What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Updated AbyssalCraft (1.8.9) (1.9) (1.9.4) to 1.9.2:
  • The Staff of Rending should now sync better when reaching the max energy values
  • If you for some reason manage to exceed the max energy values, the Staff of Rending will reset the value and give you a essence
  • Adjusted the colors of the Abyssalnite and Dreadium crystals
  • Fixed custom particle color
  • Tweaked the FOV modification for the Coralium Longbow (should fix a crash with Blood Magic)
  • Added Spanish translation (thanks Moichrocks)
  • Added decorative versions of the statues (they're just blocks, no disruptions or anything)
  • The message that should appear in chat when the "Ritual of reversed time" is performed will now display
  • The death animation for J'zahar has been changed slightly (including a new sound effect, courtesy of Funwayguy)
  • Boss messages shouldn't display twice while in multiplayer
  • The Staff of The Gatekeeper, Dreadium Katana and Cudgel have their 3D models back!
  • Added Crystal Clusters (storage blocks for Crystals)
  • Things added to the crystal list are now properly regarded as crystals
  • Slightly re-balanced fuel values for Crystal-based fuels
  • Added a event that fires before Disruptions are triggered (can be cancelled)
  • Added a event that fires before a Lesser Shoggoth places down a Ooze block (allowing you to replace the Ooze block, or cancel the event)
  • Reduced the follow range on a couple of mobs
  • Ethaxium/Dark Ethaxium Pillars can now be rotated when placed (like Quartz Pillars)
  • Failing to complete a ritual now triggers a Disruption
  • It should be impossible to enchant the Dreadium Katana, Cudgel and Sacthoth's Soul Reaper Blade now (not even possible by anvil now)
  • Added Enchantment Rituals (allows you to enchant an item through a ritual)
  • The leaves on AbyssalCraft trees should now decay when there isn't any nearby log
  • The Altar of Cha'garoth is now created through rituals (instead of crafting)
  • The Coralium and Dread enchantments are now applied through rituals
  • Improved the custom explosion code a bit
  • You can no longer brew any AbyssalCraft potions
  • All things regarding Shoggoth food has now been moved over to EntityUtil
  • Implemented the sacrifice mechanic for rituals (some rituals will require you to present a living entity as an additional offering)
  • The spawn weight of End Abyssal Zombies is now configurable (replaces the previous config option to stop them from spawning)
  • Renamed the config option "Evil Animal spawn rate" to "Evil Animal spawn weight"
  • The fire rain disruption has been reduced to 8 fireballs (previously 20)
  • Some rituals now require a sacrifice (and the statue rituals can be performed anywhere)
  • You can now configure the portal cooldown (time it takes before you can use a portal again)
  • Fixed a couple of achievement icons looking weird
  • If you for some reason manage to exceed the max energy values, the Staff of Rending will reset the value and give you a essence
  • Adjusted the colors of the Abyssalnite and Dreadium crystals
  • Fixed custom particle color
  • Added Spanish translation (thanks Moichrocks)
  • Tweaked the FOV modification for the Coralium Longbow (should fix a crash with Blood Magic)
  • Added decorative versions of the statues (they're just blocks, no disruptions or anything)
  • The message that should appear in chat when the "Ritual of reversed time" is performed will now display
  • The death animation for J'zahar has been changed slightly (including a new sound effect, courtesy of Funwayguy)
  • Boss messages shouldn't display twice while in multiplayer
  • The Staff of The Gatekeeper, Dreadium Katana and Cudgel have their 3D models back!
  • Added Crystal Clusters (storage blocks for Crystals)
  • Things added to the crystal list are now properly regarded as crystals
  • Slightly re-balanced fuel values for Crystal-based fuels
  • Added a event that fires before Disruptions are triggered (can be cancelled)
  • Added a event that fires before a Lesser Shoggoth places down a Ooze block (allowing you to replace the Ooze block, or cancel the event)
  • Reduced the follow range on a couple of mobs
  • Ethaxium/Dark Ethaxium Pillars can now be rotated when placed (like Quartz Pillars)
  • Failing to complete a ritual now triggers a Disruption
  • It should be impossible to enchant the Dreadium Katana, Cudgel and Sacthoth's Soul Reaper Blade now (not even possible by anvil now)
  • Added Enchantment Rituals (allows you to enchant an item through a ritual)
  • The leaves on AbyssalCraft trees should now decay when there isn't any nearby log
  • The Altar of Cha'garoth is now created through rituals (instead of crafting)
  • The Coralium and Dread enchantments are now applied through rituals
  • Improved the custom explosion code a bit
  • You can now brew AbyssalCraft potions again
  • All things regarding Shoggoth food has now been moved over to EntityUtil
  • Implemented the sacrifice mechanic for rituals (some rituals will require you to present a living entity as an additional offering)
  • AbyssalCraft loot has been added to the vanilla loot tables
  • The spawn weight of End Abyssal Zombies is now configurable (replaces the previous config option to stop them from spawning)
  • Renamed the config option "Evil Animal spawn rate" to "Evil Animal spawn weight"
  • The fire rain disruption has been reduced to 8 fireballs (previously 20)
  • Some rituals now require a sacrifice (and the statue rituals can be performed anywhere)
  • Portal teleportation in survival mode should work normally again
  • You can now configure the portal cooldown (time it takes before you can use a portal again)
  • Now runs on Forge
  • Fixed a couple of achievement icons looking weird
  • If you for some reason manage to exceed the max energy values, the Staff of Rending will reset the value and give you a essence
  • Adjusted the colors of the Abyssalnite and Dreadium crystals
  • Fixed custom particle color
  • Tweaked the FOV modification for the Coralium Longbow (should fix a crash with Blood Magic)
  • Added Spanish translation (thanks Moichrocks)
  • Added decorative versions of the statues (they're just blocks, no disruptions or anything)
  • The message that should appear in chat when the "Ritual of reversed time" is performed will now display
  • The death animation for J'zahar has been changed slightly (including a new sound effect, courtesy of Funwayguy)
  • Boss messages shouldn't display twice while in multiplayer
  • The Staff of The Gatekeeper, Dreadium Katana and Cudgel have their 3D models back!
  • Added Crystal Clusters (storage blocks for Crystals)
  • Things added to the crystal list are now properly regarded as crystals
  • Slightly re-balanced fuel values for Crystal-based fuels
  • Added a event that fires before Disruptions are triggered (can be cancelled)
  • Added a event that fires before a Lesser Shoggoth places down a Ooze block (allowing you to replace the Ooze block, or cancel the event)
  • Reduced the follow range on a couple of mobs
  • Ethaxium/Dark Ethaxium Pillars can now be rotated when placed (like Quartz Pillars)
  • Failing to complete a ritual now triggers a Disruption
  • It should be impossible to enchant the Dreadium Katana, Cudgel and Sacthoth's Soul Reaper Blade now (not even possible by anvil now)
  • Added Enchantment Rituals (allows you to enchant an item through a ritual)
  • The leaves on AbyssalCraft trees should now decay when there isn't any nearby log
  • The Altar of Cha'garoth is now created through rituals (instead of crafting)
  • The Coralium and Dread enchantments are now applied through rituals
  • Improved the custom explosion code a bit
  • You can now brew AbyssalCraft potions again
  • All things regarding Shoggoth food has now been moved over to EntityUtil
  • Implemented the sacrifice mechanic for rituals (some rituals will require you to present a living entity as an additional offering)
  • AbyssalCraft loot has been added to the vanilla loot tables
  • The spawn weight of End Abyssal Zombies is now configurable (replaces the previous config option to stop them from spawning)
  • Renamed the config option "Evil Animal spawn rate" to "Evil Animal spawn weight"
  • The fire rain disruption has been reduced to 8 fireballs (previously 20)
  • Some rituals now require a sacrifice (and the statue rituals can be performed anywhere)
  • Portal teleportation in survival mode should work normally again
  • You can now configure the portal cooldown (time it takes before you can use a portal again)
  • Now runs on Forge
Last edited:
new day, new update, and today it's @Purplicious_Cow with Inventory Pets
Purplicious_Cow said:
Inventory Pets 1.9.4-1.4.6
Release Notes 1.4.6 for 1.9.4

“Official 1.9.4 Release”

New Features

  • Lolcatz language (thanks AdminGamer101)
  • New Config to allow April Fool Pet to work year round
  • Loot Pet now messages user if using a conflicting enchanted item
  • Mini Quantum Blaze now shoots quicker fireballs and for more damage
  • Added new potions into Brewing Stand (including lingering potions)
  • Enchanting Table now eats lapis nuggets, but requires XP levels
  • Quiver Pet Rapid Shot now called Insta-Shot, and you control fire rate
  • Nether Portal finds safe location much faster
  • Achievements now updated to include Fan-Suggested Pets
Other Updates:

  • Pet Namer no longer causes occasional crash (credit: zzApotheosis)
  • Loot Pet no longer disabled until restart after using a conflicting enchanted item (credit: Odentay, kjj194)
  • Pingot now finds Nether Quartz (credit: AstroCat2Space)
  • Loot Pet now works with Nether Quartz (credit: AstroCat2Space)
  • Lapis Nuggets now added to OreDictionary as “shardLapis” to fix compatibility with Solar Expansion (credit: zzApotheosis)
  • Pets drop ‘gift’ items less frequently (e.g,, Spider, Chicken, Pig, Snow Golem)

and @capitalthree with BTFU
capitalthree said:
Pretend everything before 1.4 does not exist. I am terrible. (forgot to set it so the mod wasn't required on clients)

1.9.4 users: the new upload should actually work for 1.9.4 (instead of 1.9). Why did nobody tell me? geez.

BTFU is a backup mod designed to be so easy and efficient, you'll have no excuse not to take frequent backups. When you install it, it will refuse to let your server run until you configure a backup directory. Past that, it will operate in the background without bothering you again, until the fateful day when you need to restore. BTFU backups are dead-simple to restore, because they're simply complete copies of your minecraft server directory. And BTFU takes these backups every 5 minutes, and yet is very easy on your disk space!

How does this sorcery work? BTFU implements a time-honored UNIX backup strategy. It uses rsync to sync your server state to a master backup copy, and then makes a hardlinked copy of that to a datestamped folder. Hardlinks are files that point to the same underlying data on disk. Because of this, each new backup takes up only as much space as however many files have changed since the last one. In other words, backups of your 5GB world don't take 5GB each, unless the whole dang thing is chunkloaded. Even then, infinitely many backups could take their toll, so BTFU lets you set a total limit (default 128) and will prune the backups logarithmically, meaning that it will keep a higher density of more recent backups, but will always retain the original backup and a complete history of your world. (You can also manually delete any backups you wish, and BTFU will not mind.)

BTFU wants you to relax. The reason for this backup approach is threefold:

  • Backups are very fast, allowing them to be taken continuously
  • Backups are incremental, allowing many to be kept with low disk space cost
  • Backups can be treated as copies of the server directory, allowing you to easily hand-restore the entire server, world, configs, mods, .mcregion files, or whatever else you want, or use tools like the wonderful mc-region-fixer to restore individual corrupted chunks
Once you configure your backups directory, you can forget about BTFU until something goes wrong. If it has issues taking a backup, it will print log messages. Otherwise it will stay quiet and do its job.

Using BTFU is NOT necessarily a complete backup strategy! There are two major threats to your world. This mod is here primarily to defend against world corruption from buggy mods or other issues. The other threat is underlying issues with your disk or filesystem. If you want BTFU you to defend against those, then it is up to you to ensure your BTFU backups directory is on a separate disk. It should go without saying that backing up to a folder right next to the server folder, won't help if that hard drive dies.

One more thing. The only way to get perfectly consistent backups is to fully shut down the server first. For example, say some player deposits an item from mod-based storage into a vanilla chest right before a backup, and the mod doesn't respect the save-all command. The resulting backup might have that item duped, because it exists in both the synced chest and the old un-synced version of the mod's storage. These issues are not likely to be a serious issue or hose your server, but the possibility is something to be aware of. Even if you use BTFU, it might also be good to occasionally shut down your server and take an offline backup. Personally, I don't bother. Up to you.

and @BlayTheNinth with Ex Compressum
BlayTheNinth said:
Ex Compressum 1.7.10-1.1.143
Fixed crash on startup when the Auto Sieve skin server returns unexpected results.

Added config option to disable the loading of Auto Sieve skins.

Note: The previous versions of Ex Compressum that were missing the correct failure checks are now using a static snapshot of the skin API result so that they will never break like this again.
New release of The One Probe 1.0.9 for MC 1.9.4:


  • Fixed command completion for the topcfg command
  • Fixed rendering of players in the TOP tooltip (for multiplayer)
  • Avoid excessive logging spam in case a block causes an exception in TOP
  • Also the error is now logged with level debug instead of error
  • Changed the 'needsProbe' config so that it is now an int with three possible values: 0 = no probe needed, 1 = probe required (but client can override), 2 = no probe required and client cannot override. Default is 1 which is the same behaviour as it was before
  • Show harvest level in addition to harvest tool now

Download: http://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/245211-the-one-probe

Have fun!
New release of RFTools 4.61 for MC 1.9.4:

  • Better machine relay textures. For some reason these were still using the old format
  • Favorite destinations are now remembered when you die
  • Fixed shield collision detection. You could (for example) not walk on a solid shield anymore
  • Fixed a crash when right clicking an inventory module on something that is not a tile entity
  • The inventory plus module now supports item handlers. This was forgotten

Download: http://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools

Have fun!
The Mythical Project has been fully release.

The Mythical Project is a "Troll Ore & Mythical Block" Mod all in one. If you are looking for a troll ore mod but not anything else you are able to turn off the Mythical Block.

The Mythical Project is unlike any Other Troll ore mod in the past. These troll ores can not be seen with WAILA or any other mod. The Mythical Project also works with any mod that adds ores to the worldgen. You are also able to add your own blocks in the configs.

Download = http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/the-mythical-project
new day, new update, and today it's @chylex with Resource Pack Organizer
chylex said:
Resource Pack Organizer overhauls the Resource Pack screen to give you finer control and a couple new related features.

  • Organize resource pack into folders that you can navigate from within the game
  • Search pack names and description (supports the * wildcard)
  • Sort packs alphabetically A-Z or Z-A
  • Display a list of active resource packs on your screen (configurable position and color)
  • Stop Minecraft from removing incompatible packs after each restart
Source code will be made available for viewing soon.


The mod uses a folder icon by FatCow under the CC BY 3.0 US license: http://fatcow.com/free-icons
Just released RFTools 4.62 for MC 1.9.4:

  • Added a few extra items to the living matter table for the spawner (like reeds). To get this to work you have to let RFTools regenerate its config file though.
  • TOP and WAILA tooltips for the spawner now round the matter numbers for a nicer display
  • New inventory checker logic block that can emit a redstone signal if an inventory has a certain number of an item in a slot. It can check for any item or a specific item. With or without exact meta value matching and with or without ore dictionary matching.

Download: http://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools

Have fun!
New release of The One Probe 1.0.10 for MC 1.9.4:


  • If the probe is off-hand or probe tooltip is always shown then harvestability is shown for the current block
  • TOP now catches Throwable instead of Exception
  • Also the first three frames of the stack are now compared for duplicate exception detection
  • TOP will report exceptions again after a certain time (default 20 seconds)
  • It was not possible to configure the RF bar colors. This was forgotten in the config
  • If looking at a lever it will show the on/off state of that lever
  • No longer show the real name of blocks containing silverfish unless you're holding the creative probe

Download: http://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/245211-the-one-probe

Have fun!
Updated AbyssalBlocks (1.7.10) (1.8.9) (1.9) (1.9.4) to 1.1.0:
  • Bump to AbyssalCraft
  • The mob spawning trigger should no longer spawn a extra Entity
  • The schematic trigger should no longer crash if no schematics are present
1.8.9 & 1.9 & 1.9.4:
  • Bump to AbyssalCraft 1.9.2
  • The mob spawning trigger should no longer spawn a extra Entity
  • The schematic trigger should no longer crash if no schematics are present
  • The free ritual altar trigger should place the Ritual Altar at the correct coordinates
GregTech now has its own fancy worldgen! Keep an eye out for one of these fancy strongholds the next time you're mining.



GregoriusT said:
[IMPROVED] Rendering of GT Blocks by adding a Parameter that tells which sides are obstructued to IRenderedBlock and IRenderedBlockObject.
[FIXED] Colored Books being hidden in NEI
[FIXED] Light Opacity of GT Stone Blocks
[CHANGED] The tiny secret Dungeon to be a larger Stronghold alike Dungeon. It now generates at least 1km away from 0/0.
[ADDED] Corridors, Piston Doors, Crate Storages and Libraries so far.
[ADDED] Bookshelves can generate Loot in GT Strongholds now. Note, that they generate it if a player gets closer than 32 meters (square radius) to it, since the Books are usually a visible thing, unlike Chest and Safe content. Also ONLY loot that can be placed inside a shelf will be generated, if something couldn't be placed then it will get replaced by a vanilla Book.
[ADDED] Redstone Mechanics to the Shelves. Buttons, Levers and Redstone Torches can be used to add secret Book buttons/switches to the Shelves.

[FIXED] Accidential Dependancy on Forestry
[FIXED] Bookshelf Cover Interaction (Texture was kinda borken)
[ADDED] A few more vanilla Items that can be scanned in order to get Block Textures for canvases. Flint&Steel for example gives you a Fire Texture, Lava Buckets give a Lava Texture etc.
[ADDED] More Crossmod Wood Variations to the Book Shelves. Like, a lot more.
Updated AbyssalCraft Integration (1.7.10) (1.8.9) (1.9) (1.9.4) to 1.4.5:
  • Bump to Better Questing 1.0.124
  • Bump to EE3
  • Bump to AbyssalCraft 1.9.2
  • Bump to Better Questing 1.1.125
  • Now runs on Forge
  • Bump to AbyssalCraft 1.9.2
  • Bump to Better Questing 1.2.114
  • Now runs on Forge
  • Ported to Minecraft 1.9.4
  • Bump to AbyssalCraft 1.9.2
  • Bump to Better Questing 1.2.126
  • ProjectE integration is back
  • Now runs on Forge
new day, new update, and today it's @The_WeatherPony with Fence Overhaul
The_WeatherPony said:
Do vanilla fences just not cut it for you anymore? Fence Overhaul aims to address qualms with vanilla fences by adding new ones. Because Fence Overhaul doesn't just replace the vanilla fence, many awesome things can be built with a combination of vanilla and improved fences!


This mod currently only adds diagonal fences, but many more fence-based improvements are planned / in development.

The names and crafting recipes are subject to change.

S = stick; F = fence; # = nothing


FFF ===> Diagonal Fence (x3)

Totemic 1.8.9-0.7.3 and 1.9.4-0.7.5 are released:
  • The central Tipi block now has a small bounding box
  • The Tipi blocks can no longer be moved by pistons
  • Drawing Baykok's bow will now affect the field of view just like the vanilla bow
  • Changed location of the update JSON file
Additionally for Minecraft 1.9.4 only:
  • Arrows shot by Baykok's bow will only be invisible if they are regular arrows (not tipped or spectral)
  • Arrows shot by Baykok's bow are now faster but will no longer slow targets (unless shot by Baykok)
  • Fixed invisible arrows sometimes being invisible to the shooter as well
ArmorPlus has been updated for Minecraft Versions 1.9.4

Mod's Versions 1.9.4- with some updates from

Mod Feedback page: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/157530/

Link to the Mod's Wiki: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/ArmorPlus

{Features Changed}
  • The Ultimate armor Invincibility will be applied only if the full set is equipped
{Features Added}
  • New Block
    • Armor Forge (WIP) (Soon This will be the place to craft the armors)
{Features Added}
  • Added a crafting recipe for the Ender Dragon Egg (Because otherwise you can't create the full Ender Dragon Set)
new day, new update, and today it's @medved356 with ToolsCombine
medved356 said:

This Mod lets you combine Vanilla tools together.(How the Summary says...)

This is a small Mod but its currently WIP and the author is searching for more ideas!
You can combine only 3 Tools together (Until I have more ideas...)

For Example : You can get the "Tool Essence"simply by smelting Wooden or Stone Tools in the Furnace!After this grab some of your desired tool material and put it in the Craftin Bench with the Essence!They are enchantable too!!!


Currently Version: 0.4.5 for Forge 1.7.10

Supported Languages: English(US),Spanish(Coming soon...),German(Coming soon...),Russian(Comming soon...)

and @Vazkii with Psi
Vazkii said:
Psi r1.0-35
  • Out of beta! FeelsGoodMan.
  • Added an offhand slot to the CAD Assembler.
  • Trick: Collapse Block used on lit redstone ore will have normal redstone ore drop so you get the drops properly.

and @Universal with VanillaAutomation
universal said:
This mod adds a few things which allow for easier automation.

Current things in the mod:

The XP Hoppper

Spoiler (click to hide)
Picks up any xp orbs above it and fills them into provided bottles

The Filtered Hopper

Spoiler (click to hide)
Only picks up items matching the filter. Filter options are:

  • Black/Whitelist
  • Match NBT
  • Match Mod id
  • Match Meta
The Block Placer

Spoiler (click to hide)
Places blocks in a set distance (up to 16 blocks) with a given direction

Dispenser tweaks

Spoiler (click to hide)
Disepnsers can now, when provided with the right item

  • Shear sheep
  • Dye sheep
  • Attack entities
  • Plant seeds
  • Apply bonemeal on grass
  • Break blocks
  • Insert music discs into jukeboxes
The Poke Stick

Spoiler (click to hide)
Extends your reach while held. Uses tools from your inventory to break blocks faster

The Guide

Spoiler (click to hide)
Gives detailed information. You can hover over items and blocks to go to their entry.

All guide entries can be viewed in JEI

And that's it! The source code is available on GitHub.

and @BlayTheNinth with Cooking for Blockheads
BlayTheNinth said:
Cooking for Blockheads 1.9.4-3.1.26
New Blocks

Added Milk Jar

  • Stores Milk and can fill automatically fill buckets for recipes
  • Supports Pam's Fresh Milk as well
Added Cow in a Jar

  • Like the Milk Jar, but it slowly generates Milk
  • Has a rather cruel way of obtaining it (see JEI)
Added Toaster

  • Toasts raw toast into toast
  • Supports Pam's, More Food and that other food mod that adds toast
Added Spice Rack

  • Alternate storage block that hangs on a wall like the tool rack
Added Kitchen Counter

  • Alternate storage block, kind of like the fridge but doesn't stack.

Added More Foods support

Added Food Expansion support

Added Extra Food support

Re-enabled AppleCore support

Re-enabled MineTweaker support

Added IMC API (see GitHub README)


Fixed sinkRequiresWater option being ignored (always true)

Fixed crafting of water items using items from the inventory instead of prioritizing the sink

Fixed shaped recipes not being craftable

Fixed recipes that are smaller than 3x3 not always being craftable

Fixed crafting attempts happening even when a recipe is marked as Missing Tools

Fixed tool placement when right clicking the top of the stove

Fixed crash when sprinting on the fridge

Fixed potential crash when clicking a recipe too fast

Fixed caching of item provider list while finding available recipes

Fixed oven not accepting registered non-food ingredients as input

Fixed potential bucket exploit with recipes that return an empty bucket in a later step (like MoreFood's Bucket of Cheese)

  • Sink and Milk Jar now require an empty bucket to provide Water Bucket / Milk Bucket

I tested how it'd look if the oven was dyeable, but it requires further separation of the model into tinted and untinted faces so it doesn't look horrible. It'll wait

and @boni with Tinkers Construct
boni said:
Tinkers Construct 1.9.4-2.3.2
Requires Mantle 0.10.2 and Forge 1957.

What's new:

  • Clear Fancy Frame - becomes invisible
  • The Piggybackpack - pick up things and carry them around
    Clear Glass
  • Seared Glass - Similar to clear glass, but for the smeltery
    More smeltery bricks
  • Comparator support for drying racks, tables and casting blocks
    Drying rack recipe for leather (configurable)
  • Gravel to Flint recipe (configurable)
    WAILA support
  • Fluid Capabilities - This is only for mod devs. They know what it means ;P

  • Doublechests not being visible in Crafting Stations under certain circumstances
  • Correct item dropping with explosions for part/pattern chest
  • Hardened Clay dupe
  • Some issues with cross mod interactions
  • Several rare crashes happening under rare circumstances or when other mods mess up things
new day, new update, and today it's @SanAndreasP with Turret Mod {Rebirth}
SanAndreasP said:
Turret Mod Rebirth

Issue tracker (for issues and suggestions): https://github.com/SanAndreasP/TurretModRebirth/issues

Requires Bookshelf mod (make sure to get it for your Minecraft version!): http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/bookshelf

Ever wanted to defend your base against those vicious creatures? Well, then this mod is for you! With it you can craft turrets of different tiers and abillities. Not just that, you can upgrade them to make them even better!

Getting Started:

The only thing you need to know from this page is how to craft the Turret Info Tablet:

Right clicking it, you are greeted with different categories, which you can click on and choose an entry that is interesting to you.

Things to know:

Right-Click a turret with ammo loads it up; with a repair kit you can heal it
You want to move your turret? Use the Turret Control Unit and dismantle it! You'll need a chest in your inventory for that, though.
You can place turrets only on solid ground. Basically when you can place a door, you can place a turret. You can have them hanging upside-down as well!

This mod is in alpha! Content may be missing and stuff may change later on!
  • Like
Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
NuclearCraft has had both an update to the mod itself, but a snazzy new update to it's logos too - the fission reactors have been overhauled and are much more fun, the fusion reactors have also changed dramatically and are much cooler, and the synchrotron is fully functional (but does not yet have an actual use). The latest version is 1.7h:

There is a YouTube channel dedicated to the mod