What's new in modded minecraft today?

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New release of RFTools 2.90 with as major hilight the new storage system!

  • New storage system:
    • There is a new Modular Storage block. In that block you can insert a storage module which will contain the actual items. You can also insert a type module which controls how you can sort your items:
      • 687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f33644b73304c302e706e67
      • You can search for items in the storage system:
      • 687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f48704276534e382e706e67
      • A storage block is a normal inventory. You can insert and extract items as usual.
      • There are three tiers of storage modules: 100, 200, and 300 stacks.
      • There is a generic item module which supports sorting on type of item (needs configurating) and sorting on mod. There is an oredict item module which supports ore dictionary sorting and there is a dimlet type module for working with dimlets. These modules don't restrict the type of items that can be put in the storage. They just allow different filters and sorting.
    • There is also a remote storage module and a Remote Storage block:
      • 687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f4e68787a3941572e706e67
      • If you place a normal storage module in one of the four storage slots of the remote storage block it will be made available wirelessly. This needs power. You can link a remote storage module to a real storage module by inserting it in the slot next to the storage module. It will change color when you do that:
      • 687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f43686e485451622e706e67
      • In a normal Modular Storage block you can also insert remote storage modules. Now your storage block will access the remote inventory instead of a local one.
      • By default a remote storage is only available in the same dimension. You can make it globally available by pressing the 'G' button in the remote storage gui (at the cost of more RF/tick).
      • A remote storage module can also be used as a hand-held device. You don't have to insert it in a modular storage block to use it. This way you can have your storage available remotely.
      • Remote storage also supports the 'cycle' functionality where you relink the remote storage module to the next storage module that sits in the same remote storage block. That means that you can have up to four storage modules available remotely from the same remote storage item (that means 4 times 300 stacks available remiotely).
    • Note: the generic item module supports categories for items (like 'Food', 'Machines', ...) but the configuration for this is not finalized. You will find that many items are not put in the right category yet. This is an ongoing work which you can help with because you can customize this in the rftools config easily.
    • Note: more modules for other mods are planned. For example for Thaumcraft and Forestry (bees and saplings).
  • Crafter changes:
    • Rewrote the crafter algorithm to make it more robust with regards to container items and matching with NBT and such.
    • Fixed item duping bug in crafting with containers that are supposed to be consumed (like the division sigil when being crafted into ingots).
    • Fixed an item duplication bug in the crafter when crafting one item into multiple and the created stack didn't fit in a single output slot. For example when crafting iron ingot to 9 iron nuggets.
    • The crafter will now update the crafting result on every craft. That means that recipes that return random stuff (like the random amount of iron ingots you get from a division sigil) will result in proper results.
  • Varia:
    • Fixed the dimlet workbench achievement so that it only appears if you actually pull out a dimlet from the workbench and not by just clicking on the empty slot
    • Renamed 'material none' to 'material default' and 'liquid none' to 'liquid default'
    • Fixed a crash and unusable dimension if you used 'Material None' in combination with orbs, huge orbs, liquid orbs, or huge liquid orbs.

CurseForge: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools#t1:other-downloads

I no longer provide mediafire downloads since hardly anyone was using them and it is more work for me to have to upload to two places.

Have fun!
OpenComputers 1.5.10 is out now! This one took a little longer than intended, so the change log is a bit longer, too.

As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating.

  • Added: APU, a hybrid of CPU and GPU. Limited for the costs, but essentially opens up a card slot.
  • Added: Getter in Debug Card to query list of online players and known dimensions.
  • Added: Made blocks compatible with AE2 spatial system.
  • Added: Slow block breaking for robots and drones.
  • Changed: AE2 controller driver functionality is now always present in interfaces, even when channels are enabled.
  • Changed: Port of a received ComputerCraft network message is now appended instead of prepended (allows more generic message handling).
  • Changed: Removed recipe for endstone, added fake endstone instead and OreDictionatified the drone recipes.
  • Changed: Tablets should now keep running when changing dimensions (e.g. going to the nether).
  • Changed: Updated native libraries to Lua 5.2.4. Tested them as best I could in VMs, but let me know if persistence stops working for you after this update.
  • Fixed: 3D Printer shape limit check being off by one.
  • Fixed: Duplicate rendering of equipped item on robots.
  • Fixed: GUI of invalidated screens not closing.
  • Fixed: Hopefully got rid of potential one-time lag when turning on the first computer after starting the game.
  • Fixed: Hover upgrades not working when built-into robots (worked only in container slots).
  • Fixed: Issues in ComputerCraft integration.
  • Fixed: Issues with AE2 export bus driver.
  • Fixed: MFR Safari Net converter (i.e. info added to item stack descriptor).
  • Fixed: Shift-clicking something into a database filling all empty slots with that item.
XPTeleporters by @LatvianModder
This mod adds teleporters, that uses experience as fuel.

By default, its 30 levels to travel between dimensions and 20 per 1000 blocks to travel in the same dimension.

Two teleporters has to be linked with XPT Link Card and it disappears after a successful link creation.

Teleporters has a small cooldown, 3 seconds by default, to prevent from getting stuck on portals.

You can also disable crafting, set travel costs to 0 levels, and add expensive recipes with MineTweaker.

Teleporters in world:


Check out my other mods Here!

My patreon: LatvianModder

Also, special thanks to tfox83 for the idea!
aaaaaaand I'm back, well, almost back.
I'll be picking up my daily job starting tomorrow, so I still have today off :p

and I see you all kept the place clean for me, watered the plants and fed the kitty, but who let him climb on the chair? he knows he can't just jump on the chair like that.
  • Like
Reactions: Type1Ninja

Progression 0.3.6 (by joshiejack)
Fix saving of items with nbt
Move some things from options to criteria.json where it applies
Make Obtain trigger check every 1 and a half seconds instead of every tick
Allow changing of the item to to open the gui
Fix Potential crash when rendering criteria
More reliably add inventory items to the item selector

Equivalent Exchange 3 0.3.506 & 0.3.507 (by Pahimar)
Build 506:
pahimar: Change when ores are marked as unlearnable to PostInit
foka_12: Render Tome of Alchemical Knowledge on top of the Research Station
Make the client & server launch in a clean dev checkout of EE3
I believe[1] this is already in Pahimar's IDEA config, but without it
here too (or a README note) this doesn't propagate to anyone else.
[1]: https://twitter.com/atomicblom/status/532190075858063360
Added in some basic events to the API (only the knowledge ones fire
right now). These events are cancellable, and fire just before someone
learns/forgets something. Cancelling the event will stop the change from
happening. Also updated Waila and removed the need for CCC/CCL in mods/.

Fluxed-Crystals 1.0.2 (by NamrocSmith)
Improvements and bug fixes

Router Reborn 1.1.39 - 1.1.44 (by TomEV)
* Fixed Client crash when connecting Refined Relocation pipes to the router

* Made Storage Units easier to break.

* Fixed sync when locking a Storage Unit.

* Added rendering of conatined items in a storage unit when broken with a wrench with items inside.

* Improved mining speed on the mining tool.

*added missing interface causing crash if buildcraft was not installed

* Fixed crash when some blocks where placed next to the router.

* Redesigned the reading of localized names

* Redesigned Blacklist to use tilenames.

* Fixed rendering when wrenching a Storage unit with a 2d item inside.

* Fixed server crash caused by a call to client only function server side

* Inventory scan moved to a background thread

...And a new mod!
BaublesHud 1.0.0 (by Gigabit101)
BaublesHud is a small add-on for Baubles that allows you to see your equipped Baubles at all times .

Last but not least, new stuff from the developers of "Minecraft"!