Well then...
What about twitchplayseverything?I'm waiting for the twitchplaysLoL...
That's what they said when they met ledges in twitch plays pokemon. and before we got the elite 4. They thought it would be impossible, but it still ended out working.Honestly, that will never work well. Minecraft player movement and actions are not limited to 2 dimensions unlike Pokemon. I actually watched the stream punch through 2 blocks of cobble with a fist when they had a stone pickaxe, directly into lava.
I wonder if twitchplaystwitchplays<game> will become a thing at some point.
Vazkii said:![]()
Today I was playing minecraft (I know, shocking) and I wanted to transmute stuff, so I quickly put this together in 2 hours or so. I figured some other people might want it, so here it is.
So, this is an EE3 addon. I don't think there's much to say. You put things in, put a stone in and bam, stuff gets transmuted. It also adds a recipe for the Philosopher's stone (Minium Stone + Nether Star), you can turn it off in the config if you don't fancy it. Here's the crafting recipe for the Minium Transmutator:
Source code is packaged, for modpacks and the like, just do whatever you want.
Samtrion said:The basic idea of this mod is the functional extension of popular mods. The first module ideas came from a private server that I manage and also use myself. JAMI is the successful result of this idea.
For example the ForgeMultipart or BC Facades integration, SoulShards 2 Mod Entity Integration or a high number of Tinkers' Construct Smeltery Recipes.
Supported ModsIf you have any suggestion or problems, feel free to send me a message.
- Ars Magica 2
- Biomes O'Plenty
- Extra Utilities
- Forestry
- Highlands
- Industrial Craft 2
- Natura
- Railcraft
- SoulShards 2
- Thaumcraft 4
- Thermal Expansion 3
- Tinkers' Construct
- Vanilla
JAMI is module based.
Each module has his own configuration categorie in the config file.
If one or more requirement for a module is false, the module is automatically disabled. (e.g. Missing Mod)
Currently implemented modules:
Screenshots are inside the spoiler block.
- ArsMagica Facades
Adds the ars magica blocks as facades
- ArsMagica Multiparts
Adds the ars magica blocks as multiparts
- ArsMagica SoulShards
Integrate the ArsMagica Mobs into the SoulShards 2 System
The following Mob Entities are integrated:
Boss Mobs are on purpose not integrated, too much balanace problems.
- Dark Mage
- Darkling
- Dryad
- Earth Elemental
- Fire Elemental
- Hecate
- Hell Cow
- Light Mage
- Mana Creeper
- Mana Elemental
- Water Elemental
- Biomes O'Plenty Facades
- Biomes O'Plenty Macerator Recipes
- Biomes O'Plenty Multiparts
- Biomes O'Plenty Pulverizer Recipes
- Biomes O'Plenty SoulShards
- ExtraUtilities Crucible Recipes
- ExtraUtilities Facades
- ExtraUtilities Smeltery Recipes
- Forestry Multiparts
- Highlands DyeFix
- Highlands Multiparts
- Highlands OreDictionary
- IC2 Flower Macerator Recipes
- IC2 HardenedClay Washer Recipes
- Natura Fuel Handler
- Natura SaplingsFix
- Natura SoulShards
- Natura Villager
- Thaumcraft Cluster Smeltery Recipes
- Thaumcraft Facades
- Thaumcraft Multiparts
- Thaumcraft SoulShards
- ThermalExpansion Flower Pulverizer Recipes
- ThermalExpansion Gem Pulverizer Recipes
- ThermalExpansion HardenedClay Transposer Recipes
- ThermalExpansion SoulShards
- Tinkers' Construct Advanced Smeltery Recipes
- Tinkers' Construct Aspects
- Tinkers' Construct Fuel Handler
- Tinkers' Construct Furnace Recipes
- Tinkers' Construct Macerator Recipes
- Tinkers' Construct Pulverizer Recipes
- Tinkers' Construct Rock Crusher Recipes
- Tinkers' Construct SoulShards
- Vanilla Facades
- Vanilla Multiparts
- Vanilla Recipes
More screenshots can be found here.
All mod files are structured in the following pattern.
File pattern: JAMI-<MineCraft Version>-<Mod Version>.jar
Example: JAMI-1.6.4-
Please ensure that you use the latest version of JAMI for your Minecraft version.
Get JAMI (Downloads) - Latest Download
Download the latest version of JAMI
Copy JAMI into "<minecraft>/mods" folder (Forge Requires: or higher)
Start the game and enjoy JAMI.
- Forge Team & MCP Team - Thank you for this awesome tools
- Thanks to all authors and maintainer of the supported mods
- Thanks to all testers, ideas provider and critics
Mineshopper said:>> Version 3.0.2 Changelog
>> Version 3.0.1 Changelog
- - Fixed server crash when producing block particles.
- - Fixed block slipperiness bug.
- - Cleaned up overlay code.
>> Version 3.0.0 Changelog
- - Fixed pressure plate activation problems.
>> Version 2.0.8 Changelog
- - First release for MC 1.7.2, significant changes made (no backwards compatibility).
- - Block dye system now uses OreDictionary, should support mod dyes.
- - Both vanilla mushrooms can now be used for mycelium overlay.
- - Flower pot support added for all new vanilla plants, sunflower can face any direction.
- - Flower pot biome-coloring override is now enforced by using bonemeal on plant.
- - Alpha pass rendering is disabled for the time being.
- - Cover sounds are disabled for the time being.
- - Overlay items can now be specified in the config file.
- - Fixed visual anomalies when changing block properties.
Reika said:V19b:
- DragonAPI: Added ExtraUtils Ender Lily to ModCropList
- DragonAPI: Added ID sanity checking
- DragonAPI: Added Highlands trees to ModWoodList
- DragonAPI: Added existence check for Tank sync packets
- ElectriCraft: Fixed power exploit
- ElectriCraft: Fixed crafting item names
- ElectriCraft: Added battery WAILA info
- ElectriCraft: Fixed machine item drops
- ElectriCraft: Fixed wire break speed
- ElectriCraft: Added ore controls to config
- Ender Forest: Fixed liquid icon issue (?)
- GeoStrata: Fixed some plant bugs
- LegacyCraft: Added option to bring back early-beta fire spread
- MeteorCraft: Added configurable "buried" meteor generation
- ReactorCraft: Fixed power exploit
- ReactorCraft: Fixed WAILA on some tanks
- ReactorCraft: Fixed centrifuge not connecting to Gas Ducts
- RotaryCraft: Split block damage config into two categories, one for failures and one for weaponry
- RotaryCraft: Added (disabled by default) config option to allow bedrock breaker to open holes into the void
- RotaryCraft: Fixed scaleable chest sizing
- RotaryCraft: Added NEI for filling station
- RotaryCraft: Fixed some handbook typos
- RotaryCraft: Fixed coil winder WAILA <Error>
- RotaryCraft: Bedrock axe now breaks a 5x5x5 of Twilight Forest roots
- Void Monster: Monster should no longer eat unbreakable blocks
OpenEnder isn't for everyone. It's aimed at PVP servers that have decided not to use Mystcraft and other 'endless dimensions' mods.
The concept behind OpenEnder is as follows:
- Allow users to have a private area that can't be accessed by others. This area is highly restricted in space.
- Allow users to share protected space
- Encourage users to fight
This mod aims to turn temples into PVP hotspots and control areas by making players go to temples to access their private areas.
If a cipher stone is stolen, other players will be able to raid the dimension.
Ender stones, however, work just like ender chests and are bound to that player.
No, you can't bypass the need for temples by using mystcraft ;-)
Still very early development.
I want a option to pick certain coordinates to be a hotspot, for custom PvP servers.The OpenBlocks team are working on something new which looks pretty cool:
Not into MC PvP myself, but this is actually really cool. 10/10 would let turn me into a tentacle monster.The OpenBlocks team are working on something new which looks pretty cool: