medium range be just point value, but medium/long range require specific regents.
Not sure why quoting Soaryn, but i got that anyway. :D

Just a question about preferences:

"Do you prefer reagents having a 'power' value each one, and consume reagents randomly just paying a numeral cost for teleport/portal ( i.e. Teleport = 35 requested, 35 points to spend taken randomly consuming reagents based on their 'fuel' value ) OR do you prefer that each function uses determined reagents ( i.e. Teleport = 2 Blood Moss + 1 Black Pearl ) "

I'm more inclined to the second option, BUT it might be a tight issue regarding the number of uses , when you miss a determined reagent.

I'm not sure why either o.O haha I am using that Taptalk app haha I was trying to quote you XD
Well, world generation would be nice but.... i fear that some components might get TOO rare to normal use, given the limitations.
I might limit Nightshade as worldgen, given that's a plant.
I intend to put even required values for what concerning consumes in the config file either way, so Servers can have the last word.