What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Regarding OpenEnder, does it require a naturally generated temple or can it be player made?

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Naturally generated Desert Temples (and jungle temples) do have bounding boxes that are saved in the save file data-much like witch huts.
I would assume that OpenEnder does a check to see if you're inside such a bounding box.
This is why we can't have nice things.
It's gonna fail horribly if it's run the same was as TPP. Unless they automatically switch from D into A if combat starts(and back once it ends).

And even then, it's gonna be a uphill battle to get anything done at all.
Naturally generated Desert Temples (and jungle temples) do have bounding boxes that are saved in the save file data-much like witch huts.
I would assume that OpenEnder does a check to see if you're inside such a bounding box.

I can see many a temple getting obliterated to hide there locations from other players. :D
Servers with claiming capability will probably see temples getting claimed as soon as possible.

PVP servers with ICBM mod installed will probably see the temple erased from the surface of Minecraftia as soon as cruise missiles launches are made.

If without ICBM, TNT then.

All in all, it will probably be such a hotspot that no one but select few will be able to use the mod in a server. :(
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Servers with claiming capability will probably see temples getting claimed as soon as possible.

PVP servers with ICBM mod installed will probably see the temple erased from the surface of Minecraftia as soon as cruise missiles launches are made.

If without ICBM, TNT then.

All in all, it will probably be such a hotspot that no one but select few will be able to use the mod in a server. :(
As a reminder, if the temple has a bounding box saved in the world like witch huts, the bounding box is seperate from the blocks themselves; even if one used Antimatter to wipe it and the bedrock below it from the world, the box remains.
As a reminder, if the temple has a bounding box saved in the world like witch huts, the bounding box is seperate from the blocks themselves; even if one used Antimatter to wipe it and the bedrock below it from the world, the box remains.
Well, with the amount of fire and radiation, most players will not try to get to the bound spot, nevermind that the box is now hanging in mid-air, so now you have to guess where the temple was and build a platform there unless it works irregardless of level as long as it is within the area.
Well, with the amount of fire and radiation, most players will not try to get to the bound spot, nevermind that the box is now hanging in mid-air, so now you have to guess where the temple was and build a platform there unless it works irregardless of level as long as it is within the area.
Antimatter is clean and causes no fire, though. Just a big ass hole where things use to be.
Who said anything about antimatter? :p
I'm gonna use the dirtiest and longest lasting explosive I can get my grubby hands on.

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Who said anything about antimatter? :p
I'm gonna use the dirtiest and longest lasting explosive I can get my grubby hands on.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
I did. I did in the post where I explained that the bounding box would remain even if the temple and the whole area surrounding it was blown to smitheroons, including the bedrock, which would leave a big hole in the earth for Void Monsters to enter from.

And if you want to simply make the area unlivable...
Am i a bad person for exploding Reactorcraft stuff as a trap?
Maybe this guy has some suggestions for you, hm?
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Better idea might be a Modular forcefeald system. Set it to silent and have it gobble up anything a player has on them. :D
Then the trick is hiding it yet having it near such a location that it can be useful.
As I under stand it you can have such a system up to 64 blocks away from the far edge of the feld. So just bury it under ground with another feld around it. Pipe in power through a tesseract and your golden.
Two new updates for my modpack today that haven't been mentioned yet. First one for ExtraCells:
ExtraCells 1.6.8f:
-LevelEmitter also accepts IFluidContainerItems as FluidContainers (TE Tanks, ExU Barrel)

And also Thaumic Tinkerer:
Build 138

  • Made OpenPeripheral compatibility changes Warning: Jar and Other Aspect containers computer craft API has changed, please check wiki
  • Fixed Bedrock Dimension being inaccesible when Galacticraft is installed.
  • Fixed WAILA bug showing Warp gates incomming teleports inverted
  • Made Kami default on Warning: config change for kami has changed, to allow for the change
Baring any major bugs, this will be the last 1.6.4 release
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JABBA, Opis and MobiusCore from ProfMobius get an update today

And OPIS is no more in Alpha!

I know that I for one wanted a bit more info on these updates, so here they are:
Can't even remember what I added changed in this version. This is more or less a full rewrite of the interface, a global bugfixing and an inclusion of most requests out there.

If you want to check the current set of features, I can only recommand to check here.

This should be considered the beginning of a new age for Opis.


Ho, and btw, here is one entry of the huge changelog :

  • Removed Alpha Tag.
MobiusCore 1.1.0
  • Added hooks for packets.
  • Added hooks for server tick.
  • Added hooks for world tick.
  • Added timestamping of the runs.
  • Added AT for loaded chunks.
  • [Taelnia] Fixed memory problems during texture creation
Exams are almost over, so expect properly completed changelogs with detailed changes soon. I think all of them are up to my knowledge but they are missing a lot of info.

Also... 1000 posts, this thread is quite the success