[W.I.P.] [FORGE] Travel Runes ( temp. name )

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Just checked out the thread again and read the OP a bit closer and noticed a discrepancy...
When possible, an upgraded version of the travel rune, capable of intra-dimensional transport.
You already have this. Like, that's the thing you do. Intra- is inner, basically. Extra- is outer, in this sense. Unless you wish to imply that one teleports via the end or nether while making suck jaunts, anyway. But still, intra-dimensional means within this dimension.

Unless these runes ONLY currently allow transport to other dimensions, and you will need an upgraded rune to jump from one room in a house to another, this statement is false.
Sorry for not being a pro on English :p
I'm italian , you know, and we don't have many occasions to talk/write/read in English :p

I hope that sometimes when my words fail, the true meaning will be understood anyway. :p

There, fix'd. :D
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Sorry for not being a pro on English :p
I'm italian , you know, and we don't have many occasions to talk/write/read in English :p

I hope that sometimes when my words fail, the true meaning will be understood anyway. :p

There, fix'd. :D

For it being your second language, I am impressed. I would never have guessed you were not English or American haha.

That aside, I'm still excited to fiddle with the travel runesubes mod :-D
The pouch looks great, brings back memories of UO. I hope this mod makes it into FTB packs, I can already imagine logging in to a SMP server for the first time and finding a rune for the spawn in my hotbar
Actually i should probably rename this mod to Ultimacraft or something. :D
Atm i'm still working at reagents bag but i'm also adding random things.
Many things won't probably work or even be crafted yet when i put up the first beta, but it's important to me to put up the bases first.
I don't know if you have played Discworld MUD but they had a similar mechanic. You would mark a rock with a location if you cast recall on the rock it would use up the rock. However if you had a hammer you could break the rock after marking it i nto a pile of single use recall stones. This would eliminate reagents but have durability instead.

They also had a tier II which was a piece of jewerly that would lose durabillity as you cast recall. You had the option of repairing the jewelery if you had the skills

Still alive. Updates are a little slow, but i'm still working on it.
I plan to make a very very very very very early beta release soon, but that is given that everything goes on smoothly.
The beta will probably have just a basic implementation of things, but it should suffice for the time being :)
  • Created a Chisel. Sorry for having YET ANOTHER TOOL, but it gives access to almost all the recipes on the mod ( this is to avoid recipe conflicts) .
  • Created temp recipes for most of the items, and implementing the base reagents mechanics.
  • Minor tweaks and refactoringz.
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  • Created a Chesel. Sorry for having YET ANOTHER TOOL, but it gives access to almost all the recipes on the mod ( this is to avoid recipe conflicts) .
  • Created temp recipes for most of the items, and implementing the base reagents mechanics.
  • Minor tweaks and refactoringz.
Wait, do you mean Chisel? Or is the name of the tool actually Chesel?
Also like how this is turning out. :D
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Derp, yeah, i meant Chisel :)

Here's an updated screen ( for a better feeling ) about the Reagents Bag (and of course, ONLY reagents allowed :) )


And this time, a decent size. :P
Also, yepp, 15 Slots. :)
you just have to watch out for EA trying to sue your arse, as the pouch and the ingrediants graphics look to similar to Ultima Online.
Not a problem, if that happens i'll completely remove the mod from existance.
Oh i'm not worried at all. I've got no money at all & no job, so i'd really want to know HOW exactly a legal issue can make my situation worse. :p
[political joke to laugh and no to cry about it] Remember that i live in italy, where the criminals get jobs after done some time in jail. :D [/political joke]