What's new in modded minecraft today?

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new day, new update, and today it's @SpitefulFox with Forbidden Magic
SpitefulFox said:
  • Bugfix: Totemic Wand Core is now craftable. Way to go, Pokefenn.
  • Bugfix: Will no longer throw a NullPointerException when another mod tampers with the recipes for gold armor.
  • Change: Witchwood Wand costs less mana.
  • Change: Livingwood Wand costs more mana.
  • Change: Neutronium Wand is now marked as Creative Only in case the 9001 vis weren't a clue.
  • Change: Chinese translation is cleaned up thanks to crafteverywhere
  • Change: Umbral Rose growth rate un-nerfed slightly
  • Change: Chameleon Tools can now have separate anvil names per mode
  • Change: Chameleon Pickaxe with the Eternal enchant can now be used in the Arcane Bore without ever breaking.
  • Change: Bloody Scrivener's Tools can now use LP from within the research table. Durability on them drastically decreased for if you run out of LP.
  • Addition: Witchwood Staff Faster and less expensive than the wand
  • Addition: Neutronium Staff In case you wanted a staff instead of a wand. o_O
  • Addition: Scribing Tools of Thoth Another pointless Kami item

and @Democretes with an update for Technomancy
Democretes said:
  • Fix: Compatibility now properly works along with the config settings.
This isn't technically modded minecraft, but Aureylian has join MindCrack
You can see her first video on the crew here: Link

In other news, I should post some modded minecraft news.

MODJAM 4 has started!!! Go watch them (Official Modjam stream)

Pahimar and BigBadChris are making a seasons mod called solstice. iChun is still being quiet as usual and there are I think 200-250 modding submissions with 50 or so map submissions so yeah definitely a lot more people in it.

Some other well known competitors include: Pokefenn, GUIpsp, AbrarSyed, LordDusk, NewcastleGeek, pahimar, RebelKeithy, squeek, TheRoBrit, Rushmead, Hanse00, CH_Luke_H, CH_Paul_T, Cloudy, TheMike, immibis, Ivorius, Darkhax, nekosune, Subaraki, tgame14, fabricator77, K4Unl, ProfMobius, Lumien, Taelnia, CanVox, Calclavia, CyanideX, iChun, DrunkMafia, Aroma1997, Drullkus, Imalune, Kihira, Flaxbeard, Xhamolk_ and not to mention a forum regular by the name of xbony2.

So yeah you could say I am a little excited for the final products
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This isn't technically modded minecraft, but Aureylian has join MindCrack
You can see her first video on the crew here: Link

In other news, I should post some modded minecraft news.

MODJAM 4 has started!!! Go watch them (Official Modjam stream)

Pahimar and BigBadChris are making a seasons mod called solstice. iChun is still being quiet as usual and there are I think 200-250 modding submissions with 50 or so map submissions so yeah definitely a lot more people in it.

Some other well known competitors include: Pokefenn, GUIpsp, AbrarSyed, LordDusk, NewcastleGeek, pahimar, RebelKeithy, squeek, TheRoBrit, Rushmead, Hanse00, CH_Luke_H, CH_Paul_T, Cloudy, TheMike, immibis, Ivorius, Darkhax, nekosune, Subaraki, tgame14, fabricator77, K4Unl, ProfMobius, Lumien, Taelnia, CanVox, Calclavia, CyanideX, iChun, DrunkMafia, Aroma1997, Drullkus, Imalune, Kihira, Flaxbeard, Xhamolk_ and not to mention a forum regular by the name of xbony2.

So yeah you could say I am a little excited for the final products

pretty awesome to see Aurey becoming more and more popular :)
and did Modjam already start? o_O crap, I want to follow it *runs off*
Awww yea'


They need to make it so that when you open an upsidedown chest, all the stuff falls out.
@bdew has updated Gendustry to 1.1.2

bdew said:
Changes - 1.1.2
  • Added custom bees system (see http://bit.ly/custombees for more info)
  • Added a new branch of bees that produce colored honey that can be used as dyes (this is a test/example of the custom bee system)
  • Added WAILA support
  • Added Atomic Science uranium as mutagen source
  • Fixed possible crash on dedicated servers
  • Better error handling in config loader

@pixlepix has updated MineChem to 5.0.5-dev4

pixlepix said:
Fix block and item name — jakimfett
Adding GUI title — jakimfett
Recipe for chemical storage chest now points to the leaded chest — jakimfett
Leaded Chest now prevents radioactive elements from decaying — jakimfett
Updating the leaded chest texture — jakimfett
Code formatting fix — jakimfett
Spelling fix — jakimfett
Adding tabbed help to the leaded chest — jakimfett
Fix chest rendering inside blank model — jakimfett
Fix block placement direction based on player location — jakimfett
Fixing reference to world location being all x coord instead of x/y/z — jakimfett
Removing right click debug — jakimfett
Set inventory size for Leaded Chest — jakimfett
Adding GUI for leaded chest — jakimfett
Fixing GUI for Leaded Chest — jakimfett
Save chest inventory — jakimfett
Fix shiftclick doubling stacksize — jakimfett
Removing leaded chest size config — jakimfett
Removing ref to removed config value — jakimfett
Adding leaded chest texture constant — jakimfett
Adding item and tileEntity renderers for the leaded chest — jakimfett
Adding model texture for leaded chest — jakimfett
Fixing NBT write and read — jakimfett
Registering renderers for the leaded chest — jakimfett
Fixing references to leaded chest — jakimfett
Refactor function inputs to be more descriptive — jakimfett
Adding runClient and runServer tasks — jakimfett
Removing configurable recipes (will be replaced by blacklist) — jakimfett
Adding netbeans files to .gitignore — jakimfett
Adding size config for the leaded chest — jakimfett
Adding new block: Leaded Chest - replaces Chemical Storage Chest — jakimfett
Actually fixing #181 this time — jakimfett
Updating english language file, fixes #175 — jakimfett
Adding decomp recipe for carpets, fixes #165 — jakimfett
Adding a second H to modded water — jakimfett
Reworking the description and links — jakimfett
Repo cleanup: removing ForgeGradle files — jakimfett
Removing old output/production folders — jakimfett
Removing WIP folder, merging assets into src — jakimfett
Adding .nb* to ignored file types — jakimfett
Adding all .jar files in the lib folder without needing to specify in build.gradle — jakimfett
Fixing comment wording — jakimfett
Refactoring build.gradle — jakimfett
Remove the mistake molecule FOH — machacker9000
Add some more effects for the amino acids — machacker9000
Molecule set cleanup and potion tweaking — machacker9000

Please note that the chemical storage chest is being replaced by the leaded chest. Chemical storage chests can be converted to leaded chests by placing them on the crafting grid.

@MineMaarten has updated PneumaticCraft to 1.1.4d

MineMaarten said:
-Bugfix: [SMP] Crash with the (beta) Direwolf 20 pack (My Town mod specifically) when opening PneumaticCraft GUI’s.
-Bugfix: Pressure Chamber Interface seeing ingredients as the same (yielding strange output).
new day, new update, and today it's @joshie with an update for Mariculture
joshie said:
Mariculture 1.2.2b
  • Added a KirinDave proof check to the Crucible Furnace
  • Added a FTB DW20 Pack check to ravines...
  • Added silly mods with null fluid checks to vat handler
  • Fixed fishing crash again?
  • Coral Spreading should error less
  • Retro-Gen will only spam the console in debug mode
Im not sure if this was mentioned but ATG is updated to 1.7
0.9.8 for MC 1.7.2
  • This is a PORT version of the 1.6 generator to 1.7. THINGS WILL CHANGE, and world bordersWILL NOT MATCH UP IN LATER VERSIONS! This version is for the impatient who want to play ATG in 1.7 before I do all the major feature updates that I've been intending. Stick with this version if you use it until you make another new world, because it'll mess up borders later. You have been warned!
  • It is strongly recommended that this version is not used in public mod packs because of the upcoming changes. This is especially directed at FTB!
  • Ported to 1.7.2
  • Added support for the various new biomes available in 1.7.
  • Removed Boreal Forest biome, as it is now obsolete.
  • Removed Savanna biome, as it is now obsolete.
  • Reworked the Tropical Shrubland biome - it now looks more like a transition between forest/savanna/jungle than a stumpy, balding jungle biome. Consequently, its temperature has dropped to be in line with the new savanna.
  • IGenModCoords has been merged with IGenMod, as I should have provided that functionality to begin with. Seemed like a good time to fix it properly.
  • Volcano grass colour has changed to take advantage of the new location aware biome colour functions.
  • Minor biome decoration tweaks to bring them in line with their 1.7 neighbours.
According to a vague comment by cpw, we may be getting 1.7.9 soon.

I've been ripping and replacing mods trying to figure out why ender io was crashing... but instead of telling me the REAL source IT POINTS ME TO WHO WAS DOING IT RIGHT! Just... So much rage after trying once more to maake a 1.7 modpack Just absolutely ready to to flip tables, and kick bee's... I eventually figured out my problems but the amount of ripping, pulling, and tearing I had to do to even get things functioning semi decently is just absolutely nonsensical... Oh let's not forget how the music loops over itself in 1.7.2 aswell... Just absolute nonsense.. I'm holding way the heck off until this update.
I've been ripping and replacing mods trying to figure out why ender io was crashing... but instead of telling me the REAL source IT POINTS ME TO WHO WAS DOING IT RIGHT! Just... So much rage after trying once more to maake a 1.7 modpack Just absolutely ready to to flip tables, and kick bee's... I eventually figured out my problems but the amount of ripping, pulling, and tearing I had to do to even get things functioning semi decently is just absolutely nonsensical... Oh let's not forget how the music loops over itself in 1.7.2 aswell... Just absolute nonsense.. I'm holding way the heck off until this update.
Well at least your nether isn't full of cakes & repeaters.
While skimming through the MCforums, I found this little gem.


It is only for 1.7.2 (which I don't mind, since that is the version I am on myself), which is unfortunate for all those people stuck in 1.6. However, it all looks amazing! A wide variety of practical things that take home entrances to the next level.

One of my personal favourites is the Player Sensor, a simple redstone thing that emits a pulse when a player is standing below it (somewhat like those self-opening doors at malls and alike). And I am sure the builders amongst us will very much enjoy the Block Mixer, which blends two textures together to create a block with two different textures on the sides (I suppose you should check it out, it is rather hard to explain). And ofcourse more doors, improvements to vanilla doors and vanishing frames.
so... vazkii has made a new mod called watmean

Just a simple mod I quickly cooked up in less than an hour or so. It adds some buttons to the right the screen, that appear when you move your cursor to the right, that let you search on various websites for whatever you have on your text bar. Left clicking the buttons opens that page on your browser, right clicking changes the text on your text field to the URL.
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