What's new in modded minecraft today?

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I have updated Jewelrycraft 2 to fix quite a few bugs
OnyxDarkKnight said:
Jewelrycraft 2 v1.0.5-1.0.7
  • Fixed villages crashing on a server
  • Fixed item duplication glitch
  • Fixed the mod from crashing on a server
  • Made the ritual even better
  • Fixed a type where the "Thieving Gloves" were named "Thiefing Gloves"
  • Fixed the world from crashing when entering one
  • Changed Flaming Soul Curse to set players on fire when they attack something, rather than randomly
  • Player no longer gets blinded when the ritual starts
  • The ritual now creates a sphere of darkness around it
new day, new update, and today it's @ganymedes01 with Headcrumbs
ganymedes01 said:
Headcrumbs 1.4.0
  • Added Primitive Mobs support
  • Added Grimoire of Gaia support
  • Added the Tecnic staff names!
  • Added the Hermitcraft members names!
  • Prefixes can be added to Celebrities name tags (see config file)
  • Added a config option to block Celebrities from opening doors
  • Added IMC method so that other mods can add people's names to headcrumbs (can disabled in the config file)
  • Heads won't look like a steve head for a frame or two anymore (unless your internet is slow)
  • deadmau5's head now render with ears
  • Fix Celebrities spawning in mushroom biomes
  • Added a bunch of new names and moved some about to different categories

and @TomEV with Router Reborn
TomEV said:
Router Reborn 1.1.20
  • made cable easier to break by hand
  • added wrench that support BC, LP and TE
  • added instant breaking of cables using BC, TE or Router Reborn wrench
  • Fixed content of router not showing when joining a server until items change or GUI is opened (i hope)

and @IFDevelopment with BeamExtended Chat
IFDevelopment said:
BeamExtended Chat 0.7.0
  • added support for multiplayer servers
  • added menu config screen
  • added option to save logins
  • added more configurable options
  • added support for Java 6

and @GotoLink with Ancient Warfare 2
GotoLink said:
Ancient Warfare 2 2.4.98
  • Added search box into mob selection GUI
  • Added RF energy conversion into options
  • Added picking up items to all farms
  • Extended mushroom farm to harvest big mushrooms
  • Extended reed farm to apply bonemeal on cocoa
  • Extended crop farm to support more crops
  • Lowered Npc home area from 40 to 5 blocks range
  • Made Npc prefer lit areas, avoid cacti and lava
  • Made Npc wait under a roof during rain
  • Added collision for sides on open gates
  • Added chat message on binding research book
  • Prevent more crashes
  • Improved default food support for Npc

and @GoldenAppleMinecraft with RFDrills
GoldenAppleMinecraft said:
RFDrills 1.2
  • [ADDED] Chainsaws! If you are careful enough, they can also be used as shears.
  • [ADDED] Drill modes! Higher tier drills can switch to 1x3x1 mining mode via shift+right click (configurable)
  • [ADDED] Chainsaw modes! Higher tier drills can toggle shear mode via shift+right click (configurable, on by default)
  • [CHANGED] The Advanced Electric Drill is now Tier 3
  • [CHANGED] A lot of textures
  • [CHANGED] EIO drill recipes
  • [FIXED] RF tooltip showing weird numbers (not again)
  • [FIXED] Optimized drill recharging
  • [FIXED] Some more stuff that I probably forgot

and @BlayTheNinth with EiraIRC
BlayTheNinth said:
EiraIRC 2.8.197
  • Add Twitch name color mapping (option "twitchNameColors")
  • Add anonymous Twitch chat (read-only)
  • Add excess flood protection (option antiFloodTime)
  • Add connect/disconnect button to server GUI and make it represent the actual real state at anytime
  • Add ApplyEmoticons API event
  • Changed /irc msg to not be registered as /msg since people use /msg for Minecraft's private chat.
  • Changed the !command to /command mapping in Minecraft to !who only.
  • Changed "twitchnotify" messages to appear by themselves (without the nick).
  • Changed the Twitch #user channel to not be recreated on every connect, but only once at setup
  • Changed the JSON readers to be less strict about syntax.
  • Changed JSON syntax errors to not crash Minecraft, but complain in log and chat instead.
  • Changed the icon for the join/leave icon and make it represent the real state at anytime.
  • Changed some GUI fields to be locked while connected.
  • Changed theme option "white" (f) to act as NONE.
  • Fix client-side configurations not being saved from config GUI.
  • Fix screenshot GUI (and other GUIs) popping up on certain keys even though the key config is set to NONE.
  • Fix outgoing messages from client displaying IG name instead of IRC nick in chat.
  • Fix double spaces in emotes.
  • Fix theme options in shared.cfg being saved as numeric values instead of hex.
  • Fix AutoWho checking for AutoJoin instead.
  • Fix some console spam on disconnects.
  • Fix name color taking over the whole message if {NICK} is the first part of the format.
  • Fix channel config commands not working
  • Fix {QUITMESSAGE} not being replaced. It's now {MESSAGE}.
  • Fix nick not being changed when connected when changing it in GUI.
  • Fix version file syntax error
  • Fix textures from the screenshots GUI and such not being disposed of properly.
  • Fix double-posting of IRCDisconnectEvent
  • Fix double-posting of IRCReconnectEvent
  • Fix rendering issues when notifications are shown when a GUI is visible.
  • Fix name-color related things such as the /irc color command.
  • Fix /irc join error message when a channel is already joined.

and @Shad0wB1ade with Solar Expansion
Shad0wB1ade said:
Solar Expansion 1.6a
  • General rework of the mod...
  • Updated to Forge Version 1.7.10- but old versions should work just fine.
  • Bumped up the max number of Solar Panels to 32 from 16 (this will not go up again, sorry too much code)
  • Also you can now change textures of individual items/blocks
  • Added up to 32 fully configurable Solar Helmets
  • Updated textures a little bit
  • Some general improvements, don't remember everything, sorry. :(
  • General tooltip improvements and added a tooltip for the solar panel for how much energy is currently stored in it if you pick it up with a wrench.
  • BTW you do NOT need CoFH Core/Lib and Thermal Expansion to run the mod.

and @Sangar with OpenComputers
Sangar said:
  • Added: Charger can now be used to charge battery upgrades, as well as other energy items (e.g. RF or EU powered items).
  • Added: Integration with IngameWikiMod (made most pages from OC's manual available in it).
  • Added: OpenOS' shell now supports piping (e.g. cat < f1 | cat >> f2).
  • Added: Support for BluePower's bundled redstone.
  • Added: Support for more GregTech machines in recipe definitions.
  • Added: Waypoint block, can be queried using navigation upgrades.
  • Changed: Reworked logic for rendering upgrades on robots. Makes it easier for addons to render their upgrades, and makes it work in MC 1.8 again.
  • Fixed: Drones losing their name when changing their EEPROM.
  • Fixed: Potential client-side log spam in disassembler GUI when disassembleAllTheThings was enabled.
  • Fixed: Robot animations continuing when game was paused.

and @neptunepink with Factorization
neptunepink said:
Factorization 0.8.90
  • Fixed all FZDS & bukkit/spigot/cauldron issues... The Easy Way™.
  • Sockets parts now work with FZDS (except pressurizer support is incomplete...)
  • GUIs now work with FZDS. (Not extensively tested. All the FZ and vanilla GUIs I've tried work, excepting anvils. There'll probably be trouble with various crazy mod GUIs.)
  • Entities embedded in FZDS can be interacted with
  • Other various minor bugfixes.
Added Winches:
  • The winch is made by placing a sprocket on a motor on a socket block.
  • Connect a chain between a winch and a solid block in a hinge system.
  • Apply a redstone signal to pull the chain in.
  • Winches consume charge, of course.
  • Weaker redstone signals don't pull as hard.
  • The length of the chain can be measured with a comparator.
  • The chain conducts charge.
  • Fixed the hinge range-of-motion limiter so that it doesn't freak out... as often.
I got tired of running /f mc2713 all the time, so I made it run automagically (https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-2713)
Added a config option for renaming /f
Status update:
In light of recent events, I've decided that it's time to do a small status update about me and my mods.
  • ConflictHelper and FighterMobs have been released under the Squid Attribution Non-commercial license. I will not provide any support for any of those mods anymore.
  • I changed my mind, and will continue modding.
  • I will probably start a blog sooner or later, to express my feelings and help me handle drama.
  • SquidUtils 2.1.0 will be released in a few days.
  • Added option to force a world seed.
  • Added configs for TiCon tool, bow and arrow materials.
  • Added the possibility to create achievements, biomes, crash report messages, items, recipes, and shutdown message.
  • Revamped the API.
  • Internal code changes
Shutdown messages? That could be very interesting...

I asked Reika a few weeks ago if he could pop up a reminder that his mods are out of date when leaving a world or exiting the game (because that's when I'd be most likely to act upon it), but he didn't know if that was possible to implement.
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I have fallen in love with json :p

Shutdown messages are basically strings printed to the log on shutdown. You can have as many as you want, but if it's too many, Java might stop before all the messages have been printed.
Oh, it's just in the log... huh. I was hoping for a big "Update your mods before you come back" dirtscreen or something when you leave the world or try to exit the game.

In any case, throwing messages on the splash screen should work just as well, which is what your update checker and UpToDate both do (as far as I know), so no need to worry about it.
In any case, throwing messages on the splash screen should work just as well, which is what your update checker and UpToDate both do (as far as I know), so no need to worry about it.
Reminding me I need to work on UpToDate, but wolf is tired right now...and semi-lazy this weekend...
Oh, it's just in the log... huh. I was hoping for a big "Update your mods before you come back" dirtscreen or something when you leave the world or try to exit the game.

In any case, throwing messages on the splash screen should work just as well, which is what your update checker and UpToDate both do (as far as I know), so no need to worry about it.
Inventory pets changed the dirt screen to 'your pets said goodbye' if i'm not mistaken, so maybe thats possible. But that dirt screen only show up for a couple seconds for me.
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Right so... phew, so many updates... where to start...

Router Reborn 1.1.21 & 1.1.22 (by TomEV)
* Can now wrench the router to drop it with items, settings and upgrades intact, for easy moving.


* Fixed client crash when sneak+right clicking the router with a empty hand

Botania 1.6-186 & 1.6-187 (by Vazkii)
  • Fixed a horrible horrible typo in the "Elven Lore - The Shattering" entry. Previously it would say that Muspelheim collided with Asgard. That's wrong, Muspelheim collided with Midgard. Muspelheim is the Nether, Midgard is the overworld, that's why players can travel between the two with a simple portal.
  • Fixed flowers sometimes binding to the wrong pool or spreader when their chunk is loaded.
  • Fixed the Exoflame's radius being off one block.
  • Fixed the Ring of the Aesir not displaying the center wireframe.
  • The Terra Shatterer now only places torches when sneaking. Clicking normally toggles it on and off.
  • Tweaked the Spark bounding box a bit so it doesn't get in the way as much.
  • [API] Fixed broken logic in collector/pool position caching that caused flowers to bind to the wrong collector or pool thanks to chunkloading.
  • [API] Increased version number to 46.

  • Added an achievement for breaking the game.
  • Fixed a crash when placing down a flower.
  • [API] Added a null check to the target collectors or pools in the flower code to prevent NPEs.
  • [API] Increased version number to 47.

Smart Moving 15.5 (by Divisor)
+ added compatibility to minecraft forge version ""

Headcrumbs 1.5.0 (by ganymedes01)
-Fix crash when running Headcrumbs with Lycanites

-Fix missing textures when running with Grimoire of Gaia (If you're in an old version of GoG you'll need to update)

-Added support for Elemental Creepers (it was quick and easy!)

Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2 (by GotoLink)
-"MinecraftForkage" support
- More languages (thanks to our contributors)
- Fixed bow "loot" enchantment
- Fixed empty left-hand swap animation
- Fixed multiple pass item rendering color
- Applied "weapon.mountedBonus" as a generic attribute
- Registered "weapon.penetrateArmor", "weapon.daze", "weapon.attackSpeed" as dummy generic attributes (no-op)
- Registered "weapon.extendedReach" as dummy player attribute (no-op)
- Reworked entity and block interaction support (fix possible duplication)
- Reworked battlemode API (fix rare case issues, prepare future changes, added docs)
- Fixed inaccurate player attributes when using an item in offhand
- Added new option into /weaponwield command

Applied Energistics 2 rv2-beta-32 (by AlgorithmX2)
Fixes #1336: Fixes part interface inventory model - yueh

Fixes #1331: Happened on deactivating features for intermediate crafting components - thatsIch

Fixes #1360: Added missing check to detect missing cell workbenches - yueh

Mystcraft (by XCompWiz)
[ModInfo]Fixes the missing version and mcversion tags

[Optimization]Optimizes Start-Up error checking

[Visuals]Folders with contents are now visually distinct

[BugFix]Sets default values for maximum treasure stack sizes based on page ranks

[ModCompat]Better handles item drops on falling blocks

[API]Generalizes the various color providing interfaces into static and dynamic forms which are registered by type (ex. Grass, Sky, etc.)
[API]Generalizes celestials to all operate from the same interface (old IMoon, ISun, etc. fused together)
[API]Fixes an issue with IItemOrderablePageProvider not being utilized correctly when removed from in the writing desk

[IMC]Adds meteorblock message

[Logging]Adds logging to some registration API calls
[Logging]Adds a log message for when the start-up state checking is completed and logs any reports
[Logging]Improves logging of some IMC message functionality

Equivalent Exchange 3 0.3.462, 0.3.463, 0.3.464 & 0.3.465 (by Pahimar)
pahimar: Add a static test object for testing vanilla values, fix some incorrect test data, and start troubleshooting some odd bugs in the recipe registry
pahimar: Fixing some bugs with the DynEMC system, and improving the tests
pahimar: Yay test cases pass successfully!
pahimar: Update the sample test suite json file to corrected values
pahimar: Broken stuff
pahimar: More broke stuff
pahimar: Stuffs on fire yo
pahimar: More broke stuff
pahimar: Getting close now

pahimar: Update README.md

pahimar: Fixes #795

pahimar: Hide some stuff in NEI that shouldn't display, and always display EMC values in the Transmutation Tablet GUI (Closes #790)
Today we have a slew of fixes and improvements from Greg
[FIXED] Some Alloys not being createable due to a Bug inside the Crucible causing it to require 1 unmolten Material.
[API] Added a Parameter to the PrefixBlock Constructor, deprecated the old Constructor and removed the even older depricated Constructor.
[API] Added a really needed Quality Parameter to the Tool Interface. This may break some Addons.
[FIXED] Worldgen Loops due to the large Veins. Granite could still cause it if it generated more abundantly. Edit: Seems to not even be the Issue, it must be somewhere else...
[FIXED] An Issue where every flammable GT Ore Block (Small Coal Ore in particular) causes adjacent Chunks to load two ticks after placement, when checking if there is a Fire adjacent to it. THIS was the darn Worldgen Loop. Edit: No it was not, or at least not only...
[FIXED] The Obstructedness Check of Synching Ores causing the infinite Worldgen Loop. This was hopefully all of the Problem...
[FIXED] Screwdriver being uncraftable.
[FIXED] forgetting that I made the scrap Item for a Reason, when I added the Solid Block as Crucible output...
[FIXED] Lighter not being able to light a Fire inside certain GT Blocks.
[FIXED] Forgetting to take the weight of the Crucible itself into account, when distributing Heat to newly inserted Content, resulting in a lot of Temperature being voided.
[CHANGED] The Titles and Authors of GT Books are now a bit more highlighted inside their Tooltips.
[ADDED] Different Stone Hammers and a Flint Chisel. Also changed the Crucible and Mold Recipes to use Chisels instead of Files.
[ADDED] Lighters to the Dungeon Loot.
[ADDED] Crucibles and Molds of Knightmetal (like a a bit better Steel), Fiery Steel (like a much better Steel), Thaumium (like a bit better Iron), Void Metal (like a slightly worse Tungsten), Meteoric Iron (like a slightly better Iron), Meteoric Steel (like a slightly better Steel) and Dark Iron (like a slightly better Steel). That way one can progress with other Mods too. I also added Crucibles from other Metals and a currently unobtainable Carbon Crucible. Now the Crucible Tech Chain should be complete and everything should be meltable. Except Adamantium, that Stuff is too Heat Resistant.
[ADDED] The good old vanilla Tool Nerfs. I optimised the Recipe Selection Process a bit more too.
[ADDED] The Information that F3+H shows Material Data of ItemStacks to the second Page of the Book of Smelting.
new day, new update, and today it's @OreCruncher with Thermal Recycling
OreCruncher said:
Thermal Recycling 0.3.1ALPHA
  • Added Scrap Assessor machine
  • Thermal Recycler can now accept Core upgrades
  • Automatic scanning of internal recipe lists (Forestry included) to identify recipes for the Thermal Recycler
  • Performance enhancements
  • Bug fixes

and @X_Simeon with Matter Overdrive
X_Simeon said:
Matter Overdrive 0.2.4
  • Lots of Matter Network Implementations
  • Added new Pattern Monitor, for issuing replication tasks.
  • Added Network Switch for handling Sub Network communications.
  • Added Multiple options in config file, for World Gen, Machine sounds ext.
  • Replicator now connects with the network and works with the Pattern Monitor for replicating items.
  • Task now can be removed, by clicking the remove button on each task.
  • Changed the Models for the Replicator and the Pattern Storage
  • Machines can now be Dissembled by a wrenches from other mods, and retain their matter and energy.
  • More GUI fixes

and @neptunepink with Factorization
neptunepink said:
Factorization 0.8.91
  • Fix a couple bugs with the mc2713-fixer
New release of RFTools (2.81):

  • Added optional logging for who uses the rftools teleporting system.
  • Added a new 'No Dimlet Buildings' feature. This prevents dimlet buildings from being generated. This feature will never be generated randomly in a dimension. You have to manually insert it.
  • In worlds with no sky (like cavern rftools dimensions, the nether, the deep dark and so on) several machines did not work above level 128. The affected machines are the liquid monitor, the rf monitor, the storage scanner, the dialing device, and the rf network monitor.
  • Implemented a new 'No Animals' special dimlet which prevents passive mob spawns (the equivalent of the peaceful dimlet for non-hostiles).
  • Better prevention of mob spawning in a peaceful dimension. There were some hostile mobs from other mods that still managed to spawn.
  • Added a new Smart Wrench. This is a normal wrench but it has some RFTools specific features. More in particular you can change it to 'select' mode (right click on air) and then you can use it to select blocks for a block protector (sneak-right click to select the protector and then right click on every block that has to be protected).
  • New Block Protector. This block can protect a number of blocks for explosion and harvesting. This uses a constant 5 RF/tick per block as well as a power spike when an explosion or harvesting attempt occurs. If you want to (for example) build a Wither safe room with this it is recommended to also protect the block protector and additionally use two block protectors. Because the power usage will increase if a protector has to protect more blocks. When there is insufficient power it is possible that some blocks are not protected. If that happens and these blocks get destroyed then the block will be removed from the list of protected blocks.

Curse: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools#t1:other-downloads
Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/gm3mrht377ka5ek/rftools-2.81.jar

Have fun!
OpenComputers 1.5.9 is out! Adds a new block, the Waypoint, and more mod integration, providing most manual pages to IngameWiki Mod and support for BluePower bundled redstone. Also the obligatory bugfixery.

Most of the changelog has already been posted a few days back with the release candidate, but for completion, here it is again, with the few minor additions since then:
  • Added: Charger can now be used to charge battery upgrades, as well as other energy items (e.g. RF or EU powered items).
  • Added: The experience upgrade can now consume enchanted items and XP bottles for experience.
  • Added: Integration with IngameWikiMod (made most pages from OC's manual available in it).
  • Added: OpenOS' shell now supports piping (e.g. cat < f1 | cat >> f2).
  • Added: Support for BluePower's bundled redstone.
  • Added: Support for more GregTech machines in recipe definitions.
  • Added: Waypoint block, can be queried using navigation upgrades.
  • Changed: Reworked logic for rendering upgrades on robots. Makes it easier for addons to render their upgrades, and makes it work in MC 1.8 again.
  • Fixed: Drones losing their name when changing their EEPROM.
  • Fixed: Potential client-side log spam in disassembler GUI when disassembleAllTheThings was enabled.
  • Fixed: Robot animations continuing when game was paused.
  • Fixed: Robot rendering potentially leaving OpenGL state in a way that leads to certain blocks to not be rendered.
  • Fixed [MC1.8]: A few potential NPEs.
new day, new update, and today it's @cnaude with PurpleIRC
cnaude said:
PurpleIRC is an IRC to Minecraft bridge mod. This mod supports running multiple bots on multiple channels. This modutilizes the PircBotX Java IRC framework (included in the mod jar). This is a port of the Bukkit PurpleIRC plugin and is installed server side only.


  • Relay chat from game to IRC and vice versa.
  • Relay game events to IRC.
  • Relay IRC events to game.
  • Translate colors from game to IRC and vice versa.
  • Fully configurable message templates.
  • Enable or disable any chat feature to and from the game.
  • Most of the configuration options are per bot and per channel.
  • Each bot can join multiple channels.
  • Automatically op IRC users based on user masks.
  • Control and protect the IRC topic.
  • Manage IRC channel modes.
  • Automatically reconnect to the IRC server on disconnect.
  • Respond to commands in IRC chat.
  • Send any command to the game via the console.
  • Supports prefixes and suffixes. (see sample config for details)
  • Displays IRC users in the tab list. (requires ProtocolLib)
  • Monitor player command usage.
  • Great for cross server chatting.
  • Update checker will make external HTTP connections to check for new versions.
  • SSL/TLS support.
How to install
  1. Drop the PurpleIRC.jar file into your mods directory.
  2. Restart the server.
  3. Copy mods/PurpleIRC/sample bot to config/PurpleIRC/bots/NewBotName.yml
  4. Edit the bot yml file as needed. Each option is documented.
  5. Use irc load bot.yml command to load and start the new bot.
  • Configuration - Use /irc reloadconfig to load your changes while the bot is running.
  • Sample Bot - Use /irc reloadbotconfigs to load your changes while the bot is running.
Frequently Asked Questions
Chat Hooks
command args description
/irc load [bot.yml] Load bot file
/irc unload [bot.yml] (disable) Unload bot and optionally disable it
/irc reload Reload entire plugin (Don't use this to load changes to your configs and bots. Use reloadconfig and reloadbotconfigs instead)
/irc reloadconfig Reload config.yml
/irc save ([bot]) Save bot configuration(s) to disk
/irc reloadbot [bot] Reload the bot config and reconnect
/irc reloadbots Reload all bot configs and reconnect
/irc reloadbotconfig [bot] Reload bot config without reconnecting
/irc reloadbotconfigs Reload all bot configs without reconnecting
/irc connect ([bot]) Connect to configured IRC serve
/irc disconnect ([bot]) Disconnect from configured IRC server
/irc listbots List loaded bots
/irc list ([bot]) ([channel]) List users in a channel
/irc kick [bot] [channel] [user(s)] Kick user(s) from a channel
/irc op [bot] [channel] [user(s)] Op user(s) in a channel
/irc listops [bot] [channel] List auto ops for a channel
/irc motd [bot] Display IRC motd.
/irc deop [bot] [channel] [user(s)] DeOp user(s) in a channel
/irc addop [bot] [channel] [user mask] Add user mask to op list
/irc removeop [bot] [channel] [user mask] Remove user mask from op list
/irc server [bot] [server] ([true|false]) Set IRC server for bot. Optionally set autoconnect
/irc mute ([bot]) ([channel]) [user(s)] Mute user(s) in a channel
/irc unmute [bot] [channel] [user(s)] Unmute user(s) in a channel
/irc nick [bot] [nick] Change the bot's IRC nickname
/irc login [bot] [login] Change the bot's IRC login
/irc join [bot] [channel] Join a channel
/irc leave [bot] [channel] ([reason)] Leave a channel
/irc whois ([bot]) [nick] Get IRC user's whois info
/irc say [bot] [channel] [message] Make the bot say something
/irc send ([bot]) ([channel]) [message] Send a message to a channel
/irc debug ([t|f]) Enable debug mode
/irc messagedelay [bot] ([milliseconds]) Get or set IRC message delay. (Default: 1000)
/irc msg ([bot]) [user] [message] Send a private message to IRC user
/irc ctcp ([bot]) [user|channel] [message] Send ctcp command to user or channel.
/irc notice ([bot]) [user|channel] [message] Send notice command to user or channel.
/irc sendraw ([bot]) [command] Send raw command to IRC server.
/irc updatecheck ([stable|dev]) Check for new versions of PurpleIRC.

IRC User Modes

mode description
i IrcOp
o Operator
v Voice
h Half Op
q Channel Owner
s Super Op​

and @jaquadro with Storage Drawers
jaquadro said:
Storage Drawers 2.0.0-alpha1
  • Based on early 1.3 fork, patches from later 1.3 releases may be missing.
  • Drawer Controller is disabled.
  • Storage and status upgrades do not render anything on drawers.
  • Lock upgrade is not fully implemented (intend to replace with 1.4.0 key instead).
  • Several config settings have no effect.
  • Label rendering is not as consistent as 1.4.0.

and @Epoxide with Additional Banners
Epoxide said:
Additional Banners
Additional banners is a mod which aims to add more banner patterns to Minecraft. This mod includes over 25 new banner patterns.

Sign Patterns: This pattern group consists of iconic symbols which can be used in your pattern designs. This group consists of several in game items, and a few special designs. These patterns can be created by applying the item shown in the item frame with a banner in a crafting grid.






  1. Download Minecraft Forge and install it.
  2. Place the mod file into the profiles mods folder. If one does not exist, make it yourself.
  3. Everything should work. Enjoy the new banners.

Q: Why is the shield banner created using a door?
A: The door has frequently been used as a form of pseudo-shield throughout many pieces of Minecraft content. It feels like the most appropriate item to use, given that there is no actual shield item.

Q: Will you add more patterns, or would you consider adding the ability to add new patterns?
A: We will certainly be adding more patterns, including some that are not item symbols. If you have suggestions, feel free to let us know. We are considering the addition of a cfg file, which would allow players to add their own designs, however we still have some things to iron out before we get to that.

Q: Will this mod work on servers?
A: Yes, this mod should be compatible with servers. If you would like to use this mod on a server, please make sure you have Minecraft Forge installed on your server, and that the server, and all players have this mod installed.

Q: Can I use this mod in my modpack?
A: Sure, provided that credit to Darkhax is given, and that the modpack is freely available to anyone who wishes to use it.

Q: What happens if I remove this mod, but banners are in the world?
A: All modded patterns will become completely transparent on banners. If you ever wish to re-enable these textures, simply install the mod again.

and @Lunatrius with Stackie
Lunatrius said:
  • Item stack and experience orb sizes are now configurable
  • Item stacking is now turned off by default

and @superckl with BiomeTweaker
superckl said:
BiomeTweaker 0.8.62 & 0.8.63
  • Uploads now include a dev version that isn't obfuscated for use in development environments.
  • Fixes a crash when adding new BiomeDictionary types.
  • Expanded the API to have events for all script command.
  • Added Galacticraft compatibility (they load their biome classes to late to be tweaked normally)
  • Complete rework of internal script object handling
  • Added BTOutput command and button in config GUI to regenerate the output files.
  • Adding an ASM blacklist config option so user can specify classes that BiomeTweaker shouldn't touch
  • Renamed "force modded colors" to "enable light asm" in config. Please delete your old config and let BiomeTweaker generate a new one.
  • Added option to force topBlock and fillerBlock overrides in config. Some biomes set their topBlock and fillerBlock during generation.
  • Added script commands to set topBlock, actualFillerBlock, and liquidFillerBlock metadata (Note: This unfortunately does not include fillerBlock).
  • Added command to edit the generation density of features.
  • Added "genWeight" option for set command to change a biome's generation weight.

and @theflogat with Technomancy
Theflogat said:
Technomancy 0.10.h
  • More Blocks are now rotatable
  • Wands are considered like wrenches
  • Filter for the item coil isn't working but can be now set
  • Major interface change
  • Fix for air block being in unloaded chucks

and @GoldenAppleMinecraft with RFDrills
GoldenAppleMinecraft said:
RFDrills 1.2.1
  • [CHANGED] Tier 3 and 4 drills now mine slower, use less power and store more. Delete your current config files to see the changes!
  • [CHANGED] Slightly improved Russian localization thanks to Adaptivity!
  • [REMOVED] "Can mine Obsidian" tooltips
  • [FIXED] Drill upgrading recipes now properly register in the RecipeSorter
  • [FIXED] Drills not harvesting some modded blocks due to this monstrosity in the MC code

and @GKB with Tinker I/O
GKB said:
Tinker I/O beta1.1.0
  • You can use redstone power to turn off the Smart Output.
  • You need to use some Upgrade to increase the slot size of Smart Output

and @neptunepink with Factorization
neptunepink said:
Factorization 0.8.92
  • More of same. Stop breaking things.
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