What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
new day, new update, and today it's @Syntaxial with Melon Block Drop
Syntaxial said:
Built against build: 1673 (1.8.9)

A quick overview


Well, try to imagine being a farmer. You're out in the field with your slaves employees, harvesting your carrots, potatoes, wheat and pumpkins without any issues. One day, you have an idea; Why not grow melons?

You wait for months, and eventually, your first melon is ready to be harvested. You reach out to pick it off of the vine, and BOOM, it explodes into slices.

Wait, what? That doesn't happen in real life, why should it happen in Minecraft? Well, with this mod, it won't :)

What have you done to my farm?!

Don't worry, your existing farms are fine. You don't need to change anything! The only change you'll notice is that your melons actually drop melons instead of slices.

Melon blocks can't split open if you don't break them!

Yeah, I discovered that as I was going. I've added some shapeless crafting recipes for melon blocks to help out there.

Disappointed by the low output when putting a single melon in the table? Fill some more of the slots and see what happens :)

and @AlgorithmX2 with Chisels & Bits
AlgorithmX2 said:
Chisels & Bits 1.8-beta1
  • Fixed a possible crash when breaking chiseled blocks.
  • Fixed a bug where chiseled blocks might not update properly.
  • Fixed a bug with Dynamic render that caused solid surfaces to vanish.
  • Fixed breaking animations ( also fixes optifine incompatibility. )
  • Fixed bug where chiseled block renders would be invisible.
  • Added breaking animations for Dynamic rendered Chiseled blocks.
  • Bits Chiseled will now be added directly to the players inventory/bags without spawning in the world.
  • Chisel Damage is now handled by NBT and supports full int range. ( This buffs the Diamond Chisel since the default was beyond the previous supported range. )
  • Bits can be placed in replaceable blocks, like most other things.
  • Added key+bind to help text for bit/chisel.
  • Added new Radial Menu For Selecting Bit/Chisel Modes.
  • Added Configurable key-bind for Radial Menu, defaults to "alt".
  • Chiseled blocks placement behavior has undergone massive tweaks, allowing you to place two chiseled blocks in the same space as long as they do not overlap, even without enabling "place anywhere" mode.
  • Added Support for MCMulitPart.
  • Added ability to place bits much like the chisel, allowing faster placement, and faster builds. Use Keybinds, or new Radial Menu.
  • Chiseled Blocks can now share the same block space as other parts using MCMultiPart, such as pipes or wires that support it.
    • Look forward to using this with other mods as support becomes available.
  • Various performance enhancements.
  • Fixed Various other minor bugs.

and @XolovA with Nevermine: Advent of Ascension
Xolova said:
Nevermine is a large adventure and action mod created by XolovA, who originally created the mod known as DivineRPG. After moving on from DivineRPG, XolovA created Nevermine which is now his sole project. Nevermine is an action-packed mod with a huge amount of content, that will provide challenging and unique experiences to all players.

Nevermine adds ♦ Loads of new Mobs ♦ many unique Dimensions ♦ New Bosses ♦ All sorts of newWeapons, Armors, Tools, and Materials that all serve unique purposes.

Nevermine is one of the most expansive mods ever created. For more information visit the Minecraft Forum thread.

and @covers1624 with Legacy Farms
covers1624 said:
Legacy farms brings the farms from 1.4.7 versions of forestry to 1.7.10.

As this is a addon for Forestry, version 4.2+ ish of Forestry is required. In addition to forestry being required my lib project that can be found Here.

All farms should be functional in survival and craftable.

All info on the farms can be found on the old forestry wiki here untill the new wiki is finished.

Legacy Farms is licensed under LGPLv3 as forestry is.

Legacy Farms also contains code contributed by CovertJaguar, Player, MysteriousAges, Binnie, RichardG, cpw and others to Forestry.

All feed back is welcomed and appreciated.

and @bor295 with phantomquarry
bor295 said:
this mod adds 2 blocks, a phantom quarry and gold coated stone.

the quarry can mine ores without actualy mining them, thus you don't have to constantly move your quarry. this comes at a heavy cost of course and will only be craftable in the late-game. for the crafting recipe look at "Images".

the quarry has an internal buffer of 1M RF and will use 10000 RF per operation. so keep a steady supply of power!

the machine cannot explode or break any blocks.

the gold-coated stone block is purely a visual block as i did like the gold block color and did not like the gold block cost.

just a personal touch if you will.

oh, and dont mind the file name, it's an inside joke ;)

how to use:

place quarry on rich soil, and attach a chest(any inventory-holding block will suffice)on top. place an energy source next to it and right click the block!


Q:am i allowed to add this to my modpack?

A:yes, you do not need to ask for permission.

Q: i found a bug! what do?

A:please leave a comment if you have found a bug or an incompatibility with another mod. i will look into it.

Q:terrible textures can i change it?

A:sure, i am no artist, and if you like you can send your texture to me! maybe i will replace it.


no known bugs so far.

please leave a comment if you have found a bug or an incompatibility with another mod. i will look into it.

special credits:

daindrus for having to constantly update the test server.

and @Steve44TV with KeyEffects
Steve44TV said:

KeyEffects is a simple modification for the game "Minecraft" that adds new keybindings. Therewith you can give yourself effects or execute options like set your gamemode to creative or survival (Extendet list below).

German Website: http://world-of-mine-company.jimdo.com/projekte/minecraft/mod-key-effects/

Videos: [Will be pasted soon.]



1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
2. Locate the minecraft application folder.

  • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata%\.minecraft\ and click Run.
  • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for minecraft
3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

Rights and License - Important!:

This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or
otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. All mirrors of this mod must
have advance written permission from the OWNER. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.

Mod reposts (without the rights of the mod creators) are STRICKTLY FORBIDDEN!

Youtube & Co.

Let´s Plays, Reviews and videos are okay, but please write the link to this post in the descriprion. It would be nice to contact me if you recorded a vodeo, so I could paste it in here ;)

You want KeyEffects in your mod pack?
1. Your mod pack needs a link back to this post.
2. You cannot make any money off of the mod pack.
3. You cannot claim that you made any part of the mod, and you must give credit to the author of the mod

List of keybindings:


NUM_0: Clear all Effects

NUM_1: Speed III

NUM_2: Jumpboost

NUM_3: Nightvision

NUM_4: Strenght

NUM_5: Godmode (Resistence as hight that you don't die)

NUM_6: Waterbreathing

NUM_7: Invisibility

NUM_8: Absorption

NUM_9: Saturation

NUM_ADD: Gamemode Creative

NUM_SUB: Gamemode Survival


NONE: Give Commandblock

NONE: Clear Inventory

NONE: Set Spawnpoint

NONE: A little Surprise for you ;)

You can define this under "Controls" > "KeyEffects"

Coming (maybe) soon!

> GUI where you can add your own effects

> bind commands to keys

> Config

(Mod by XxRexRaptorxX & Steve44TV)

Enjoy :)

and @tool_user with RapidForm
tool_user said:
This mod is a collection of wands for creative mode. It is used for creating all types of interesting structures. See the main page on MinecraftForum: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...rapidform-0-2-0-alpha-wands-for-creative-mode

and @Two with DaVincing
Two said:
Since hypercross vanished from sight after leaving us with just a 1.7.2 version of his awesome MinePainter mod (including various bugs), I figured that since its an MIT license: why not continue his work? After a few wasted days of decompiling, Meowt pointed me to the official repository of the previous MinePainter version. Hypercross has been so kind to release his work under the MIT license, so for the moment I will try to update and fix the version as bugs arise.

As I was not sure about the copyright of the name, I decided to play safe and renamed the Mod to DaVincing, but internally it's still the same.

Current version: 1710.1.7 (compiled with Forge 1277)


DaVincing 1710.1.7
- Fixed scala crash bug
- Streamlined texture handling and removed several potential issues

DaVincing 1710.1.6
- Added a blacklist for the various chisel tools.

DaVincing 1710.1.5
- Fixed: painting rendering disabled global lightning for several blocks.

DaVincing 1710.1.4
- Remove Hinge, Wrench, Nail and Transmuter gun as I don't feel like they fit in the mod.
- Improved "/imageImport" to be more error prone and create better results.
- All crafting recipes can now individually be turned on or off in the config.
- The Copy Gun is no longer craftable by default, as this item is able to destroy large quantities of blocks easily and could be used for serious griefing.

DaVincing 1710.1.3
- Removed Java 8 code to make the mod usable with Java 7

- Fixed several potential issues and improved stability
- Fixed a memory leak with the Sculpture renderer

- Fixed compile derp
Forum link: Minecraft Forum

If you like to help me continue this work or report any bugs, please feel free to access the GitHub repository.

If you want to know what you can do with Davincing, watch this episode of Zoo Crafting, where someone made a truly masterfully crafted and very beautiful Cherry Shrine:

new day new update, and today it's @OreCruncher with Thermal Recycling
OreCruncher said:
Thermal Recycling
  • ADDED: IndustrialCraft 2 Experimental and Deep Resonance mod support.
  • CHANGED: Updated the Forestry 4.1.x integration. Carpenter and Thermionic Fab recipes should be available.
  • CHANGED: BuildCraft support now includes Robots.
  • FIXED: Thermal Recycler will jam when it is actively processing an item and it is swapped for an item that shouldn't be processed.
  • Reworked item scrap values - should be more balanced. Values are based on a scoring algorithm I developed to double check sanity of scrap values based on the scrap values of component parts.
  • Refactored the internal registry for items and recipes. Allows for more flexibility and fidelity of reverse engineered recipes.
  • Mod support driven in large part by Json configuration files found within the jar file. This change reduced the size of the mod slightly as well as reduce runtime footprint. Big thing is ease of implementing new mod support and changes.
This is a BETA. Please only include in modpacks once you have tested and determined that the scrap values are fine for what you need. Make sure you back up your saves prior to installing this or any other mod update.
new day, new update, and today it's @ewyboy with Hammer Time!
EwyBoy said:
Hammer Time! 1.3.4
  • Fixed a bug causing mod to not work server side since the fancy models got added.
  • Fixed bug where Sickle not taking damage when tilting soil.

and @ZigTheHedge with Evolved Controls
ZigTheHedge said:
Got tired of old boring vanilla buttons and levers? Want more control variations for all your evil minecraft needs? Well, seek no more! Take a look at my vision of controls!

Fancy button:


Just a plain regular button, but with the variable "unclick" delay. So, no more rushing when entering doors!

Fancy Handle:


Say "goodbye" to regular levers! Use this one for your usual needs.

Knife Switch:


Use this bad buy to turn on your magnificent Nuclear Reactor maybe? Or to turn all the mobs contained in your trap to a huge pile of dust? The choice is yours!

Switch Button:


Never use these vanilla levers to turn the lighting on in your hi-tech Lab! Because now you can use this fancy switch button!

Stationary Handle:


Ever wanted to send a minecart to ride using such lever? Well, you can now! So, go ahead! Try it!

And don't forget: all controls are animated using awesome smooth mechanics of MalisisCore (which is required of course), include particles, and has fully customizable textures! You can use any solid block from minecraft to "paint" the control the way YOU need it.

And these are just the first public release. I do have a lot more varieties of switches in plans. So, stay tuned for updates!


Reporting issues:

Modpack policy:

  • Yes, you can use this mod in any modpack you'd like. But please, don't violate other mods' policies.
Charset got updated from 0.0.6 to 0.1.1 yesterday.

  • [#31] Fixed launch crash when MCMP’s JAR loaded after Charset’s
  • [#18] Fixed not transmitting power to wire/shifters on dust corner connections
  • Added logic to only connect to vanilla redstone blocks on the proper faces

  • Ported to Minecraft 1.8.9.
  • Ported Pipes and Wires to MCMultiPart.
  • Added Gates module, in early alpha and somewhat unfinished. (The RedLogic gate textures are used temporaily)
  • Bugfixes and improvements in most of the mod.
new day, new update, and today it's @Henry_Loenwind with The Middle Torch
Henry_Loenwind said:
This mod for Minecraft 1.7.10/1.8.9 adds a key to the game to place a torch. Configure that key to anything (e.g. middle mouse button) in the normal game setting. It works purely client-side and does not need to be installed on the server.


Note: The torches to place must be in your hotbar.

The Middle Torch supports:

  • vanilla torches
  • modded torches that expand vanilla torches
  • Tinkers' Construct's Stone Torches
  • Silent's Gems' Torch Bandolier

and @grundyboy34 with Unifier
grundyboy34 said:
Unifier is a simple yet highly useful mod that can unify items based on the Ore Dictionary and the configuration provided by the user.

With this mod, players will no longer have to worry about having too many versions of the same item(such as 4 different types of bronze ingots from different mods.)

Intended Use
This mod is intended for server admins and modpack developers, but can also work for those in a singleplayer environment.

SMP: This mod can run as a standalone mod on the server, not requiring clients to install.

SNP & DEV: This mod can be installed client side as well for singleplayer, with the added effect of showing oreDict entries on item tooltips when advanced tooltips are on (f3+h).

Overview of features
  • Items can be automatically unified, fully customized via the config file.
  • Mods can be prioritized in the config file via their namespaces.
  • When installed client side, item tooltips will show all of their ore dictionary entries when in advanced tooltip mode. (f3 + h)

Commands (Singleplayer cheats mode & Server Op/Console only)
  • /unifier - this is the main command and will list subcommands
  • /unifier reload - forces unifier to reload config file.

Drop the jar file into your mods folder and run minecraft/server to generate config file.

Please leave feedback and questions in the comments so that I can help if needed!

and @modmuss50 with Fluxed Redstone
modmuss50 said:

This mod adds 4 types of RF power cables to minecraft.

  • Name - RF/Tick
  • Redstone 128
  • Gold 1024
  • Blaze 8182
  • Ender 65536
To see the recipe I would use a mod called JustEnoughItems.

This mod Requires RebornCore and MCMultipart. The mod was written in kotlin.

All of the textures were done by BBoldt. This mod is open source feel free to help out with the development of it

and @Rutger with TerrainControl
Rutger said:
Source on GitHub | Changelog | TerrainControl forums


Pictures (top to bottom, left to right): Floating island by LanToaster, Arches by mysource, Extreme Hills by IRSmoh, Island by Piginabag, Alternative Nether by IRSmoh

TerrainControl is an advanced world generator. Through various configuration files it gives the user control over almost every aspect of Minecraft terrain generation, with no knowledge of Java required. It can be used on Spigot or Forge servers and on singleplayer with Forge. TerrainControl is the successor to the old PhoenixTerrainMod, which was based on the popular BiomeTerrainMod.


  • Control horizontal and vertical noise of terrain generation
  • Control terrain height and volatility per biome
  • Generating biome maps from images
  • Control the size of biomes, islands and continents
  • Custom biomes
  • Many options for caves, canyons
  • Control vanilla structures like mineshafts, strongholds and villages
  • Full control of ores, plants, dungeons, ponds and many more
  • Custom trees and other objects (BO2 and BO3)
  • Block replacement
  • Visual settings like custom foliage colors (TerrainControl client required)
...and many more!




Also check out the showcase thread in our forums!


TerrainControl is quite a complex mod, so it may take a while to get into - but the results are worth it. If you want to create your own world, be sure to check our documentation. If you have done some reading and still have problems using TerrainControl, just post to our forums and we'll try to figure it out.

Installation guide | TerrainControl Wiki | First steps
TerrainControl Analysis | mysource's tutorial

Tutorial Videos

Useful tools

Active staff
Timethor Coding
Rutger Kok Coding
Retired staff
Khoorn Maintainer, Coding
Burckhart Support, Documentation
Mysource Support, Documentation
Cayorion Coding
Additional Credits
Bucyruss Creator of the BiomeTerrainMod
R-T-B Creator of PhoenixTerrainMod
More contributors on GitHub
Commit code on GitHub | Contribute to the wiki | Share your configuration
Report bugs and request features on GitHub


Files for Forge should soon appear in the sidebar. If you are looking for the Spigot version of TerrainControl, go to spigotmc.org.

You can find all user-created world configurations, biomes and custom objects that are currently available here.

and @squeek502 with The Vegan Option
squeek502 said:
The Vegan Option 0.1.2+4a8b7
- Add Basin
* A single-bucket fluid tank that can be used as a fluid hopper and/or automatic container filler (bucket/bottle/etc) when a redstone signal is applied to it
- Add seitan
* Raw/cooked meat alternative, obtained by crafting dough, washing it a few times, and cooking it
- Add jute seeds as an alternate large fern propagation method
* A Jute Stalk in a crafting grid gives Jute Seeds
* Jute seeds can be planted on dirt/grass/farmland and will grow and eventually turn into a Large Fern
- Formalize piston crafting and add fluid input/output support
* Fluid inputs must be displaced by the piston head
* Fluid outputs get deposited in the fluid handler block below the piston head (fluid handler below the piston head is required for the crafting to work)
* Add vegetable oil piston crafting recipe (closes #3)
* Add plant milk piston crafting recipe (closes #4)
* Add piston crafting NEI handler
- Add piston crafting recipes for VO inks/soap solution/lye
- Add piston crafting recipes for various HarvestCraft items
* Adds recipes for: Mashed potatoes, batter, dough, and all fruit juices
- Fix ender rifts crashing in certain dimensions
- Skip redundant milk_bucket OreDict entry when MFR is installed
- Make Soap only cure potion effects that Milk does
* Fixes soap clearing potion effects that should be incurable (e.g. Thaumcraft warp)
- Add dough/seitan washing recipes to TE fluid transposer
- Fix straw bed doing damage when sleeping wasn't successful
* Only meant to do damage after actually sleeping
- Fix jute stalks not dropping when breaking the top of a fern
- Make compost soil building farmland-agnostic and truly random
* Remove the farmland check and just check for updateTick-able plants instead
- Add potato -> 2x potato starch TE Pulverizer recipe
- oredict: register resin/rosin under materialResin/materialRosin also
More and more mods are transitioning to Minecraft 1.8, and now also Totemic!
The first early version for Minecraft 1.8.9 is out. Most things seem to be functional, but there are still some bugs and a bunch of missing models, aka black and purple. Stay tuned for fixes in upcoming versions.

You might be able to convert worlds from Minecraft 1.7.10, but no guarantees.
New Mod Hype: Alt-F4
This mod is a simple expansion on the concept behind the vanilla furnace, it features a furnace which has a few buffer stacks for output, no more wasting fuel because the output has no where to go, as well as a single buffer stacks for both the fuel input and the "to smelt" stack. This furnace also caches experience so that you can extract it and it doesn't get voided if you decide you wish to automate your smelting. Oh and everything is configurable via a JSON file ;)
Credits go to @CyanideX for the lovely logo and help with the block texture.
I'd like to announce that I'll be porting all of my mods to 1.8.9, (Including the ones I haven't released or anounced yet that I will be releasing in the future that I guess I'm announcing now?)

Since it's just blocks and tools, I'll be porting that first.

I'll be working on porting that after exams and actually finish working on a proper release, rather than releasing that garbage that I called a pre-release. I'm sorry for that trashy pre-release, I thought I was EA for a second. Also I'll be giving it a new name as of 1.8. Haven't decided on a name yet. I feel it it's giving the impression that I'm full of myself. I should name it Lyra's Average Trinkets or something, or maybe something super edgy like Super Dark Shadows of the Soul of Eternal Darkness. I'm sure it'll be popular with the kids!

NEW MOD: Village Overhaul
I feel like villages were too vanilla, thought I would liven them up a bit, with new structures and squidwards. I also plan on making it fully compatible with Witchery if or when Witchery updates to 1.8.9 so if you like the Witchery villages, then you are in luck!

NEW MOD: Simplistic Machinery
This one requires a story. One day, when I was looking for a mod that only adds a block or something that stored RF. So I decided to make a mod that did so, but the more I developed the idea, the more I decided to add. Basically, it turned into a mix of Progressive Automation and Thermal Expansion. I made a thread on Reddit to see what people thought about my idea. I got a fair amount of feed back on it and I balanced it a lot more then what the original idea was.
The mod has RF, Item, and Fluid transpiration in the form of pipes, RF storage (That was the original intention of the mod), RF generation, and Machines, (No Duh). Basically, the mod is Thermal Expansion, but with Progressive Automation tiering.

NEW MOD: Legends of Beasts
Remember Legendary Beasts? Well it's kinda like that except a complete rip off :) All jokes aside, it's a mod that add more bosses into the game, It's also heavily inspired by Legendary Beasts, but since the mod hasn't been updated in a very long time, I thought I would have made a replacement that would be just as cool.

NEW MOD: KitsuneRP
No the RP does not mean roleplay... U-unless you want it too... The RP stands for Redpower! Now, I can feel your excitement. "IS SHE GOING TO MAKE A REMAKE OF REDPOWER FOR 1.8!" I hear you cry. You're getting the feeling of excitement, rushing though you as you jump and cry for joy. But what you are about to read will probably heavily disappoint you. Are you sitting down? You might also need a glass of water. Don't worry I can wait.... Are you ready? Are you sure? Then you can proceed reading........... It's only the world gen
It's a remake of an old mod back in the days of 1.5.2 called NamiRP, that I really liked for some reason that I don't remember, but I feel like bringing it back, yo. All it did was added the ores, the marble, and the tools. Nothing else that I actually remember. Though I will be making some additions of my own, so at least there's that. Also it'll probably become redundant once Bluepower or Project:Red does update so that will make it only the more authentic :)
You may now ready your pitchforks and siege my apartment.
New something, new something and today its something!
Mr_TJP and ProjectRed update v4.7.0pre10

- ADDED: Config option for particle effects on routed pipes
- FIX: Multipart lights incorrectly sensing redstone
- FIX: Crash when cutting Inverted Lamp blocks
- FIX: Auto Crafter eating up multi-use items
- FIX: Project Bench keeping multi-use items passed max damage
- FIX: Changing configs in-game does not save correctly
new day, new update, and today it's @PeeGee85 with Minecraft Worlds mod
PeeGee85 said:

What is Minecraft Worlds?

Have you ever wanted to generate a completely customised MineCraft world, filled with buildings and landscapes unlike any you've seen before? Maybe a desolate wasteland with ruined buildings, abandoned cities and crumbling skyscrapers like in Fallout? Or how about a gigantic city riddled with roads and filled with buildings and vehicles like in GTA? Maybe you'd like to re-create the world of Warcraft, or perhaps... you'd just like a PVP arena or a randomly generated dungeon for you and your friends to do battle in? MineCraft Worlds allows you to do all that and more! Even if you're only interested in some lovely custom made shrubberies or a few small tweaks to ore-distribution, we've got you covered.

This mod doesn't just allow users to completely customise terrain generation, it also auto-magically blends in user made structures with any terrain/biome you configure them to spawn in. This means that you can re-use your structures in different worlds with just a few clicks in the graphical user interface. It also means that structures can be easily shared with the whole community and can be used by anyone for any kind of world! Almost 400 structures are included with the download for you to explore and use in your own worlds!

Use the graphical user interface that is packaged with the mod to easily configure your world, add/swap structures, configure world borders and pre-generate the entire world using your multiplayer server. Or even better, use a single-player client to pre-generate the entire world while running in the background, then upload the pre-generated map to your server and play with your friends!

You can create large and small worlds, pvp arenas, battlefields with destructible environments, randomly generated dungeon instances (like in Diablo), custom maps and game levels. Even if you want to keep it simple, you can just add natural features like waves, craters, volcanoes, custom vegetation, fallen trees, tree-stumps, rocks, fossils, geysers, you name it. You can also manage ore distribution or create your own ore veins/mines!

Only works for Forge single- and multi-player for MC 1.7.2. at the moment, of course you can pre-generate entire maps in single-player and use them on servers with different versions of MC!

MCW stores information about the creator of each world and each structure and a message by him/her that people can read ingame, so world and structure creators get credit for their work even if it is on someone elses server. Hopefully, MCW will encourage the MineCraft community to work together, share creations and bundle imaginations to create some of the greatest MineCraft worlds and custom maps we've ever seen!


MCW is a fork of the TerrainControl mod. The TerrainControl mod gives users control over the world generator and provides settings for an amazing number of parameters, allowing users to completely customise their world and generate any kind of terrain. Most of the terrain generation features in MCW come directly from TerrainControl! MCW builds on TerrainControl and adds advanced features for the creation and placement of user-made structures and procedurally generated dungeons by the terrain generator. MCW also adds world border and pre-generator functionality. An overhaul of a significant part of the TC population mechanics was required to make the new features work and work efficiently, allowing for a massive number of user made structures to be loaded. I will work together with the TC devs in the future to share as many features as possible between TC and MCW and hopefully eventually merge the mods into a single mod.

Note: TerrainControl can be used with WorldPainter, so this should be possible with Minecraft Worlds as well. This feature has not been thoroughly tested yet though!


- MCW is packaged with a tiny windows application called TCEE, a graphical user interface that allows users to create and customise world settings, save and load presets and generate worlds. TCEE's interface allows users to easily customise terrain and add/swap/delete user-made structures with just a few clicks.

- Most of the advanced terrain generation features of the TerrainControl mod are available in MCW allowing users to completely customise the terrain of generated worlds.

- Users can add their own structures to the world generator, make it effectively distribute them across the world and make them blend in with the surrounding environment by using the settings provided by MCW (such as dynamically generated smoothing areas). Structures and smoothing areas automatically blend in to their environment by using the blocks, vegetation, snow etc native to the biome they're placed in.

- MCW provides advanced features for the branching mechanics of procedurally generated structures allowing users to create structures like dungeons, cities, mazes etc with a randomised layout that can grow to any shape or size based on a basic blueprint. Dungeons will never generate unreachable rooms, can be made to dynamically fill spaces of any shape or size and can include randomised interiors, booby traps etc.

- MCW provides a pre-generation feature that allows users to set a radius in chunks around the spawn point within which all chunks will be populated and spawned before the world allows players to join when it starts up. The pre-generation feature can be used to prevent any lag caused by exploration or to completely pre-generate a world in single-player and then upload it to a server.

- MCW provides a world border feature that allows users to set a radius in chunks around the spawn point outside of which no chunks will be populated. This can be handy for making small worlds with only one or a few structures such as a battlefield, arena, some kind of custom map/game-level or a randomly generated dungeon. You can also use the pre-generator to generate empty chunks outside the world border so that when you copy your map to a server without MCW the area outside the world borders remains empty!

- MCW provides a feature for importing .schematic files (used by WorldEdit and mcedit) and can show author and description information for structures ingame using the /mcw console command.

- Memory footprint should be minimal during normal operation, it should only be high when using the pre-generator feature. However even when pre-generating large, complex worlds filled with all kinds of structures (such as the demo world) MCW should run on servers with only 2GB RAM (although the speed of the pre-generator may not be too great!). Ofcourse I'm sure that sooner or later you guys will find a way to add so much stuff to a world that 2GB won't be enough and the server explodes ;).

Installation and getting started: See the txt file included in the release or watch this video:

Lots of tutorials can be found on my YT channel at: https://www.youtube.com/user/PeeGee85

Additional documentation can be found at: http://forum.mctcp.com/t/minecraft-worlds-mod-beta-download/660



Here are some screenshots of the demo world included with the release!

The demonstration world features over 400 awesome and amazing structures converted using TCEE from schematic files downloaded from www.minecraft-schematics.com! Some schematics were slightly edited for use in MCW using mcedit, they were all converted to BO3 files using TCEE and can be used by anyone for any future projects! Author and description information for nearly all these structures is available in-game via the /mcw console command.

















Here's a demonstration of the random dungeon generator at work, check out this underwater temple and its dungeons!




Here's a little example of dynamically generated smoothing areas around user-made structures:

This is just a fraction of the demonstration world (PG Islands), the only way to really experience it is to load it up and try it for yourself! Please post screenshots of anything awesome you find if you do! And welcome to Minecraft Worlds! :D

And ofcourse my all time favorite screenshot (from earlier in production)....
Last edited:
Cannibalism updated to 1.2.2
- Added Wendigo mechanic (Disabled by default)
- Every time a player flesh or villager flesh is eaten, the player's wendigo level will be incremented. The player will receive buffs when a their level reached a high enough amount but at the cost of a higher hunger drain. Also when their level is high enough, a Wendigo will spawn near the player and reset the player's level.
- The flesh will give the player more hunger and saturation based on how high their wendigo level is.
- New command that allows OPs to set and check a player's wendigo level
- Config would now remove old configs options from itself (The comments will be left alone however).
Charset updated to 0.1.2.

  • [Pipes] Added a non-BuildCraft-conflicting variant of the temporary pipe recipe.
  • [Tweaks] Added “mobControl” tweak allowing control of which mob types are spawnable.
  • [Tweaks] Added “noSprinting” tweak. (off by default)
  • [Wires] [#32] Fixed wires dropping from sides of pistons.
  • [Wires] Fixed occlusion tests (invalid blocked side checking) for corner wire connections
new day, new update, and today it's @OreCruncher with Thermal Recycling
OreCruncher said:
Thermal Recycling
Release Summary

  • ADDED: IndustrialCraft 2 Experimental and Deep Resonance mod support.
  • ADDED: MineTweaker support for changing ScrapBox Use Effect tables.
  • ADDED: Scrap boxes have the possibility of spawning mobs. No hostiles, though I did think about it. :) A real player has to use the scrap box, meaning that a fake player cannot generate mobs.
  • CHANGED: Updated the Forestry 4.1.x integration. Carpenter and Thermionic Fabricator recipes should be available.
  • CHANGED: BuildCraft support now includes Robots.
  • CHANGED: Added some new book titles and lore for enchanted book drops.
  • CHANGED: Made tweaks to scrap box loot tables to prefer TE ores and ingots.
  • CHANGED: Reworked item scrap values - should be more balanced. Values are based on a scoring algorithm I developed to double check sanity of scrap values based on the scrap values of component parts.
  • FIXED: Thermal Recycler will jam when it is actively processing an item and it is swapped for an item that shouldn't be processed.
  • MISC: Refactored the internal registry for items and recipes. Allows for more flexibility and fidelity of reverse engineered recipes.
  • MISC: Mod support driven in large part by Json configuration files found within the jar file. This change reduced the size of the mod slightly as well as reduce runtime footprint. Big thing is ease of implementing new mod support and changes.
  • MISC: Did maintenance on scrapbox tables and improved weight table logging.
Make sure you back up your saves prior to installing this or any other mod update.

and @cpw with Simpleretrogen
cpw said:
Simpleretrogen is a utility mod that allows mods with world generation to perform re-injection of their content into existing generated chunks, and tracks which ones have been retrogenerated.

This allows you to add a new mod to your world and have it's content retrogenerated into existing chunks.

It works with the IWorldGenerator based system from FML used by most mods to inject simple content into world generation.

and @Ollie_Lansdell with Practical Logistics
Ollie_Lansdell said:

Practical Logistics by Ollie Lansdell

Description: Practical Logistics gives you the ability to create automated systems via reading, displaying and acting upon data. It allows you to monitor inventories, energy, fluids, entities, machines, tanks, light, weather, direction, movement and much more. You can then send Redstone Signals based upon data through dimensions, giving you absolute control. Data can also be displayed via Display Screens or Holographic Displays.

Practical Logistics also can provide data from a growing list of mods including Thaumcraft, Applied Energistics 2, Blood Magic, Industrial Craft, Botania, Calculator and Thermal Expansion. The mod also has support for Forge Multipart allowing you to create aesthetically pleasing setups.


Important Info: This mod requires Sonar Core to run. The mod is brand new so expect bugs at this stage.

Monitoring Blocks
Furnace Progress and Inventory Monitoring


Forging Hammer (from Practical Logistics) Progress and Monitoring


Allows you to monitor Mana from Botania, Energy (including RF, EU, AE), Fluid, Inventories, LP from Blood Magic and much more

Furnace progress and Tank Storage

Monitoring Entities
Allows you to monitor Type, Hostility, Current Health, Player Inventories and much more!



Wireless Data

Any type of data can be sent across dimensions.

For example monitoring your Lava Pump in the nether.


Wireless Redstone
By mixing the functions of a few blocks in the mod you are capable of creating Wireless Redstone setups like the one below.


Positional Control
Allows you to use any data you could possible think of to control things in your world. e.g. Stopping a quarry when it reaches a certain position in the world.

Forge Multipart Support


Mod Packs: Feel free to use this mod in any mod-pack, you don't need permission but I still like to be notified.

Source Code: Practical Logistics is an Open Source Mod check out the source code here!

-You can suggest new ideas and see stuff that will be in new updates on my Twitter Page :)

and @Vazkii with Botania
Vazkii said:
Botania r1.8-248
  • Botania panes now have light. (Lazersmoke)
  • Botania's backported 1.8 stones now support the ore dictionary for variant recipes. (Lazersmoke)
  • Changed a bit the Lexica Botania's cover.
  • Fixed alternate grass types not being able to sustain sugar cane.
  • Fixed alternate grass types not breaking faster with a shovel.
  • Fixed Mana Flashes not having a lexicon binding.
  • Fixed Mana Lenses having a possible invalid recipe. (Lazersmoke)
  • Fixed the Hopperhock calling inventory methods on the client side, and thus, crashing when used alongside a BetterStorage Crate.
  • Fixed the Ring of Odin Fire Resistance config not changing its extinguish behaviour.
  • Platforms now handle block render colors via metadata. (yrsegal)
and @X_Simeon with Matter Overdrive
X_Simeon said:
Matter Overdrive 0.4.1- hotfix1
Hotfix 1
  • Fixed G.M.O. quest crash
  • Fixed Google Analytics crashing on dedicated servers
  • Added Google Analytics to Quests
  • Matter Registry now uses Item Registry names instead of unlocalized names.
  • TConstruct integration
  • New tritanium tools
  • Fixed machine dismantling duplication
  • Android glitching can now be disabled in config
  • Weapon system overhaul
    • Damage balancing
    • New Screen effects
    • New Weapon attributes
    • Lag compensation for plasma bolts
    • Weapons now affected by player attack damage
    • New random legendary weapons dropped from Legendary rogue androids
  • New Molecular Inscriber machine
  • New Tritanium Crate storage
  • Added recipes for decorative blocks as well as new rotated versions
  • New tritanium armor with a custom model
  • New ranged rogue androids
    • Android can now use energy weapons
  • Level system for rogue androids
    • 3 tiers of rogue androids with scaling stats
    • Legendary rogue androids that drop random Legendary parts and weapons
  • New World Generation (from images)
    • Crash Space ship (anywhere)
    • Cargo Ship (anywhere in the sky)
    • Sand Pit (desert)
    • Underwater base (ocean)
    • Android house (anywhere)
  • Quests!
    • A new robust quest system
    • DataPad quest log
    • New dialog quests
    • Rewards and quest lines
  • Contract Market machine for side quest generation
  • Android now respawn with a fixed amount of battery
  • Improved Android HUD with more customizable options
  • New Weapons
    • Plasma Shotgun
    • Ion Sniper
  • New mutant scientist mob
  • Rogue androids can now have teams once spawned from Android spawners
    • Rogue android with different teams fight each other
  • Performance improvements for gravitational anomalies
  • New Android abilities
    • Android shield is now toggleable and has a cooldown
    • New shockwave ability
    • New Flash Cooling ability
  • More guide entries in the DataPad
  • More work done on the still WIP Starmap
  • Removed CofhLib dependency
  • Android Transformation is now a Quest
  • Memory and Network improvements (because of BTM)
  • Improved Matter Plasma pipes (still in beta)
  • New Random Legendary Android Parts
  • A whole ton on new Event added to API
  • Implemented Google Analytics for gathering anonymous statistical data (can be disabled).
  • New Scope Module












