new day, new update, and today it's @ShetiPhian with Platforms
and @pWn3d_1337 with Techguns
ShetiPhian said:![]()
ShetiPhianCore is Required!
This mod adds platforms with a range of customization.
You can make decks, bridges, mine shafts, or even wooden coaster supports.
Type /FruzstratedsGuide in-game for recipes and info.
The Platformer
This block is used to make all of the platforms.
Depending on the material used the look of the platforms will be different.
The Platformer uses the ore dictionary to support mod added planks, ingots (must also have a block), and some stones.
The wrench
Right-Click to rotate a platform.
Shift+Right-Click to change the style of a platform.
Shift+Left-Click a platform to remove the rail.
and @pWn3d_1337 with Techguns
pWn3d_1337 said:Techguns is a survival based tech mod that adds guns, armors and many more things.
State of Development:
Techguns is in an alpha stage and not well tested. Do not put it on a long running server. It might destroy something.
Forge (1.7.10):
Chisel (1.7.10 Version): - chisel API is implemented by some blocks and connected texture library is used.
Cofhlib ( - for RF API
Cofhcore ( - for world spawning
Some mods that provide power generation, cables, add common ore types.
Tinker's Construct ( - Integration into InventoryTabs, Some materials of Techguns are added to TC.
Known Incompatibilities:
Not enough keys ( - causes problems with gun shooting/animation. Not gamebreaking/crashing but quite annoying.
Main features:
- Guns
- 3D Models
- Recoil/reload animations
- Muzzle flashes
- First and 3rd person
- Armors
- Skins and 3D Models
- Armor bonus systems, giving boni like +% mining speed ore movement speed
- New inventory tab, compatible with Tinker's Construct. If TC is installed it will integrate into it's tab registry.
- New item slots and items for them
- Face slot: wear things like a Gas Mask.
- Back slot: Glider and jetpack.
- New slots to put ammo.
- Auto food slots: automatically eat food put in here.
Forum Post:
- Damage System
- Different damage types and armor values against each type.
- NPCs
- New hostile NPCs that use guns too.
- Turrets that can use guns.
- Death Effects
- Brutal animations like gore or dissolving.
- DISABLED in config by default!
- Must be enabled in config, not going to explain how you do that. No gore for kiddies, sry.
- Machines
- New machines that are required for crafting all the new stuff:
- Ammo press
- Metal press
- Chem lab
- Camo bench
- Can switch skins of some Techguns armors and Weapons. Only a few have multiple skins currently.
- Repair bench
- Repair Techguns armors here. Costs less than anvil and no XP. Armors can't be destroyed but become useless when at 0 durability.
- Ore Drills
- Multiblock machines that generate ores out of clusters (Ore clusters spawn in the world, see section about configuration for making them spawn). Ore clusters last forever but drills are not free and require power. The amount of ores/time that can be get out of a cluster is limited. Effectiveness is configurable.
- Configuration
- Configure spawn rates
- Configure if common ores should be added (lead, copper, steel, etc) (disabled by default)
- Configure ore drill power and ore rates. Default rates (1.0) are for dedicated servers with chunkloaders, for singleplayer you should set the ore rate a lot higher and power lower.
- Enable death effects.
- ...
- Ore cluster World spawning:
- use cofhcore ore spawning. A config file for ore clusters is provided in the download section, put this file into "/config/cofh/world" folder. Unfortunately curse does reject a .json file, I'm looking for a way to provide it. Disable the clusters for types of ores your world currently does not have. Currently the most common ores from techmods are supported.